Am i organic or am i Mechanik. I dont know, nor do you.
213 posts
Drerorr - Erorr_Tec_ing - Tumblr Blog

beautiful something out of my fantasy, my dreams.

a wall of motherboards ,,,, she's so beautiful
Time to revile my live motto of life.
Everything is weird nothing is normal, the concept of normality is wierd, We are all silly.
i dont have any here.

The ‘you’re mature for your age’ to sleeping with a bed full of plushies in your mid twenties pipeline is real
shoutout if you hyperfixate
Shoutout if you say sorry to everything
shoutout if you have trouble speaking for yourself
shoutout if you overthink
shoutout if you snap for no reason
shoutout if you use neopronouns
shoutout if you don’t use pronouns
shoutout if your part of the lgbtqai+
shoutout if your trying your best
shoutout if you can’t handle every day life
shoutout if you don’t fit in your body/species
shoutout if you made it through yesterday <3
Adding more because it made me so happy to read through the comments and reblogs :3
shoutout if you’re 1 minute clean
shoutout if you successfully made it out of a abusive household/relationship
shoutout if you’re stuck in a abusive household/relationship
shoutout if your can’t communicate your needs
shoutout if you can’t love anybody in a romantic way
shoutout if you don’t know your gender/sexuality
shoutout if people don’t understand how your brain works
shoutout if you’re disabled
shoutout if you’re a person of color
shoutout if you don’t fit into stereotypes
shoutout if you do fit into stereotypes
shoutout if you love to fast
shoutout if you made it out of bed this morning
shoutout if you ate some food today
shoutout if your hydrated right now
shoutout if your trying your best to take care of your self <3


fat, thick and with multiple ports

i saw that classic comic image and wanted to make an edit to celebrate the spacex rocket blowing the fuck up
it’s ween