75 posts
Look Who I Drew!! I Love How It Turned Out!!

Look who I drew!! I love how it turned out!!
@fakegingerrights @sunrisemcash @justanauthor17
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More Posts from Endo-bunny
Like sleeping, or eating, or drinking water. Started doing those things again the other day and my health is getting better.
“Sometimes you have to do things you don’t want to do to get something better.”
— Miranda Kenneally, Catching Jordan
Tagged by @fakegingerrights for wip game
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, then post a little snippet or tell them something about it. Tag as many people as you have WIPs.
[in order of Creation newest-oldest]
Sore Body |Wrecker x medic!reader|
Baby, Please Eat... |Tech x cook!Reader|
Don't Leave Me |Echo x reader|
Don't Fall |Tech x Reader|
I Hurt You |Rex x Jedi!Reader|
@fakegingerrights @renon4224 @thejediscrolls (I love your writing so much!) @cloneenthusiast (I enjoy seeing all of your art, so pretty!!) @cloned-eyes (So pretty!!)
Breathe, Rest.
[Rex x Civvie!reader, set post Zygerria. Established relationship, just some good ol' hurt/comfort. TW for scars, I guess and partial undressing in a non sexual way.]
The 79's were crowded. The 212th and the 501st were both back on Coruscant for two weeks after their jedi were told to rest after a particularly dangerous mission rescuing an entire colony of togruta people from slavery.
Predictably, it had ended up all over the holonet. You sat at the bar, waiting for a certain Captain to come sweep you off your feet like he had promised last time he had commed before he set out to Kiros. You saw some of his men milling about the bar, Fives and Kix wave at you as you catch their eye, but no captain until-
"And who's a pretty lady like you waiting all alone like this for?" A familiar voice says behind you. You smile and take a sip of the drink you've been nursing as Rex's familiar presence settles in next to you.
"Oh, no one. Just hoping a certain handsome captain makes it home to sweep me off my feet." You shoot back.
"A handsome captain, huh? Do I fit the bill?" You turn to face him as he rakes a hand over freshly cut hair. In one place you can still see where the clippers had cut tracks through it. His cheekbones are prominent through his skin and his eyes are sunken and bruised underneath from poor sleep and even worse nutrition if you knew anything. Adding in the pale skin and chapped lips and you knew something was up.
"When you're running on more than fumes, Rex. What happened?" You ask. He's still in his armor, his blasters are still on his hips. Its absent of carbon scoring or patches in the plastoid, but it also doesn't smell like ozone like it normally does after deployment, and he definitely hasn't detailed it since he left, you can still see pink in the scratches of the top of his breastplate where you had left a lipstick mark as a joke. Rex sighs heavily, turning to face the crowd and leaning back against the bar.
"What do you say we get out of here, back to your place?" It's phrased casually, but you see the heavy look in Rex's eyes. You don't comment on how he avoided your question, opting to instead grab your purse and lean over to press a kiss against his cheek, startling him slightly.
"Lets." You answer. He offers a wan smile in return, following you through the crowd to the catwalk that lead to your apartment complex.
Rex lets out a long sigh as you two make it into your apartment, crouching doing to undo the seals that kept his armored boots in place before kicking them off. He works from the bottom up, and you move to help him get the clasps on his back and shoulders as plate by plate his armor comes off and is stacked neatly by his boots. You notice he's moving stiffly around the shoulders and he doesn't bend down, choosing to sit down fully on the floor to remove his shin guards and work his way upwards.
"You're hurt." You note softly as you pull his back plate apart from his breast plate so he doesn't have to move his shoulders as much. He grunts slightly in responce.
"Kix cleared me, it's beyond the help of bacta, apparently. Skin is fine, just some tenderness and scaring as the muscles heal." His voice is equally quiet.
"What happened, Rex?" You help him to his feet, wanting to move in to hug him but hesitating. He makes the decision for you, pulling you in close and wrapping his arms around you, like he could soak up your warmth if he tried hard enough. You return the hug, your fingers instantly finding and tracing unfamiliar lines of presumably scar tissue. It covered his whole back. He hisses slightly and you pull your hands quickly away.
"Kavado happened. I was sent with the jedi to find the Togruta, went with Kenobi." Realization hits you like a thunderbolt.
"You... You were on Kavado? The whole time Kenobi was... These are whip marks?" You pull back to look him in the face. "Your armor hasn't even been worn... Kriffin hell, Rex!" You're more mindful of your hands this time, burying your face in his chest as your throat constricts painfully.
"I'm alright now, Mesh'la. Just have to wait for the inflammation to go down and there'll hardly be a mark." He murmurs in your ear. "I'll be fine."
"I got you some sleepwear. If you want to go change out of your blacks. The left side of the dresser is officially yours. Just some sweats and loose shirts for now, once I have more wiggle room in my savings we can get some more every day clothes so you don't have to wear those itchy uniforms." Your voice is a murmur as you pull back and stand up on your toes a bit to kiss him properly.
"You don't have to do that. I'm fine wearing my greys." A gloved hand comes up to press against your cheek, the cool material of the neoprene smooth on your skin. You lean into the touch.
"I want you to have a place to go when the war is over. Here is as good as any. Have you eaten yet? I can get started on a late dinner while you go shower and change."
"Real food would be nice after a month of stale bread and water." He agreed. "I... yeah, that would be nice." He disappeared into your bedroom as you started to prep a light meal of plain pasta and hamburger meat. As you strain the water from the noodles you hear your name called softly from your room. Setting the pot on the stove and turning off the heat you peak into the room to see Rex standing in a pair of black joggers and the top half of his blacks, a crimson tinge to his ears.
"I... Can you get the seam on the sides of my blacks? I don't think I can pull it over my head like usual."
You step in close to him instantly, finding the cling-seal on the side of his blacks behind his shoulder and carefully separating them all the way down, exposing tan skin crisscrossed by raised pink lines as you guide his shoulders free of the thin material.
"You'd think they'd be easier to get out of than in to, with all the injuries that happen on the battlefield." You joke, trying not to stare at the mess of scars.
"We usually cut them off when they can't get out." He rolls his shoulders carefully, sighing.
"If you don't want to put a shirt on again you don't have to. It's just us here." You comment.
"You just like seeing me without it." Rex accused playfully, a bit of his usual gleam returning to his eyes.
"Guilty. And... are you sure you can't put any bacta on this? These look nasty and if they're hurting this badly..."
"There's no broken skin, topical bacta wouldn't do much... and I was a little hurried in getting out of the medbay. I had someone waiting for me." He turns and presses a kiss to your temple.
"You shouldn't skip medical attention just to see your girlfriend! I could have waited a few more minutes." You wag a finger at him, going to the dresser and scanning through the various lotions and perfumes littered on the top of your side before you found the numbing one you used when you were sore after a long day of work. "Pasta is still too hot, sit down." You motion over your shoulder to the bed. You hear the springs on your bed creak slightly as he sits down, staring at the floor between his feet as he places his forearms on his knees, hunkered over. It was almost comical if he didn't look so lost, such a large man curled up like that. You squeeze some of the lotion into your hand, feeling the instant pleasant tingling sensation at the contact with your skin.
Rex flinches away from you slightly as you sit down before relaxing. You press a kiss to his shoulder, avoiding the raised marks.
"You're safe here, Love." You whisper as you start rubbing the lotion into the scars across his back. He tenses up slightly at the contact before sighing in relief as the lotion takes effect.
"I know. This stuff is magic, where'd you get it?" He hunches shoulders forward so you have better access, groaning slightly with the movement.
"Over the counter at a local pharmacy. It's a muscle relaxant and numbing agent. Do you want me to send a bottle with you when you leave again?" You asked, carefully beginning to work on the muscles beneath the scars, releasing tight knots and watching Rex's reaction closely.
"You're already given me so much." He whispered. "I can never pay you back. You know this and give me more."
"You do pay me back, Rex. You're fighting for my safety every day, and you come home and sit by my side and bring me so much happiness. It's me who can never repay you."
He's silent for a moment, thinking about this before he finally speaks.
"I love you."
You answer without hesitation.
"I know."
Rex sighs as you pull away, catching and pressing a kiss to the outside of your wrist, careful to not get any lotion on his lips. "Thank you, Mesh'la." His golden eyes are so earnest it hurts. You crook a finger and tilt his chin up for a proper kiss, then pulling apart enough to press your forehead to his.
"I love you too, Rex. Always." You promise into the space between the two of you.
"Always." He echoes back.
Dare excepted!
Fanfic Work-In-Progress Guessing Game
Send me a word, any word, and if it’s in my WIP document I’ll answer your ask with the sentence or line it appears in.