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Easybeezy - Hello Gang - Tumblr Blog
“don’t judge a book by it’s cover”, I say as I remain a slut for a book with a pretty cover.

i drew.. Them… The Girls……
people trying to defend Mac products in the year of our lord 2020, like honey, please, leave him, I know he looks cool and fast and you’ve been dating since high school, but he’s isolating you, this isn’t good, the new iMac is just

the literal keyboard and mouse are sold separately

It’s almost impossible to repair
You’ll find another fast processor out there, I promise. There’s just no fixing him (literally)
Someone on tumblr: i think you should just be nice to each other
Some else: well actually my parents were really shitty people so how dare you shame me for being a dick to everyone
please please please teach your children to cook while they still live under your roof. even the most elementary things can’t be overlooked. because i just had to show my 24 year old boyfriend how to use a potato peeler and now i need to lay down for an hour
She’s got the right idea and she’s trying her best.

#the blueprint
Hello there

a gunman in georgia just went on a shooting spree targeting asian owned business in a hate crime involving 8 deaths of people with varying nationalities (6 asian, with 1 white woman and 1 white man) last night. (click on photos to enlarge, credits to @frogvk on twitter for the graphics)
boss dropped out of the zoom meeting cause his cat has learned how to unplug the desktop computer when he’s hungry
“guys” is beyond gender. beyond humanity. if i see three birds together, im like “what are those guys up to”. a group of 3-4 objects is guys. 2 apples and a banana in a fruit basket. thats guys.

thinking about this dynamic

miss piggy puts up with so much as a woman in show business and her response to misogyny is never to turn the other cheek or take the high road. it's to physically attack people. and she's right.
it's a classic scam. you buy cheap ingredients, renovate them using heat and other ingredients and flip em. by the time the cops catch up you've moved on to another dish
me: [vibrating slightly because I had too much caffeine] everything in the world is my fault
the godfather 4

these make me so happy 🥺
It’s all the ass slapping for me

my brain before going through airport security: what if i accidentally have a gun