584 posts
A Pred's Perspective: (digestion, Fatal Vore)
A pred's perspective: (digestion, fatal vore)
I smile devilishly at you, and lick my lips, opening my mouth wide as I bend forwards and press my hungry, salivating mouth firmy against your forehead. Slowly, steadily, my jaws begin to widen, my lips sliding further and further apart across your face and head
"Mhhhhhhh...... Uhhhhhhhmmmmmm....."
I moan happily as your sweet flavor fills my mouth, while my wriggling tongue slips and slides over every inch of your face, eagerly lapping up the succulent flavor. My drooling lips slide hungrily down over your chin and the back of your neck, sealing your entire head within the hot, wet confines of my cavernous, slurping maw. As the top of your head begins to press against the back of my throat, hot streams of saliva dribble down from my maw down onto your body while my luscious lips work their way over your neck and shoulders.
My tight throat eagerly gulps and sucks, slurping your head deep into it's slick, greedy, pulsating confines. I place my hand against my throat, feeling the imprint of your face tightly pressed against the thin, muscular skin. The rings of tough cartilage lining my throat squeeze and constrict, tightening around your head, slowly working you deeper into the tight, slimy tube as your chest fills my mouth, and begins to follow your head down into the depths of my gullet.
My throat pulsates and contracts around you, squeezing your wriggling body as your face smooshes up against a tight, muscular ring of flesh nestled at the bottom of my throat. The greedy sphincter slowly gapes open, greedily sucking and slurping at your head, eager to gulp you down into the depths of my hot, humid gut. As you slide closer to your inevitable fate in my swampy stomach, my lips slither over your hips, and wrap happily around your kicking, struggling thighs.
My plump potbelly begins to swell and distend, the soft, pudgy skin bulging and stretching outwards inch by inch as your struggling body is crammed into my damp, smelly gut. I groan with satisfaction, and slap my quaking, shifting belly, feeling you push and shift wildly within my depths as I slowly slurp your supple legs up like luscious noodles
I playfully lick your feet, running my tongue over your wiggling toes as your the bulge of your knees slowly slide down the length of my throat. Finally, after deciding that I've toyed with you enough, I decide to finish it. I close my mouth tightly over your feet, sealing the entirety of your body within mine, before giving one, final, triumphant gulp, sending the rest of my wriggling meal sliding down into my hungry gut
I laugh, and let out a thunderous belch, slapping my bulging abdomen playfully
"Enjoying your accommodations, meat? Better get used to that gut, because the rest of your short-- URRP! ah, pathetic life will be spent in that gut!"
I let out a heavy sigh, and burp once more, happily rubbing my grumbling gut as I make my way to the bed, and flop down, feeling your weight shift and move within me.
"All your life up until this point you probably thought you were a person who mattered and deserved to live a normal life. But that's not the case. Let's be real here. Your worthless little body is meant to feed hungrier beings like me, and deep down, you know it."
Within the cramped confines of your hot, squishy prison, the muscular walls hug you tightly, gently squeezing your trembling form. The gurgling, pulsating folds of slimy, meaty flesh envelop you completely, nearly smothering you with their hot, powerful embrace.
"You probably don't want to be digested. But my gut says otherwise, and deep down, so does your body. You're nothing but food gutslut. Your body knows that you're food, your instincts know that you're food, my belly knows that you're food, hell, even your DNA knows you're only food...."
I giggle, and clench my abdominal muscles, squeezing your helpless body as I caress and stroke my distended gut, gently rubbing the swollen outline of your figure. The powerful, muscular walls press into you with terrifying strength, squeezing the breath from your lungs and the air from my gut, forcing a hot, gassy bubble of wind to race up my throat and erupt noisily from my lips
"BRRRAAAPPP!!! Ahhhhhh! You really hit the spot, my dear little treat, it feels so good!"
The dripping, juicy walls of my belly continue to rub and squeeze you, smearing warm, thick, gooey mucus over your breathless, gasping body. The powerful undulations don't let up, and I feel your weary figure collapse helplessly within me, giggling wickedly as you go limp inside of my gut, falling still and silent as the walls continue to marinate your tender flesh with the thick slime.
I noisily belch once more as my warm gut shifts and pulses around your weak, vulnerable body. A happy grunt and another noisy burp escapes my lips as you gently twitch and spasm inside of me, shifting around about within the hot, steaming pit of my stomach.The slime and mucus coating the thick walls of my gut and your helpless body is whisked and worked into a frothing, bubbly mess of foamy, sticky slime by the flexing, pulsating walls, noisily churning and groaning as they work away, preparing to melt my meal down to mush.
I sigh happily as my burbling gut softly quivers and shivers, the warm, thick layers of flabby, doughy flesh weighing down on your helplessly wriggling form as the heat in the humid chamber begins to grow to sweltering levels
"Having fun in there yet, my snack? Have you started to enjoy the way my gut is tenderizing your soft, sweet meat?"
My belly lets out an eager rumble, the pulsating, slick walls trembling excitedly as they press into you, massaging your soft flesh with their strong, hungry flexes and squeezes. Another ravenous growl rumbles up from the depths of my impatient, hungry gut, ominously growing deeper and louder with each passing second.
"Do you hear that, meat? My stomach is impatient! It's getting tired of just holding your weak, helpless body prisoner; it's hungry, and it's tired of waiting to feed..."
My gut groans impatiently as the walls flex and squeeze you roughly in anticipation. The temperature of my stomach is now truly uncomfortable, the meaty walls hot enough to cause discomfort with a slight touch to your tender flesh. The powerful, merciless walls of your fleshy prison continue to violently squeeze and thrash your weary, battered form, leaving aching bruises and bumps all over your helpless, weak form. I continue to squeeze and clench around your sweaty body as the frothy mucus grows hotter and thicker, filling my stomach with the stench of bile
My belly lets out a triumphant groan as the walls press inwards, smearing the thick, bubbling froth into your tender flesh. The stench of bubbling acid fills the tight, hot space, overwhelming the senses with it's putrid aroma as your flesh begins to sizzle and bubble, slowly melting away as the churning juices grow stronger and pool up around you, filling the chamber slowly
I smirk cruelly, overwhelmingly pleased with the knowledge that I had complete and total domination over you. Your're helpless, unable to even struggle as you're melted into slush, completely at the mercy of my cruel, uncaring gut, and we both know it.
I feel your body go lifeless and limp within me, tensing up and growing firm as the powerful sheets of muscle squeeze you tighter than ever before, pressing your body into a helpless ball before your soft, mushy, acid soaked form bursts like a hot, meaty water balloon, drenching the walls of my stomach with the liquified remains of your pulpy, crushed up corpse. I burp noisily once more, this one much wetter and meatier, sending a soggy, half digested pair of panties shooting out from between my contented lips, hitting the wall with a wet "splat!" as I let out a happy sigh, and lie down on my back, letting the sloshy bulge of chunky meat sag down between my legs. A hungry gurgle echoes up from my happy gut as the pulpy chunks within begin to be broken down and dissolved by acid, the sloppy mess churning and frothing noisily
I place my hand against my bloated, gurgling stomach, and give it an experimental shake, giggling wickedly as I feel your soupy remains slosh and splash beneath my touch, shaking and wobbling my swollen gut like a water balloon. A low, noisy gurgle rises up from the sloshy mess, and the churning human stew begins to bubble and gurgle as it drains down into my dank, groaning bowels, preparing to be absorbed and converted into yet another layer of jiggling pudge for my tubby gut.
"Thanks for the meal, it was certainly the best I've had in a while... It'll take quite some time to sleep the rest of you off..."
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More Posts from Eatmebaby

Best Friends Forever, right?
There’s no denying the instantaneous click, the spark of compatibility that was felt by William and Lucas when they first met back when they moved in together a year ago. Their first few conversations were devoid of awkwardness, almost as if they’ve known each other for years when it’s only been a few days. What followed after was an incredible, fulfilling friendship and months of joyous laughter and shared memories.

They often commemorated those memories, snapping pictures of themselves together whenever they could under Lucas’ request, who oftentimes was side-hugged by the bearded William in them, trying to make the most of his short-lived moments with Lucas.
You see, William had become his housemate temporarily as he searched for the ideal place to live, which admittedly was far, far away geographically from the location he met Lucas in. Their friendship had an expiration date from the get-go, and while William hoped he wouldn’t entirely lose contact of Lucas even after moving out, he’d still have to deal with the repercussions of being far away from him.
And today was that day.
William had everything packed and ready to go, standing at the edge of the doorway with his plentiful of boxes behind. “Damn, I knew this day was coming yet it feels faster than it should’ve.” William said, “I wish I could’ve stayed longer with you buddy.”
“Then you’ll like the surprise I prepared for you.” Lucas replied.
“You had a surprise prepared? And I thought you weren’t good at hiding surprises.”
“Trust me, this one I did my best to hide. Think of it as a parting gift of sorts. You just need to close your eyes for me for a moment.”
William was curious. If it’s a surprise Lucas managed to hide that well it’s a surprise worth hiding, he thought, and so his eyes closed, anticipating the gift with excitement, when suddenly he felt something slick and warm rapidly surrounding him, and a vice-like grip grasping his arms. He instinctively opened his eyes in shock, and through the little light that made it he could see the inside of a mouth. Lucas’s mouth.
“Lucas, what the fuck?” Is all William could say before his head was gulped down his friend’s tight esophagus. He tried to struggle and push himself away with his hands, but Lucas had a tight grip on them, he never realized how much stronger his friend physically was.
Whenever William tried to speak, all that would come out are a few muffled sounds as the meat of his friend’s throat hugged his face tightly, making a distinct bulge on the outside. He felt himself slide down deeper with each gulp that followed, more of his body being satisfactorily tasted by his friend’s tongue who took his sweet time savoring every inch, moaning and murmuring at how delicious and euphoric it felt.
Soon enough only the last of William remained on the outside, Lucas simply lifted his head up and let his former friend slide down with the aid of gravity, his stomach starting to bulge out even farther. Wiliam’s toes slowly slid past Lucas’ teeth, and once they did he snapped his mouth shut, taking the final gulp that would seal his friend in a chamber of unavoidable torture.
“Ahhh,” Lucas’ took a deep breath as William’s body fully adjusted to the tight space that is his stomach. “BOOOOUUUUURRRRRPPPPP!” before letting out a large burp that would purge most of it.

“Welcome to your new home, William.” Lucas gave his belly a smack, “I know it’s not what you’ve been looking for in the past year, but hey, that’s what makes it a surprise.”
“New home? This isn’t some kind of sick joke?” William was frightened, after being overpowered he hoped it was a sick prank and nothing more.
“You know how I’m like when I’m serious. You moved out while moving in me, couldn’t ask for anything better eh?” He let out another burp, making sure to re-swallow some air for the trapped prey.
“Lucas, let me out! I don’t want to be in here!”
“Why not? It’s only temporary. And plus, food doesn’t get to order me around. Remember, you’re in me. I own you now.”
“Temporary? Own me?! Lucas, what happened to you?!” William was baffled at how Lucas’ demeanor seemed to have changed, this wasn’t the friend he knew at all.
“Temporary because I’m going to digest ya. Sorry if you haven’t figured that out already buddy, but that’s what happens to food.” He laughed. “And nothing happened. I’ve had this planned from the get-go. I always saw you as food first before a friend.”
“You mean to tell me eveyrthing we’ve shared meant nothing to you?!” William retorted, struggling in Lucas’ belly but never managing to move much due to how tight it was around him.
“Oh, it did. It meant that your final moments would be much more satisfying. The only way for me to enjoy fully consuming someone is knowing who they are as a person beforehand, to know everything that they are before I reduce them to nothing but food. Strip all of what made them what they are. And then, after you’re long gone, I can look back at the pictures we shared.” Lucas flexed his stomach.
“You were important to me!” William shouted, “I saw you as one of the best people I’ve ever met!”
“You were important to me too. Just not in the same way.” Lucas laughed, continuing to flex his abs which made the space William was in much, much tighter. Crushingly tight. William’s body was forced into an uncomfortable position where his words came out muffled.
What followed after was hours upon hours of agonizing digestion for William. The more minutes his body spent marinating in acids, the weaker he became. His skin turned red and bruised, his muscles torn apart and he couldn’t barely move, and the pain caused him to scream and shout non-stop, even after his vocal cords had been damaged. Lucas didn’t aid in relieving that at all. He wanted to hear his pain and to witness his final moments for as long as he could. Constantly teasing the man inside of him about his inevitable fate that was decided the moment they first met.
Lucas felt him grew weaker and weaker, and knew his final moments were coming. He started flexing, causing another bout of pain for his unfortunate prey. “You always said we were best friends forever, right?” Lucas said, teasing William that he has now essentially become part of him, and flexed even harder, hearing the snapping of bones and a last round of pained screams before he fully died down.
Nostalgia Trip (Commission)
(Contains: M/M, Farting, face/mouth-farting, kidnapping, bullying, age-gap, non-consent, foot licking, poor hygiene, mild scat, references to underage.)
Darren couldn’t believe his eyes. He’d travelled down to his alma mater to help him son get settled in for his first semester, and who should his boy be rooming with, but his good ol’ fart sniffer Luke? Only, it wasn’t Lukie Boy, it was some guy named Jordan, who’s his absolute spitting image. He had to brace himself on the cheap dorm desk. He felt like he’d fallen through some sort of time rift. The boy’s hair was a bit longer, and his face a bit sharper due to the added couple of years, but other than that, the young man in front of him could have been Luke’s doppleganger. Same straight brown hair, pale skin, full lips, blue eyes. Same skinny but tall build. The sort of Nancy boy who deserved to be put in his place—used by real men.
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Physical Examination
Kane was at the doctor's office. His asshole had been stinging like a motherfucker for the last few days and he finally decided he'd get it checked out, in case he'd seriously damaged it. He didn't plan on telling the doctor he'd hurt it by shoving three people in one day up his ass because he was hungry, if he asked he was just going to say he was a fan of large dildos.
He'd been there about 20 minutes and things were going smoothly. Dr Clarke had asked some pretty awkward questions but nothing that would expose Kane's anal predatory nature. He didn't know where his gift came from but all he knew was that his ass was usually starving, and needed a man up there to keep it full.
"Yeah your hole is probably just overworked, give it some time to rest and it should be back to normal in a few more days. I'll prescribe some painkillers in the meantime" the doc said, reaching for his notebook.
"Fuck" Kane thought to himself. He would've stocked up on a fresh guy if he knew he'd have to wait a few days. "Thanks doc" he said, trying not to sound too annoyed.
"I'll take a quick look down there just to make sure it all looks in order before you head off" Clarke said while putting a pair of gloves on. This sparked a glimmer of happiness inside Kane. The good doctor wasn't that big, a short but skinny guy in his late 20s, so Kane figured he wouldn't put too much strain on his fragile hole. He'd certainly sucked bigger guys up his ass in the past.
Kane stood up and bent over the table, dropping his trousers and exposing his firm, bubbly ass to the doctor. "Well one thing's for sure, you're certainly not running out of ass fat for a good while!" Clarke joked, chuckling a little. He got on his knees and parted Kane's cheeks with his hand, exposing his hungry hole.
"It's a little red, but friction is bound to cause some visual damage" he said, flashing a torch on the hole. He placed a finger on Kane's asshole to make sure there was no swelling and that was when Kane took his moment to pounce. Before Dr Clarke had time to react his finger was pulled into Kane's hole with some force.
"That's funny, I haven't even put vaseline on" he said, feeling his hand sink further in. Kane just smiled.
"Yeah it's naturally pretty open sometimes you don't even need lube, I'd just use your other hand to get it out!" He said, slyly. Clarke complied, placing his other hand on Kane's hole. Instead of pulling his left hand out his right one was also caught by his grip. Kane moaned quietly, the feeling of a man being sucked up his ass never failed to turn him on, no matter how sensitive his hole was.
"Yeah I think that's just made things worse" Clarke said nervously, trying to free his hands, which were now completely consumed by Kane's hole.
"Just try and relax, they should just come out on their own" Kane said from above. The doctor took a deep breath and relaxed his muscles, hoping his hands would just slip out. Little did he know this would make things worse. Kane's ass really shifted into gear, pulling Clarke up to his elbows in seconds. The inside of Kane's ass was surprisingly slimy, able to pull its prey further into his rectum with ease.
"What the fuck? What's wrong with your ass?!" The doctor shouted, panic in his voice as he desperately tried to break free from Kane's voracious grasp.
"There's nothing wrong with it, it's just hungry" he laughed, now audibly moaning as the doctor's arms brushed against his prostate. "NURSE!" He screamed, trying to get somebody's attention. "Oh no you don't!" Kane shouted, slamming his ass forward and consuming Clarke's face. His screams were immediately muffled, as his hole opened further to accommodate the man.
Clarke's head and shoulders were swiftly pulled in by Kane's ass, which increased its suction as his hole got gradually wider. Within a minute of putting his finger on Kane's hole, Clarke had been pulled up to his chest. His legs kicked in midair, trying in vain to grip onto something. Nothing was able to free him from Kane's grasp though, his body was only pulled further into Kane's wet, slimy rectum.
As more of Dr Clarke brushed Kane's prostate he moaned in ecstasy, grabbing his erect cock. It only took a few tugs before he shot a thick, creamy load all over the office carpet. He had to stop himself from screaming with pleasure as to not attract any unwanted attention from nurses or patients outside.
After orgasming Kane let his ass go to town on the doctor, who was now up to his knees. In a few more powerful flexes Clarke's body was completely gone, trapped inside Kane's tight, hungry rectum. "Fuck that felt amazing!" He moaned, pulling up his trousers and laughing as he jiggled his meaty, bubbly cheeks.

"HELP! SOMEBODY GET ME OUT OF HERE!" Clarke screamed. Kane's rectum was tight and boiling, making Clarke's body sweat and rub along the walls of his ass. "Scream all you like, no one can hear you inside my thick ass, all this fat keeps it soundproof, and now you get to add to it!"
"What do you mean add to it? You're gonna let me out right?! You can't just keep me in here I've got a boyfriend waiting for me at home!" Clarke pleaded, hoping the predator would take pity on him. "I can do whatever I like to anyone, I'm a pred and you're my prey, just like a deer doesn't get to tell a wolf what to do!" Kane responded, gleefully fondling his new ass. "Maybe I'll pay your boy a visit and show him where you've gone, it'll be like a little reunion, looks like your home address is here on the table." Kane laughed, moving over to the Doctor's desk.
Clarke tried to respond but Kane just flexed his ass muscles, squeezing and crushing his helpless prey's body before he could speak. The slime dripping down the walls of Kane's ass had started to break down Clarke's body, seeping into his skin and starting to absorb him. "Please, it's starting to sting my skin, I just want to come outside for air!" His voice was full of fear and exhaustion, caused by Kane's ass continuing to squeeze and constrict his skinny body.
Kane just smirked as the man inside his ass begged for his life. Heleft the doctor's office, with Clarke still alive and squirming inside him, he could tell that by now he was too exhausted to scream loud enough to attract attention. He went to the front desk and handed the receptionist the last prescription that Dr Clarke ever wrote before being turned into ass food. The receptionist handed him a bottle of pills from under her desk and Kane left the building.
All the while Clarke tried to shout, but his voice hurt whenever he made a sound. He could feel his bones creaking as Kane's ass continued to crush his body. He walked past several doctors and nurses, a few of them he heard asking where about doctor Clarke had gotten to. Kane just smiled, knowing that he was packed tightly inside his meaty ass, writing in agony as his body continued to digest the doctor. Kane soon reached his car and got in.
As Kane's ass slammed on the front seat of his car he heard a noisy, powerful CRUNCH as Dr Clarke's body finally crumbled under the pressure inside his ass, breaking his bones and immediately knocking him out of consciousness. Kane settled in his seat, feeling his body start to digest Clarke's remains. He smiled as Clarke's corpse was broken down, knowing this would provide his ass with enough food while he rested and let his hole completely recover.