Here is where you will see lego friends and ninjago (and whatever other lego themes I like but primarily friends and ninjago) posts, memes or headcanonsI also post some of my stuff from Reddit too
52 posts
While I Dont See It Happen As Much, Minidolls Also Seem To Suffer Cracking Except Its Not In An Area
While I don’t see it happen as much, minidolls also seem to suffer cracking except it’s not in an area that is expected, my example is Matthew from lego friends

Without legs, the damage is not as visible

With legs
His back is cracking, soon I have a feeling that it will probably split in half, I always try to keep my minifigures in good condition (especially the old and brittle dark red and reddish brown minifigures) without any cracking or damage
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Billy Bob the manager is agreeable one of my least favorite girls on a mission characters
manager billy bob deserves every rotten thing that's happened to him. that's what you get for parking in a disabled parking spot, bastard!!
My lego friends full name headcanons part 1
These are what I headcanon the lego friends characters full names to be, based off some other posts where they show what they think the lego friends last names are, but this time full names (+ details about it, also, the full names for characters from the original and still here will all apply to the original, girls on a mission and next chapter canons in my headcanon)
Original 5 girls:
Olivia Victoria Castillo-Flores
• I liked the idea of making Olivia have a double-barreled last name from the original post so I decided to do so for mine but put 2 different last names, and i might’ve gotten Castillo from Mrs. Castillo from dreamzzz, and I just like how her name sounds, also, I think she is Hispanic in all canons but is a much lighter skinned Latina in the classic series
Emma Louise Parker
• Louise is actually Emma’s canon middle name in the original show as she says it in the episode, snow way
Cassandra Andrea Jackson
• definitely a Michael Jackson reference
Mia Camille Smith
• originally I thought of her middle name as Claire and last name as Thomas but i thought that what I actually went with sounded much better, also, ninjago reference with me choosing Camille as her middle name
Stephanie Alice Thompson
• her mom’s name is Alicia, so I think Alice is a pretty close name for her middle name
Next chapter crew:
Aliya aurora jones
• her middle name was a bit hard to come up with but I felt like aurora works pretty well
Sabrina Autumn smith
• I thought what if autumn was just a nickname and middle name since her hair looks like the leaves in the fall, and also because I thought Sabrina was a cute name choice
Leonardo Alejandro Mateo Gonzalez
• I think that Leo would have a long full name (as well as some other characters), I might’ve gotten the idea for Mateo from dreamzzz
Liann Marie Chen
• i originally wanted her middle name to be Ann but that would just not work as well, and I definitely got the idea for Chen from ninjago and it’s a pretty common Chinese last name, so I think it works and her voice actress’ last name is Chen as well
Nova Ella Bailey
• it was hard for me to come up with a good full name for nova, but compared to autumn, I kept nova as her first name
Oliver James Simmons
• Olly’s full first and middle name is a reference to 2 actors in Harry Potter, and I also like how his full name sounds
Audrey Paisley Roberts
• I also thought of paisley’s name being her middle name like with Andrea and autumn
Zachary Jeffrey DuPont
• Zac’s full name is actually Zachary in the show and I liked the idea of DuPont for a French last name
Next would be about the side characters and villains of the series
Lego friendsjago the next chapter cast

Cole gets to be 2 characters, so he got cloned
And if you’re wondering about ley-la, she is rocky dangerbuff