drarryshipperr - DrarryShipper🥰

she/her slytherin obsessed with harry potter and drarry

731 posts

I Just Remembered That Before Josh And Lauren Broke Up She Was In Salt Lake With Him And Luke Hanging

I just remembered that before josh and Lauren broke up she was in salt lake with him and Luke hanging out when Luke was in salt lake at the time because I remember lauren posted a photo of her and Luke announcing that she making/directing and acting in a short film and Luke was supposed to be In That film with her and then josh posted how proud he was of her and Luke he was proud of Lauren for making her film and proud of Luke for starting in it but now since josh and Lauren are no longer together is that short film canceled? Like did Lauren cancel it meaning she not gonna make that film anymore? I don’t even know what the film gonna be about all I know is Lauren gave us the title it the short film was name lost love and all I know is that Lauren confirmed that Luke was gonna be in it I don’t even know what character he was gonna play like was he gonna play her love interest or something? Idk i don’t know if her and Luke are still friends now since her and josh broke up that’s why I’m wondering if that short film is discontinued I have no idea I just forgot about that for a while then it just came to my mind and I remembered it if you don’t know what I’m talking about and you have Twitter go to Lauren account and Luke account and search for Lauren’s older tweets and Luke’s older likes they might still have their tweets about the film she was making but like I said I don’t know if she gonna continue making it because of her and josh split I mean I hope her and josh are still friends and I’m still hoping that their breakup wasn’t messy and maybe if they are still friends maybe her and Luke are still friends too and maybe josh doesn’t care if Luke and Lauren work together and that short film is gonna still happen and we might see it idk all I know is that the title of the film was called lost love Lauren didn’t say when it was coming out or what it was about only the tile I know this is long and I’m probably annoying I’m sorry I will leave now bye😊

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More Posts from Drarryshipperr

3 years ago

hey besties heads up

you don’t have the right to tell people what content creators they have to avoid just bc you don’t like what they make.

there’s a block button for a reason. you can filter tags. but don’t go out of your way to compile anyone who’s made the content you don’t like and go out of your way to tell people to block them.

just stop

3 years ago

i wish john mulaney and anna marie nothing but the best. respect their privacy and continue to support john tonight, but respect them, there are things we don’t know.

3 years ago

I wonder what is tyrus and muffy anniversary is now because no one wishes them a happy anniversary anymore:(

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3 years ago


tell your friends!
if you are in the jatp fandom and you think that sm*t should not be written about characters who are children, then you need to block/avoid

Funny of them to assume all these people are adults. Funny of them to accuse people of writing smut about minors when the writer either ages Julie up or thinks of the boys’ adult bodies. Stop trying to villainize people in a fandom. We rate our fics the way ao3 was designed to categorize smut fics into (E if it has explicit content ofc). None of these people are pedophiles. None of these people wrote their smut for pleasure. It’s just fun to write smut.

3 years ago

y’know. i guarantee you there would be much less smut in this fandom if the boys were actual 17-year-olds. but they’re not. they’re adults and they look like adults - it doesn’t matter how old the show says they are. they just don’t look like it. because they aren’t. therefore it’s super easy to age them up in fics because you don’t have to change anything about their appearances. and even if they aren’t actively aged up, you won’t imagine actual minors. idk, it’s a difficult one for sure. i get the concerns, i just don’t agree with them.

it’s like saying you can’t feel attracted to them on some level when you’re an adult. it’s like... a natural reaction to feel attracted to other adults. there is nothing wrong with it. you could start a discussion about whether they should have cast adults to play teens opposite actual teens in the first place, but that’s so far beside the point. it is how it is.

ANYWAY. that being said.

i don’t have any desire to get involved in any of this more than i already am, because it’s like i said. there is a corner for everyone in fandom spaces. don’t like, don’t read. don’t engage, mute, block. it’s not your place to be a moral judge on other people. and also not on that actor you claim to like. boundaries go both ways, you know.