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333 posts

Vegan Recipe - Vegan Indian Curry Soup

Vegan Recipe - Vegan Indian Curry Soup

Vegan Recipe - Vegan Indian Curry Soup

Vegan Indian Curry Soup. This vegan Indian curry soup is a hearty and delicious meal that is ideal for a cold day. It contains chickpeas, diced tomatoes, coconut milk, and a fragrant blend of Indian spices. The frozen peas add a splash of color and sweetness to the dish.

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1 year ago

Noodle Soup with Shredded Chicken and Scallions Recipe

Noodle Soup With Shredded Chicken And Scallions Recipe

This noodle soup with shredded chicken and scallions is a hearty and filling dish that's ideal for a cold day. The savoury broth is made with chicken broth, soy sauce, garlic, and ginger, and the egg noodles give the dish a comforting texture.

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1 year ago

Yellow Lentil Soup with Scallions and Star Anise

Yellow Lentil Soup With Scallions And Star Anise

Yellow Lentil Soup with Scallions and Star Anise. This Yellow Lentil Soup has a unique and delicious flavor thanks to the addition of scallions and star anise. It's simple to make and ideal for a hearty meal.

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1 year ago
Shark Fin Cupcakes For Shark Week

Shark fin cupcakes for shark week

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1 year ago

Coffee Recipe - Classic Cappuccino

Coffee Recipe - Classic Cappuccino

Classic Cappuccino. A classic cappuccino is a popular coffee drink that is simple to prepare and suitable for any time of day. It's made with espresso, steamed milk, and frothed milk, and it's topped with cocoa powder.

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1 year ago
Ramp, Bacon & Ricotta Tart

Ramp, Bacon & Ricotta Tart

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