23 | writer/artist| Call me Eraser | He/Him | side blog: hotflamesburning
4 posts
Im Drawing Bkdk For Pride Month, Heres The WIP:
I’m drawing bkdk for pride month, here’s the WIP:

(His hand has since been drawn, I just didn’t feel like downloading the updated version lol)
Also wanted to let you know that I am working on Pt. 2 of my “Class 1-A is introduced to you: the new student!” Thank you for your support! You can find me anywhere under this name.
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More Posts from Eraserarcade
Class 1-A is introduced to you, the new student
Quirk Class 1-A is introduced to you, the new student
Quirk: Blue Flame, you can expulse blue flames from your entire body, and also from individual limbs such as arms, legs, feet, etc.
Drawbacks: Because the flames are so hot, you are more susceptible to heat stroke
Reader is referred as he/him, and uses nicknames like “man, dude, guy, etc”
This is pre-sports festival
The class was roaring with chatter. You stood outside the classroom with Aizawa, relaxed, before he opened the door and walked inside the classroom. You stayed in the hallway, waiting for Aizawa to call you in to introduce yourself.
“Alright, everyone settle down. I have an important announcement.”
That sentence surely got everyone’s attention.
“We have a new student. A transfer from a different hero school from overseas.” Aizawa looked towards you, and you took your first steps into the room. Everyone looked at you. Everyone except the blonde boy near the back of the class.
“Hi, I’m y/n.” You say, nonchalantly and quietly. To be honest, you were incredibly nervous, but you didn’t want them to know. You tried playing it cool. You placed your hands in your pockets, and tried to calm yourself down, playing with some coins you had.
“Y/N doesn’t enjoy talking about his quirk, so if you don’t mind, don’t ask him about it. We, as an administration, are helping him through some fears he has regarding his strengths and weaknesses. Please be kind.” You could almost hear someone scoff at you in the back of the room. You could see the green haired boys eyes light up with curiosity. You quietly walked to an empty desk when asked.
During the lesson, you paid attention to everyone and their personalities. You stayed silent, carefully observing each of your classmates. Some had a temper, some were too smart for their own good. Some were creeps, and some were just stupid. This class really had it all, didn’t it?
Pretty soon, class was dismissed, and you were the first to get up to leave.
“Y/N,” you heard someone call your name, which grabbed your attention. You looked towards the person who called your name. It was Midoriya. He seemed nice from what you gathered from hearing him speak in class, so you didn’t mind too much. You placed your hands in your pockets.
“Oh, hey there, Midoriya.”
“Oh wow, your voice is very soothing,” he muttered under his breath, causing a slight blush of embarrassment and flattery to spread across your cheeks.
“Anyways,” Midoriya continued, “We’re going to get some snacks and we’re gonna go train for the upcoming sports festival. Want to come watch? You don’t have to use your quirk if you’re not comfortable.”
That sentiment rang in your ears for a moment. He remembered Aizawa’s words, and took them into account? He cares about my feelings?
“Sure, I’d love to watch.”
“Y/N, are you sure?” Aizawa asked. You nodded your head. Aizawa closed his eyes.
“Alright, I’m coming with you. Just to be on the safe side.”
“Safe side?” Midoriya questioned.
“When Y/N is riled up by someone, his quirk can get out of hand. And seeing that Bakugo is also attending after school training, it’ll be safer if I’m near to erase quirks if someone’s anger gets out of hand. We might want to make sure that no one gets hurt.”
“Wow, your quirk must be pretty strong then, huh?” Ochaco asked.
“Eh, I’d rather not talk about it-“ you reply, scratching the back of your head, nervously.
“Oh, right. Sorry for asking!” She replied, almost begging for forgiveness.
You and your new friends arrived at the training grounds, and you sat on a nearby bench, watching the students learn to improve their skills. Aizawa stood in front of the bench, giving students some tips to help further improve their abilities.
“What a damn nerd…” you heard from behind. Pretty soon, Bakugo was walking past you, and looked at you menacingly.
“Do you think you’re so powerful that you can’t use your quirk around me, hot shot?” Bakugo said. Your eyebrows furrowed, and Aizawa heard the commotion.
“Bakugo, leave Y/N alone. Don’t mess with him.”
“Awe, come on. Surely he’s not that great. Maybe you can’t control you little quirk like that moron, Deku. Did you suddenly develop a useless quirk too?” He said, smiling in your face.
You could feel the heat in your body start to brew. You were getting angry, but luckily, Aizawa was there so you wouldn’t make a scene.
“Bakugo, leave him alone. His quirk is more powerful and dangerous than anyone’s right now. You’re strong, Bakugo, but I have to protect you from him now. Choose your enemies wisely, Bakugo.”
You were still angry, and you walked out the facility and slammed the door. You walked back to UA, and spoke with you counselors.
UA had specifically designed a fireproof room for you to let out your anger, and there you went, and unleashed all your anger. You body went up in blue flames, so high, they touched the ceiling. You threw some punches and balls of fire at the furthest wall to let off some steam. Aizawa walked into the counselors room to watch you from the other side of some fireproof glass.
“He’s got a temper, but at least he knows when and where to let it show.”
Your screaming and yelling in anger lasted about 30 minutes before Aizawa had to step in. He could tell you were getting overheated, and didn’t want you to suffer from the drawbacks of your quirk, which was heatstroke.
Since your flames are so hot, you easily heat up, causing you to sweat and be more susceptible to heat stroke. Aizawa erased your quirk before you realized. Your eyes had closed as you became more tired, yet you still tried throwing punches. The heat from the room was excruciating.
“Y/N,” the sound of Aizawa’s voice snapped you out of it. You looked towards him and saw his red eyes, and noticed you couldn’t use your quirk anymore.
“Come on, kiddo. Let’s get you some water and some food.”
You shuffled your way towards Aizawa and he wrapped his arm around your waist, to help you stay up. The counselors helped cool you down and brought you some water to drink. As your body cooled, and you calmed down, you became tired. Usually it’s just another affect from the heat you endure.
The reason you’re here in the first place isn’t because you want to be a hero. You needed serious help, and going to a school where pro heroes taught seemed like a safe place for you to openly experiment with your quirk without hurting anyone. In your past, you hurt someone you dearly loved.
You vowed to never use your quirk again. Soon, you proved yourself wrong. When someone hit a nerve with you, you again, used your quirk to hurt another, thus beginning showing signs of anger issues, and lack of self control.
That is why you are here at UA, and you were paired with Aizawa’s class. He was the safest bet when it came to controlling your quirk.
AN: Let me know if you’d like to have this as a several part series! I find this character incredibly fun. I’ll probably still continue this story anyways!
I know with recent news a lot of people are afraid that authors are going to be not writing mha fics anymore, but trust me, I still have a lot of stories left in me. I won’t be leaving the mha fandom anytime soon. However, I DO NOT read the manga. I always go off of the anime. (I just don’t have the funds to read the manga). You will not see spoilers here until they happen in the anime. I will be writing for a while, even if I take a few breaks between posts 🤍 I love you all.
Class 1-A is introduced to you, the new student, part 2
(Part 1) (this will be a link soon)
You walked into class the next day, hands in your pockets, sticking by Aizawa’s side as he taught the rest of your classmates. Most wondered why you weren’t allowed to participate, but as he trained the rest of the class, he trained you as well, however, less on the quirk aspect, and more on the psychological aspect of your quirk.
“Y/N,” Aizawa started.
“Yes, sir?”
“What triggers the big emotions that leads you to needing to let off steam?” What a question, and so straight forward too. You watched everyone else for a bit, thinking about what actually causes your anger.
“I think it can be several different things. I don’t like when people assume I don’t use my quirk because I’m weak. At the same time, talking about how strong it is just reminds me of what I did a few months back. It’s very difficult to live with that reality. It makes me angry that I have no control, both over my quirk, and my emotions. I don’t know where to start, and that is also a trigger. I feel stuck.”
Aizawa looked at you for a moment, then spoke. “I see.” You continued to watch your classmates, but particularly watched Todoroki the most. After all, he did have the most similar quirk to yours. You also watched Bakugo, using the strength from his explosions to propel him forward at his opponent. You looked up to both of them, but one of them seemed to think you were weak for not knowing how to control your own quirk, and you just haven’t had a conversation with the other.
Aizawa seemed to notice this, and he asked Bakugo and Todoroki to stay after class. Class was dismissed after a while, and you were sitting in the back of the classroom now. Aizawa spoke to Todoroki and Bakugo about your quirk.
“Y/N has had a difficult time controlling his quirk. He looks up to you two. He watches you both when you spar with classmates.”
Todoroki listened intently, and Bakugo couldn’t give less than a damn.
“Tell him to stop being such a weakling, and maybe he’d control himself,” said Bakugo. His words hurt you. You looked up to him and his abilities to work with his quirk, but he only ridicules you.
“I mean, come on, we’ve had quirks now for close to 10 years now, shouldn’t he know how to already use it?” Bakugo scoffed.
“I don’t think it’s that simple, Bakugo. Perhaps we don’t know the full story.” Todoroki said, standing up for you. His words helped to calm you back down.
“Todoroki is right, Bakugo. You don’t know the full story. Anyways, he wants to learn to control his quirk before the sports festival. He wants to participate, but is afraid of some past trauma’s resurfacing. As I said yesterday, he is seeing the administration here, and we help him in any way we can.”
“I assume since he’s looking up to Bakugo and I, he has a type of fire quirk?”
“Yes, he does.”
“It’s called Blue Flame,” you said. “Except it seems to come out when I’m angry, or showing any kind of emotion that raises my heart rate. The heat also causes extreme heat exhaustion, which makes me more susceptible to heat stroke.”
Todoroki and Bakugo looked at you while you were speaking. Both listened intently, although Bakugo truly seemed uninterested.
“I think if we are to help him overcome his fears of his own quirk, we need to see how out of control his quirk is. Don’t you agree, Bakugo?”
“Whatever… I don’t like to help hero-wannabes.” There it was. The anger began to rise. You felt the anger radiate through your arms, almost like you needed to punch Bakugo in the face to show him how powerful you were. Aizawa’s eyes glowed red and his hair stood upwards. He was keeping everyone else safe by erasing your quirk.
“Y/N, don’t take Bakugo’s words to heart. He thinks he’s invincible. Although, we could use some of that anger when we show them your strength.”
Later that day, Aizawa took you, Todoroki, and Bakugo to the fireproof room made for you to get out your pent up anger. Aizawa let you in as Todoroki and Bakugo stood by the glass to see your power. On the outside of this room was a mic where Aizawa could speak to you inside the room. He spoke into the mic and said, “Y/N, ready to show them?”
Your anger being present made you even more ready to show them, especially Bakugo, what you’re made of. You flashed a grin as your body erupted into flames that reached the ceiling.
The bright blue flames stunned them for a second, but once they were able to look, they saw that your flames overtook your body, except for your face. Your eyes glowed along with the flames. The look on Bakugo’s face was priceless. Seeing the overconfident, egotistical brat be afraid made you feel some sort of satisfaction.
Todoroki was amazed, but also quite frightened. Your chest moved up and down as you were breathing angrily.
“Wow,” Todoroki said. “He’s got bigger anger issues than you, Bakugo, but he’s better at hiding it.”
“Yes,” Aizawa said, agreeing with Todoroki. “Y/N always bursts into these flames. We can never seem to make them smaller. They only seem to get larger and larger. Perhaps you’d be able to help him, Todoroki. Demonstrate to him how you control your fire. And Bakugo, once he’s more mastered at how much power he gives out, you could show him how to utilize that to his advantage.”
Bakugo scoffed, and rolled his eyes.
“Yeah, whatever, but don’t think of it as a favor or because I think he’s a friend because he’s not.” The room filled with silence as the three of them watched you blast out fiery punches, and flames from your hands. After about 30 minutes, you were exhausted. Aizawa used the mic to tell you that he was going to erase your quirk, but as he said so, you continued to rage and scream. You were a bit slower than when you initially started, but you were still throwing punches and kicks in all directions, and at the fire-proof practice dummy that Hatsume made for you.
Aizawa opened the door, and erased your quirk. You threw a few more exhausted punches before collapsing onto the ground. This made Todoroki and Bakugo stand up, not knowing what had happened. Aizawa brought you out of the room, and laid you down on the cooling floor.
“Y/N easily suffers from heat exhaustion, as he told you in the class. He’ll be just fine. Don’t you two worry. Although, your quirk might be the most useful to him for now, Todoroki. With your ice, you could help him keep cool as he learns more about how to control his quirk.”
“That’s what I was thinking too. I’d be happy to help, sir.”
“You both are dismissed, I will give you the details tomorrow. Thank you for staying after class.”
AN: Had this in my notes for a while! I hope you enjoy this part! I am also working on a new AU! I’ll let you know when it’s ready! (Also, asks are open! Lmk what you’d like to see between these chapters!)