Whoever Said Getting Your Tongue Pierced Didnt Hurt Was A LIAR!!! Getting My Tongue Pierced Hurt More
whoever said getting your tongue pierced didn’t hurt was a LIAR!!! getting my tongue pierced hurt more than getting my ear tattooed 😭 i can’t talk and im in so much pain but it’s worth it cause the pain is temporary but the swag will be forever….
More Posts from Dyk3ang3l

In the reverse cowgirl position with her hands on your knees to prop herself up as she wildly bouncing on your strap, causing the harness to rub against your clit deliciously. The pleasure shooting throughout your body makes you want more of it. You place the palm of your hand on her back to further heighten her movements, pushing her deeper on your strap, making nub of the faux cock kiss her g-spot perfectly. A moan that can be only described as a “Ooo” leaves her plumped lips. She looks back at you with the most awe-struck look. You relinquish in the way her eyebrows are scrunched together in pleasure, her mouth left agape.

Fluff about Dina, Ellie, or Abby x reader, BUT it’s just them being able to live slowly and grow old together while in the apocalypse
I think it would be really sweet that they would be able to live and survive together enough to get all old and wrinkly in Jackson on some rocking chair lovers type stuff

SYNPHOSIS ; A beautiful, yet dangerous world to endure, why can’t you settle down? Few do, many don’t. You just got lucky. EIGHTEEN PLUS & DISCLAIMERS ; Abby Anderson x Female! reader — Fluff + Sequence of insecurity AUTHOR’S NOTE ; JUST WROTE YOU MY DREAM LIFE

After everything, after all you’ve been through. You deserve peace. Anyone in this world deserved it, but some weren’t fortunate enough to live to see it. While Abby didn’t like opening up much about seattle, you didn’t pressed it on. You let her come to you, and that was yet to come.
It was nothing that lingered so deeply in the air. There were other things to worry more about than the past. Plus you prefer not to reminisce it, best not to. So, instead what’s to come in present time.
Since settling down in Jackson, Abby and you had to make a living, a distraction. So the two of you talked to Maria and opened a little book store. A little corner store of the one thing you both bonded over many years ago, and will to continue too.
The chine of the bell rested atop of the door rang, eliciting you to look up, and see Abby with flowers in hand. “Hey.” she says with a smile. “Brought you these.” she walks around the counter to greet you with a kiss. A smile springs on your face as you look down at the flowers. Orchids, your favorite.
“Awee, Abby.” you felt your face warming up at the gesture. You take them in your hands, and smile. “Thank you, these are beautiful.”
“Beautiful as the girl holding them.” she smirks.
A scoff leaves your mouth as you shake your head softly. “Not sure about that.” you respond quietly, the lack of belief in your tone. It’s been years since everything, settling down in Jackson felt like ages ago. You were young back then, and so was Abby. So of course with time so grew you, and with you grew blemishes. It became rather known quickly to Abby how insecure you became of them. So she did everything in her power show you otherwise. Even going as far to say, “The “B” in blemish could also stand for beauty, becuase that’s what you are, Beautiful.”
Her expression changes, her eyebrows scrunching together as a frown appeared on her face. “Hey, what did we talk about?” her tone is soft, but laced with a hint of solemnity. She always hated when you talked so lowly of yourself. Yeah, you didn’t look as young as you did when she met you, but that’s what she loved. She loved that she could live this old enough to see you grow. It was an expense that couldn’t be bought with any source of currency in this universe. It was priceless.
“Right, I know, I’m sorry.” you huff, staring down at the beauties in your hand.
“Hey,” Abby says softly, grabbing your chin to redirect your gaze to hers. “Chin up, beautiful. There’s a dance tonight, why don’t we go?”

Upon entering the double doors, a familiar soft melody plays, causing Abby grab your hand, usher you to the dance floor. Few giggle rush out of you as you and Abby position yourselves to dance. With Abby’s hands pressed against your plumped waist, and your hands on her shoulders you begin to dance rhythmically to the melody. A smile adorns your face as you look up at your lover, and when gazing upon your lover her face matches her. Maybe it was the lightening in the room, but she looked angelic, how she aged like wine. Her wrinkles only complimented the matching smile. And you swore in that moment you fell more in love with her.
“You’re so beautiful, baby.” she mummurs, only widening your smile as it brought you back to how the two of you met, here at the same dance. Blush crosses your face as you reminisce, resting on your head on Abby’s chest as you both continue to sway back and forth. Hearing the one thing the most the important thing of all.
Her heartbeat.

TAGLIST ; @dyk3ang3l, @elliesprettygirl, @les4elliewilliams, @ellies2fingers, @r3starttt, @slut4mascss, @marsworlddd, @bready101, @abbysleftbicepp, @airenaa, @caraphernellie, @astralnymphh, @whore87, @blues-clues2, @kaiilectric, @sapphicontherun, @mikellie, @nihilisticangelbby
side note ; adding everyone who followed my taglist account! If you don’t wanna be added, send an ask! :)
MM IM MENTIONED!! i need youtuber ellie so bad

YOUTUBER!ELLIE | HEADCANNONS WARNINGS & EIGHTEEN++ ; Mentions of pooping + Cursing (Girl cursing like she just learned) + Mention of hand pics (I think that’s it). AUTHORS NOTE ; took fucking forever to make that image, but i love it. — inspo layout: @andersonfilms :3

Imagining Youtuber!Ellie who is blankly honest on youtube. It’s scary.
She’s playing a random indie video game she found on steam, and giving her commentary as usual. Until there’s a sudden cut and she’s now in different clothes than the previous and she goes on to explain why.
“Hey, guys. Sorry, I had to take a massive shit, but guess who survived? This guy!” she says with a comical smile while pointing at herself before unpausing the game and playing as if nothing happened.
But for some reason, Youtuber!Ellie can’t let go that she pooped.
“But yeah, guys, like, shit, that fucker was begging to come out, so I’m sorry if I was acting different. I was clenching my asshole.”
How charming….ANYWAYS.
Imagining Youtuber!Ellie’s videos who have these stupid sound effects or pop-up memes for certain scenes.
Imagining Youtuber!Ellie having a resting bitch face when she’s focused.
Imagining Youtuber!Ellie who cusses too much even in her intro, she’s literally cussing.
Imagining Youtuber!Ellie who got a warning from YouTube themselves for it.
Imaging Youtuber!Ellie who literally said “Fuck that, I’m not following Youtube’s rules.” and continued cussing until she realized that she was getting less ads on her videos to which she decided to do a test. To see if her subscribers would notice if she did a full video, not cursing.
Imagining Youtuber!Ellie who’s laughing while reading the comments on the video.
DarthVaderfan101: “Yo, y’all noticed how Ellie didn’t cuss once?”
Quacketyquack12: “Great vid btw no cussing?! THAT’S A FIRST!”
Elliesprettygirl: Sooo when’s our wedding?
Imagining Youtuber!Ellie who does eventually swallows her pride and abides by Youtube’s rules.
Imagining Youtuber!Ellie whose user is some cringe 2011 based name; Ellieswolfgang.
God, I can just fucking imagine Youtuber!Ellie intro and how it would correlate with the user.
“Yo! What’s up my little wolves! *Queue the wolf howling* We are back with another video and today we’re playing another puppet combo game!”
Imagining Youtuber!Ellie who thinks it’s too hilarious, and doesn’t change the username. And it’s always funny to see people every now and then comment about it.
Iloveellieswolfgang: “Woah, are we apart of your pack or something?”
Ellieswolfgang: Yeah, if you’re subscribed then you’re a part of the gang.
Imagining Youtuber!Ellie who has the most funniest responses when replying to fans.
Wolfgangnation: “Yo, Ellieswolfgang! 👋”
Ellieswolfgang: “Yo, Wolfgangnation!”
Ellieswolfgang: Ma’am, this is a library.
les4elliewilliams: So why is your name, Ellieswolfgang?
Ellieswolfgang: I don’t know, les4elliewilliams. Why is yours, les4elliewilliams?
Imagining Youtuber!Ellie who wakes up at the asscrack of dawn—her words—to make Youtube videos, and edits them before eight am.
Imagining Youtuber!Ellie who is known for her out of pocket humor.
“That isn’t a guy! That’s an ass with eyes!”
“GodDAMN, that bitch can lick three assholes from that tongue.”
Imaging Youtuber!Ellie who asks her followers on twitter to send her funny videos or scary videos to react to.
Imagining Youtuber!Ellie who flinched so hard while watching a scary video a subscriber sent, she fell off her chair.
Gamerpro121: “Surprised she didn’t fall off her chair this time LMAOO
Ellieswolfgang: Literally the lowest point in my life… 💔
Gamerpro121: Oh shit, sorry man.
Imagining Youtuber!Ellie who has to explain her jokes from time to time because some boomer doesn’t get it.
Ellieswolfgang: No, not actually. 😭 nvm..
Gamerpro121: Oh…OHHHH
Imagining Youtuber!Ellie who was shocked when her merch quickly sold out after minutes of it just being released.
“Holy fuck, thank you guys for selling out my merch?! Didn’t expect that shit to happen! Man, y’all attacked it like flies attacking shit!”
Charming as always…
Imagining Youtuber!Ellie who sometimes blogs, showing her day to day life, going to the gym, running errands, rating foods from restaurants, etc.
Imagining Youtuber!Ellie who reacts to edits her fans make of her and is also shocked how many people love her hands.
“Woah, fuck youtube, Ima start selling hand pics. Missing the real bag here.”
Imagining Youtuber!Ellie who collabs with her best friend Jesse, playing GTA, Minecraft, cod, and whatever games that her subscribers suggest since they love their dynamic.
Imagining Youtuber!Ellie’s fans who love her dynamic with Jesse because they’re always talking shit to each other.
“You dumbass! That guy was right in front of you!” Ellie yells at Jesse who just got them killed during a 1v1 on Fortnite.
“How is this my fault? It’s not my fault, you suck!”
“Says you! A blind three year old can play better than you.”
Imagining Youtuber!Ellie who makes a video reading hate comments.
Allthegirlslove: “Ellie looks like she smells like shit!”
“Well…Allthegirlslove, new flash, All the girls don’t love you because they’re too busy watching my videos.” She says with a smirk, “And new flash,” she stops and sniffles herself, “I just shower before making this video, thank you very much.”
The video cuts and starts again of her showing the cologne she uses, “This is what I use, buy one and spray it in ya ass!”
Imagining Youtuber!Ellie who actually dresses to impress when she’s about to record a new video.
Imagining Youtuber! Ellie who has her serious moments on the channel and that’s when the true love and support come into light. And she is truly grateful for the fans who can put the joking aside and just be there for her.
Youtuber!Ellie who genuinely loves how far her channel has come since she first started, and genuinely appreciates everyone who helped her meet her milestones.

TAGLIST ; @dyk3ang3l, @elliesprettygirl, @les4elliewilliams, @ellies2fingers, @r3starttt, @slut4mascss, @marsworlddd, @bready101
ELLIES TAGLIST ; @herelieskrisy, @mikellie, @slaysksmska, @mina-281, @teawithnosugar, @kitkatkittycat111
8 months of Genocide and, 15,500 children killed

30,000 orphans

35,000 child amputees ( Gaza has the largest population of child amputees in the world)

and there are people out there still justifying this??? like are you not human enough?