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My Confidant (Ellie Williams X Reader)

My confidant (Ellie Williams x Reader)

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

My Confidant (Ellie Williams X Reader)
My Confidant (Ellie Williams X Reader)
My Confidant (Ellie Williams X Reader)
My Confidant (Ellie Williams X Reader)

Summary: Since little your parents thought you everything about the importance of God in your life. As you grew up, you tried your best to follow the right path in life, always making sure to respect your family's values. But over time you found it harder to fit in this religious society and reach the standards expected from you. Most of the time you found yourself lying about your heart and soul being in the right places, which they were surely not. So finally going to a college all the way across the country was like a fresh breath of air, because you could finally be your true self that only God as your one and only confidant saw.

Wc: 3k

Warnings: angst, drama, homophoia, toxic family, the reader's family is very religious, bigotry, fake!innocent!reader, cursing, smut in the upcoming chapters.

A/N: Comments, likes and reblogs are always appreciated. The picture of the woman that I used DOES NOT represent the reader's appearence in any way.

My Confidant (Ellie Williams X Reader)

“Okay, explain what the fuck was that” Ellie says as she takes a seat on her bed, manspreading slighlty and resting her forearms on her thighs. She seemed pissed at this whole situation.

“First of all, I wanna apologize for intruding the room without you in here. The door was cracked open and after I knocked a few times and received no answer, I decided to just enter. I can assure you I didn't go through your stuff if that's what you're upset about.” you spoke as you studied her features, hoping this will help a bit, but to your dismay it didn't work. Ellie just let out an amused scoff and shook her head.

“I could care less if you went through my stuff. I don't really have anything to hide anyway.” She rolled her eyes at you. “I am upset because you just told me to shut up when your parents came and hid me like I am some kind of monster, which I'm clearly not. Oh, and also lied by telling them that I was sleepling just so that they won't meet me. What the fuck was that about?” she started gesticulating and accussingly pointing fingers at you, making you feel guilty.

“I'm so sorry about this! I really am!” you sigh and pinch the bridge of your nose with your fingers. “I did all of that for your sake since my parents are very religious and kind of... umm-”

“Homophoic?” she tried as she rose her eyebrow in anticipation.

“Yes... uh, and they would have made a whole scene and forced me to move to another room again just so I won't stay with you.” you explained further.

You felt ashamed of how your family behaved towards others who were different in their eyes. You didn't want your parents to throw homophoic slurs at Ellie and tell her other hurtful words, because she didn't deserve those. No one deserved. And you knew how curel they could be since you saw them doing it on multiple ocassions without feeling any kind of remorse towards those people.

“Wait, again?” she frowned.

“Yeah, this would have been the third room... but fortunately it wasn't.”

“Damn, this- this is really messed up.” Ellie shook her head, not fully believing there could be such terrible people that consider themselves christians.

“I know and I'm so tired of it. I don't really care who my roommate is as long as they aren't assholes.”

“Well, you called me an asshole not too long ago...” Ellie reminded you, chuckling a bit.

“Beacuse you are, duh” you giggled at her, not missing the small smile appearing on her lips. “And how did you even hear that?” you asked clearly remembering how you said it mostly to yourself, or at least that's what you thought.

“I have those things called ears, don't know if you heard about them” she jokes and you roll your eyes at her commment, wanting to seem annoyed.

“Too bad you don't have manners, because it's rude to bump into someone and give them a half-assed apology?” you retored, crossing your arms over your chest, and making Ellie raise an eyebrow at you.

“Miss church girl swears again? Oh my” she teases you, completely ignoring your whole sentence and focusing only on what caught her attention.

“Ellie, I'm serious right now. I want a proper apology too” you replied.

“You mean my wink wasn't enough for you?” she asked offended.

“I am sorry to break it to you, but no” you shook your head, trying to be serious.

Who knew Ellie would be such a fun person to be around? You didn't really expect to get along with her that fast since each time you saw her either you threw angry glances at her, or she was doing that. After your parents left, she seemed very angry and you thought she wouldn't want to stay with you in the room anymore, but after you explained how things actually were, she was very understanding of your situation.

“Damn, you are the first one who didn't instantly fall in love with me after that.” Ellie sighes dramatically.

“Maybe you lost your charm.” you commented.

“Or maybe it's because you are straight” she replied, shrugging.

“Yeah, that's probably why” you forced a smile at her words, wanting to hide how irritated they actually made you. By how casual she said it, you knew she didn't think too much of it and didn't want to be mean, but it still affected you.

You were far from being straight and far from wanting to end up like your parents. But Ellie just assumed you liked men only because of your situation: religious background, religious family and values. Maybe to her it was wierd that someone who was christian could be gay, or maybe she didn't encounter any people who were like that.

Well, you were like that. You are like that, but right now you don't feel ready to come out and be honest with her, since one: she already assumed your sexuality, and two: you didn't know if you could actually trust her not to spread your secret. You were still reluctant to be openly gay. Yeah, you have some queer friends in your hometown and you made some queer friends here over the summer, mostly talking online, but this small amount of people that knew your secret was actually a lot to you. So you firstly needed to get used to this small number in order to let more people know about you.

“I'm gonna bring my stuff here and unpack” you said after a few moments, changing the subject. You began walking towards the door, wanting to think about something else right now.

“Let me help you” Ellie offered instantly and rose up from her bed, coming after you. She stopped right behind you in the door frame, a bit too close since you could feel your ass slightly brushing over her crotch, but she didn't seem to mind the closeness.

You were ready to deny her help, but the words never left your mouth, being taken aback by Ellie's hands that were now placed on your hips. She gently pushed you to the side, allowing more space for her to pass and then went to your luggage, grabbing your suitcase and your two bags as if they wighed nothing. You could see her bulging muscles underneath her t-shirt as she carried them inside. You found yourself staring at her, eyes following her figure. You were truly shameless but you couldn't take them off of her. She was way stronger than she let it seem.

Unfortunately, Ellie caught the looks you were giving her when she turned around, and couldn't repress her pleased smirk. Girls always gushed over her when she was playing sports in highschool, and this still continued now in college.

“Like what you see?” she teased on a mocking tone, making your cheeks heat up in embarrasment.

“You didn't genuinely want to help me. You just wanted to flex your muscles on me.” you accused her, gesturing towards her arms.

“And you're complaining? I thought you enjoyed the show” she laughed at you, not even bothering to deny your accusation.

“Just help me with this and stop showing off” you rolled your eyes at her.

Ellie gave a short 'yessir' and then crouched down to unzip one of your bags. You followed her example, realizing that having her give to you a hand wouldn't be that bad since it was a lot to unpack. It would take you hours to do that alone, but now since you had a helper now, things will move faster and you would actually have a chance to go out with your friends tonight, like you promised.

As time passed, you found yourself enjoying Ellie's company and even got to know her a bit. You found out that she's from Texas, she has a sister, she likes playing guitar— her father tought her how to do it, and the most shocking thing you've learned about her was that she is a physics student. It wasn't like she couldn't be one, but you haven't encountered many people that actually enjoyed physics, so this was like a myth to you, until now of course.

“Honestly, you look more like a art student rather than physics.” you admit as you fold the last shirt and place it on top of the others in the drawer, closing the door.

“Why, 'cause most gay people are art students?” She laughed at your sentence and you shook your head.

“I wouldn’t believe such a dumb stereotype!” you defended yourself, finally turning around and facing her. She was now sat on your freshly made bed with her back against the wall. She was looking at you in a way that made you realize she wasn't buying this.

“Okay, maybe this had something to do with it” you admit, sighing. “But you also give off the artsy student vibe so it's not my fault” you raise your hands in defense.

“Oh, then how am I supposed to dress up like? Fuckin' Einstein?” she laughed as she scooted over as you sat down next to her on the bed.

“I mean, I'd love to see you with fuzzy hair and a moustache” you ellbowed her jokingly.

“Guess I know how I'll dress for Halloween then” Ellie chuckled. She was about to add something else, but stopped as soon as you two heard a knock at the door.

“Shit, what time is it?” she frowned slightly as she stood up in a rush, looking a bit panicked.

“It's like... 8 pm” you said after you reached for your phone and opened the screen.

Ellie groaned at your words and her head snapped again towards the door as she heard another knock, this one being more agressively. She then began to pace around the room, getting some clothes from her chair. You wanted to ask her what was going on, but she seemed too panicked to answer any questions.

“Open the door and tell her I will be ready in 5 minutes” Ellie asked you, not allowing you to reply as she dissappeard in your shared bathroom.

You were quite confused at her frantic behavoir, but didn't think too much of it as you stood up and walked to the door, twisting the handle and opening it wide.

“Fucking final-” the girl in front of you stopped speaking as she made eye contact with you. Her anger was replaced by confusion.

“Uh, who are you?” she asked and you extended your arm to her and introduced yourself.

“I'm her new roommate, nice to meet you...” you paused as you waited for her to give you her name as well.

“Dina, name's Dina” she took your hand and smiled, which you gladly returned.

“Come in please. Ellie said she's gonna be ready in 5 minutes” you told her as you moved out of the doorframe. You didn't miss the way she was checking you out as she walked in the room, which flustered you a bit.

“So you're her new roommate, huh?” Dina asked. “Damn, she's lucky” she said this more to herself as she took a seat on Ellie's bed, still eyeing you up and down.

“And you are?” you questioned, wanting to distract yourself from the way she was making you feel as she looked at you.

“I'm her best friend” she replied with a smirk. “Do you wanna hang out sometime?” Dina asked, making your eyes open wider in surpirse. Even if her question was innocent, the playful tone she had while asking it hinted towards something else.

“Don't waste your time, she's straight” Ellie replied before you could even form an answer.

Looking in her direction, you saw her tugging the front part of her balck shirt inside her baggy washed jeans. She completely changed her outfit, matching it with a pair of white sneakers and some silver rings that were now shining on her slender fingers.

“Damn, you say it like she has some kind of infection” Dina frowned at her as she grabbed a pillow from Ellie's bed and threw it in her friends direction.

“Fuck off dude, you're ruining my outfit” Ellie cursed at the brunette while smoothing the clothes with her hands. Dina didn't answer, just rolled her eyes at the freckled girl and stood up from the mattress.

“Well, it was nice meeting you. Hope I see you around” Dina winked at you and then opened the door, stepping out.

“I would invite you, but we are going to a lesbian bar, so...” she began excusing herself, not wanting you to feel out of place if she asked you to hang out with her.

“It's okay, Ellie, I understand. Don't worry about me” you assured her as you placed your hands on her shoulders and began pushing her out.

“Alright then, be a good girl until I come back and don't forget, no boys are allowed in here!” she teased you jokingly, raising her finger in order to imitate a scolding.


The music was so loud, loud enough for Ellie to not hear her thoughts anymore, which was a good thing since today was such a busy stressful day. She really needed to go out tonight and relieve some stress and what other way than getting wasted?

After a few minutes, the bartender bought Ellie the drinks ahe ordered. After she paid and thanked him, she grabbed the glasses and headed back to where she left Dina.

“You know, if you wanted her for yourself you should have said it” the brunettw said as soon as Ellie reached their booth, grabbing one of the drinks.

“What do you mean?” Ellie frowned at her words as she sat down.

“Isn't that your straight roommie over there?” Dina pointed somewhere behind her friend while taking a sip of her drink.

Ellie frowned at Dina's words but she still spun around, beginning to scan the crowded area of the bar, searching for you, but being a bit skeptical of what her best friend saw. She was about to cuss the brunette out for making fun of her, until her eyes finally landed on a very familiar figure. In a dark corner of the bar, away from prying eyes it was you, nonchalantly flirting with a woman that was standing way too close to be just a friend of yours.

“That little-” Ellie said as she forcefully squzzed the glass in her hand to the point that her knuckles started turning white. “She lied to me! She told me she was straight!” the girl said a bit louder than intended, making a few people turn their head around to see what was going on, but Ellie didn't seem to care.

“You can ask her why she did that later tonight” Dina suggested, but Ellie shook her head. She put down the glass down on the table and suddenly stood up.

“Why wait?” she smirked at her friend. “Watch this.” Ellie added before walking off in your direction. If you lied on her with so much easiness why shouldn't she do the same? It would only be fair.

She began approaching the two of you and much to her luck, you didn't even notice her since you were too focused on what that woman was saying to you as if it was the most interesting thing you've heard your whole life. When Ellie was close enough to you, she cleared her throat, instantly getting your attention.

Your eyes grew bigger and mouth opened in shock, not believing that of all the bars around the campus you would be at the same one she was. Your heart started beating at a faster rate as you saw Ellie's displeased expression. And who wouldn't react like that honestly?

“Ellie, I can explain” you spoke without thinking, making the woman next to you frown slightly as she turned around.

Ellie just laughed at your answer and shook her head.

“Explain what? That you are cheating on me?” she asked you on a very angry tone, causing you to go from fear to confusion in an instant. You started blinking rapidly, completely baffled at her accusation.

“What are you talking about?!” you replied a bit louder than expected, not understanting what was going on.

“Don't you dare act like you don't know! Three days before our 2 year relationship anniversary and I find you cheating on me with some random girl!” Ellie continued with her little charade, gesturing dramatically towards the girl next to you. If you wouldn't be so angry at her you would actually be impressed by her acting skills.

“I- I should go” the unknown girl says, feeling embarrased about the whole scene.

“What? No! I swear I don't even know what she's talking about!” you grabbed her arm, hoping to convince her to stay, but Ellie's stern look just intimidated her more.

“Sorry” she mumbled to you as she took her arm out of your grasp and passed by Ellie in a rush, not noticing the pleased smirk that appeared on her lips as she left.

“Tatum, wait! Please!” you yelled after her, but she didn't turn around, not even a bit.

“What is wrong with you?!” you turned your attention towards Ellie once realizing your date for tonight was cometeley ruined. Your voice was angry, your face flushed with embarrasment and your hands balled into fists, ready to smack her grin off her face.

“That's revenge for lying to me, miss church girl ” she proudly smirked at you.

Taglist: @claudettemygirl @slaysksmska @brunettedolls-blog @sawaagyapong @spaceshipellie @elliewilliamsissubermommyoml @harrysslutsstuff @st4rluvrr @ximtiredx @xnoviee @iriswalrus @heartzjules @ellies-tatoo @gold-dustwomxn @chu1in @magens-5 @3lliesrifle @dessiesposts @444na0m1 @sweet-anonyme @castasplla @nanami000 @nicolicht @destielcore @elliesmainhoe @machetegirl109 @syrenada @thatonementallyillsimp @chrry1ovr @zahraaziza @wlwfunnn @vyctoriasworld @emothurman @paleidiot @solaceocean @pinkigirl @idkwhatimdoingherelmao @moonie14 @aouiaa @ellieslilslvvt @peppesgirl @ellieslegalwife @ailuigatsoc @yand9regothm0mmy

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More Posts from Dyk3ang3l

1 year ago

oh wow.

some ellie audios for u guys 💗

Some Ellie Audios For U Guys

beware : this next audio is very dark. also features abby.

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1 year ago

i need ellie to do nasty things to me and then i do nasty things to her help i need her so bad

I Need Ellie To Do Nasty Things To Me And Then I Do Nasty Things To Her Help I Need Her So Bad

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1 year ago


𓆩♡𓆪 STAY AWAY. Loser! Ellie Williams headcanons

 STAY AWAY. Loser! Ellie Williams Headcanons
 STAY AWAY. Loser! Ellie Williams Headcanons
 STAY AWAY. Loser! Ellie Williams Headcanons
 STAY AWAY. Loser! Ellie Williams Headcanons

a/n : I am struggling to start writing and stop procrastinating on writing the series I am working on so have some quick Ellie head canons while you wait also loser!Ellie is just regular Ellie and y’all aren’t ready for that conversation also it isn’t much sorry I’ve been struggling with procrastinating on writing got to put something out for the mean time

Inspired by seriously go read theirs @cowgirlcherrie and my one of my close friends mannerisms

Warnings/content: 18+ mentions of sex mostly fluff and also Ellie is a loser and cursing fingering!receiving masturbating and mentions of face riding

ੈ✩‧₊˚ you met loser!Ellie in Highschool and you bonded your intense overwhelming hatred for the people at your school over how much you hated everyone else here and that your the only person she could tolerate

“Everyone here are fucking npc’s with no capacity for thinking for themselves”

ੈ✩‧₊˚ Loser!Ellie definitely owns a women love me fish fear me shirt that she started wearing ironically until it wasn’t anymore

ੈ✩‧₊˚ she always had to make jokes about her nonexistent dick much to your annoyance she has the humor of twelve year old boy

“How about you suck 15 inch cock”

“You don’t have one” you exclaimed

“Fuck you mean women literally beg me to see it”

ੈ✩‧₊˚ loser!Ellie unironically loves family guy and American guy and and fucking loves Rick and Morty and Bojack horseman

“I know I am a lesbian but I would fuck rick Sanchez no questions asked”

ੈ✩‧₊˚ you and loser!Ellie bonded over your intense overwhelming hatred for chase Atlantic

“They sound like they are fucking singing in cursive”

“I know right thank you someone gets it”

ੈ✩‧₊˚ loser!ellie has the music taste of someone’s father and she is very unapologetic about it she listens to Radiohead, nirvana, slipknot, the cure and the Beatles. etc

“ you should listen to the cure”

ੈ✩‧₊˚ loser!Ellie got into an argument once with you because you said you liked Saturn more than Jupiter

“Jupiter or Saturn pick one”


“Jupiter is fucking better”

“No it’s not I like Saturn better”

“You only like Saturn because it’s fucking pretty”

“No I don’t”

“Yes you fucking do”


ੈ✩‧₊˚ loser!Ellie cannot flirt with women for shit she just infodumps to them and hopes her info would get them to like her and wanna be with her and she is lucky that she is attractive enough to pull it off

ੈ✩‧₊˚ when loser!Ellie started to develop a crush on you she would do favours and constantly try to impress you she once took you to skater park to show you the tricks she was learning she ended up falling flat on her face because she was too busy staring into your eyes and she had the biggest blush on her face when you laughed at her for it.

ੈ✩‧₊˚ By the time Loser!Ellie developed feelings for you she would go above and beyond because suddenly the concept of helping others was completely uninteresting until it was you you got your heart shattered by another girl and all she could think of is that she would never treat you that way ever.

“It’s just that I wished that she didn’t string me along for a month and actually rejected me instead of telling me she liked me back when she didn’t”

“I swear when I see that fucker in my line of vision it won’t be pretty you deserve better than her anyway you were out of her league”

“Honestly I am starting to think maybe it’s because I am not attractive enough for girls to want me”

“Don’t fucking say that you were out of her league you will find someone who treats you so good ”

ੈ✩‧₊˚ loser!Ellie always wants you to try smoking weed with her even though you very much didn’t like taking drugs or being high it’s mostly because you make her so nervous and if she was high with you she could maybe try to flirt with you without fumbling her words and not looking you in the eye.

“Come on try it for me it feels really good I promise”

“Yeah no thanks Ellie”

ੈ✩‧₊˚ she knew that she couldn’t keep this to herself anymore she wanted you and Every time you tried to date someone else it made her genuinely sick to her stomach.

“ oh fuck saying this shit isn’t easy but I gotta say it I like you okay I really really do”

“Your fucking with me right now if your joking Ellie it’s not funny”

“I am not joking I fucking do okay”

“Wait your not”

“Of course I am not”

⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ NSFW section

ੈ✩‧₊˚ you are always the first person she thinks of when she gets high late at night she has to resist the urge to call you over her hand in her boxers.

ੈ✩‧₊˚ Loser!Ellie has a happy trail.

ੈ✩‧₊˚ she loves it when you ride her face and not just hovering she wants you to sit on it at first you were really nervous and insecure but she was a having the time of her life and Everytime you do hover she would beg you sit properly

“Babe please just sit stop fucking hovering”

ੈ✩‧₊˚she loves it when you ride her thighs she loves the sensory experience of you riding it and when you ride her fingers she always wishes to be inside you and feel it when you ride it

ੈ✩‧₊˚ she is obsessed with you wearing her clothes especially her boxers she loves giving them to you

“You’re gonna run out of boxers to wear if you keep this up”

“I don’t fucking care”

ੈ✩‧₊˚ she loves you to death and will not hesitate to show it off she always loves mentioning you much to literally everyone’s annoyance.

“My girl is getting a PHD is so smart”

“This reminds me my girlfriend really loves these flowers I gotta get them”

1 year ago

there are tears :’)



pairing: ellie williams x reader

synopsis: ellie gives you a sweet gift.

tell me if it's strange, and i’m maybe deranged and you think it's a phase but i know that it's not…

*tape whirr* “can you hear me? i hope you can. okay so if you’re listening to this that means i finally grew some balls and gave it to you, hopefully with some flowers but, you know i’m shit at picking them from the root.”

“i asked joel what i should say which is kinda embarrassing and he started making it weird but he was kinda helpful. i sound like an idiot, okay.”

“so there was thing like before the outbreak where you recorded on a tape or a cd? you know what those are, why am i explaining it to you? but anyway, he said he made a mixtape for some girl and she loved it. i wanted to sing you a song but everytime i practiced my face got so hot i thought it would explode. maybe one day.”

“okay enough of that let me get to the point. the other day i saw you picking fruit from a tree and i thought about how goddesses are real. people have told me stories but i never believed in all that shit, now i do.”

“i can’t wrap my head around how perfect you are. your smile is the light at the end of the tunnel for me. if i have a really awful shitty day i want to be around you and make you smile. bonus points if i make you laugh. my heart starts beating so fast i think i might die.”

“but you make me happy. happier than i could’ve ever imagined was possible. i wake up and you’re next to me and everything is going to be okay. the world has stopped and left us together in perfect harmony.”

“now i’m getting sappy which is stupid and i’m so stupid and this is stupid! unless you like it then it’s not stupid because you’re not stupid but i guess what i’m trying to say is-“

“will you be my-“

“oh hey kiddo. sorry to interrupt. you hungry?”

“joel oh my god!”

“oh are you recording your thing for your girlfriend?”

“she’s not my girlfriend.”

“aww you’re blushing.”

“ugh get out!”

“fuck now i have to re-reco-“

felt like i’d been mean to you guys for the past few days with the toxic!series so i wanted to give you a little fluff! the song isn’t exactly a happy one but it’s so pretty sounding i couldn’t resist! also have some gifs and maybe use this as like a toxic!series rest point? always remember to take care of yourselves <3

1 year ago

yeah…. yeah.

im feeling halloween-y right now🎃 imagine toxic!ellie as ghostface from scream <33


Im Feeling Halloween-y Right Now Imagine Toxic!ellie As Ghostface From Scream
Im Feeling Halloween-y Right Now Imagine Toxic!ellie As Ghostface From Scream

DARK CONTENT! ⚠︎ threats, gorey descriptions of death. please do not read if you are sensitive to such topics.

okay first i have to plug my lovely amazing talented fantasy and perfect wife’s ghostface!ellie fic! go check it out, love u baby. <3

but do you mean imagine her as ghostface or imagine her dressed up as ghostface? either way she’s fucking horrifying.

she definitely loves the scream movies. enjoys the idea of seemingly ordinary people being hidden psychos 😭 (her representation). the gaslighting and the manipulation has her pulling out her notes app mid movie.

would say some seriously fucked up shit in that voice changer device.

“you better lock your doors tonight if you wanna live to see another day. as if that’d fucking stop me.”

“i wonder what your insides look like. gonna let me take a peek?”

“if you hang up on me i’ll slice your fucking ankles and use your body as a paintbrush for the blood.”

“you think your precious little girlfriend is going to save you? i’ll gut you both open and tie your intestines together in a bow.”


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