they/them, Nonbinary, AroAce, Jewish,adult, autistic, ADHD, chronically in pain,(de)composer, neuroscience nerd,fan of Jacob Collier & Good Omens
746 posts
Elzurxa - Lx - Tumblr Blog
You were once the demon king. “Defeated” by the hero, you went into hiding to pursue a simpler life. Today the “hero” has appeared, threatening you family to pay tribute, not realizing who you actually are. Today you show them what happens when you have something worth fighting to protect.
Here's the thing
You don't have to like everyone. Honestly, you don't have to like anyone. You can sit at home alone with your eight cats and your computer and just be content in that.
You don't have to be nice. You don't have to be altruistic. You don't have to be a social justice warrior.
But you have to be kind.
Kindness, I believe, is the most important thing, and it's also one of the hardest.
Kindness and niceness are two very different things. You can be nice without being kind, and you can be kind without being nice. I'll show you with an example.
You have a flat tire on the side of the road, and your phone is dead. You ask a passerby for help.
A person who is nice, but not kind, will tell you that they wish they could help, they really do, but they can't. For whatever reason. On a perfect day, when there are no other things going on, maybe they would be able to help, but they can't. They're so sorry, and they feel for you.
A person who is kind, but not nice, asks you what you were thinking, leaving the house without a fully charged phone, and then offers to call a tow truck for you. They might grumble, they might even not be the most pleasant person to be around, but they help.
Because that is what kindness is. And that is the difference. A nice person will lie about bad news, and a kind person will do what they can to soften the blow. Niceness is rose-tinted glasses. Kindness is a helping hand when a child scrapes their knee.
Online, there seems to be this obsession with goodness. You're a good person because you do this or you don't do this. If you think these thoughts or consume this media, you're not a good person, and that's the worst thing there is.
Maybe I don't know what "goodness" is, but I know that I will never be good by those standards.
That's fine. I'd rather be kind.
"I don't like the fandom content this person posts!"
Then unfollow them.
"I'm not following them, but they're in all the tags!"
Then block them.
"I blocked them but all the people I follow reblog their posts!"
Then unfollow those people.
"But I like their other content!"
Then add the person's username to your blocklist.
No. Stop. Listen. You cannot control what other people post or how they interpret your favorite characters or what ships they like. All you can control is your own actions and your public responses. Block them, filter out their username, then post your own stuff to carve out a space for yourself and people like you in your fandom. You will be a million times happier if you focus on what you're doing and what you enjoy instead of on the people you don't like.
microdosing on catharsis by watching a fictional character or persona i relate to have an emotional breakdown until my chest starts to ache from the amount i've repressed
She Sukkos on my Shmini Atzeres until I Simchas Torah
he could've just named the horse. seems like they weren't doing a whole lot in that desert. he had time
them: you don’t watch game of thrones?? really? how come?

why did anyone bother with making animated movies after Prince of Egypt? did they think they had any chance of ever comparing?
I saw the post again where the OP is like "I don't care if you're autistic, you have to eat vegetables"
Sometimes a disability means you can't do a thing...That is what disability...Means.............
If you are an autistic person who sits around being judgmental and condescending toward every autistic person more disabled than you, you are a tar pit
Questions I think to myself a lot when confronted with certain kinds of Online Posting:
Do you want a better world, or do you want revenge on those you think aren’t doing enough to improve it?
Do you want a more just world, or do you want to see bad people suffer merciless punishment?
Do you want a less oppressive world, or do you want the reins of power for yourself?
Do you want to do the right thing, or do you want to feel righteous?
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nearly had a medical emergency today because - and i cannot stress enough how little i am making this up - a helicopter landed in front of an open grain silo while i was getting off my ship and i am deathly allergic to the wheat that said helicopters rotor blades proceeded to blast in my face at full force. the cosmic forces are plotting against me ass situation to be in
So real!
I guess it never occurred to me that actual people composed the Jewish prayers we sing!
I love you, Louis Lewandowski.

Rule I'm feeling better
I pulled up the sketchy online Old English version of Beowulf and yeah it has 3,182 lines. If you took 5 seconds per line you’d need four and a half hours to recite it (or specifically to recite the one version that got both written down and preserved for a thousand years) (only a little charred). But I mean 5 seconds per line is for chumps who don’t want to unlock the Beowulf speedrun.
Also ok for SCIENCE I timed myself and quickly reciting the first 5 lines took 16 seconds, let’s call that fifteen because I mispronounced meodosetla. At that pace (if you could keep it up consistently and I mean never cough never take a drink) you’d be looking at 2.65 hours, or 2 hours and 39 minutes (or 159 minutes). This is actually 20 minutes shorter than the theatrical run-time of Peter Jackson’s Two Towers (179 minutes).
Now, the original post was about reciting Beowulf in an hour, so 2 hours and 39 minutes is not gonna cut it, and is so far over time that even doubling your pace can’t save you. You’re gonna lose this speedrun and Æthelflæd’s new scop poet is going to laugh at you. However, there’s a cheat to exploit here. In the period when Old English (language of Beowulf) was spoken, people often just said there were 12 hours in a day and 12 hours in a night, no longer how long or short daylight actually was. This made the concept of a daylight hour stretch in summer, when daylight lasts way longer than 12 hours. There’s a good article on this I’ll find it if anyone wants it. I don’t actually expect anyone to have read this far.
ANYWAY, the longest day in Jarrow (furthest north Old English speaking town I could think of) in 2024 (sorry this data is not calibrated for the 10th century) was of course midsummer: June 20th, at 17 modern hours 22 modern minutes and 1 modern second. This means each early medieval hour that day actually lasted 1 hour and 26 minutes. Still not nearly enough lads, but this is when it becomes a skill game. Because I wasn’t going ALL that fast. We need to squeeze 159 minutes of Beowulf (aka basically Two Towers) into 86 minutes. If you could half my pace-per-five-lines from 15 seconds to 7.5 seconds, you’d be able to do it, one day of the year, in Jarrow. Iceland is cheating. Good luck.
It is Oct. 7th. One year. A year since the worst massacre of Jews in a single day since the Holocaust and a year since I witnessed on my dash, in real time, people and blogs I enjoyed and respected actually celebrating this utter depravity and imagining this absolutely evil position gave them moral superiority. An entire year of the total dehumanisation of raped, brutalised, and kidnapped human beings. An entire year of atrocity denying, victim blaming justification of the actions of genocidal antisemitic terrorists. An entire year of hostages being held captive in Gaza being subject to unimaginable treatment, for nothing but the “crime” of daring to live.
An entire year of a repulsive and terrifying global explosion in antisemitic abuse and violence, of Jewish pain and grief being ridiculed, sneered at, and ignored. An entire year of the left loudly and proudly betraying every single ideal they supposedly stood for. An entire year of so-called progressives and human rights activists throwing Jews and Israelis under the bus and patting themselves on the back for it.
My Jewish and Israeli friends, I know today is a painful and traumatic day, as it has been a painful and traumatic year. I hold you all in my heart and my thoughts today and every day and I stand with you unreservedly and unapologetically. Your strength and resilience in the face of unspeakable cruelty, your deep love for those who have been lost and your endless hope for those still in captivity has been inspiring and humbling.
May the hostages return home safe to their families and may there be peace 💙💙🇮🇱🎗
i really do wish gentiles understood how utterly decimated the jewish diaspora was by the end of the 20th century in the wake of the wave of pogroms in eastern europe, the shoah and its aftermath, and the expulsions across north africa and south west asia. in the early 1900’s, around 50% of the world’s jewish population lived outside of eretz yisrael or the us. today, that number is 13%. there are countries who had large jewish populations at the turn of the 20th century that now have no jewish presence. there has not been such a large wave of expulsions and fleeing since the spanish inquisition — which is another horrifically traumatizing series of events that gentiles don’t understand the enormity of.
during the spanish inquisition, almost half a million jews were forced on pain of death to convert or flee. thousands were killed, hundreds of thousands fled. until the shoah, it was the single most massive trauma in jewish history since the siege of jerusalem and expulsion from judea. jews made up nearly a quarter of spain’s population and had been there for centuries. some of our most important texts were written there. ladino developed there, sephardic music, culture, and identity. and then it was gone. everywhere the inquisition could reach, from spain to naples to sicily to malta to the americas, the jewish populations were brutalized, genocided, and expelled. it changed the course of jewish history forever.
in the 20th century, within the span of 50ish years, hundreds of thousands of jews were killed in or fled horrific pogroms in eastern europe, a third of the entire jewish population was systematically murdered within the span of a few years, centuries old jewish communities weren’t just expelled but almost entirely wiped out which led to the loss of centuries old diaspora languages and traditions, and nearly a million jews were expelled from places they’d lived for hundreds or even thousands of years.
like. do you understand? do you understand the kind of communal trauma that kind of massive global upheaval has on a people? the expulsion of 300,000+ jews from spanish territories was enough to leave a centuries old mark on the jewish community. do you understand the impact that the murder of over six million and violent displacement of over 2 million jews will have on the jewish psyche and on jewish history? do you have any idea how earth shattering the last century has been for the jewish people? do you have any idea what we’ve lost? what’s been violently stolen from us? can you try?
The pharmacy got some of my ADHD meds in!
After weeks!
I took ONE full dose and 20 minutes later was uncontrollably yawning and had to take a nap.
Stimulant meds are the first line, most effective treatment for ADHD, being remarkably effective in 70-75% of people with ADHD.
People with ADHD do not get high from their stimulant meds.
Becoming relaxed after taking them for the first time or after a long time off them is a sign that they are working and is an indicator that we DO have ADHD, though most doctors don't seem to know that this happens. We relax because we are closer to a normal state than we were, initially our bodies literally respond with relief.
Again. That is not what you would call even remotely a "high". Unless you are one of those awful people who believe naps are a crime.
They make our brain chemistry more normal, not less.
For those they help, we genuinely need them. Yes, both children and adults. It's fine to take them. It should not be a controversy (nor should ADHD itself be as controversial as it sadly is).
Medicating us does not lead to abuse. We are not addicts in waiting. Treating us as such is repugnant. (And treating addicts like shit is repugnant as well.)
Forcing us off medication with no support does, however, cause serious problems and can lead some people to seek them through illegal avenues, which is dangerous. Also understandable. The medical profession blames us and does not take responsibility for their part in this situation, even though they should.
We have every right to use whatever means works best for us free of censure, disapproval, and overzealous gatekeeping. If that's stimulant meds, so be it.
More respect for us please.
Especially now as we are facing rolling shortages of meds for the next few weeks or months. Your ADHD friends are struggling. Be patient.
Coolest thing about lord of the rings? The king of horses shows up. It appears he is no different from all other horses
This is the definition of Chaotic Evil.
This year for Rosh Hashanah my rabbi pulled out a literal ven diagram and taped it to the podium (exciting) and then proceeded to explain that in life things are often true AND in conflict with eachother. She then got extremely vulnerable about some things that are true and in conflict for her (called a vent diagram).
These were a few of hers: She loves Judiasm and feels connected to all Jewish people. She is a queer female rabbi, and much of the orthodoxy wouldn't accept her work. She feels hopeless that there will never be any peace between Israel and Palestine. Hope is always there and peace is always an option. She believes innocent Israelis have been the victim of horrific attacks. She believes Israel's government has done great harm to create, perpetuate, escalate the situation.
She did this for ten minutes of nothing but spitting straight facts.
Her bravery was really inspiring and really put what I've been trying to do into words. Holding it all is so painful, so challenging, but it is good work and work that must be done to live with both compassion and justice. To ignore any sides of the diagram would provide a lot of mental relief but it would be a lie of comfort and convenience at the cost of others humanity and denial of the real situation. We have to hold it all.
Truths can be in conflict and still true. It's hard but it's right.
artist in denial of being depressed: omg this 2 month long art block has been crazy... sorry i haven't updated any of my fics in a long while! it's just been super difficult to daydream! so weird that i've lost a little bit of passion for my current comfort character and ocs... this couldn't possibly have any implications or alternative explanations

When you finally find out about your ADHD.