Hi, Dulfin here! I post pictures of The Sims 3, scenery, and screenshots of any other random games that I happen to be playing. Clumsy | Computer Whiz | Neat | Perfectionist | Shy
385 posts
Ever Wonder What The Central Island Thingy In Riverview Looks Like Sans-buildings?
Ever wonder what the central island thingy in Riverview looks like sans-buildings?
Like that.
(I finally got around to saving all my remade lots for Riverview and now I'm putting them all into place in a fresh save. Yay! Also, sorry for crappy Edit Town photos.)
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My stupid power went out because someone smart decided to cut down a tree and let it fall on the power lines...
It cut into my already limited time for Infinite. :(
Bioshock 2 Good Ending
The rescued Little Sisters giving Eleanor a Subject Delta doll.
I love how half the time when someone talks to Booker, he reacts by:
a) ignoring them completely
b) responding sarcastically
That's realism right there.
Bioshock 2 Good Ending: Escape Pod
Eleanor Saving Sofia Lamb.