dreaminghierophant - In the Many-Splendored Halls of R'lyeh
In the Many-Splendored Halls of R'lyeh

Words and images and other squamous things. Occasional madness. Primary interests of this blog include the Cthulhu Mythos, ridiculous tokusatsu nonsense, anime, and generally acting a fool. He/his. Cthulhu fhtagn, yo.

89 posts

Gou You Are Oddly Adorable

Gou you are oddly adorable

Also huh, Blade Side Story, didn't see that coming.

More Posts from Dreaminghierophant

9 years ago

Shocker's Plan: Build A Big Stupid Machine

Because of course it is. And of course it looks like a giant Rider.

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9 years ago

Or maybe he is genre savvy but he has a weird agenda so RACE FOR DETECTIVE WORK?????

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9 years ago


Type Formula (;_;)

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