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Emeraldcrystalplatinum - Sem Ttulo - Tumblr Blog

Ho-Oh, guardian of the skies! This was a commission I did with watercolor and ink.

Lugia, guardian of the seas!

Hugtto Precure 2018 | 2030


no text version
i think about these kinda things a lot

puffs and ruffs!! (ง'̀-’́)ง

After some time of break (and Covid getting on my way) I bring you the first part of the remake of a 2020 comic whose theme is when Ash and Goh’s friendship developed to something more special! I wanted to rewrite and redraw this story for a good while already because in two years of AU a lot of things are polished! And we have much more Journeys content in this present time, making some things easier!
Stay tuned for next week where I bring the second part!
Do not repost. Do not modify. Always credit me!
Commissions info
Chloe and Ash © Nintendo/TPC
every single villain with minions would be utterly fucked if the heroes just introduced them to the concept of workers’ unions
Everytime my brother said Ash x Goh not gunna happen I be like pft, What do you mean, they already married.
But on a more serious note, they are already married.
Like I realized every japanese opening always sings about the point of view of a character in the story.
Like "Your adventure"... It was Kukui's point of view
And Kira Kira was Clemont's POV.
And many more. (That's why Gotta catch em all is a strong theme because that's what Pokemon is and they needed someone like Goh to do the job since Ash had been kinda giving up on this part of his mission).
Going back to the point. Basically, there are songs that tells about the character POV of Ash. Now.... We are seeing for the first time an actual duet of Goh and Ash POV.
And they were totally talking to each other in the OP song. And it was the first time I heard that Ash is actually feeling alone?!!!! He has so many friends and yet he is alone?!!! Like Goh finally completes him like aahhhh
(I got a little sad for Ash cause that's a first time in an opening he actually said he was alone after so many opening in previous seasons with him doing his very best with Pikachu by his side)
And he literally made a statement in the song that Goh completes his life. And Goh be like hey if it's with me it can be anywhere (Only couples say these things like come on. I have best friends too and I don't always follow them everywhere and would be counting my money if I can afford to go or not)
So I'm like... So in this last season, the producer be like okay eff it, let's just marry him to someone and why not this one.
I mean, I can feel it Goh is a character made to fit Ash's taste lol.
Reasons because (I'm not bashing, I am just pointing out Goh's quality that might have blurred the line of love and friendship) :
Like Ash disagrees with Misty's hate of bug pokemon. Goh loves bug pokemons. His Cascoons everybody. He let them sleep in his room.
Ash doesn't like to be looked down upon. Like Iris keeps saying how Ash is such a kid and Goh, he compliments the heck of Ash and why is he not blushing yet after all that.
Also the fact that Goh has a fix goal and drive to achieve it. Like he knows exactly what he wanted. Opposite to Serena who was soul searching for quite sometimes. And Ash found Goh's fixation intriguing (cause catching em all is his dream too and that's why he was a supportive boyfriend).
Goh also have qualities that he likes. For example (a nerd). I'm onto you Ash. I know you love them nerds.
Like should I give an example. Clemont for example. A nerd who creates innovations no matter how useless it is or a failure or it's working fine. Let's face it, Ash pays more attention to Clemont's creation.
Or... Gladion. Gladion is a goth nerd who for some reason have all the data from his mum's research facility and he basically is Ash's duo in sun and moon. And Ash kinda look up to his family in general on their research thingy.
And Ash thought Max, the smart boy, like his little brother and they kick it off cause Max Loves Pokemon and a nerd. Goh also have extreme curiosity and love for Pokemon. And a nerd. I can't emphasize this more on how important this is.
Some people may argue why Goh doesn't befriend a pokemon first before capturing them (which I dunno, surprisingly is the main argument why they hate Goh although I suspect it was because there is a lack of waifu material accompanying Ash closely this time) but Goh is a direct representation of what a generic trainer (which is us) will do when we capture a pokemon. He just exercises the buddy system afterwards. I mean that's just how it is. I never play a pokemon game where I have the ability to ask a pokemon to be my friend before capturing them but I have the option to love them afterwards.
And Ash IS TOTALLY OK with this approach. Let's face it, he also helps to maintain the little home zoo they have since he also need it because of his desperate need to touch every pokemon in the world and Goh is ACTUALLY doing him a favour.
And if he gunna be loving them pokemon for a long time, I am convinced Goh and Ash are married to sustain their symbiotic lifestyle.
So my conclusion.
That second episode is their wedding. Oak lied. It was never about the grand opening of the institute .
Thanks for reading my thesis why I totally think they should adopt more kids pokemons.
[unbound] jax thoughts.
i really like unbound's writing overall, and i love how its characters have so much life written into them... but in particular, jax unbound has been in my head for quite a while, and i have, in true writer fashion, accumulated some Thoughts on his character.
i've mostly been thinking about jax in relation to him being set up as the storyline's 'hero' leading up to the beginning of the story, the series of events that have him starting to doubt himself, and his development into the end of the storyline...
...so i might as well throw them somewhere! spoilers will most definitely be rampant.
FIRST. what do we know about him at the beginning of the game, and his character arc?
jax is a nice guy! he's always friendly with you, and clearly he cares a lot about you too (he immediately jumps into hoopa's portal to the ruins of void after you, then his worry for you when you don't come out landing him in the distortion world...). he's said to be strong and capable (arthur's been training him, and he calls him their "best hope" against the shadows before the cinder volcano showdown) and he's pretty confident in himself when you first meet him (he immediately says he'll stop the shadows and save moltres when you're visiting arthur, and then again when arthur mentions zapdos afterwards), even though the first few times you meet him, you're mostly kind of helping him do things he thinks he should be able to do — i'll get back to that point later.
anyway. he's a good guy with a good heart. he has a good sense of justice (on route 9 when he says ivory "couldn't possibly want [the prison bottle] for anything but evil", and in cinder volcano when marlon calls his wanting to save moltres "self-righteous"... i could go on.) and acts on it! which brings me to my point, which is that jax gives off the vibes of a hero. he's even got arthur's legacy on his shoulders.
in fact, we get two referrals to him as a hero: from ivory in fallshore city (Your silly attempts to play hero are tiring.) and aklove at crystal peak (Once I'm done dealing with this "hero", [...]).
that is to say: jax is supposed to be the hero.
he's supposed to be the protagonist who brings down the evil, saves the region, and becomes the champion.
ah... right. but he isn't.
you, the player, is the one who does all of this. (though jax is by your side for almost all of that, which is...)
yeah. that's kinda fucked up.
let's just take a step back for now.
jax has clearly been a trainer longer than you have (even in-game, he's able to fly by the time you beat mirskle, and he's the one who tells you to beat a handful of gyms for the hms they let you use), and again, arthur calls him capable and useful in that first meeting. i do want to say that 'useful' is not a very nice thing to call your grandson. jax is also being trained to be arthur's successor, and arthur was the previous champion. that should be pretty testament of what arthur expects of him (it's worth noting, though, that when you talk to arthur after you beat aklove at the ruins of void, he specifically says that jax was cracking under the pressure of his expectations. jax is also human).
you can say that jax is pretty strong, at least for your standards.
so why does he not match up to the shadows, if he's got all of his training and all this praise for being strong and reliable?
i think jax at this point early on in the game, can't see his flaws. this isn't to say he can't grow stronger, because he can — he most definitely can, and he does.
i'm going to go into some theorycrafting now: imagine you've been training. you have been training for a long time, and you're going to eventually become strong enough to be the champion of the region. it's a big goal. you become strong, you beat the eight gyms, and you keep training...
...and perhaps, you might hit a point where you are easily defeating most trainers. where you've been fighting threats to the region and winning (jax says arthur's been making him do this as part of his training. i'm assuming from the fact that these threats haven't really been touched on that jax was successful in fending them off). and at that point, you have to keep getting stronger of your own will. when you lose, you also have an opportunity to reflect on your mistakes or shortcomings and grow to surpass them. you are strong, and from the fact that nobody has become champion while you're training, there aren't that many trainers that can surpass you, probably. so is there really a need to get stronger at that point? if there's nothing to chase after, nothing to push you higher... it's easy to stagnate your growth without knowing where to go next.
and remember: jax wasn't really doing it for his own sake. arthur tells you that jax only begins getting stronger for his own sake after you defeat aklove with him at the ruins of void (it's also after battling you that he tells you his resolve to become stronger as a person, and he promises to come back to take your crown).
...so, what i'm trying to say here is that there's not really anyone who can match jax's raw strength up until the shadows show up. he doesn't seem to have a rival or someone training alongside him to push him forward — you, as the player, kind of fulfil that role as the one who pushes him higher (he comes back to rematch you and declares that he's thought about his shortcomings! and if that ain't enough to say he's been pushed forward by you...). his drive doesn't even come from himself yet at this point.
(also, i just want to point out that jax understands that one of his shortcomings is being rash and rushing into things without taking the proper time to prepare himself (he mentions this after you battle him for the first time). this probably stems from confidence, and, well, you know who's confident in their early arc? you know that confidence builds up if you go pretty long with a constant win streak, right? you get my point.)
continuing on to route 9, the main thing i want to point out is that if you talk to the old couple after you and jax rescue them, they mention that jax "seemed a little put-off by something". and while it's never mentioned again, i wonder if jax is thrown off his game because he thinks he should be able to handle this by himself.
he's strong, right? he's capable and reliable and— and he couldn't prevent ivory from taking the prison bottle. he couldn't stop her from capturing moltres, either, and he couldn't even chase after her because of marlon the first time, and the shadow warrior elderly couple the second. the shadows have showed him up twice now and, if we go by the fact that he's rarely been defeated at this point, it's probably a blow to his confidence.
and if we keep going — skipping past fallshore city, epidimy town and tarmigan town — into dehara city, we see him again at the game corner. talking to him there triggers hoopa sending you to the ruins of void, which (plus its aftermath) is probably the biggest blow to jax's character as it stands in the game.
the fact that he didn't bring any other pokemon other than his staraptor (though you can excuse it a little by the fact that he hadn't expected to jump through the portal with you) is a little tell for his carelessness. he's overconfident and underprepared when he sends staraptor up to the peak of the ruins and you get to see him be uncharacteristically quiet afterwards, because along with the worry he feels for staraptor, he probably regrets that. all he can do now is heal you up, and for someone who got embarrassed over not being able to save moltres at cinder volcano, being utterly useless is loads more embarrassing.
then he gets portaled to the distortion world. it's heroic of him to help you out, battling grunts with his injured staraptor and then heading in when you didn't come out, but you can see him regretting being hasty (I can't believe I could have been so stupid... So stupid... what's Grampa been training me for, if I mess up so easily when it matters most?) and then again once you find the way out, when he walks ahead then slows to a stop and delegates things to you (No... this is a mistake. What am I thinking? If that Pokemon attacks us, I'll just get in the way.) instead of leading the way like he'd been doing before. his slowing to a stop is the physical manifestation of his doubts stopping him.
even when you're back in your world, he does the same thing: rushing ahead to the exit of rift cave, slowing, then returning to you. and he says this: "[PLAYER], being trapped in there taught me a lot of things... But most importantly, it's taught me I'm nothing without my Pokemon. I never want to find myself being so useless to anyone again. [...] I promise both my Pokemon and I will be ready this time."
i like the inclusion of himself a lot, because it means that he's realised that he still has to grow too. and he cements that with his champion battle dialogue ([...] even if my Pokemon grow stronger, what use is it if I don't grow stronger with them? So, I'm going to get stronger. Not just my Pokemon. Me.) and also his rematch dialogue (I'll focus myself, and my connection with my Pokemon again.) by acknowledging again and again that he'll keep growing. here, you're still yet to save the region, so there's an obvious goal for him to head towards, but he keeps going even after that. and that really just declares that he's found someone to push him higher.
and that's you.
i don't think i even have to say anything, but i will say it anyway... the ruins of void, distortion world and rift cave sequences are a huge, huge turning point for jax. this is the crucial mistake that kickstarts his necessary growth. perhaps it was a mistake he needed to make, even, because i don't think crystal peak, let alone battling you for the champion title, would have worked out without him reflecting on it in the distortion world.
if we return to the hero narrative, there's one important scene i skipped earlier: epidimy town. after you stop marlon at thundercap mt and meet jax in epidimy town, he says one last thing in a whisper: "You're really amazing, [PLAYER]... I mean... all by yourself, you..." and while this absolutely can be taken as awe, i think the reason he says this to himself and not to you directly might actually be envy. he's envious that you can do the thing he couldn't — you managed to stop marlon from getting zapdos, while he failed in stopping ivory from getting moltres and the prison bottle. and you did it by yourself, without his help. he probably feels that he isn't living up to arthur's legacy and what arthur expects of him.
perhaps you're the one who suits the role of 'hero' more than he does.
i admire that jax doesn't give up. he keeps going, and unfortunately that lands him in the ruins of void and distortion world, which make him realise something important: that he's lacking in places. that he's not yet fit to be the 'hero'. that he needs to grow and become stronger before he can fill that role.
i like to think that he entrusts that role to you at crystal peak. it's the first time he shows that he's carefully planned out his approach to defeating aklove, even though it's not perfect, and he calls on you to stop aklove and turn off the weapon — you're the 'hero' now, after all. still, this brings promise to his character, and shows that he's growing!
and to bring it closer to the end of the game: the champion battle. a detail i would like to point out is that when you battle him for the champion title (on vanilla / difficult), at least four of his six pokemon know protect. his type coverage is pretty well-rounded in terms of defense, too. i think it's really neat that his pokemon actually reflect his growth from the ruins of void and he focuses on being able to defend himself so he won't be totally useless without his pokemon ever again.
jax is a good guy. he's nothing but happy for you, and he knows he has a long way to go before he can match up to you, and he accepts his defeat knowing that you're the one suited to be the 'hero'. and then he works hard in order to be able to stand in the same room as you again, closing the gap little by little.
one last thing... his rematch dialogue.
"I've been thinking long and hard about what I've been lacking..."
holy shit.
he mentions something similar in your first battle (You know, before we began our fight, I kept thinking about all the times I rushed in, and then you helped bail me out.) too, but the fact that he says this out loud again really makes me feel proud because he's acknowledging his shortcomings and tackling them instead of staying quietly put-off by them...
he also mentions before rematching you that he's here not because of arthur's legacy or even about himself. he sees you as someone strong, and that probably means that battling you is an opportunity to grow stronger. and this ties in to the fact that the line he says when he's down to a single pokemon (The way you always manage to summon so much strength... it's amazing...) really parallels that line from epidimy town (You're really amazing, [PLAYER]... I mean... all by yourself, you...). this time, when he calls you amazing, he sounds a little more in awe. he respects you! and even if you defeat him, he picks himself up and treats it as a challenge to come back and beat you again.
and if that's not growth... god. i fucking love jax unbound.
yeah i ship jax, ace, and the player character together.

Green’s the color of spring 🌸 And green can be cool and friendly-like 🌿
Just wanted to show some appreciation for some of my favorite green-haired characters in Anipoke 💚💚💚
[On Redbubble: Cilan | Drew | Mallow | Conway]

Art by ネヲ
Rant about psychic and fairy type pokemon
I have seen some people claiming that there is no point to have magic themed pokemon as psychic type when fairy exists because is the more "magical" type. While I agree that fairy is more magical the psychic type still covers a flavor of magic better than fairy. Fairy about cute things, pink, life magic (Xerneas) and the power of nature (Xerneas and the guardian deities are a good example of this)

Even some of the fairy types really look like they should have at least the dual type with grass like florges and comfey

But what about psychic you might ask? It is also a magical type but it's somewhat less featured in fairy tales and thus the fairy type seems more magical but what differenciates psychic magic from fairy magic is that psychic is usually more about "Human" magic. Stuff that resembles ancient civilization with some "Arcane" magitech with pokemon such as Baltoy, Claydol, Xatu or Sigilyph (Golurk also fits in this but is a ghost instead of psychic since every type has its magic)

Or stuff like astrology or divinity like the Gothitelle line or Bronzing, Chimecho or Jirachi

While there are stereotypical magicians with the spoonbending or witches with the magic wands like Alakazam or Delphox

And lastly we have the cosmic psychic types wich just extraterrestrial pokemon like Starmy, Beheeyem, Deoxys or straight up incarnation of celestial bodies like Solrock, Lunatone, or the box legendaries of Sun and moon

Most psychic pokemon have inspiration in Yokais Wich are basically spirits with magical powers but these beings also inspire fairies and ghost type pokemon meaning fairy is not the only to have the magic

Some of the things that I want to see in the Kalos reunion.
The pose from the masked men is inspired from the movie Predator 💪

Serena's dress is from the Diance movie.
Versiones en español: DeviantArt, Instagram y Twitter

"We've made it official, meet my NEW BROTHER!"

HERE THEY ARE AT LAST…my designs for my future Sunnylemonshipping AU!! (Click for full quality~)
Pretty much all of this is going off of my headcanons for said AU, which can be found here!
I had a LOT of fun designing these–and I tried to make them look as Pokemon style-esque as possible! I love seeing my kids all growns up 💕

This fits them SO well thank you for requesting them! Hope you don’t mind that I drew their future versions 😳

Day 6: Dads
Tang let them duke it out so when they got tired he could take the Dad call
So uh
Today was a spicynoodles day

Really happy with the last one! :D


Thinkin’ about them…… 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
I reeeeally don't think I have to ask what's everyone's favorite SatoGou moment of 2021 after we got this:

We did get other cute and/or funny SatoGou moments throughout the year (I'm going by Japanese air dates, btw)! I'm sure no one is gonna object to me doing a little bit of a recap, right? 😉
Ash caught Goh in his arms in the final episode of the year, but remember back at the start of the year when Chloe teased Goh for trying to catch Ash with a Pokéball?

Goh seemed to get a tad bit defensive there over an innocent little joke, didn't he? 🤭
This next moment is right up there with episode 92's hug in the sense that it kinda broke all our brains for a bit when it happened because yeah, did anyone really think we'd get a scene (and really, nearly a whole half episode) where Ash and Goh hold hands?? Yeah, yeah... circumstances and all that, but this episode didn't have to be approved for production. OLM was okay with this.

You'd think Goh would be more worried about there being a Gulpin stuck to his head and how the professor was going to go about getting it off, but nope. Here all that's on his mind/talks about is his embarrassment over holding hands with Ash. 🤔
Embarrassed to hold hands with Ash, but seemingly has no problem yanking some of the boy's clothes off out in the middle of the city.

Goh... hate to tell you this buddy, but you're worse than Team Rocket...
... when it comes to disguises. 😛 Or were you just looking for an excuse to wear your boyfriend's clothes? 😏

I don't think Ash minds though. He seems rather preoccupied with how Goh looks wearing his hat/vest. Psst! Ash, you're staring! 😊
Ah well... these two are used to staring at each other... how they haven't bumped into anything while walking and staring is beyond me.
Remember the time they spent a big chunk of the day just hanging out and walking around Vermilion? I think they may have spent more time looking at each other than for Pokémon to catch. 👀👀

They stare at each other so much it's no wonder they can't help but sometimes blush.

Why, Goh? 'Cause Ash knew you'd fanboy all over him and Ash is getting humble in his... er, old age. He has been around since 1997, after all! A younger Ash would've bragged to everyone in earshot (and remember Ash can be loud so that's a 'lotta people 🤣) after becoming the Champion of Alola but the Ash of today? Doesn't bring it up and only casually mentions it for a brief moment when the topic comes up.
On the subject of mentioning things, want to tell all of us (including Ash, Pikachu, and Grookey 😂) what's really going on in your head here, Goh?

... No? Okay. 😆
That's all right. We all already know, anyway (does that include Ash? Idk... but I bet Pikachu has had it figured out for some time now). 🤭 Heck, even wild Luvdisc can feel the love between these two! Why else would they be drawn to them (I can understand a school of Luvdisc just happened to be passing by once, but twice?? Luvdisc and couples, people! That's not me saying that either... just check the Pokédex entries!). 💕

What a year, aye? To think too this is just a small collection of the moments Ash and Goh have shared this past year. More good times await in the coming new year, I just know it! 🎆😃