call me robin williams the way they be doubting my fire | she/her 20
30 posts
If You Needed To Hide A Dead Body, You Should Bury It Inside A Fucking Sand Dune. That Shit Would Stay
If you needed to hide a dead body, you should bury it inside a fucking sand dune. That shit would stay hidden forever
cheezbot liked this · 3 years ago
More Posts from Eatshrimpdie
Thinkin about them little guys, little green ones with the eyes and the feet. Yeah those ones
Little guys in my head little guys on my head they like to jump and dance around and party

She's gonna hatch into a radiating butterfly :)
I've never been able to enjoy angel hair pasta. It's always been too hair-like for me to eat. Unfortunately, my family regularly used it in cooking in my childhood.
I know he doesn’t have kids but there’s something about Kermit the frog that’s just so... dilfy
still sometimes think about how when my apartment got raided by cops back in 2021 i had a massive neon sign on the wall of my living room that just said "crime"