drmaddict - Dreamaddict

78 posts

Henry Cavill As Capt. Syverson In The Sand Castle, 2017

Henry Cavill As Capt. Syverson In The Sand Castle, 2017

Henry Cavill as Capt. Syverson in “The Sand Castle”, 2017

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More Posts from Drmaddict

1 year ago

Kitten and Grizzly

Summary: Sy finds out what his kitten really wants

Word count: 941

Warnings: mentions of primal play, mentions of masturbation

Kitten And Grizzly

What Sy held in his hands was not what he had expected. Not quite. He thought his kitten would read tearjerkers.

She rarely allowed this form of girly hobby in front of other people. Hid them outright. He remembered once coming home from a binge earlier than he thought because one of his friends had broken his leg and finding her on the sofa watching Bridgerton. Her cheeks flushed abruptly, but she just said, "Shut up." and turned back to the TV.

He had sat silently watching along with her. Actually, he shouldn't say something like that, but he liked the show. So when the second season came out, he just turned it on for their weekly movie night and pressed (y/n) against him. "I want to see what happens to Eloise," he shrugged.

They were both treating it like their little secret.

So he would have expected that this secrecy around her Kindle was simply related to the fact that she just preferred to keep this girly preference to herself. Without comment from the outside.

But when the little device was switched on and lying forgotten on the bed and he read the first sentence of the page, he realized that he had been mistaken.

He wasn't stupid. He had heard of Fifty Shades and had also seen the movie, but it had amused her rather than being a serious read.

But after what he had now read, he realized why. Fifty Shades was probably rather laughable against this. Before he knew it, he was lying on the bed, immersed in this new world. Got to know a whole different side of his kitten. Neither of them were prudes, but she had never been so explicit about what interested her. Was she actually interested, or was this just a more outlandish outing for once? He hesitated, but then looked at the considerable library on the device.

He read through the summaries and some reviews. One theme seemed to run through. Primal Play.

He memorized a few titles and put the Kindle back in its place as he had found it, only this time turned off.

He said nothing about it for now. The next few days, when his kitten was at work, he spent reading more and more of the books he had found. Not only once did he have to interrupt himself to get relief. If she liked that sort of thing, he was definitely into it.

Little fantasies crept into his head. How he caught her. Burying her underneath him. How she would live up to her nickname and scratch his back until red streaks decorated the skin. How he would growl when she bit him as hard as she could. Animalistic lust.

He wanted it. He wanted her. He wanted her that way.

He needed to talk to her. Today.

He waited until they were lying on the sofa together, watching a horror movie.

He cleared his throat hesitantly. "Kitten we need to talk," he began. She broke away from his embrace and looked at him uncertainly.

He looked back uncertainly. "First... It's important to me that you know I didn't WANT to snoop," he began, holding his index finger up to her nose. "But your Kindle was on the bed, turned on, and I picked up a phrase and then I just couldn't stop." He looked at her searchingly. She let no emotion flit across her face. Her walls completely intact and set on a defensive course.

He sighed. "Why didn't you ever say you liked that kind of thing?" He stroked her calf gently with his thumb. She shrugged her shoulders. "Kitten. Come on. If there's one thing I can say, it's that these ideas don't leave me cold, and I really, really want to hunt you." He grinned at her, but that grin fell from his face as she got up and left.

"Kitten!" he called after her, following immediately.

"Sy. This isn't going to work." she sighed still walking.

He grabbed her wrist and held it tightly. "Why?"

She slumped her shoulders. "Because my head won't cooperate," she sighed.

Sy was confused. She let her back fall against his chest. He held her tightly. "It's not about the hunting," she began. "It's... In the books... It's just feelings and actions. It's no thoughts. It's not overthinking. It... Damn you know me Sy. I always think about everything way too long until my thoughts are no longer thoughts. It... I want someone to rip this burden out off my mind. I don't want to have to think. I want to be able to just be, if only for a short time, but I can't. And I never will be able to. All I have left are the books." She literally fell against him. "If you want to chase me through the forest like Little Red Riding Hood, we can do that. But that's not really what this is about for me."

He turned her around and she dropped against his chest in surrender. He just held her close and stroked the back of her head.

"I just want you to feel good," he mumbled softly.

"I want to. But I'm afraid that if I do, I'll just be disappointed.", she murmured humbly into his chest. "After all, you're made for this.", she said and a small smile tugged at the corner of her mouth.

Sy grinned. "I'll be your grizzly if you stay my kitten."

She sighed. "We'll try."

He smiled and continued stroking her hair. "You just wait kitten. I've managed to handle a few other missions."

She smacked his chest.

They laughed.

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1 year ago


Summary: Ransom finds his soulmate... and runs away.

Word count: 982

Warnings: fluff, use of (y/n), coffee gets spilled


Ransom hung out on the escalator leading to the upper sales floor of the bookstore, holding his coffee.

Harlan had threatened to cut off his allowance if he didn't participate more in the business, so he had to help out with the local reading.

He drank his coffee in large gulps. He wasn't used to getting up this early. No one should have to leave bed before two in the afternoon.

He grumbled into his cup. The stairs pushed him and his grandfather up.

He could see the first display tables. At the very front, a hodgepodge of Harlan's books. He let his eyes wander and suddenly the air was knocked out of his lungs. His heart stood still, yet raced twice as fast as usual. He was dizzy and the world was limited only to the inconspicuous side profile of a woman. She was standing in front of a table, looking at blind date books wrapped in brown paper.

He was so fixated on this girl - his soulmate - that he didn't notice that the escalator had ended and fell to the floor like an idiot. The rest of his coffee soaked into the carpet when he looked up.

She was looking at him. Wide eyes stared at him from an astonished face.


Ransom pulled himself together. His instincts took over and.... he ran. Turned around and took the other escalator straight back down.

(Y/n) looked completely overwhelmed after the blond mop of hair. So that's what everyone meant by, "You'll know when it happens." But why is he running away? He's not supposed to run away. God! What if I can't find him again?

"Excuse me, miss," a voice snapped her back into this world.

She looked beside her and gazed into an old, kind face.

"I have to-", she started, but was immediately interrupted.

"Don't worry. This is my grandson." He smiled calmly at her. "I want to apologize for him. He's not used to feelings." He smirked. "He didn't get very far. To the front door, at most."

"How would you know?"

"Because I ran away when it happend. I made it to the front door. When my wife found me, she hit me with her purse. I knew then, she's the one." He grinned. "You should know about your future, that Ransom is not easy."

Ransom... "He's not easy... But?", she asked.

"That's it." He shrugged. "He's not easy. I never was, either. Me and my wife still love each other." He smiled and pushed her toward the escalator. "Go after him."

Ransom stood in front of the building, ruffling his hair. What a fucking idiot. Who runs away from his soulmate? How do you blow something like this out of proportion? Idiot. Idiot. Idiot. The one person who would have been doomed to actually like him and he screws even that up. His mother was right.

"Ransom?" asked the hesitant voice of an angel.

He turned and there she stood. Cautiously, she approached him. As if he was a fawn and she didn't want to scare him away. He continued to stare at her like a retarded idiot.

She reached out her hand to him. "I am (y/n)," she said. (y/n).

He took in a breath to say something, but it caught in his throat. He didn't remember later how his hand had ended up in hers, but he knew that the most pathetic whimper crept from his throat that he had ever heard in his life.

He had had models in his bed. Women lay at his feet. What the hell was wrong with him?

"Okay. Maybe take a deep breath first," she smiled at him.

He gathered up the last of his pride. "You need to find someone else!", he said suddenly. Surprise was written all over her face. Her smile crumbled.

"You seem very nice.", he began.

"But you imagined something else. Sure.", she laughed sadly. "Already... Okay. Got it.", she smiled and looked everywhere but at his face. "I'll go-"

"No. I don't mean it like that!" he interrupted her immediately.

"I-" he sighed, "I come from a family full of scheming, selfish, self-absorbed assholes, and I," he pointed to his own chest, "am God knows the worst of them all." He looked deep into her eyes. "If I can do one thing for the person this fucking fate has assigned me, it's to save them from living in this nightmare. I'm a man-whore. I drink. Hell I wouldn't even be awake if my grandfather wouldn‘t cut off my allowance. I don't work. I'm a spoiled, distorted child and I have no will to change that. Find someone better."

She looked at him intensly, then shook her head. Ransom sighed.

"A coffee." she said then. He looked up.

"We don't have to - and I don't want to - get married right away, but let's at least have coffee," she explained herself. "After all, it's kind of my fault yours spilled."

Ransom turned bright red. He had hoped to appear cool in front of his soulmate, but he had fucked that up big time.

"There's a nice store around the corner," she said.

"They only have that disgusting filter coffee. Hell no." he blurted out.

She laughed. "You really are spoiled, aren't you?"

He shrugged. "I'll show you a real store. While I still have money, at least I can throw it at you."

She laughed. "You got a bookworm here. You'll be poor in six months if you go through with this."

"My grandfather is reading at the store today. If you know anything about books, you know his name. I'll get you any book before it's even on the market.", he finally grinned confidently again.

She looked at him, puzzled. "I've reconsidered my opinion about marrying right away."

He grinned. "Coffee first. I want to be wooed.“

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1 year ago

Photo negatives

Summary: Ransom and his soulmate are photo negatives. But it works.

Word Count: 654

Warnings: fluff, use of (y/n)

Here is how Ransom met his soulmate: https://www.tumblr.com/drmaddict/719495908948049920/soulmate?source=share


Ransom was pretty sure that he and his soulmate were photo negatives.

She was shy. He was quick-tempered. She preferred to never leave the house. He wanted to go out partying. She was an early riser. He slept late into the afternoon. She loved animals. He never wanted pets.

Wanted. And yet the old one-eyed cat looked at him from the sofa, annoyed. Not even a pedigree cat had it become. She had gone to the shelter and asked which animal had the least chance of being adopted. Home she came with a 16-year-old mummy, who was missing an eye, had several bald spots, was half blind in his existing eye, and had chronic sinusitis. The cat jumped up and left the living room. Ransom looked after him disapprovingly. He called it a creature. She called him Edgar.

Once, for her sake, he had given the bastard his pills. Afterwards, he had recorded that he would rather shave his head than be mauled by the critter again. (Y/n) had amusedly disinfected the "scratch" on his hand. "That's not funny." "Of course not... A little lower and we would have had to go to the emergency room." He'd ignored her smirk and had the band-aid applied. It had been a serious injury.

She could cook. He could burn water. He wanted to take her shopping to spoil her and she wanted to drag him to a secondhand store first of all.

They weren't a good match. Except in bed. Ransom smirked at the thought. For someone so quiet and shy, she had insanely creative ideas.

But that aside, he just didn't understand why fate had stuck the two of them together of all people.

He was... happy. With her he was really happy. With her simple nature. No ambush. No drama. Well. Almost no drama.

For the past few weeks, she had gotten it into her head that she wanted to meet his family. Today they would all meet and she wasn't going away from the idea, that it would be best to rip off the metaphorical band-qid quickly and all at once. He had sworn to himself to be tough. Now here he was, waiting for her to get ready for his damn family's celebration. It wasn't going to go well. It couldn't go well. She would leave him. If his mother got a hold of her at the latest, she would leave him. No one would be willing to put themself through that for the rest of his life. Especially not because of someone like him. When had he started to see this as the rest of his life? He broke out in a sweat.

 (Y/n) came down the stairs. She was wearing a simple black dress. They had picked it out together. He had bought it for her. "Too much?" she asked uncertainly, pointing down at herself. "Perfect," was all he returned. He had never seen her look so chic.

"Can we?" she asked. "Are you really sure?" he asked for the hundredth time. She smiled at him calmly. "I've been waiting tables in luxury restaurants since I was seventeen." She poked him on the nose. "Your family must be going all out to make me back down." She stroked the back of his neck. "You're not nice all the time because nothing bad ever happened to you."

He gave her an appraising look. She giggled. "Come on. The sooner we get there, the sooner we can leave." She kissed him on the nose. "I have a reward for you, too." He looked ather testingly. "What kind of reward?" "I went to your favorite store." She grinned. He grinned back. "I get something to play with?" "And a pretty package."

He grabbed her hand and tugged her toward the door. "You’ll have a stomachache after dinner because you couldn't stomach something," he determined.

She willingly let him pull her along, grinning.

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1 year ago

The Wallflower Dance

Summary: Reader flees from her parents ball. Sirius saves the day and her feelings.

Word count: 1.214

Warnings: little hurt, LOTS of comfort, mentions of buising (no violence is happening or happened)

The Wallflower Dance

The wallflower dance was probably the most humiliating tradition of my family. Only a man could have thought it up.

Every year it took place. Once at the summer solstice and once at the winter solstice. The girls and ladies were dragged onto the dance floors and nicely draped side by side. The trick? There was exactly one male counterpart too few. One girl would be left without a dance partner and she would be the wallflower for the rest of the evening. The wallflower would spend the rest of the evening on the edge of the dance floor watching. That was the tradition.

I had been the wallflower for 3 years, since my introduction to this nutty society. Every time. Six times I had stood on the sidelines. Each time hurt in a different way.

The first time, I was crushed. I had tried so hard with my dress and my hair. The second time, I wanted to cry. Again? Why? The third time, I was sure I was just too ugly for this tradition. The fourth time, I stood on the sidelines, snivelling, watching the girls dance as they floated across the floor like princesses. The fifth time, I wanted to refuse to attend the ball at all. The sixth time, I was annoyed and angry.

Today I stood on the dance floor again. I had no hope. I wondered what would happen if I just left now. My mother would behead me. That's what would happen.

The boys and men came onto the dance floors and grabbed a partner one by one. One jostled me briefly before motioning to the girl next to me.

I rolled my eyes. I waited for everyone to see that I was left again and silently left the floor.

I watched the girls dance and rammed my gloved nails into my upper arm.

If I at least knew that someone had been interested in me for once. But no. No one had ever asked me out, or treated me as anything other than one of the guys.

I felt my cheeks grow warm and a pressure build up behind my eyes. I quickly turned and ran out intonthe garden. The dance was still going on, but I was not willing to watch it again.

The thirteen-year-old girl with the soft heart and big hopes, unfortunately, was still sitting behind my eyes, looking disappointedly at her beautiful dress.

I tore the gloves from my fingers and threw them carelessly into one of the flowerbeds I was walking past.

I heard footsteps behind me. I walked faster. I didn't want my mother to see me crying.

As the footsteps came closer and closer, I called out annoyed: "I'm not doing this to myself again! Your daughter is ugly. Accept it!" I stopped petulantly, breathed heavily. "I was going to ask if you wanted to dance." I heard a voice behind me that definitely did not belong to my mother. I turned around slowly. Sirius Black was looking at me with pity. I was getting angry. "I don't want your pity," was all I said and turned back around.

"I would've asked you when we were fourteen, but my scarecrow of a mother never let me participate in that crap. She thinks I'm just embarrassing her again." I stopped and turned back around. Sirius almost ran into me, but caught himself just in time.

He looked at me kindly. "Hi.", he said just beaming. "Hi.", I replied hesitantly. "So? Dancing?" He grinned at me. I turned and strolled on. Without haste this time. "Wallflower.", I said, "I'm not allowed." "Technically, we're not on the ball," he smiled. I sighed and lifted my arms into position. Sirius grabbed me and put one foot forward to step on mine with conviction. I groaned slightly, but had to laugh.

Sirius smiled. Slight embarrassment lined his eyes. "There's a reason I wasn't allowed on the dance floors. I'm sorry." "That's okay." He shook his head. "I should have just asked you in school," he muttered. "Ask what?", I asked irritated. Sirius looked at me in wonder. "Well... For a date.", he answered as if it was the most natural thing in the world.

I laughed lightly. "Yeah right. After beauty queen Susan Mitchel the little (y/n)." I shook my head in amusement.

When I looked up into Sirius' face, however, I wasn't met with the approving grin I had expected, but only a more confused expression.

"I'm serious," he said. He let the light swing dance fade out. Now I was looking confused. "Really?", I asked dopily.

Sirius nodded. "Do you know that Susan doesn't look half as good as you do under all that makeup?" he asked me. "It takes her over an hour to look like that."

He gave me a friendly look before grinning. "And there's only room for one diva in a relationship, and that's me." He winked at me coquettishly. "I need time for my hair."

I smirked slightly. "I'm serious. Noone wants to see that rat's nest in the mornig." He lightly punched my upper arm.

A gesture that was meant to be encouraging, but only reminded me of how other guys liked to treat me like that. Like one of them. Not just once had I been darkly bruised.

My smile stiffened a bit, but I tried to keep it up. "You okay?" he asked uncertainly. "Yeah. Sure," I smiled.

Sirius faltered. "You probably don't want to go out... at all. With me... Well, you have to have that much arrogance first," he tried to lighten the situation with a laugh. He tried to lighten up the situation with a laugh.

"I would," I blurted out. "It's just...", I gestured to my shoulder, "I don't like it. Mostly it just hurts and..." I looked to Sirius, whose eyes grew wide in shock. "Not that you hurt me right now.... But with the others..." I sighed. "All the other girls get hugs, or they put an arm around their shoulders and then I get beaten green and blue for the greeting." I looked down at the floor. "It's meant nicely, but I hate it."

Sirius looked at me intently. "Who was the last boy to hug you?" he asked. "I don't think there ever was one," I reasoned as Sirius raised his arms in the air as well. "Can I be your first?" he smiled. I walked up to him, but was slightly unsure. To be honest, I had a hard time remembering any hug I'd ever gotten.

Sirius took over for me and wrapped his arms around me. 'He smells good,' it flashed through my mind. I unobtrusively sucked in the scent and let myself fall into the hug. He stroked my back gently. He was about to break away, but my arms remained wrapped around him. He took the hint and put his arms around me again.

"Are you at the Malfoys' this weekend?" he asked into my hair. "I'm afraid so," I mumbled into his shirt. His laughter vibrated through his chest before he gently pushed me off him after all. "How about a date? I know a good place to hide in the backyard." I nodded with a smile. "I'd love to."

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