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Jjk Manga Ch 236 Spoiler!!

Jjk manga ch 236 spoiler!!

Jjk Manga Ch 236 Spoiler!!

This moment was the start of gege villain story

And guess what??

Jjk Manga Ch 236 Spoiler!!

He took his revenge on all of us like this...

Istg this man is the ultimate menace to society...

What are doing with our mental health gege... Ik ur man's dead but you shouldn't go off and kill our man on impulse

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More Posts from Dumbdaydreamer

1 year ago

Ok but you've got a huge point there...

Honestly such a pointless death for the supposed strongest sorcerer...

before reading this I was happy that gojo died satisfied with himself and not considering other things such as how he was literally portraited as an uncaring selfish bastard who only fought for the exhilaration of the battle and all...

And not only that it was almost impossible for him to die satisfied with himself while leaving so many fucked up things before whether he chose it or not...

While he died in vain...

I feel like he was just killed in order to make the plot supposedly going and make the powerhouses of the sides even and giving other characters the spotlight as they are gonna surely grow in the pressure of absence of gojo

Honestly him being still in that cube of sorts was so much better and logical than whatever this is

It feels like he died just so the plates could be even

Or at least that's what I realised while reading this...


The new chapter reminded me again why I can no longer be satisfied with Shounen.

Gojo's dead and people think Itadori has a chance to kill both Sukuna and Kenjaku....

"We can now see who's the main character" (ნიშნისმოგებით, თან) cuz Gojo was "in the way of the story" and "story couldn't progress with him in it."

Yeah, if Itadori randomly gets an upgrate out of thin fucking air, when he doesn't even have a innate technique - "but he is gonna develop Sukuna's CT". — How the fuck is he developing anything if Sukuna is no longer in his body but in Megumi's?? You are born with innate technique!! Unless Sukuna goes back inhabiting Itadori's body, Yuji isn't devrloping anything (unless Gege pulls out some residual cursed energy leftover bullshit — i.e. powerup out of blue sky).

As a writer myself, I don't really understand why some people (especially Sukuna's die hard fans) don't get it how killing of Gojo Satoru OFF SCREEN is bad writing so I'm gonna explain (and rant) here.

Okay, pals, sit down, we are having a lecture in basics!

"How to become good at Writing 101" states that the writer can write story in TWO main ways: 1) is called "tell" and 2) is called "show".

Every single writer abd critic from centuries ago to today can confidently say that writer using "tell" is one of the weaker writing choice. Let's compare simple examples.

1) "He died." — this here is "tell". Nothing happened, it's boring.

2) "He felt fatigued, he eyes could no longer focuse on the scene in fron of him. The sound of blood rushing in his ears was defeating.. To draw air in his breath was becoming harder and harder as time went on..." etc — this is "show".

Of course death can come instantly but as a doctor (by profession) I can assure you that human brain even after being decapitated can remin "alive" for few seconds/minutes, can understand commans, can open eyes, can look at someone who is talking to them, etc..

Even Gojo looking down at himself while waz was being cut in two would have been enough "showing".

But to have another character, in this case, Sukuna, explain i.e. "tell" how Gojo died is exactly how it sounds — "tell".

In every literature: classic books, modern books, manga, etc, "tell" is considered weak writing style and it seems even Gege is bound to it for now.

Also, what was the point of unsealing Gojo if he had to still die in the end? Him remining sealed would make no dofference in the story - Sukuna vs Kashimo would still happen and now that Sukunas has "adapted" to Infinity means absulutely nothing cuz nobody is using Infinity in the manga anymore for him to cut "space".

In fact Gege just replaced Gojo with Sukuna as overpowered character and we can see that he hated Gojo solely based on how "strongest" he was (and on his attitude) and how he couldn't kill him.

And how he handled his overpowered character? Killed him off screen. So how's Sukuna dying now? Also getting off screened??

And Gojo died with no regrets, aoparently. His pseudo-son has fried brain, his sister and his speudo-dad are dead (at his own hands (even if Sukuna is using them)), most of his shikigami are gone, and Sukuna is parading around using him as "meat suit" — that should, at the very least, still be Gojo's regret (not saving Megumi) but, no, apparently Gojo is selfish bastard who doesn't care about anything and he is glad that he died (even after not acomplishing anything at all).

Talk about anti climatic.

Gojo dying like this is kinda giving Madara and Kishimoto and I do not like that (I don't think anybody does)...

This is why I can't deal with Shounen anymore, because no matter what, at some point story telling gets inconstintent and I better stick with Seinen, cuz story there makes more sense.

Thank you for reading this rant and Sukuna-stans don't interact, cuz I'm blocking you all, if I see one word about "coping" or whatever.

)თქვენი თავი ნაღდად არ მაქვს და დიდი ალბათობიც, შემდეგი თავის მერე ამ მანგასაც მივაგდებ).

1 year ago

Why Is this giving nanami and gojo vibes...

Istg it's them

You're dead serious. I'm alive silly. We're not the same

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1 year ago

Oh in kyung is honestly so well written I just can't tolerate her perfectness

One of the best things that makes her the queen of them all is the fact that she stood her grounds even in the dire situations and never backed down even tho every one told her to do so

Like that is such a hot trait

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1 year ago

I've got a new habit and that is missing gojo on a daily basis while doing tedious activities

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1 year ago

I fell like an addition has been added to my taste in a person since little women (kdrama) and that is being unintentionally sus cuz you are too fucking hot

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