18+i write when i have ~inspo~

100 posts


đ“Č àŁȘ₊♡𓂃

i can’t stop thinking about beefy men so here’s me babbling đŸ«¶

just imagine either megumi, itadori or katsuki bulking.

summer had just ended which you could tell by their physique, tan and shredded, you were already a couple weeks into fall. they had said they were bulking but you didn’t quite know what that meant. you did notice the increase in appetite however.

you normally served them seconds but this time you were serving thirds. you didn’t realize it until you had to buy groceries a little sooner than you normally do.

you notice he visits the gym 5 times a week and not 6 and the sessions are not as long. he’s not soaking with sweat when he returns and he’s definitely not as tired and sore from the sessions. you didn’t mind though, happy to spend as much time with him as you could.

but what you really noticed were the cuddles. he was so much more warmer than usual and his big arms seemed to be able to hold even more of your body, your upper half practically hidden away in his tank of an arm. you already struggled wrapping your arms around his thick torso, now you struggled just a tad more and the flesh where your arms lay is a little pudgy. you felt completely enveloped in his arms, like you were hiding beneath his skin. his little gut was so soft when you lay your head on it.

you were obsessed with him even more, if that was possible (it isn’t). and he could tell you loved it too. you would always ask for him to hold you, you would constantly wrap yourself around his arm, and you often asked him to take off his shirt so you could lay skin to skin with his chest. you would lay there and delicately trace the ink from his tattoo on his forearm, you would do this for hours too. all he could do was grin to himself, you were like a puppy with heart eyes following him around.

when spring rolled around he started cutting, you noticed quickly. you would constantly ask, “why are you not eating? is something wrong? does it taste bad?” with your sweet puppy eyes, adorable pout making his resolve crumble.

so he never really lost that weight, his arms were a tad squishy and he had a little pudge on his tummy but he didn't mind it one bit when you would practically drool anytime you saw even a glimpse of his happy trail and the beginning of the slight plump of his belly or the beginning of the swell on his bicep. you wanted to eat him and he gladly would let you.

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More Posts from Earth2rin

1 year ago


bakugo x fem!reader college au

2.1k words

warnings: mild cursing, slightly suggestive, alcohol use

friends not answering your calls? ubers not available? guess it’s time for your last resort.

“fuck” you slur as your screen reads that iida had not answered your phone. you called jirou, then momo, then izuku, todoroki, sero and kiri, but no answer.

you were drunk. absolutely hammered and the clock on your phone currently reads 2:37 in the morning. there were no ubers available and you were in desperate need of a ride home back to your apartment from the college frat party you and your friends decided to go to.

you originally had a DD, but ochako ended up leaving early, something about deku getting home earlier than expected from his trip in the states. you told her to go and see her man, and how she better fill you in on all the deets or else you were never going to cover for her whenever she and deku “mysteriously” disappear from functions.

so here you sat on the couch in some random fraternity house, pouting about how you had no idea of how you were gonna get home. the music was loud and your body was buzzing, all the loud conversations going on around you didn’t help brighten your mood. you were tired, and your feet hurt from the heels you were wearing. you wanted to go home. you contemplated just crashing on the couch and waking up super early to leave, but the skirt you were wearing would ride up every 5 minutes and you were sure if you slept on the couch someone would get a show when they would wake up in the morning. you also thought about walking home but for obvious reasons you decided against it, walking 7 miles in the middle of the night in a miniskirt was an absolute no!

then an idea popped into your head. you had absolutely no faith, but it was your last chance to get home before you started walking. you chewed on your lip, anxiety making you ponder if you really should go through with it, it wasn’t like you had any other choice!

biting the inside of your cheek, you wait as you hear the familiar sound of your phone ringing, hoping the call will go through. your nerves grew as the ringing had continued in your ears.

“hello?” a gruff voice answers on the other end of the line.

“bakugo! oh my god i’m surprised you answered!” you say excitedly, smile extending from ear to ear.

“the fuck are you calling me for? it’s 3 in the god damn morning” he mumbles, you bite on your lip from being chewed out at.

“listen, i’m reeeeally sorry, but i’m really drunk and i need a ride home.” you whine and the desperation in your voice makes you cringe but you really meant it.

“so fucking call some one else, don’t bother me!” he sounds angry and your eyes begin to well with tears.

“i did! but no one wants to answer me and i’m really tired and want to go home, but my feet hurt and i can’t walk home and i’m hungry and there’s no food here, and i really want to go home.” you babble as the tears start pouring and the people around you give you stares but you’re too drunk to care right now.

“alright alright i’ll come get you! jus’ quit your crying already” you manage to get out a broken and whiny ‘okay’ before he asks you to send your location hangs up

even though you know you’ll regret it in the morning, you take 3 more shots and wander out into the front yard. the grass is cool, dewy from the 3am air and the leaves in the trees sway from the light breeze. the moon is out, and you can’t help but stare, mesmerized by its beauty. you find yourself lying in the grass, staring at the sky, hoping the nauseous feeling and pounding headache would go away soon.

your eyes begin to flutter shut, but soon you hear a voice speak up.

“what are you doing on the ground?” you flutter your eyes open and there standing at your feet was bakugo katsuki.

“oh heyyy. ‘m jus a little tired” you smile.

he stares at you and sighs

“well c’mon, get your ass up and let’s get you home.” you shake your head and pout.

“don’t wanna. ‘m so comfy. i think i'll throw up if i stand.” your brows furrow as you adjust your head, turning it to your side.

he groans, dragging and his hand down his face.

“alright, c’mon, up and attem” he lifts you up, throwing you over his shoulder (making sure to cover your ass from anyone seeing your baby pink underwear) and you groan.

“oh god, you’re making me nauseous!” your cheeks bubble up, trying to hold back your barf as you see the ground move from underneath you.

rolling his eyes, he replies “oh buck up, we’re almost at my car.”

you stare for a little, speaking up to drunkenly say, “you have a nice ass” and he pinches your arm, making you squeal and giggle.

you feel him stop, and hear the sound of a car door opening. he gently puts you in the seat and squats down.

“what are you doin?” you hum, eyes closed.

“give me your foot” he mumbles.

you make a confused face to which he replies, “just give me your damn foot!” you comply, sticking out your foot and frowning for being scolded.

he gently unclasps your heels and sets them underneath your seat, repeating the motions for your other foot. he then sets your feet in the car and leans over you, buckling your seatbelt for you.

you catch a whiff of his cologne and you internally sigh, he smelt absolutely heavenly. it didn’t help that he was wearing a wifebeater and his biceps were bulging right in front of your eyes. you wanted to bite him. he was ethereal, a sight to behold, an angel in front of you. why couldn’t he like you?

closing the door, he makes his way to the driver seat and hops in, tying himself in.

“ ‘m cold” you whine, and he turns around to his backseat and grabs a blanket, placing it in your lap.

you unfold it and wrap yourself in it, secretly taking a whiff and hiding your smile in the blanket.

“thanks” you quietly say, he nods in acknowledgment.

the ride to your apartment is comfortable. the radio playing music quietly, leaving you both to your thoughts. you had known bakugo since high school. you had been close friends with deku, and you knew his infamous bully. you tried to help deku and even defended him, but all izuku would say was that it was okay and that you didn’t need to fight for him. so you let izuku handle it, next thing you know you’re all at the same college. your class had all been relatively close, almost everyone was friends. but for some reason bakugo could just not stand you. you tried to figure out why, but you never really had interactions with him so there was nothing that tipped the scale.

you decided to not let it bother you, which was hard because you unfortunately found him ridiculously attractive. you couldn’t help but think about what it would be like to be friends, but you never acted upon your thoughts, settling in the belief that ignorance is bliss.

“you hungry?” you turn your head and blink.

“no ‘m okay, thanks.” you turn your head back to the window and he chuckles.

“alright but you’ll regret it in the morning.”

your eyes widen and you snap your head back to him.

“wait! i am hungry!” he rolls his eyes and says ‘okay’, pulling into a taco bell.

you feel giddy as he hands you your burrito, immediately unwrapping and chowing down on the warm heaven sent food.

“thanks!” you say with a smile and a full mouth, to which he slightly grimaces and says that you owe him one, which you decide to ignore.

shortly after, you arrive at your apartment and he parks, getting out to open your door.

“i don’t wanna go im barefoot! that means i’ll have to walk across the dirty concrete!” you whine and he tries his best not to show his frustration, but the vein popping out on his forehead says otherwise.

“c’mon, i came all this way AND bought you taco bell and you can’t even walk to the door?” you pout and he groans, tossing you over his shoulder again.

he grabs your heels and your purse, beginning his tread up the stairs.

“wait a minute, how do ya know where i live, hmm?”

he rolls his eyes, which he knows you can’t see and responds, “you had a party for ochako remember?”

you gasp and giggle, “oh yeah! and then they left early so they could fu-“

“and we’re here!” he cuts you off, digging through your purse for your keys.

once in your apartment, he asks where your bedroom is, finding the room he sets you down on your bed and puts your heels by your closet. he leaves the room, heading to your kitchen. you frown due to the lack of his company, but he returns with a glass of water and a bottle of tylenol.

“here, take this for your feet and headache.” you grab the two pills he’d taken out the bottle and swallow them, chugging the water shortly after. the tension is thick as you both stare at each other.

you get up, walk to your dresser and look through your drawers, he stands awkwardly behind you trying hard not to stare at your ass as you bend over to look for pajamas. you began stripping and before you can get your tube top over your head he blurts out.

“where’s your bathroom?” you turn your head and blink at him.

“i have an en suite, it’s the door to your left,” he nods and quickly rushes inside the room.

after changing into your pajamas you make yourself comfortable in your sheets, waiting for bakugo to exit your bathroom. your eyes begin to shut until you hear the click of the door opening.

he had assumed you’d fallen asleep and began to exit your room.

“why don’t you like me?” you mutter. he freezes, he feels like a deer caught in headlights.

“what are you talking about?” he plays dumb but you don’t falter.

“why don’t you like me?” you repeat, this time more confidently.

he swallows thickly and turns to look at you, you sit up and look at him.

“i never said i didn’t like you.” he says as if it’s a matter of fact.

“well you sure as hell make it seem like i’m the last person on earth you’d rather be with.” you chuckle bitterly, the alcohol coursing through your veins giving you the courage to say what you’ve always wondered.

“it’s a shame really, i thought we could be good friends, i find you quite charming, dashing even. i wouldn’t have minded if things went further then just being friends as well.” you sigh falling back into your sheets, snuggling into your comforter.

“that makes two of us.” he mumbles and he thinks you didn’t hear it, but you remove your blankets and make your way towards him.

“well maybe when you give up the act of thinking i’m insufferable you could give me a call, yeah?”

he’s at a loss for words, you’re standing awfully too close to him, he can feel the heat radiating off of your body and it sends shivers down his spine. he swallows, examining your face and he licks his lips.

“you're drunk, you don’t know what you’re saying” he tries to rationalize, more to himself than you.

“oh i’m perfectly aware of what i’m saying” you send him a small coy smile and he feels butterflies as you stare into his eyes.

“if i call you sometime will you go to bed already?” he takes a small step closer and you smile at him.

“anything you’d like.”

“i’ll call you then.”

you nod like a school girl, and head back to your bed.

“night.” you say as he slips through your door.


the next morning you woke up with a horrendous headache, making your way to the kitchen for some water. a bottle of vitamin c gummies, a free pizza coupon and the blanket you had last night folded up were sitting on your counter top. on the bottle of vitamin c there was a sticky note attached.

for the hangover. call you tonight?


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1 year ago

i need more needy megumi who js wants kisses :( i just read the halloween costume fic and i need moreee

pretty boy megumi just needs you to kiss him more


I Need More Needy Megumi Who Js Wants Kisses :( I Just Read The Halloween Costume Fic And I Need Moreee

note : needy cutie pie gumi hot off the press 😘 i think if anyone would be needy and obsessed with kissing, it's mr pretty boy over here

content : fluff, kissing, bf megumi, fem reader

playme : kiss me more (of course lol)

I Need More Needy Megumi Who Js Wants Kisses :( I Just Read The Halloween Costume Fic And I Need Moreee

"kiss me more..."

it's not a command, but a shy plea. he tugs at the hem of your shirt. he only looks this soft for you.

megumi has spells where he's insatiable and wants to kiss you over and over and over and— overrrrrr. until his lips plump up and tingle, until he's almost gasping and out of breath. until he's dazed. he's just... so in love with you. have mercy. he's never enjoyed kissing anyone before you.

your phone floods with messages from your best friend. megumi groans when you break from the make out session, he was putting his whole back into it, pouring his whole heart into it.

📹 nobara : where r u ??

📹 you : gumi's

📹 nobara : not emo boy again. didn't u two have an argument

📹 you : uh yeah... about which pizza is best lol.

📹 nobara : shopping. now.

📹 you : isn't yuji ur dedicated carry horse...

📹 nobara : yes but he's busy and also i miss uuuu 😘

megumi groans, "is it nobara?"

"yes, it's nobara. i'm gonna meet up with her."

he frowns. "but..." he pays glance to your lips. he doesn't wanna seem needy, or anything. gosh no, that would be humiliating. but the way your lips look so inviting, like a door opening to his home, he can't help it and —

"kiss me a bit more before you go..." he asks quietly. but truthfully, he wants more than that. he wants you to ruffle his hair. cup his cheeks. make him dizzy. drain his lungs. with a thousand kisses that turn into two thousand. he's a bit greedy.

you kiss him lightly, "you're so sweet... gumi."

"shut up... and kiss me harder. what are these baby kisses?"

you giggle, "so mean!"

he pulls you in, and kisses you. and the poor boy, he follows you to the door on your way out with kisses, too; he just doesn't want to let you go.

"okay, one more kiss."

"yes, just one more."

"seriously, only one more, gumi."

"yes yes, just one more..." he's itching to kiss you, you can feel his whole body buzz with desire.

he kisses you so hard he pins you to the door and it clasps shut with a click. you feel his weight press into your body, pinning you tighter.

and he cups your cheeks, thumbs back and forth on the crown of them. no kiss engulfs you quite like megumi's. he kisses you so deeply you feel it in your soul.

"megumi... this is more than one kiss."

he whines and curls his lips into a frowny grimace. "can't you just spare me... fifteen more minutes...?" he breathes heavily.

you laugh, "fifteen? nobara's been waiting for thirty minutes at the station..."

"yeah... sorry... but..." he licks his lips, then brushes them against yours. he gives you that deep look that shows off the dark beauty in his eyes. "...i just really need your lips today."

"feeling a bit crazed huh?" he feels your smirk against his lips and it makes his heart leap around in his chest like a frog.

"...yeah...a bit..." and he melts into another buttery kiss, feeling his stomach fill with butterflies.

I Need More Needy Megumi Who Js Wants Kisses :( I Just Read The Halloween Costume Fic And I Need Moreee

© arminsumi

Do not plagiarize / repost / translate / copy layouts / etc.

Do not steal what I've worked hard to create.

1 year ago

THIS WAS SO ASS THE STORYLINE IS KIND OF INCONSISTENT😭 but i’ll try and work on part 2 this weekend since its been 2 months since i posted this

puppy love pt. 1

Puppy Love Pt. 1

atsumu miya x reader

you can tell where i started to get tired of writing this LOL

tags: childhood friends to lovers, angst, mutual pining, fluff, atsumu really is a sweetheart, osamu is a little shit, slow burn, happy ending

wc: 7.9k


growing up with all boys in your family has really helped you understand the chemistry in boys' heads that cause them to act out on their inner thoughts. it did not, however, help you get used to the icky things they did. while rolling around in mud and squishing bugs with bare hands was not your forte, you could definitely see the satisfaction to gain from it. well not really, but you always tried to see from others perspectives, especially when atsumu had told you that it was fun to step on frogs. you had asked what was so fun about it, which he replied with “it’s like whenever you put on makeup or whatever, it’s just fun!” all while showing you a toothy grin. you couldn’t really wrap your head around it and opted in shooting him a confused look with eyebrows raised and a curled upper lip. to which he just continued to smile and shoot you a thumbs up.

since you were young, atsumu has always been by your side. your first ever encounter with the boy was in the first grade when you fell at recess and got your pretty purple dress dirty. you cried and cried until you felt a warm hand grab your palm.

“woah, yer bleeding! that’s a big cut, it’ll leave an awesome scar!” looking up you saw a mop of brown hair and the same colored eyes. “Let's clean you up, yeah?” with a big ol’ pout on your face, you nodded and let the boy guide you inside to the water fountains in the hallways.

the water was cold, and it hurt like hell running along your wound, but you tried not to cry in order to not look like a big baby in front of the boy. “how’s ‘at feel hmm?” your eyes were red and puffy, and you had tear stains on your pink cheeks but atsumu had still thought you looked pretty. you mumbled out a ‘hurts’ and atsumu nodded. “well if i gave ya half of my strawberry sandwich will that make you feel better?” he smiled at you, hoping to see that cute smile of yours again. you sniffled and nodded, and he led you back outside to his lunchbox and secretly handed you half of the sandwich.

you bit into it and the corners of your mouth instantly lifted. it tasted exactly like the ones your mom had always made in the summer. turning around, atsumu had seen your chubby cheeks stuffed with food and whipped cream all over your mouth. he stared for a second and you turned to look at him too. a mumbled ‘what’ came out of your mouth, barely audible, to which he replied “nothin, yer just pretty.” a slight scowl adorned your face. your dress was ripped, you had dirt all over the fabric, and you were pretty sure that you had wood chips in your braids. you had thought that he was crazy, but then again that was something you had always admired about atsumu.

“do ya think yer mom will be able to sew that up?” you blinked once, twice and said “i don’t have a mom.” atsumu stared blankly at the floor and his lips turned into a straight line.

“well my mom can sew it up for you if ya’d like.” you sat on it for a while. it was a pretty dress and you didn’t want to throw it away, after all you had just gotten it last weekend as a gift for doing so well at your piano recital. plus it was your second favorite color, after pink obviously.

“okay, i’ll tell my dad after school” he nodded and stuck his hand out.

“i’m atsumu” he grinned widely.

timidly you shook his hand and responded, “i’m y/n.”

ever since that fateful day you guys had been stuck at the hip. it was easy in the beginning, all you had to do was follow atsumu around and hold the jar that he caught all the frogs and bugs in. he claimed that being the jar holder was the best job in the world! even going as far as comparing it to being a CIA agent guarding top secret weapons that could end humanity as you know it. of course you knew he was lying, but nonetheless, you were the designated jar holder. on special occasions osamu would hold the jar and he’d let you carry the net. on days like that you would just run around and chase butterflies, laughing away when you would miss entirely. astumu would pout because he wanted you to hold the jar (he really just wanted you to stay behind him and to talk to him), but then you would catch a butterfly and put it on his nose and it always brought back that goofy smile you loved.

being the bug carrier used to be the bain of your existence, but god was it so much easier then going through puberty with the boys. astumu was so sweet in your childhood but as he got older he did start to roughhouse with you and tease you. osamu on the other hand had just gotten more reserved but nonetheless he also roughhoused with you. nothing was worse than when you had gotten all pretty for school and the boys decided to put you in a headlock and nuggie you to death. you’d get so upset and give them the silent treatment until atsumu cracked and whined about how sorry he was and to not leave him because your his best friend. you just tilt your head the other way until osamu offers to make you a strawberry sandwich to which you turn and smile, “deal.” which always left atsumu with his jaw on the floor.

they’d hold your bag over their head, teasing you to grab it while you tippy toed and whined for them to give it back. they’d put you in a headlock and make you smell their BO. they’d rub their sweaty forehead on you. they’d fart and put you in a dutch oven. they just liked to terrorize you.

but what had especially sucked was when you had started puberty. all the boys had gotten was quite a bit of inches to their height and deeper voices, but you were stuck with gaining weight on your chest, thighs and behind. but what really set things off was when you had gotten your first period.

you called atsumu crying and speaking all kinds of gibberish that he couldn’t understand and then you hung up out of nowhere. so atsumu decided to drag osamu along with him to get down to this mystery. you hadn’t lived too far from them. maybe a few blocks down, nothing their bikes couldn’t handle. your dad let them in and he was happy they were there, because he had no knowledge on how to help or comfort you in these situations. you had locked yourself in your room, screaming at your dad and brothers to not bother you or you’d rip their limbs off. you could’ve asked one of your brothers girlfriends for advice, but you felt that maybe it was a little too weird, which definitely was not the case but 12 year old girls tend to exaggerate things.

softly, atsumu knocked calling out your name. you didn’t answer, atsumu had looked at his brother who just shrugged. slowly and quietly he opened the door, and in that split second you had flung a pillow at his face knocking him on the ground.

“ow, what the heck y/n!” atsumu yelled as he rubbed his nose.

“sorry i thought you were one of my brothers.” you held out your hand to pick him up.

you looked a mess. you had a baggy t shirt that belonged to one of your older brothers, some valentine’s day pajamas even though it was the middle of september, and your socks were mismatched. you looked like you had just gotten through a heartbreak, which was odd because atsumu could not recall you talking about a boyfriend or any of the sorts.

“what happened to you?” osamu inquired to which atsumu just nodded. you flushed and threw yourself on the bed, pushing your face into a pillow. you had muttered words but the twins didn’t hear a thing.

“what?” you huffed and repeated what you said, and again, the twins didn’t hear. “huh” you quickly sat up and yelled, “i got my period!” angrily in the heat of the moment and once you processed it you could feel yourself die of embarrassment.

a “so” and “what's that” were said simultaneously which led to atsumu being slapped upside the head by his twin.

“ow what was that for!” pouting, atsumu rubbed his head. osamu rolled his eyes at his older brother,

“remember when mom doesn’t feel good for at least a week each month?” atsumu’s face changed from one of confusion into one of realization.

“ohhh, so y/n’s bleeding from downstairs?” osamu nodded and you were furious.

you flung another pillow at both of them, “just shut up and get me ice cream!” the boys nodded and quickly ran downstairs and hopped on their bikes, peddling to the convenience store. after that encounter the boys had never tried anything with you while you’re on your period, even though you had gotten more mellow about it through the years.

but what really, REALLY sucked? you’re uncharted feelings towards astumu. you have always adored atsumu since the day he helped you when you fell in first grade. but seeing him grow up into a handsome young man really took a toll on your heart. the once chubby cheeked sweet boy was now a sharp jawed tease. he had gotten much taller, and his muscles were also starting to grow from the non-stop volleyball he’d been playing since he was young. his shoulders and biceps were swollen from the hours of training, and his boyish grin had gotten even more charming, panty dropping some would even say. to say he was a stud would be an understatement.

of course you scolded yourself for even thinking of atsumu of anything more than just your best friend, but you couldn’t help but indulge yourself in the thought of being the person he held dearest to his heart. you couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to cross the unspoken boundary between platonic love and romantic love. you knew you shouldn’t have these feelings, you couldn’t, but how couldn’t you whenever the man would charm you with his jokes and his antics. surely he was just acting this way because you’re his childhood best friend, that’s all it was, but you longed for it to be something more. your heart was so full of him you could hardly call it yours.

you weren’t quite sure of when the small inklings of adoration had budded into much more, but they bloomed and boy was it big. he consumed your thoughts and you ached to be something more than just friends. how you wished to be the one he buys flowers for just because, the one he gives his umbrella to because you forgot yours, the one who he spent his nights thinking about. it was wrong in so many ways. you were forbidden fruit, atsumu had always thought. he could never admit his feelings because you were his best friend above all else. the thought of losing you plagued his mind when he got the courage to tell you something, forcing him to shove his thoughts away for the sake of your friendship.

maybe you could recall the day you had fallen. maybe it was the summer of 8th grade during summer camp when atsumu had snuck out of his cabin to come see you. you had gotten homesick and the girls in your bunk were such blabbermouths, chatting loudly during lunch why you weren’t in the cafeteria. of course both the twins had over heard, but atsumu was the one to act on it. you heard a faint knock at your window, and low and behold it was those dazzling eyes you knew all too well.

quietly you lifted the window and scolded him, “tsumu, what are you doing here!”

he shushed you and smiled. “i heard you weren’t havin fun” you looked the other way and shook your head.

“cmon, i wanna show you somethin” he grabbed your hand and carefully helped you out the window.

“tsumu we’re gonna get in trouble!” you whisper shouted, your palm in his hand was getting sweaty from being anxious.

he turned and looked at you, pointing his flashlight at your face, “do ya trust me?” nibbling at your lip, you hesitantly nodded and he squeezed your hand.

you continued to let him drag you by the arm until you were standing in front of the lake. it was quiet, the july breeze had felt refreshing on your sweaty skin. the sounds of cicadas chirping was comforting and the scent of summer lingered in the air creating a soft aroma that made you feel fuzzy all the way to your toes.

“turn yer flashlight off” you switched it off and it was pitch black. your veins ran cold.

“tsumu i can’t see anything” you squeezed his hand out of fear, which he responded to by using his thumb to rub your hand, hoping to somewhat soothe you.

“just hold my hand ‘kay?” you nodded, though he couldn’t see you he knew that you had complied.

wordlessly, atsumu swayed some of the tall grass by his foot and suddenly it wasn’t dark anymore.

what seemed like a million fireflies had flown up, shimmering like a thousand stars in the pitch black night sky. instantly your eyes widened and jaw dropped, the sight in front of you was one to behold. atsumu had seen your expression and couldn’t help but smile. if you were both to be caught now, he thought that it would be totally worth it. slowly you reached your hand out to try and grab one but they all fluttered away.

“tsumu this is so pretty” you said in awe but he couldn’t help but stare. he thought you looked even prettier. it was like the sun was shining on your skin and you glimmered like a thousand universes. your eyes so bright and filled with astonishment, the way your eyelashes batted with wonderstruck. that was when he knew you were his forever girl.

a stray hair stuck out on your face, and atsumu’s muscles instantly moved to move it behind your ear. you flushed, your heart stuttered and you couldn’t help but stare in those beautiful brown eyes you’d never get used to looking at. he smiled and it felt like your stomach had done a somersault, like a billion butterflies were trying to escape your tummy. when you both returned to your bunk and said your goodnights, you couldn’t sleep, replaying that moment over and over again until the crack of dawn.

but no, that wasn’t when you had fallen. maybe it was the winter break of 9th grade. it was a week before christmas, and you and the twins were up to no good during the break. snowball fights, tracking mud in the house and letting all the cold air in by walking in and out of their home. the boys had tormented you, shoving your face in the snow, tackling you into the ground and even rolling up a big snowball just to throw it square at your face. to say your face felt like it had been frostbitten was a bit of an exaggeration, but it sure did feel like your face would melt off soon.

slowly the wind and snow had picked up, leaving you snowed in. you called your dad, wondering how you’d get home but all he said was to ask the twins mother if she would let you spend the night if the weather hadn’t calmed in an hour or two. of course she agreed, how could she say no when you’ve put up with her boys for the past 7 years, she practically considered you her daughter.

when the weather hadn’t cleared you and the twins had gotten excited, considering this would be your guys first sleepover. you guys had played board games, mario kart and played on your phones until midnight when samu fell asleep.

“tsumu i’m bored” your stomach rumbled and you looked down. “and hungry” you sheepishly smiled.

“me too” atsumu replied with a frown.

there was a beat of silence before atsumu’s head peaked up. “my mom has some cookie dough in the freezer, we can try and make those!” he grinned. your tummy rumbled again and you eagerly nodded. you couldn't help but think that this was something they did in all those romance movies you watched. your mind filled with thoughts about how they always end up kissing at the end of the scene and you couldn’t help but hope that maybe you’ll get a kiss too.

you both tippy toed downstairs to make the cookies. quietly atsumu opened the freezer and reached all the way in the back corner for the container of dough.

“what kind is it?” you whispered.

he squinted his eyes to look at the packaging. “chocolate chocolate chip” your stomach panged with hunger, eager to have that sweetness in your mouth.

atsumu paused and scratched his head, you could see the gears turning. “do ya know how to bake?”

you face palmed and took the container from his hands. “of course i know how to bake, who do you think made your birthday cake last year?” he shrugged and you continued to read the instructions.

once the oven was preheated, you asked atsumu to help you scoop the dough into little balls and place them on the cookie sheet. of course the little jokester he is he decided to smudge some on your nose. you stood there frozen and your jaw on the floor. he licked his finger of the dough and sent you a sly smile. you retaliated, grabbing a finger full and smearing it on his cheek, sending the same sly smile he sent you. he simply just rubbed it off with his finger and licked it, you made a disgusted face and rolled your eyes. boys will be boys.

once in the oven, you softly hopped on the counter, having to wait 20 minutes for the cookies to be ready.

“tsumu what do you want for christmas?” you queried. his lips turned into a thin line and he put his finger on his chin, thinking about what he wanted. truth be told he didn’t really know what he wanted. maybe some new volleyball shoes, some more video games, maybe even a new cologne he’s been wanting to try.

“i want a million dollars” he grinned and you rolled your eyes.

“tsumu i’m being serious, what do you want?”

all he could do was frown, “why is it so important to ya?” you stopped, and looked the other way.

it was quite embarrassing to say that you wanted to get him a present because you care about him a lot (not because you have a massive crush on the boy), so what would any other teenage girl do in your situation? you beat around the bush.

“just wanna give you something since we’ve been friends for so long” he didn’t believe you, but he just nodded.

“well i don’t really care what i get, i just wanna spend time with ya is all.”

there it was again. that funny feeling you got when he said something that could have been interpreted into something romantic. you bit the inside of your cheek and looked anywhere besides him. you were sure your cheeks were red, and it wasn’t just from the heat of the oven. you just nodded and continued on waiting for the cookies to be ready.

maybe he felt some kind of way about you other than just a friend.

even though you didn’t get the kiss you hoped for, you did get some sort of confirmation of where you stand with the boy, and you’ll take it.

again, that wasn’t when you had fallen. perhaps it was the beginning of 10th grade when atsumu had gotten his first car. atsumu had gotten a camaro, while osamu had gotten a nissan silvia. both were quite nice you had to admit, they were both sleek and looked luxurious. ever since atsumu had gotten his car, he didn’t let anyone near it, not even his mom. he feared someone would ruin his precious baby and he did not want that to happen. no one other than himself had been in it and he intended to keep it that way, that was until 3 weeks on a random friday.

you had been in your room folding laundry and watching tv, you didn’t really have any plans for tonight, maybe facetime the twins and do a face mask. you felt your phone buzz on your bedsheets. you ignored it for a good 5 minutes until it vibrated again. you put down the pair of pants you were folding and reached for the device, wondering who was texting you. opening your phone, you had seen that atsumu had texted you.


are you busy???


i’ll be at your place in an hour n a half, get all dolled up.

your brows drew together in confusion. what the hell was he planning on doing? nonetheless you quickly finished your laundry and hopped in the shower. since very few words were spoken, you didn’t really know the occasion and how you should dress. should you wear a blouse and a skirt? some jeans and a sweater? a dress? you decided something cute and comfy was the way to go, so you opted for flare tights, a white turtle neck with a brown crew neck on top since it was a bit chilly outside. you were feeling very minimalistic, so simple mascara and lipgloss were going to suffice. again, since you didn’t know the occasion, you did a simple blow out on your hair. the finishing touches were gold jewelry your father had gotten you for christmas last year.

you still had time left since atsumu’s last text, so you spent the last 10 minutes wondering what the now blonde was scheming. he was probably just going to take you with him to a practice volleyball match, you can’t count on one hand how many times he’s told you to get ready just to take you to one of his practice matches. you didn’t complain though, hot guys playing sports and getting sweaty was definitely a sight to see.

you heard a rumble down the street and looked outside, low and behold it was your best friend in his squeaky clean car. you ran outside to his window with your mouth open.

“tsumu what are you doing? you’re gonna get your car dirty!” he chuckled and stepped out of the vehicle.

“relax it’ll be okay, it’s only like 5 bucks to wash it” he said as he ruffled your hair. you smacked his arm away and huffed, a pout adorning your face as you tried to calm your hair down from his actions. when you finally looked up at him he felt the wind knock out of his lungs. you looked so damn pretty. your plump and pink lips pouting made him feel fuzzy inside, and the way you looked at him with your wide pretty eyes made him melt. you were the most gorgeous thing to walk the earth in his eyes.

he cleared his throat and put his arms on your shoulders, turning you the other way. “cmon, get in the car already” you paused right in front of the door.

“tsumu are you sure? i’m going to get it dirty” you said nibbling on your cheek. he let out a small laugh and nodded, opening the door for you.

“if i wasn’t sure then i wouldn’t have invited ya ya dunce” he said matter of factly as he flicked your forehead. he hadn’t told you your destination, but the ride to the location was filled with off key singing and laughter. you enjoyed moments like these, feeling each other's presence only fueled the fire in your belly that never seemed to dull. you felt as if he was the heartbeat in your body.

at one point you stopped at a red light and decided to look at him. that was a mistake.

the red glow of the light made him look ethereal. his jaw looked so sharp that it could cut the pillows he sleeps on, his face had a glow to it that made you feel like a volcano was erupting in your stomach. his eyes, shimmering like sparkling gems that had caught light at just the right angle, wide and beautiful. his face was tilted, one arm on the steering wheel and the other on the gear shift. his arms looked big and beefy gripping on to the wheel, the dark flannel he wore over his gray hoodie really accentuated his biceps. he looked so good, too good. he could feel your stare and turned to look at you as well. looking in your eyes, he gave you that boyish grin that never seemed to fail to give you butterflies. you sent a small one back and turned forward as the light turned green.

atsumu had taken you out to watch a movie and eat at a cute diner that had some amazing burgers. you guys may or may not have gotten kicked out for throwing fry’s at each other, but a good time is a good time right? the drive home was silent, but comfortable, both of you just soaking up each others presence. when you got to your house, you turned to thank atsumu for the night, but he had already gotten out of the car. your face contorted into one of confusion, but a few seconds later your door had opened and his hand stuck out, waiting for yours. you looked up and smiled, gently taking his hand in yours. when you had reached your front door you both faced each other and stared for a good 30 seconds.

“i had fun tonight” you finally managed to get out. he nodded and replied, “me too” then it was quiet again. a breeze picked up and moved pieces of hair in your face. swiftly, atsumu tucked them behind your ear. your cheeks warmed and you batted your eyelashes.

“i’ll see ya at school monday” you nodded and smiled. as he began to walk off your mouth spoke before your brain could process it.


he paused and turned, “yeah?”

a sudden flood of courage coursed through your veins. you softly grabbed his hand, your other one gently turned his jaw as you slowly brought your lips up to place a sweet kiss on his cheek. you could feel his cheek warm under your touch, but you didn’t mind, you thought it was cute.

“have a goodnight” you said as you looked in his eyes. he was stunned. the girl of his dreams just kissed him.

“you too” he said breathlessly, walking back to his car with wide eyes. he waited for you to get inside and wave goodbye to him before he fist bumped the air. your lipgloss had left a mark on his cheek and he took as many pictures with it as he could.

when you had walked inside your dad was on the couch watching tv. “hey sweetie, how was your day?” you hid your smile as best as you could and replied with a quick ‘it was good’ as you rushed up stairs. you quickly threw yourself on the bed and grabbed your pillow to muffle your screams of joy and giggles. you felt on top of the world. your stomach could not stop churning and your cheeks burned. you felt so giddy and couldn’t believe that happened. another small step in your book.

but it was definitely the day before spring break of sophomore year that you had fallen.

which was 2 weeks ago to be exact.

you were already having a bad day. your cat that you had gotten when you were 6 passed away, your little brother had thought it would be funny to put water in your piano which damaged the interior detrimentally and you had woken up late which caused you to have bed head. despite all that you tried to be positive, considering you had something good going on in your life.

you had gotten quite a huge crush on a basketball player from your school, and for what it seemed he had shown some interest in you back. you felt excited, you thought that maybe all the romantic things you had dreamed of would come true, maybe this was your soulmate. of course you thought about atsumu as well, but it seemed like all you and atsumu would ever be is just friends. you felt that you should move on, you deserve to find someone that can love you.

that was until the guy straight up said “how could anyone ever want to be with you? you’re annoying and clingy, you can’t even make decisions for yourself. try not to be so insufferable and then maybe we could be a thing.” you froze. you could feel your heart shatter and your face warm. all you had asked was if it was okay to sit by him. angrily you threw your lunch tray at him and rushed out of the cafeteria. hot tears rolled down your face as you walked out the building. what kind of a jerk publicly humiliates a girl all because she asked if she could sit by them. you ran to the metro and prayed that you would get home quickly. you felt like you were suffocating and needed to get home. once home, you hastily threw open the door, running up the stairs and slamming your door closed. your dad had heard you and wondered what all the ruckus was.

knocking, he asked “sweetie what’s up? why are you home early?” you screamed at him to go away and he obliged, too scared and knowing better that it was best to let you be and simmer down.

atsumu had heard about the whole thing during practice. he had already felt bad because he wasn’t at lunch today; he had gotten detention from his coach for being late to practice 3 times that week. he overheard omimi talking about how a point guard went off on a girl and she threw her tray at him. atsumu instantly perked up and butted in the conversation.

“what point guard?” he questioned with an eyebrow raised.

“think it was the one your girlfriend was talking to” suna said with a smug grin. atsumu’s face dropped, completely ignoring suna’s comment as he ran out the gym.

“where is he going?” kita questioned annoyed, the boys just shrugged.

he raced to your house, surprised he didn’t get pulled over but grateful nonetheless. if it really was you that that jerk had yelled at, then he had one thing coming. atsumu’s hand tightly gripped the wheel, angry at the fact that some douchebag had the audacity to raise his voice at you. he was already jealous of stealing your attention, taking his precious time with you away. but you looked so happy and he really didn’t want to ruin that for you. he realized that maybe that guy could give you something that he couldn’t.

but obviously that was totally wrong, and he realized that now as he pulled into your house. he had tried calling you, but to no avail you didn’t answer. he knocked on your door quite loudly, and you father had answered.

“is she here?”

your father shook his head, “no she took off somewhere awhile ago.”

atsumu nodded and thanked him, going back into his car. he stopped and thought for a while. where could you possibly be? you could literally be anywhere on the earth right now.

a thought popped into his head. he remembered that one time when you got into an argument with your dad you ran off like you did now. you had ended up at an ice cream shop by the beach. it was a long shot, but it was the only possible lead he had as to where you are right now. he quickly drove across town, searching for you somewhere in the yellow sand. he saw a couple of people, a boy and his dog, a small family and an elderly couple. just as he was about to leave, he saw a small figure at the end of the beach. it had to have been you. he parked his car and slowly walked towards you. you were sitting up with your arms wrapped around your knees, your chin resting on your forearms. he heard you sniffle and his heart ached for you. quietly, he sat next to you and patted your head.

“hey” you turn your head, red eyes rimmed and puffy. your cheeks were rosey and your hair was disheveled, but atsumu still thought you looked as beautiful as ever. you mumbled out a small hey and turned forward again. the sounds of the waves crashing had calmed you, you longed to jump in the water and never be heard from again.

but you were glad he was here.

it was nice having him right next to you, the loneliness was bearable with him by your side. having him next to you made you feel significantly smaller, in more ways than physical. atsumu held himself high and could easily pick himself back up. but you? you were just an insecure girl looking for someone to be her lifeline. maybe that guy was right. how could anyone ever love you if you can’t even love yourself. you craved validation but for what? for who? why couldn’t you just learn to be alone, what was so bad about it.

“what’s going on in that big head of yours?” you heard from beside you. you paused, you needed something from him to help you see yourself.

“do you think i’m annoying?” you asked softly and atsumu chuckled.

“you talk a lot sometimes, i could say it’s annoying, yeah” the way your eyes welled up with tears made atsumu punch himself internally, now was obviously not the right time for jokes.

“i’m kidding, i don’t think yer annoying. i think yer quite the opposite in fact. quite lovely in my opinion” you nodded but his words didn’t quite get through to you. he could obviously be lying, he is your best friend and all, he could be sparing your feelings.

“‘m serious. i love being around you. you’re such a great person to be around, you’re funny and nice, you listen, you care. you were too good for that jerk in my opinion, you deserve someone way better than that di-“

“tsumu” he smiled sheepishly, “sorry.”

you stared at him, the orange hue from the sun setting made him look stunning. he looked so handsome and you wanted to feel his lips on yours so bad.

“do you mean that?” you asked breathlessly. his eyes met yours and he nodded, something flickered in his eyes that you couldn’t quite recognize. he wrapped his arm around you, leaning your head on his shoulder. just sitting there watching the sunset, you felt at peace. he leaned down and placed a soft kiss on your forehead, laying his head on top of yours. maybe you were wrong.

maybe atsumu was your soulmate.

that was what you had thought, until out of the blue little miss sunshine and rainbows popped up in the picture.

aiko nakamura.

she was a pretty girl, slim and tall with long legs. she was on the girls track team, and some would say she was one of the cliche it girls. you didn’t really know her, you went to school with her in elementary but you never really had been friends. from what you’ve heard she was nice and funny.

also atsumu’s type apparently.

you were happy for him really, you were just a little upset at the fact that he hadn’t told you anything about her at all. i mean really, what could you do? there was no way you were going to declare your unproclaimed love for him. so of course, being the best best friend you could ever possibly be, you suck it up. you wipe your tears and go on, acting like it doesn’t affect you even if you spend your nights wondering why.

after they had gotten together, your time with atsumu had been cut short significantly. your once friday tradition of hanging out had been given away to some girl atsumu had only been with for 2 weeks. obviously it hurt seeing the guy you’re in love with loving up on someone that wasn’t you, but again, there was not much you could do. watching from afar seemed best, and the once arms length of distance had become one oceans away. he felt just out of your reach and maybe this time it was entirely too late.

after a while, you stopped reaching out to atsumu. you stopped going over, you stopped eating lunch with him, you stopped calling, you stopped texting, you stopped talking. you ached to tell someone about your days because your person was just a ghost of a memory now. you still talked to osamu of course, even hanging with him every now and then. but it just wasn’t the same as your best friend.

one day when you and osamu were chilling in his room, atsumu and his girlfriend were arguing. you could hear the screams and shouts, bickering back and forth. you and osamu just looked at each other, knowing it was best to just mind your business. a few minutes later and you heard stomping down the stairs and a door slam. it was quiet for a little, then atsumu barged into the room.

he moved sluggishly and threw himself onto osamu’s bed.

“‘m guessin you guys fought?” osamu chucked.

atsumu let out a big sigh and had the biggest frown on his face. “she’s mad because i never post her or whatever.”

you decided to stay quiet, continuing to do whatever it was on your phone.

atsumu had noticed your lack of communication recently, and he was upset about it. he wondered if he made you mad or angry at him, or if he did anything wrong. he hated the radio silence and he also hated that you didn’t talk to him about it. he just wanted some type of closure. did you not want to be friends with him anymore? was he too insufferable for you now?

he threw a pillow at you.

“ow, tsumu what the heck!” you glared and all he could do was laugh. atsumu could swear there was steam coming out your ears.

“was just trynna get yer nose out that phone, sorry”

you rolled your eyes, some half assed apology that was.

you guys just sat there a few minutes, it was peaceful and quiet.

“you should go to our game tomorrow” you paused and furrowed your eyebrows.

“i thought aiko was going?” atsumu just shook his head and smiled.

“she is but i want ya to be there too y'know since yer my best friend and all”

“i’ll think about it” another pillow was flung at your head.

going to bed that night you really did think about it. you’d love to go to atsumu’s games but you knew for a fact that aiko was going to be there, and you didn’t want to witness that awkward pda shared between them; you had already walked in on them making out a week before. but of course your heart always wins against your head, and it couldn’t help but thirst about wanting to see atsumu all sweaty and tired from his game.

you had gotten there 10 minutes early and the stands were already packed. their games had always been big, everyone wanted to see the talented players in action. it was both a blessing and a curse to say that you knew those boys. you decided you’d go look for a seat after you said hi to the twins first.

“atsumu y/n is here” kita motioned his hand toward your figure standing by osamu. osamu had spotted you when you first walked in and left aran in the middle of warmups.

from afar, your cheeks looked red, and you seemed nervous. atsumu had wondered if you were sick or if something happened to you. he quickly walked over to you.

just before he had reached you, osamu had pulled you into a hug. his eyebrows drew together. since when were you and osamu that close. he decided to keep his question in the back of his head, deciding he’ll ask about it some other time. you were about to leave, but the blonde had called out for you.

“hey y/n, where ya goin?” eyebrows raised, atsumu waited for your answer.

“i was just going back up to the stands, good luck guys!” osamu patted your head and you left.

there was something brewing in atsumu’s chest, something funny. he looked at his twin with eyebrows furrowed. it was a little odd for you to just randomly hug osamu, so what the hell just happened between you two?

osamu smirked. he could see the glint of jealousy in his brother's eyes. “what?” shrugging his shoulders, he walked off.

you had found a good spot just before the game started. you could see both sides of the court and you could easily see the players. the whistle blew and the game began.

all of the players were amazing, and the rally’s that kept going on were phenomenal. it was a battle that was never ending and it kept you and your toes.

the lights and cheers going on around you really fueled the intensity of the game. it felt like you were watching an olympic game.

you were so caught up with the game that you didn’t hear someone call out your name.

“y/n! what are you doing here?” you turned and aiko stood before you. she looked all pretty and she had atsumu’s jersey on. the one that he never let you wear because it was ‘too precious and i don’t want you to get it dirty’. you felt a pang of hurt in your chest but you smiled.

“oh, hey. the boys invited me to their game and i thought i’d come and support” she nodded and smiled.

“i didn’t think i’d see you here, atsumu always tells me how you never go see him because you’re too scared to get hit by a ball” she laughed as if it was the funniest thing in the world.

you actually didn’t go because you had piano practice, but you didn’t want to burst her bubble.

“oh that’s so funny, he’s always making up some kind of joke” you forced a laugh and turned your attention back to the game.

“yeah he’s always saying something about you” she giggles.

“he also told me about that whole reiji thing”

you stopped.

reiji was the basketball player that you had gotten the big fat massive crush on. he was also the one that yelled at you in the cafeteria.

there’s no way he told her about something like that. something that you had been so raw and vulnerable about. you cried to atsumu about how you really liked him and how he made you feel good about yourself. about how you wish he didn’t say those things because now you feel even more unlovable than you did before.

“he told you
 about that?” she nodded and looked towards the court, acting as if what she was saying didn’t affect you.

“yeah what a douche, he definitely could’ve said that over text or something. not that i think it’s true or anything but still!” you nodded and tried to let her words fly over your head.

“but i mean really, how naive were you to think that he would actually want to be with you?”

you could feel your heartbeat in all of your limbs and hear the sound of your blood rushing to your face.

“boys like that only want one thing, and unfortunately for you you don’t have it. maybe if you made yourself look pretty you’d have a boyfriend!” she smiled at you.

you stood there, dumbfounded, shocked about how you should respond. was she trying to help you or bring you down? because it definitely seems like the latter. and it was definitely working. you were embarrassed and wanted to run out of the gym but you didn’t want to make a fool of yourself.

the buzzer went off and the crowd dispersed.

“oh! that’s game, i’ll see you around!” she smirked and waved, walking towards the players.

you were still shocked from the whole ordeal. you could see her run up to atsumu and kiss his forehead. atsumu leaned in for a hug but she backed away, clearly not wanting to get sweat on her outfit.

you also walked down to talk to the boys, but you didn’t want to interrupt the couple so you told osamu good job, giving him a hug. you and atsumu had made eye contact and it was clear he wanted to talk to you, but before he could get to you you panicked and quickly walked out of the gym. you did not want to speak to him especially since he had told his girlfriend about your heartbreak.

he thought it was odd, you always told him bye so why did you run off?

“hey uh, i’ll be right back” aiko gripped his hand and atsumu was taken aback.

“where are you going?” atsumu looked down at his hand, stared at it and retracted his arm.

“just gonna do sumthin real quick” she nodded, but she obviously knew where he was going.

in a light jog, atsumu went to search for you. surely you couldn’t have gone too far, you hadn’t left that long ago.

he spotted your figure just about to exit the building.

“y/n!” you paused and turned, seeing the person you were trying to avoid the most. you could feel yourself shiver.

“where ya goin?” he questioned.

“i’m going home tsumu” he was confused and you could see that in his facial expressions.

“weren’t you gonna tell me bye?” you looked in his eyes and you could feel your anger and embarrassment melt away.

“i didn’t want to interrupt you and aiko. she seems nice by the way. hope you guys are happy” you said, forcing a smile. you walked off but atsumu could clearly see that something was up with you. he didn’t want to push so he settled for a small smile and a wave.

“call me tonight kay?” you nodded, not looking behind you.

1 year ago

every year on your wedding anniversary osamu convinces you to take your ring off and go wedding cake tasting at local bakeries while pretending that the two of you are still engaged

1 year ago



Synopsis: Sick of your boyfriends lack of time with you because of his busy schedule, you decided to take some time for yourself. Unfortunately, letting that happen was never an option for him.

The post that inspired this fic:


CW: smut, language, dom!Bakugou, possessiveness, jealousy, (mild) stalking, name calling, spanking, rough oral.


Word count: 4,411

You couldn’t believe your asshole of a boyfriend.

Actually, you could, but that was beside the point. He was always doing this shit lately, pissing you off. You watched with heated eyes as he continued training two hours past when he said he’d be done. Two hours past the time you got here and an hour late for your dinner reservation.

You understood he was busy, you knew that when you got in a relationship with him, and you supported him. However, as his girlfriend, was it too much to ask that he give you even 5% of his time? What were you even doing here?

That was stupid, you knew what you were doing here. You loved him so much that you couldn’t breathe. But
how could you have a relationship like this? You didn’t feel like a priority. He couldn’t even stop training long enough to take you to a dinner he had made reservations for. He wasn’t on duty, and he knew you were waiting.

Anger and hurt flushed your body at the disrespect to your feelings and time—you made your decision quickly as you stood up and left the training room. Part of you wondered if he’d even notice. Is that where you were in your relationship? It had been this way for months. At first, you didn’t complain at all; you tried to be understanding. Then, you’d tentatively told him you weren’t seeing him often. He said he realized that, and he’d work to make more time for you.

He hadn’t. You’d been more than patient. You hardly felt like you were a part of his life anymore. You hated to think it, but part of you even began to wonder if he was cheating on you. Typically, he got home after you’d fallen asleep, even when you tried to wait for him. As a new hero, his hours were brutal. When you woke up for work, you wouldn’t wake him with your needs
you knew he was exhausted.

Your eyes burned with tears as you quickly packed a bag. You weren’t sure you were strong enough to actually leave him, but you needed some time to yourself. You needed to think about your relationship with Katsuki, and where it was going...or wasn’t going.

You cried as you got in your car and left your home you’d shared with him the past year as you headed to Mina’s house.

Mina was shocked when you showed up at her doorstep, looking miserable with a suitcase. Of course, she immediately let you in. She’d made you some hot tea, you tearfully let her know everything that was going on. Her brows kept furrowing as she listened intently, but you could see that she was getting angry on your behalf as well.

“I’m so sorry, hun,” Mina said softly when you finished talking, putting her hand on your forearm, “I’m not trying to defend him, but I don’t think he’s cheating on you. He doesn’t have time for you, let alone anyone else,” she said softly, and you sighed.

You rubbed your face, pausing when your phone started going off. Your heart raced when you saw it was Katsuki. You stared at your phone on the table as the call finished, but it immediately started ringing again. You picked it up and opened your texts as your phone continued to ring from his constant calls.

I’m okay, Katsuki. I just need some time to myself. Don’t worry about me.

You sent him the text, the calls pausing as you watched him immediately begin typing.

What the fuck does that mean?! WHERE ARE YOU?

You sighed, and began typing again.

I’m safe.

“He’s probably losing it,” Mina spoke up with a frown, “I understand why you’re angry, and wanting time is fair but Bakugo is
Bakugo.” She chuckled, making you smile weakly. You knew exactly what she meant. He wasn’t the type to just
let things happen that he didn’t like.

You better tell me where you’re at right the fuck now!

You frowned. He wasn’t in the place to be making demands. When you didn’t immediately text back, he began calling again. You sighed and powered your phone down.

“I just
I’m not happy, but I love him so much, you know?” You told Mina in a dejected voice, “I can’t continue like this, I can’t bear it
but I don’t think I can leave him. What should I do?”

Mina sighed, giving you a small smile. “I think you should try to make it work with Bakugo. I think he loves you
he’s just so focused on being the number one hero, he sometimes doesn’t see much else,” Mina said, rubbing your arm.

“Then maybe
he doesn’t need me,” I whispered, tears blurring my vision, “I never see him Mina. No relationship would survive this.”

“I know, I-“ Mina stopped as there was a sudden, loud knock on Mina's door.


Your eyes widened as anger immediately swelled inside you.

Oh so now he cares?

“Mina, I’m so sorry. I’ll deal with it,” you said stiffly and Katsuki continued to bang on the door. You hurried and ripped it open, your heart lurching when you saw your sweaty boyfriend standing on the doorstep. He was still in his training clothes, his ash blonde hair hanging over his furious, crimson eyes. He must have finally noticed you left and immediately set out to look for you. His strong chest was heaving as he gave you a furious look, and you gave him one right back.

“What the HELL-“

“Shhh!” You snapped, putting your hands on your hips, “this is Mina’s house! You can’t cause a scene here-“

“THE HELL I CAN’T!” He roared, his body shaking furiously, “You think you can just fuckin’ walk out on me?!”

Anger coursed through your body as you took a calming breath, trying not to incite your explosive boyfriend further, given you weren’t at home. “I’m allowed to have time to myself. What do you care, anyways? I’m amazed you even noticed I wasn’t there! I need time to think-“

“To think?! About what!” He cut in with a snap, his chest heaving a little harder. Though his face was enraged, you saw the panic in his crimson eyes, “About leaving me?! You got a fuckin’ problem, you talk to me about it! You don’t do this shit-“

“I HAVE tried to talk to you about it!” You hissed, your jaw locking in fury and his furious look dimmed slightly, “you didn’t listen or care, I don’t know,” you huffed, crossing your arms, “you need time to decide if there’s room for me in your life, because right now, there’s not. And I need to decide whether I can do this or not

His brows shot up, his furious look snapped right back on his face as he crossed the threshold, making you gasp as he grabbed your upper arms.

“Of course there’s room for you in my life, and of course I care, shitty woman!” He growled down at you, your heart aching when you saw hurt in his ruby eyes, “I fuckin’ love you, and you’re telling me you don’t know whether you want to fuckin’ be with me or not?” He hissed, his grip tightening on your upper arms.

“If you love me, then act like it,” you emphasized, pursing your lips in indignation, “you act like you don’t care whether I’m there or not. We haven’t even had sex-“

“You’re actin’ like a fuckin’ brat because we haven’t fucked in a hot minute?” He scoffed, “I shoulda known, you’re such a fuckin’ slut you can barely go a day without a cock buried in ya, huh?”

Your face immediately became burning hot as you heard Mina clear her throat in the background. “I’ll, uh, go see Kiri for a little while and let you guys talk
” she said awkwardly as you both turned to look at her. She looked equally amused and awkward as you felt guilty.

“No, Mina. This is your house, we can just-“

“It’s okay!” Mina cut in with a laugh, shaking her head. “I promised that big lug I’d see him this weekend and it’s still early,” she shrugged, you and Katsuki moving out of the way as she slipped through the door, “you two fix whatever this is, because you’re too cute of a couple to throw the towel in.”

Katsuki snorted as Mina grinned happily and left. Immediately, Katsuki shut the door as you crossed your arms over your chest and gave him a dirty look.

“Do you have any fuckin’ idea what you put me through?” He said in a low voice, his hands clenching at his sides, “I saw you were gone, so I went home with a gift to apologize and you were fuckin’ gone. I called and I called and you fuckin’ ignored me. What the fuck is wrong with you? You get pissed off, so you let me think you’re dead, you fuckin’ brat?!”

You frowned. Maybe you didn’t go about this the best way, but you knew if you told him, you’d never leave. He’d try to stop you, and you knew he’d succeed.

“You ignore me constantly! I know you’re busy and I understand that, but for fucks sake, Katsuki, it’s like I don’t even exist anymore!” You cried, tears burning your eyes as his gaze narrowed on your watery eyes and broken words.

His nostrils flared. “I didn’t think it was that fuckin’ serious. You haven’t said shit,” he growled, “all you said was you hadn’t seen me much, it hardly even sounded like a complaint. You’re at fault too because you’re holding everything in and then acting like a fuckin’ brat without even giving me a chance!”

You stared at him, pursing your lips. You didn’t want to ask your boyfriend to spend time with you. He should just want to and make time for you without you harping on him about it. Was that too much to ask? By the look on his face, it seems he knew what you were thinking.

“You think I don’t miss you? You think I don’t fuckin’ know how busy I’ve been? Fuck, on patrol, I can barely even concentrate because all I want is to go home and fuck your brains out,” he growled, making your eyes go wide as he stepped closer, “You think I don’t want you? You’re all I fuckin’ think about. I don’t wake you up when I get home because I want you to have enough rest and not be sleep deprived like me. So I just jerk off next to you, looking at you in those slutty little shorts you like to wear to bed,” your eyes widened further as heat blossomed in your abdomen. You had no idea he did that
 “but I ain’t being so fuckin’ curteous anymore. I’m gonna wake your ass up and put you through the fuckin’ headboard every night and you better fuckin’ take it.”

Your lips parted, a shallow breath leaving you as he looked at you with heated eyes. “It’s
it’s not just sex, I-“

His scoff cut you off. “No, but a huge part of it is. What, it’s just coincidence you lose your bratty attitude every time you’re dicked down? Don’t fuckin’ think so, princess.”

“It’s not just that-!” Your words were cut off when he roughly grabbed your cheeks and slammed his lips posessively onto yours. Your heart was immediately thundering in your chest as your hands instinctively moved up to clutch his broad shoulders. He slid his hand to your hair, gripping tightly as he devoured your lips hungrily before breaking away and running his lips to your ear.

“Nah, but it’s a good fuckin’ start,” he growled, making you gasp as he easily lifted you off your feet. You kicked your legs slightly as his heavy boots stomped across Mina’s wood floor with you.

“Katsuki, I-!” You yelped as he threw you down on Mina’s couch, grabbing your dress and yanking it down your body hurriedly, his jaw tense. He looked deranged with lust and anger as you gulped, heat building between your legs.

“Get this shit off,” he growled, grabbing the front of your bra and snapping the fabric that held your cups together. You squeaked as he ripped it from your body, his hand then curling around the band on your panties and ripping them down your legs to clearly get you naked as quickly as possible. Though he’d seen you naked many times, you still somehow found a way to be embarrassed at your own nudity as his crimson eyes hungrily looked over your skin as though he was seeing it the first time.

He was always like that.

You jolted off the couch when he immediately cupped your sex, sliding his rough and calloused fingers through your already messy folds. Katsuki was a teaser, he liked to make you beg. He generally never immediately went for it like this.

Your back arched off the couch as you let out a choked breath, his crimson eyes heatedly watching as he circled and played with your clit. He crawled over you, his other hand pinned next to your head as he roughly shoved a finger inside you, making you whimper.

“Show me how fuckin’ mad you are, princess,” he said in a dark voice. Your lips parted, but words failed you as a second finger joined his first, and he began curling his fingers exactly how you liked, his thumb gently playing with your clit as pleasure wracked your frame. “C’mon, what? Nothing to say, hah? Thought you were being a fuckin’ brat? You gonna leave me baby?” He hissed, leaning down and firmly biting your nipple, making you cry out weakly as pleasure rolled over your skin.

You felt a pang of hurt at the slight pain in his rough voice. You wanted to tell him you weren’t leaving him, that you’d never leave him
you loved him so much it scared you.

A whimper left your lips as he hotly moved his tongue over your tightened nipples, his red eyes blazing up at you. His hand was moving expertly between your legs as you began to feel the trickling of bliss start to roll over your skin at his skilled ministrations.

Your body tensed up and he suddenly removed his hand and mouth, making your eyes fly open in alarm as your body throbbed and he moved away from you. You sharply looked at him to see him standing, slowly sliding his soaked fingers in his mouth. He gave you a devilish smirk as you panted heavily in frustration, pushing yourself to your elbows.

“How about now, princess, you fuckin’ mad?” He said in a dark voice, peeling his black muscle shirt off his defined body. You huffed hotly, trying not to give him the satisfaction of begging him, even though you were throbbing needily between your legs. Your eyes widened slightly as he began unbuckling his pants, shoving them and his briefs down his strong thighs. The large appendage bobbed angrily, his flushed tip leaking profusely as you squeezed your thighs together, trying not to look as desperate as you definitely felt.

You gasped when he leaned down, his hand curling in your hair and firmly pulling you up.

“Since you don’t want to use your damn bratty mouth to speak and communicate with me, I suppose I’ll have to find another use for it,” He said sadistically, his thick and strong arm pulling, causing you to topple forward on the floor on your knees. His grip on your hair kept you upright as he chuckled darkly at your clumsiness, his cock stabbing your cheek.

“C’mon princess, open up. If you’re good, maybe I’ll give that slutty pussy what it wants,” he said darkly, prodding your lips to coax you to part your pursed lips.

You didn’t know how you felt. You were furious, but you were also extremely turned on. Your eyes blazed when he grabbed his rock hard cock and slapped your cheek a few times with it.

His eyes were fiery pits, clearly loving your stubborn defiance as he pinched your nose, making you still in shock. You tried slapping his hand away, some part of you told you to pinch his thigh. It was your safety, so you knew he’d stop if you did
wouldn’t he? Either way, you didn’t try. He grinned devilishly as you finally opened your mouth to take a deep breath. The second you exhaled, he released your nose and slid his cock roughly into your mouth.

He groaned deeply when you immediately gagged, gripping the back of your head tightly.

“C’mon, use your damn mouth for something, brat,” he demanded in a deep and husky voice, moving his hips. His abs were flexing in front of your gaze as he pumped himself into your mouth. Your eyes glazed over slightly as you began sucking him and moving your tongue around his length, making him hiss sharply.

“That’s it - good fuckin’ girl,” he groaned, a tingle traveling down your spine at his praise. You looked up at him as he thrust in your mouth, and god, he was gorgeous. His soft lips were parted in pleasure, his smooth cheeks flushed pink as his inferno eyes stared down at you with more lust than you’d ever seen in anyone. The way he always looked at you in these moments never ceased to amaze you. You felt so
wanted. Your heart began to lift slightly as emotion filled your chest, despite the fact that he was currently spearing his cock down your throat.

He suddenly yanked your head off him as you breathed heavily, a line of spit connecting your lips and his flushed head as he looked down at you. You knew you’d hurt him as you looked into his eyes, and he stared down at you.

“I love you
” you whispered, seeing his brow cock in mild surprise that you chose now to say that. He pursed his lips, his nostrils flaring as he huffed.

“Yeah? Cause it seems like you fuckin’ forgot that,” he said roughly, his hand tightening in your hair as you immediately shook your head.

“Never,” you replied instantly, a somewhat soft look briefly entering his eyes for a moment. He released your hair, just to grab your arms and easily throw you up on the couch. You felt breathless as he got on his knees on the cushions and easily spun you around, slamming your front over the back of the couch. You yelped, clutching the back as his hand came down hard on your backside, making you jolt and instinctively reach around and grab his forearm. He easily grabbed your wrists in one hand and pinned them to your lower back. His other hand came down on your opposite cheek, making you squeal and wriggle in his grasp.

You couldn’t believe Katsuki had you bent over Mina’s couch, butt naked, spanking you. You’d absolutely die if she walked in and saw this.

“Katsuki, w-what if Mina-“

“I hope she fuckin’ does, so she can see how pathetic you are for my cock,” he growled, slapping your stinging skin once more as you cried out, “what did you tell her, hah? Did you bitch and whine about how I’m an awful boyfriend? Is that what you said, brat?”

You shook your head, tears pooling in your eyes. You’d never talk too badly about him, you loved him too much

He grunted. “I don’t fuckin’ believe you. Funny how your pussy is sloppy as fuck for your shitty fuckin’ boyfriend,” he growled, squeezing the skin of your ass harshly.

Tears rolled down your cheeks. You knew he’d never outright say it, but you knew him well enough to know you’d deeply hurt him by not communicating with him, packing a bag and leaving him to worry. You knew you were justified in how you felt, but he had a point, too. If you had confronted him more than vaguely a few months ago, this probably wouldn’t have happened.

“You’re not
I just don’t feel important to you
” you sniffled, tucking your face against the cloth of the couch.

You inhaled sharply when his strong body was draped over your back, his face rubbing against your neck as you cried softly. You could feel his stubble scraping across your skin, making a chill run down your spine as you smelt his heavy caramel and smoky scent - a product of his quirk and all the sweating he did during training.

ever leave me again,” he breathed in a deep voice against your ear, his grip on your wrists tightening for moments before releasing them and wrapping his arms around your waist. Your breath hitched when you felt his cock slide against your folds teasingly. “Don’t ever fuckin’ leave me again
” he repeated, tightening his hold on your waist, “if you ever fuckin’ left me
I don’t
” he shook slightly against your back, as though the very thought made him tremble with despair, “I’d fuckin’ lose it. No one can have you but me - nobody,”

You gripped the back of the couch, crying out loudly as he entered you in one fluid thrust before you could respond. He didn’t want a response, any moment of vulnerability was cut short the second he said what he needed to say. It’s just the way he was.

“Fuck,” he groaned hotly in your ear, gripping your hips as he panted. Your eyes fluttered, lips parting as he began rolling his hips into you, bearing down on your body with his. The squelching noise from how soaked you were almost made you cringe, but you were too blissed out to think about being embarrassed. “Slutty pussy drippin’ down my balls,” he hissed darkly, sliding his hand to the front of your throat and giving you a hot, open mouthed kiss on your shoulder as he leaned up. He held your throat and began a brutal pace, lurching you forward into the couch as you whined and gripped the fabric harshly.

“Fuckin’ hell, princess,” he grunted as you pushed back into his brutal thrusts, your mouth falling open, “such a fuckin’ hopeless slut, aren’t you?” He growled, his grip on your throat tightening a fraction.

He slapped his hand across your ass once more, making you squeak as he continued to roughly slam you into the couch. “Tryin’ to act like you don’t want it so fuckin’ bad. Do I have to re-train this slutty pussy of yours?” He growled, moans tumbling from your lips as you felt the beginnings of your climax starting to inch across your body. You were so fucking close

” you moaned, biting your lip, “please
” you whined, feeling feverish and desperate as he slammed into you, his thick cock sliding against your walls and stroking the fire inside you. Your thighs were trembling as you tethered on the edge, pushing back into him messily.

“C’mon, cum on your shitty boyfriends cock, princess,” he snapped, curling his hand in your hair and harshly yanking your head back as the bliss of your climax crashed into you and you cried out loudly, jerking against him as you fluttered around him. He hissed through his teeth, a grunt leaving his lips as he grabbed both your hips. You were draped over the couch limply as he roughly chased his own release, feeling like a fucked out doll that couldn’t even move.

“Fuck, gonna cum inside you
fuck, that’s it baby,” he groaned, sounding desperate and gripping your hips harshly as he pulled you back against his him. He was moving at a bruising pace that was getting uncoordinated and sloppy as he got close. “Gonna
fuckin’ take it,” he growled, slamming his hips against yours as he pulsed inside of you, make you gasp as he groaned in pleasure. You could feel his strong thighs trembling against yours as he rutted against you, his fingers leaving bruises on your soft skin as he panted harshly.

You were both quiet for moments as you tried to catch your breath. You certainly hadn’t expected this to happen, but you couldn’t lie and say it wasn’t a pleasant surprise.

Damn him. There was no way you weren’t going to go back home with him, and he likely knew it.

“I’ll take more time and I’ll wake your ass up when I get home, alright?” He said in a gruff voice, leaning down and rubbing his face against your hair, “and don’t tell me to not wake you up to fuck, too late for that shit.”

You couldn’t stop yourself when a laugh bubbled from your throat as he grunted and pulled out, quickly moving fabric between your legs to stop his cum from dripping onto Minas couch. You turned to look, seeing he was cleaning you with his own shirt. You smirked, shaking your head as you sat up and began grabbing the clothes he ripped off, getting dressed as he pulled his pants up, his ripped upper body on display. He always made sure to clean you up afterwards, and though his brows were pinched in irritation, he’d still take care of you.

“Practice ran longer than expected, but I had shit planned,” he said roughly, rubbing his hand over his undercut and then crossing his arms, “I’ve had a lot of shit to do lately. I’m not stupid, I fuckin’ know I ain’t been there enough. But fuck, it’s temporary. Can’t you just bear with me? Damn woman, you don’t have to try to leave me-“

“I wasn’t leaving, Katsuki!” You exclaimed, waving your arms out, “I was feeling really negative and I just needed space to

“About what?” He snapped, walking up to you and wrapping his arms around you, yanking you against his naked chest, “you just wanted to fuckin’ punish me instead of just talkin’ to me.”

You pursed your lips. Was that even true? Did you just want to make him think he was losing you?

You sighed, pushing your forehead against his chest. “Can we just
go home? Mina should be back soon.”

“So? She already missed the show,” Katsuki snorted, making you smile as you looked up at him, propping your chin on his chest.

“I love you, Katsuki.”

He smirked, “I love you too, fuckin’ brat.”

A/N: I’m currently working on my other pieces! Since it’s been a while, I decided to upload this one from my drafts in the mean time! 💗

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