22 posts

Quotes #1

Quotes #1

“Deal with it or leave“

More Posts from Eccentricscribe

1 year ago

Just gonna reblog cause I am 100% gonna use this...at some point... maybe... hopefully

eccentricscribe - Scribe
eccentricscribe - Scribe
eccentricscribe - Scribe
eccentricscribe - Scribe
eccentricscribe - Scribe
eccentricscribe - Scribe
6 months ago


eccentricscribe - Scribe
2 years ago

I actually made a comment about this on an Ao3 story a while back;

“ 'My writing does not exist to suit your tastes.' VERY well said! There have been several stories where I've thought that it would be better if 'this' happened, or if it went in 'that' direction. However, I DO NOT say anything, because, in the end, it's not MY STORY. If I like the story, I like it. If I don't, I don't. I have NO CONTROL over what YOU write. (Taking advice from the comments is entirely up to the author, not the readers.) “

Yes, it’s about writing, but it can be applied to, well, pretty much anything. The ‘subject’ belongs to the ‘creator’, not the ‘viewer’. If you don’t like what the ‘creator’ has done, either make your own ‘subject’, or stop bitching.

(ps - PMSeymour, you are amazing and never fail to brighten up my day. Thank you. Whatever it is that makes you happy, I hope you keep enjoying it!)

Shouldn't need to be said, but, listen,

Respect the feelings and boundaries of artists.

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3 years ago

From what I’ve seen, some people are trying to screw her over because she said and did things they didn’t agree with? I don’t understand? Is freedom of speech not allowed? You can like someone’s work without liking the person and vice versa. Why are people so upset about this?

Hey guys, it looks like I’m being cancelled for having a Parler account (I’m Hailo C over there btw, and @haileyc on Gab!).  Originally, I changed my handle to something closer to my actual name and less of a pseudonym, but apparently the mob just thinks that means I’m hiding.

Folks over on Twitter appear have a bone to pick with me, accusing me of the usual paranoid rigmarole and siccing the cancel mob accordingly.   I finally deleted my Twitter because of the sheer volume of threats (and because Twitter was getting weird in general).  Maybe they’re mad that I’m still having a great life despite their efforts.

I’m not gonna mention specifically who instigated this on Twitter and Tumblr because I don’t believe in terrorizing folks I don’t agree with. We’ll see what happens if the mob gets any more blood-thirsty though.

At any rate guys, y'all do your best to keep your eyes open - the cancel mob takes no prisoners and doesn’t make exceptions for its “friends.”

2 years ago

Let’s be honest, if Ivy, Wonder Woman, or Power Girl (Or almost any other attractive person {of your preferred gender} in the DCverse) suddenly sat on top of you (semi-non-sexually), holding a pair of handcuffs, would you actually say no?

Harley Prefers Handcuffs When Ivy Is The One Putting Them On Her ;D

Harley prefers handcuffs when Ivy is the one putting them on her ;D