I think I gave a coworker physic damage yesterday when I mentioned how mass amounts of caterpillars can turn a road into a crunchy, slimy slip n' slide.
(I'm not sorry, even when she started gagging)
More Posts from Eaart
So the week 4 prompt for Inktober 52 is Angel and boy did I go through alot of ideas before settling on one.
Big hint, I just mashed all the obvious ideas into the page :)
It's my 9 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳
and I've done nothing note worthy here ever.
Cute creepy things for you guys.
For all the Firefox homies out there
Total Cookie Protection works by creating a separate “cookie jar” for each website you visit. Instead of allowing trackers to link up your behavior on multiple sites, they just get to see behavior on individual sites. Any time a website, or third-party content embedded in a website, deposits a cookie in your browser, that cookie is confined to the cookie jar assigned to only that website. No other websites can reach into the cookie jars that don’t belong to them and find out what the other websites’ cookies know about you — giving you freedom from invasive ads and reducing the amount of information companies gather about you.
This approach strikes the balance between eliminating the worst privacy properties of third-party cookies – in particular the ability to track you – and allowing those cookies to fulfill their less invasive use cases (e.g. to provide accurate analytics). With Total Cookie Protection in Firefox, people can enjoy better privacy and have the great browsing experience they’ve come to expect.
anyway switch to Firefox
was just taking a quick look around my dashboard and account settings when the delete account popped up and boy oh boy did it look tempting.
(my thumb almost moved on its own to press it)