I'm Loving Season 2 So Far!! Do You Have A Favorite Episode? Mine Is Probably Either Mr. Boss Getting

I'm loving season 2 so far!! Do you have a favorite episode? Mine is probably either Mr. Boss getting married or the Allan Adventure (but Gwimbly is super iconic...so maybe that episode too...)
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More Posts from Drawn-twogether
New video has been added to my YouTube channel! I finished playing my first ever playthrough about 2 months ago, so of course I had to translate the opening number.
Now I must go play the sequel game and watch the OVA~

Happy 6th Anniversary to Detroit:Become Human!
Been meaning to re-do an old sketch of Connor I did over a year ago and figured this was the best time! I love this game and Connor so much ๐ญ๐๐๐๐๐๐

I love these two with my heart..
how would the companions deal with Sole getting "surprised adopted" (kidnapped) by a very territorial mother deathclaw who fully believes Sole is her baby? Who'd just go in guns blazing to deal with it? Would anyone go for the sneaky approach or even trying to get the deathclaw to not attack them as well?
Fo4 Companions Reactions To Sole Getting "Suprise Adopted" By A Territorial Deathclaw
โผ Word Count ยป 1.0k โผ Warnings ยป None โผ Genre ยป Platonic/Romantic
He absolutely refuses to take anything bigger than him head-on, and this instance is no different. MacCready will run stressed hands down his face as he sits behind a rock, waiting for the perfect moment for him to finally take aim and shoot. He's so confused and would almost be terrified to ask about what went wrong for you to be taken by a whole deathclaw, but will mainly focus on trying to get the both of you out of the nest as fast as you possibly can.
Nick almost has to let out an exasperated chuckle when Ellie gets the report. He's aware that a deathclaw isn't the kind of thing he's well equipped for fighting and, therefore, will try his best to make it a simple in-and-out mission. His plan is to show up, get you out, and leave without any conflict, but he knows it's just wishful thinking. The plan fails horribly, and a few shots were fired on his part, but he got you out, didn't he? Isn't that what really matters?
Cait will roll her eyes when she hears the news, sighing loudly as she goes to get her shotgun. It'll take her a minute โ especially if she's off the drugs โ but she'll eventually find herself an opening to lodge a bullet in the skull of the beast. She's more amused than annoyed at the situation and will throw her blood-drenched arm around your shoulder as she tells you that the two of you are headed to the bar so you can tell her all about what happened.
The second he learns about the situation, Danse rushes to grab both Haylen and Rhys to go out on a rescue mission. They'll make light work of the deathclaw, shooting it down quick before Haylen and him run over to you with an abundance of medical supplies (Rhys doesn't think you should be coddled since you were the one who got yourself into this mess), and a long lecture on Danse's part on how to avoid being kidnapped.
Preston panics when he learns about your little incident and is quick to rally a hoard of settlers to follow behind him to steal you back. Deathclaws are notorious for causing problems for the Minutemen, and Preston ends up putting all of that past resentment into saving you. He goes in frightened, angry, and prepared, blazing down anything that tries to prevent him from getting to you. The group makes quick work of the mother, and Preston just can't find it in himself to shatter the eggs at the end.
Codsworth decides his best action is to just waltz in and politely ask for your return. If he treats the deathclaw like he would your mother, then he doesn't think he'll have any issues. His plan goes horribly when he goes to shake her hand and introduce himself, only for him to get smacked by her giant claw. He'll then start to panic a bit and you'll probably have to step in and help him take the creature down.
Piper finds its behavior strange and will focus on that aspect more than she will on your rescue. She'll sit and document the incident, curious about the reason behind it all. She never comes to a sound conclusion, but she does manage to sneak you out eventually. There's no way she's going in there with only her pistol, so she'll just throw a few grenades to distract the deathclaw, while you run from out of the nest. No harm no foul.
Curie's not entirely sure how worried she should be, that being said, she'll use this as a learning opportunity for an up-close deathclaw study. Her calm demeanor matched with her unthreatening aura has the creature unbothered and she'll be able to simply walk you out the same way you came in.
Strong isn't phased. You got yourself in that position, so you can get yourself out. There will be absolutely no rescue coming from him.
Hancock thinks you're an absolute riot. Who gets kidnapped by a deathclaw anyway? He doesn't even bring a gun when he finally decides to stop laughing and come and get you. He just waltzes on in with no plan in mind. He doesn't need it โ just throws the mom a pound of mirelurk meat and grabs you. Deathclaws are a lot less likely to attack ghouls than humans, so he doesn't have many issues going in โ the trick is distracting it long enough to get you out.
Way to be incognito... Deacon certainly isn't thrilled to hear you got yourself taken โ hell, not even he's pulled something like that off. His approach is to stalk the nest you're being held in, before taking one clean shot right between the creature's eyes. He doesn't stall any longer than he needs to, just one pull of the trigger before coming to your side. He tries to make himself appear nonchalant but fails miserably as he can't help but look you over for cuts. He's honestly so worried and won't leave you alone for a good week after.
X6-88 thinks you're stupid for getting caught up in something like that, but he doesn't waste any time in teleporting you out of the nest and safely into the Institute. He'll send for a squadron of synths to take out the deathclaw as the medics look you over for injuries and diseases.
Dogmeat was there when you got kidnapped and most likely got taken with you.
Old Longfellow's getting too old to deal with things like this... can't you get yourself free on your own? He's reluctant to go, but will eventually go to check in and see if you're still alright. He has no problem taking down the beast, but don't think you're not going through a whole training regime afterward to ensure that this'll never happen again.
Gage is amazed at your ability to get yourself in the worst possible situations. If it were anyone else he would've just forgotten about them and moved on, but since you're the boss, he goes to put together a group of raiders to put her down. It'll be a relatively quick rescue, but he never lets you live it down.