584 posts
If Getting Boots Is A Nightmare, Just Transform People Into Them, I Volunteer!
If getting boots is a nightmare, just transform people into them, I volunteer!
"Really?!" I half laugh at you, my tattered shoes blackened from dirt and almost soggy with sweat. "Fu#king ace!" As I kick off my old ruined boots and instantly you felt like your whole body was going numb. I leant forwards as your view started to drop, fast! "I hate shopping, takes days and my boots a wrecked by my massive size 15s. Like an elephant bro" you try to moan and protest as you realise what you've really done to yourself. But all that comes put is a muffled splatter as your tongue becomes thick and wide, then filled your mouth and turning into fabric.
Your new shoe tongue replacing your old tongue as ADIDAS appeared across it. I laigh down at you as you struggle on the floor. Arms and legs shrinking away as your head flattens out to take my stinking worker feet. "Dude! Adidas in my size?! Ima qear you until your destroyed!" As you felt yourself being picked up. Mouth frozen open as I slipped my foot inside.
"But tight ain't ya, won't be after a few weeks without being taken off innit" I pushed hard and manhandled your fabric prison body open to force my sweaty meat paws inside you. You could taste everything, dirt, sweat, the cum from the dirty socks, the hot work gym, all mixed into one boot musk. The stink of a huge footed man's shoes. Your stink. My weight flattening you, filling you entirely, a few stitches snapped and burst as the start of the slow tearing apart by the rough giant soles and toes pressed up inside you.
"Better get to the gym, think ill walk... break you in init"

Hope that shows ya what a mistake volunteering is 😈
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More Posts from Eatmebaby
Physical Examination
Kane was at the doctor's office. His asshole had been stinging like a motherfucker for the last few days and he finally decided he'd get it checked out, in case he'd seriously damaged it. He didn't plan on telling the doctor he'd hurt it by shoving three people in one day up his ass because he was hungry, if he asked he was just going to say he was a fan of large dildos.
He'd been there about 20 minutes and things were going smoothly. Dr Clarke had asked some pretty awkward questions but nothing that would expose Kane's anal predatory nature. He didn't know where his gift came from but all he knew was that his ass was usually starving, and needed a man up there to keep it full.
"Yeah your hole is probably just overworked, give it some time to rest and it should be back to normal in a few more days. I'll prescribe some painkillers in the meantime" the doc said, reaching for his notebook.
"Fuck" Kane thought to himself. He would've stocked up on a fresh guy if he knew he'd have to wait a few days. "Thanks doc" he said, trying not to sound too annoyed.
"I'll take a quick look down there just to make sure it all looks in order before you head off" Clarke said while putting a pair of gloves on. This sparked a glimmer of happiness inside Kane. The good doctor wasn't that big, a short but skinny guy in his late 20s, so Kane figured he wouldn't put too much strain on his fragile hole. He'd certainly sucked bigger guys up his ass in the past.
Kane stood up and bent over the table, dropping his trousers and exposing his firm, bubbly ass to the doctor. "Well one thing's for sure, you're certainly not running out of ass fat for a good while!" Clarke joked, chuckling a little. He got on his knees and parted Kane's cheeks with his hand, exposing his hungry hole.
"It's a little red, but friction is bound to cause some visual damage" he said, flashing a torch on the hole. He placed a finger on Kane's asshole to make sure there was no swelling and that was when Kane took his moment to pounce. Before Dr Clarke had time to react his finger was pulled into Kane's hole with some force.
"That's funny, I haven't even put vaseline on" he said, feeling his hand sink further in. Kane just smiled.
"Yeah it's naturally pretty open sometimes you don't even need lube, I'd just use your other hand to get it out!" He said, slyly. Clarke complied, placing his other hand on Kane's hole. Instead of pulling his left hand out his right one was also caught by his grip. Kane moaned quietly, the feeling of a man being sucked up his ass never failed to turn him on, no matter how sensitive his hole was.
"Yeah I think that's just made things worse" Clarke said nervously, trying to free his hands, which were now completely consumed by Kane's hole.
"Just try and relax, they should just come out on their own" Kane said from above. The doctor took a deep breath and relaxed his muscles, hoping his hands would just slip out. Little did he know this would make things worse. Kane's ass really shifted into gear, pulling Clarke up to his elbows in seconds. The inside of Kane's ass was surprisingly slimy, able to pull its prey further into his rectum with ease.
"What the fuck? What's wrong with your ass?!" The doctor shouted, panic in his voice as he desperately tried to break free from Kane's voracious grasp.
"There's nothing wrong with it, it's just hungry" he laughed, now audibly moaning as the doctor's arms brushed against his prostate. "NURSE!" He screamed, trying to get somebody's attention. "Oh no you don't!" Kane shouted, slamming his ass forward and consuming Clarke's face. His screams were immediately muffled, as his hole opened further to accommodate the man.
Clarke's head and shoulders were swiftly pulled in by Kane's ass, which increased its suction as his hole got gradually wider. Within a minute of putting his finger on Kane's hole, Clarke had been pulled up to his chest. His legs kicked in midair, trying in vain to grip onto something. Nothing was able to free him from Kane's grasp though, his body was only pulled further into Kane's wet, slimy rectum.
As more of Dr Clarke brushed Kane's prostate he moaned in ecstasy, grabbing his erect cock. It only took a few tugs before he shot a thick, creamy load all over the office carpet. He had to stop himself from screaming with pleasure as to not attract any unwanted attention from nurses or patients outside.
After orgasming Kane let his ass go to town on the doctor, who was now up to his knees. In a few more powerful flexes Clarke's body was completely gone, trapped inside Kane's tight, hungry rectum. "Fuck that felt amazing!" He moaned, pulling up his trousers and laughing as he jiggled his meaty, bubbly cheeks.

"HELP! SOMEBODY GET ME OUT OF HERE!" Clarke screamed. Kane's rectum was tight and boiling, making Clarke's body sweat and rub along the walls of his ass. "Scream all you like, no one can hear you inside my thick ass, all this fat keeps it soundproof, and now you get to add to it!"
"What do you mean add to it? You're gonna let me out right?! You can't just keep me in here I've got a boyfriend waiting for me at home!" Clarke pleaded, hoping the predator would take pity on him. "I can do whatever I like to anyone, I'm a pred and you're my prey, just like a deer doesn't get to tell a wolf what to do!" Kane responded, gleefully fondling his new ass. "Maybe I'll pay your boy a visit and show him where you've gone, it'll be like a little reunion, looks like your home address is here on the table." Kane laughed, moving over to the Doctor's desk.
Clarke tried to respond but Kane just flexed his ass muscles, squeezing and crushing his helpless prey's body before he could speak. The slime dripping down the walls of Kane's ass had started to break down Clarke's body, seeping into his skin and starting to absorb him. "Please, it's starting to sting my skin, I just want to come outside for air!" His voice was full of fear and exhaustion, caused by Kane's ass continuing to squeeze and constrict his skinny body.
Kane just smirked as the man inside his ass begged for his life. Heleft the doctor's office, with Clarke still alive and squirming inside him, he could tell that by now he was too exhausted to scream loud enough to attract attention. He went to the front desk and handed the receptionist the last prescription that Dr Clarke ever wrote before being turned into ass food. The receptionist handed him a bottle of pills from under her desk and Kane left the building.
All the while Clarke tried to shout, but his voice hurt whenever he made a sound. He could feel his bones creaking as Kane's ass continued to crush his body. He walked past several doctors and nurses, a few of them he heard asking where about doctor Clarke had gotten to. Kane just smiled, knowing that he was packed tightly inside his meaty ass, writing in agony as his body continued to digest the doctor. Kane soon reached his car and got in.
As Kane's ass slammed on the front seat of his car he heard a noisy, powerful CRUNCH as Dr Clarke's body finally crumbled under the pressure inside his ass, breaking his bones and immediately knocking him out of consciousness. Kane settled in his seat, feeling his body start to digest Clarke's remains. He smiled as Clarke's corpse was broken down, knowing this would provide his ass with enough food while he rested and let his hole completely recover.

Chad's roommate, Ian, got some free donuts at work. While Ian happily accepted them, with thoughts of surprising the sculpted hunk of a man that Chad is, with the delicious pastries floated in his mind, what the slender short kind-hearted cutie didn't expect was Chad eating up more than just donuts. However, Ian wasn't the only one surprised by the evenings outcome. Seeing his cute defenseless roomie with a box full of donuts made Chad's stomach grumble beyond anything he's heard before. And while Chad could eat a lot, he never thought lil Ian would be on the menu tonight. Possibly a mix of the testosterone in his system and his muscles crying for nourishment drove him over the edge and the fella found himself tucked behind Chad's abs, the trip down the alpha's tight muscled throat massaging the lithe body down past Chad's pecs being warm and moist. "Oooff... Buddy, Don't know what came over me. Something about these goods... just pushed me over the edge." gurrgle, groan, grumble "Damn, and I'm still hungry. Hope ya don't mind chewed up goods. Down the hatch." Chocolate cream and icing mixed in with masticated bread showered Ian. His meak squirms only served to make Chad squirm in pleasure. The full feeling had the alpha erect and nearly at mercy of the soon to be boysoup's frantic but restricted movements. "Settle down there dude. Might make me bust a nut. Maybe that's what you want? Some of my own icing on these donuts."
Nostalgia Trip (Commission)
(Contains: M/M, Farting, face/mouth-farting, kidnapping, bullying, age-gap, non-consent, foot licking, poor hygiene, mild scat, references to underage.)
Darren couldn’t believe his eyes. He’d travelled down to his alma mater to help him son get settled in for his first semester, and who should his boy be rooming with, but his good ol’ fart sniffer Luke? Only, it wasn’t Lukie Boy, it was some guy named Jordan, who’s his absolute spitting image. He had to brace himself on the cheap dorm desk. He felt like he’d fallen through some sort of time rift. The boy’s hair was a bit longer, and his face a bit sharper due to the added couple of years, but other than that, the young man in front of him could have been Luke’s doppleganger. Same straight brown hair, pale skin, full lips, blue eyes. Same skinny but tall build. The sort of Nancy boy who deserved to be put in his place—used by real men.
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A Compassionate Pred
Josh was excited. He knew he was going to eat good that night. He'd been holding his future meal, Harry, at his house for just over a week. Harry hadn't been able to leave, but Josh wanted to make sure his last week on earth was pleasurable. He always liked to make sure they were well taken care of as he prepared to eat them. Josh was handsome, with tanned skin and a great set of abs. He'd managed to lure Harry over to his house on a dating app, charming him into what would become his temporary home over the coming days.

Even though Harry couldn't leave, he still had full roam of the house, and even access to Josh's snacks and food. Josh had served him a delicious meal every night, from fine steak with red wine to home made pizza; even though Josh's favourite food was a full grown man he still enjoyed cooking normal food to perfection as well. Plus, feeding his prey on a diet of rich food and drink made sure they were extra tender when the moment finally came, like fattening a goose for Christmas.
He usually kept his prey at his place for a week, but he decided to keep Harry there an extra few days, partly because he liked him and partly because it'd make him more succulent. In the meantime he would find strangers to gobble down while he prepared Harry. He didn't lie to Harry about his fate either, letting him know what was going to happen and how unpleasant it would be. He figured it would help Harry appreciate his last few days.
So the day had finally come, by tomorrow morning Harry would just be fat on Josh's waistline. He woke Harry up at 8:30, not too early but not so late that he wouldn't have enough time to appreciate the day. "Morning sleepyhead," he said, smiling down at Harry as he rubbed sleep from his eyes, "you look beautiful this morning." He caressed Harry's hair as he complemented him, he always liked making the guys he selected feel special.
He served Harry smoked salmon on toast with a little champagne for breakfast. After, he let Harry watch TV and play his Xbox for as long as he liked. Lunch was Harry's own request, and he simply asked for a Caesar salad. "It's one of my favourites" he mumbled when Josh asked what he wanted. Despite the nice treatment he couldn't help being a little miserable as he knew what was coming later on. Josh had spared no detail in describing what was in store for him, painful digestion in his tight stomach; he'd likely be screaming and flailing around inside Josh's stomach as it broke him down into fat and nutrients.
Dinner was risotto, something fancy but quick, so Josh wouldn't be too tired when it came to his own dinner time. Harry ate it slowly, trying to draw it out for as long as possible to avoid his fate. But eventually the meal was gone, and all that was left was an empty plate for Harry to stare down at. "Do you have to do this?" He asked Josh, trying to delay his fate even more. He knew the answer would be yes but if it meant he wouldn't be eaten yet he was all up for chit chat. "I mean I'm grateful for the whole nice treatment and everything but I'm not a huge fan of what comes next."
"I get it" Josh said. It was what he always said, he knew of course that he would never understand the mindset of prey, he was just built differently, with that inane need to eat his living prey. But he was nonetheless sympathetic, he couldn't imagine that it's pleasant knowing that you're soon going to be inside another man, destined to become nutrients. Sometimes he wondered if it eating guys straight away was kinder, but he always liked having at least one guy in preparation; they just tasted better, like meat that's been left to marinate in the fridge.
"It's just the way it has to be. I know that sounds harsh but there's not really any way to say I'm going to eat you and painfully digest you kindly." Josh said, trying to sound sorry. "Look on the bright side, at least you won't be going for nothing, most people just pass on and that's it. You'll be helping me achieve a better body." Harry just grunted, in his mind there was hardly any point in helping Josh's body if he wasn't going to be around to see it.
"Now" Josh said, smiling as he saw Harry was done. "I'll run you a nice hot bath and you just relax, nothing feels better than stressed out meat" he laughed. Harry didn't laugh back, not really seeing much humour in his imminent digestion, but the bath did sound nice. Within a few minutes he was laying down in the bath. The temperature was perfect and he could feel every muscle relaxing like jelly. It was so blissful that he eventually nodded off. Josh peeked in and looked at the sleeping figure, and figured this would be the easiest way to do it.
"Time to go" he said to Harry, who didn't wake up. He gently lifted him out of the bath and brought him to the bedroom, careful not to disturb him. He dried him off softly until Harry and sleeping serenely on the bed and no longer wet. He moved to the end of the bed and admired Harry's body from his feet upwards, fixing his image in his brain before he was gone. "Here we go" Josh said to himself, unhinging his mouth.
Eating Harry was perfect. He hardly stirred at all as Josh's mouth moved up his legs, consuming his knees. Harry's skin was so soft from all the rich food, Josh could feel the juices ooze out of his skin as his tongue danced along it. As he reached Harry's hips he began to involuntarily moan in his sleep. Josh's tongue twisted and licked Harry's now erect cock as it slipped into his mouth. He let out more unconscious moans as the nerves in his cock tingled with pleasure, until hot, creamy cum shot from his cock as he slept. Josh was happy he could give Harry one final orgasm before he went down the hatch.
Harry hardly made a sound for the rest of the process. It didn't take Josh too long to reach his neck, the fact he was asleep meant there wasn't any resistance from his meal at all. He then slipped Harry past his lips and shut his mouth over his handsome face, swallowing his entire body. This was when Harry finally woke up. The feeling of being dropped into Josh's hot, steamy stomach was enough to disturb his pleasant slumber. For a moment the humidity made him think he was still in the bath. But then the smell hit him, the scent of partially digested food, stomach acid, all mixed in with Josh's natural smell hung in Harry's nose and made his throat sting.
His muscles were still relaxed from the soothing bath but it didn't take long for them to tighten up again. The fear and stress of realising where he was made Harry start to panic. He knew it had been coming but it still didn't prepare him for the real thing. Josh's walls hugged his body, forcing Harry to curl into a ball as he brushed against the slimy, fleshy surface around him. The hot bath mixed with all the rich food he'd been eating over the last week also made Harry's skin much more sensitive, beginning to blister almost as soon as he entered Josh's hungry body. He would have resisted, punching the walls or begging to be released, but Josh had drilled it into his head so much during his time there that he'd basically come to accept his fate, even though he wasn't happy about it.
Outside Josh admired the new belly that bulged out before him. Even though he felt bad for Harry and had come to like him, he knew that being fed was always the most important thing. He moved over to the mirror and snapped a few pictures for himself to admire, and to remember Harry by. They also served to show josh how much bigger his belly had gotten since Harry had entered it.

He fondled his belly affectionately, trying to make sure Harry was as comfortable as he could be inside him. "How are you doing in there?" He asked, hoping he wasn't in too much pain yet. "My skin is starting to itch" Harry replied, "I'm guessing it's only going to get worse from here" he said as he felt more stomach acid get spewed onto his body.
"Yeah, sorry about that. But y'know, circle of life and everything!" Josh said, trying to justify the position he'd put Harry in. He knew it was the right thing to do, but Harry wasn't a pred and wouldn't ever understand that mindset. Harry was born to be eaten, and even though he was never going to be happy about it there was nothing he could do to change it; it's like tigers and gazelles.
Josh let out a loud BUUUUURP, trying to not suck out all the air from his stomach. He knew it would cause Harry more pain but he always felt that prey digested better when they were conscious for longer. Besides, at this point Josh knew that his needs were more important than Harry's comfort, as cruel as that sounded, just like him being fed was more important than Harry's life.
After ten minutes or so it was clear the digestion was starting to really kick in. The temperature had cranked up inside Josh's belly and more stomach acid was being pelted onto his slowly weakening body. His skin was stinging as he was digested alive inside Josh, and the agonizing pain was so bad that he soon started screaming. The scolding bath in Josh's stomach acid made Harry long for the nice house and royal treatment he'd received over the last week, which was like heaven compared to this. Outside Josh listened to the muffled screams, he tried to softly rub his stomach to sooth Harry in some way, but he knew there wasn't much he could do to help, Harry's fate was sealed.
The screaming and thrashing continued, causing Josh's belly to wriggle frantically, but soon began to die down as Harry became weaker. His punches and kicks became slower as his strength waned, and his screams began to quieten down as his throat became more exhausted. Soon he faded out of consciousness as his body became too tired to carry on, and Josh's stomach started to turn him into meaty soup.
Outside Josh felt Harry slowly fall asleep inside him, and he gave his new belly an affectionate pat. "Thanks buddy" he said. He genuinely was thankful, thankful that there was always a supply of prey for him, and thankful that he knew how to prepare them properly. Part of him always felt a little guilty for what he did, but the other part knew that he was a pred, and it was what he was made to do. And so, with the last of Harry being digested by his stomach, Josh went to sleep, wondering who he'd catch and keep at his place next.