Hot For Teacher
Hot for teacher
Luke: Hey Ryu!
Luke: Hmm, he didn't respond
*Mischievous Giggles*
Luke: Oh Ryu, Do you want me to tease you
Ryu: Luke please don't interrupt my meditation
Luke: Really, Daddy?...
Ryu: LUKE! *Blushes* Please stop it!
Luke: Did I make Daddy blush...
Ryu: Stop it! Please *Blushes*
Luke: Aww
*Pining Ryu down on the sofa*
Ryu: Luke, what are you doing?
Luke: Well I'm seducing you, daddy
Ryu: WHAT! Luke, Please get you off of me *Blushes*
Luke: Daddy, you are fucking hot
Ryu: This is inappropriate, I'm still your teacher
Luke: I know that Daddy but we can have a little bit of fun
Luke: Make me, Daddy
Luke: Daddy, Fuck me...
Ryu: Ooh I'll
Luke: Oh Daddy, Fuck me! Fuck me!
Ryu: Hahahaha! Luke, I'll
*Kisses* and *Frottage*
Guile: What the hell is going on here?
Ken and Jamie: RYU! LUKE!
Bosch: Coach...
Chun Li: *Gasps in shock* RYU!
Kimberly: Luke, how could you?
Talia: Mr. Ryu and Luke!
Peyton: That's so fucking hot!!!
Iris: I don't want to admit it either but it's sexy
Auriana: IKR! I know it's wrong but it's sexy to see that
Angelica: PEYTON! That's so inappropriate
Cammy: I agree with a small-talking bunny here
Luke: Daddy Ryu, Fuck me now! *Loudly moans*
Ryu: Patience *Softly whispered*
Luke: Daddy Ryu, Please I can't take it anymore.
Ryu: *Giggles* Luke, you need to be patient
Guile: Should I stop this it?
Ken: RYU!
Jamie: LUKE!
Talia: Please stop this! Mr. Guile!
Peyton: No don't stop it, Just let them do it!
Juri: I agree with the ruby porcelain doll here, Just let them do it
Ryu and Luke: FUCK!!!!
Luke: Daddy Ryu, You are so damn sexy
Ryu: Luke, You're not bad yourself
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More Posts from Eternalstarlitwonderland
Wrestling With Lust In Mind
Chapter One
The sounds of cheering spectators echoed throughout the locker room.
Where a young man named Luke Sullivan sitting in complete solitude with the determination to be the global open-weight champion.
He stands up and starts to sharply exhale, which eventually leads to doing warming-up exercises.
As he prepared himself for his first-ever match, his name was called by an associate.
He quickly got out of the locker room with a confident smirk on his face, sauntering to a vast sea of spectators.
Seeing every one of them waving a poster of him and even a banter with his name written on it, made his day more special, and his debut match for the main roster.
This is now or never, Make or break.
The crowd began to loudly chant for Luke, the babyface hotshot
Chanting his name and addressing him as the shining star.
As he approached the ring with anticipation, his opponent looked at him with intrigue and probably lust.
"Hmm, Just another meathead"
With his hip-length black swaying left and right, his appearance is more feminine than the former which shocks him because he thought he was wrestling with a man, not a pretty woman.
"Wow, he's beautiful… He is a woman?"
He quickly shakes off any thoughts about him and gets into the ring, facing his opponent for the first time.
"No! No! I have to focus!"
The latter introduced himself as Jamie Siu, the global open-weight champion.
"Hello there I'm Jamie Siu, The global open-weight champion"
"Hello I'm Luke Sullivan, I'm here to take your title"
Luke introduced himself to the champion as the challenger to take the title from him, Jamie just laughed, and scoffed at him and said that there was no way a person like him was going to beat him and take the title from him.
Luke equally shot back at Jamie saying that he is going to beat him and take the title no matter what.
The sound of the bell rings for the match, as the two strategize for each other's weak spots and points that they can export for an advantage.
"Hey Pretty Boy, I'm going to be the champion"
"HAHAHAHAHA! I think you losing it, Meathead"
"Hmmm, Not really"
"You're merely beneath me! Meathead, You couldn't last a day with me!"
"Aw did I anger Pretty boy here? Aww you're so cute when you're mad"
"How dare you insult me! You idiotic meathead! I'm going to kick your ass!"
"Bring it on, Prettyboy!"
"Okay I have to play my cards right"
"Hmm, He seems to be an easy guy to defeat"
"I know this guy is pretty tough but I'm sure I'm going to be the champion"
Jamie starts the match with a flurry of quick kicks to knock down the challenger, Luke encounters kicks with some kicks of his own.
While the two try to get the other to yield, engaging in a power struggle.
{Footsteps Approaches}
{Fighting Grunt}
Jamie performs his signature finisher dubbed the drunken master's principle causing Luke to be knocked down to the mat.
"Take this! Here's this drunken master's principle!"
{Pained Grunt}
Seeing him lying there on the mat and not moving his body, it's his chance for an easy win, he quickly goes for a cover, and the referee sees the cover and goes to where Jamie and the unconscious form of Luke are.
As Jamie is hoping the referee counts to three already until all of a sudden Luke gets up and quickly wraps his arms around Jamie's neck and wraps his legs around the smaller man forming a guillotine-like hold.
Performing his signature finisher dubbed the catching shining star, causes Jamie to writhe and thrash in the center of the ring.
"Damn it! Say three already!"
{Pained Grunt}
As the cheers get louder and louder, Luke strengthens his hold on him causing Jamie to squirm even more.
"Give up, pretty boy!"
{Pained Grunt}
"Fuck you, Meathead!"
{Determine Grunt}
{Pained Grunt}
"Don't make me go even further"
"Do it then, meathead!"
"Fine then, Prettyboy"
Jamie tried to do anything to escape from it, but unfortunately for the champion. He tapped out, resulting in a loss for him and a win for Luke.
When Jamie tapped out, then Luke knew he was the winner.
The bell rings, and he is announced as the winner of the global open-weight championship.
"The winner of the global open-weight championship, Luke"Shining Star" Sullivan!!!"
{Breathing Heavily}
He gets up from the mat and gives him a hand, at first Jamie hesitates but he relents.
"Here, Pretty boy you want to get up?"
"Don't call me pretty boy, okay?"
"Help me up"
"Fine pretty boy"
{Effort Grunt}
"Sorry I thought you were a woman because you're so beautiful"
"Did I make you blush?"
"Hmm, do you like guys or girls?"
"What kind of question are you asking me?"
"Of course I like guys"
"Phew! I thought you going to punch me"
"Why would I do that?"
"I'm pretty bad at flirting"
"I can definitely tell"
"So I want to take you out on a date, are you interested?"
"Of course, I would be interested"
Luke pulled Jamie into a kiss, wrapping his arms around the smaller man's waist.
Having a passionate making-out session with one another, being unaware of everybody else, noticed that something was going on between them.
When they finished making out and they noticed that everyone was glued to them and even cheering them on as a couple.
"Wow, Pretty boy you're a great kisser"
"You're a great kisser as well"
"Let's get out of here"
"Let's go!"
They quickly got out of the ring and ran to the safety of the locker room.
#lukejamie #luke Sullivan #jamie siu #sf6 #streetfighter6
Ryu: hey Luke how do you know Jamie?
Luke: Well, we know each other since childhood
Jamie: Yeah he was an idiot to fight me
Luke: Shut up, Pretty boy
Jamie: We met again at the wrestling ring
Luke: He was cocky so I'm humble him a little bit
Jamie: You don't humble me at all
Luke: I kind of did pretty boy
Jamie: *Scoffs* Yeah right
Luke: Really Pretty boy, I think you should be humble again
Jamie: Yeah Right, Meathead
Luke: Oh yeah I'm going to repeat your humiliation over and over again
Jamie: Really?
Luke: Really?
Ryu: Alright you two need to stop
Both: Fine
Ryu: You two remind me of Ken and me when we were young
Luke: Hey Ryu, where is Ken?
Ryu: He is at home with his wife and son
Jamie: Hmm, I see
Luke: So Ryu, Are you still in guys, or totally you are completely hetero?
Ryu: What do you mean by that?
Jamie: Are you dating Chun-Li?
Ryu: No, We are just friends that's all
Luke: Oh *Nervous Giggles*
Jamie: So Ryu, what you do think about Luke and me in the ring?
Ryu: Hmm, Well I thought you were tricky to get used to but I learned my way around tricky wrestlers like you Jamie and I successfully win a match against you
Luke: Ouch!, Pretty boy you got beaten by the legendary Ryu
Jamie: Aww shut up, Meathead
Ryu: *Giggles* Oh I almost forgot about you, Luke I thought I would have an easy match with you but I guess I was wrong and learned a lesson
Luke: Well I guess I did beat the legendary Ryu
Jamie: Hey Don't be so arrogant, Luke
Luke: I'm not arrogant, I'm confident
Jamie: Yeah whatever
Ryu: Well I have to go then
Luke and Jamie: No Ryu don't go
Luke: Stay
Jamie: Please
Both: Pretty, please *puppy pout*
Ryu: Fine I'll stay
Luke and Jamie: Yeah!
Luke: So Ryu, Do you want to be in a threesome?
Ryu: Hmm, A threesome?
Jamie: Yeah a threesome
Ryu: Sure why, I take both of you on if you want
Luke: Alright then
Jamie: Ooh, This is going to be interesting
Ryu: Come here, You two *Motioning them to come over*
Luke: Ryu do you want your clothes off?
Ryu: Sure
Jamie: Can I?
Ryu: You may
*Jamie slowly peels off Ryu's clothes*
*Throwing it to the floor*
Ryu: Should I do the honor to take both of your clothes off
Luke and Jamie: You may, Ryu
*Ryu slowly peels off Luke's and Jamie's clothes*
*Throwing it to the floor*
Ryu: Are you two ready for the night of your lives
Luke and Jamie: Please fuck us, Daddy
Ryu: *Giggles* Alright
*Luke inserts himself into Jamie*
Jamie: *Wince*
*Ryu inserts himself into Luke*
Luke: *Wince*
Luke: FUCK!
Jamie: Oh, FUCK!
Ryu: Oh I'm going to cum
Luke: FUCK DADDY!!!!
Jamie: Ahhhhh!!!!
*Ryu cum inside of Luke*
*Luke cum inside of Jamie*
Jamie: Fuck I'm going to cum *Shaking his member*
Ryu: Blow that baby *Kissing Jamie's neck*
Luke: Oh baby, Blasted it pretty baby
Jamie: Ahhhhh!
*Jamie cum on himself*
Ryu: Wow, That was amazing
Luke: Hey, I'm got to admit it pretty boy you looked absolutely stunning
Jamie: Ahh, Fuck just shut up and kiss me, Meathead
Luke: I gladly do
Luke: Hey Ryu, You are not leaving, are you?
Ryu: What would you say that? I'm just enjoying watching you two kiss and besides I have a great time with you two
Luke: Same here
Jamie: I guess we bring the legendary dragon out of him
Ryu: Of course, you guys did come here and kiss me
Luke: Gladly we do
Jamie: Surely
Jamie: Hey Luke, do you want to hang out with me on the balcony?
Luke: I can't because I'm still playing Estella's Brilliance
Jamie: Please Luke!
Luke: {Sighs} Okay? What time?
Jamie: 12 O'clock at midnight
Luke: 12! Seriously pretty boy
Jamie: Yes I'm serious, and please don't call me pretty boy it's fucking annoying okay! Get ready!
Luke: Geez pretty boy you are "Pretty" upset… Okay, I will get myself ready…
{Notification Bell Chiming}
Jamie: Luke! Are you still up?
Luke: Yeah I'm still up!
Jamie: Okay, Just go to your balcony
Luke: Why?
Jamie: Because I'm here!
Luke: Pretty boy?!
Jamie: Yes! Damn it Luke! Again don't call me Pretty Boy!
Luke: Okay Pretty Boy! I'm here!
Jamie: Come out then! Meathead!
Luke: Geez pretty boy, you are waiting for me huh?
Jamie: Damn it, Luke Just kiss me already!
When Luke came out of his bedroom to see his boyfriend, standing there with a smirk on his face and he begin to excitedly run up to him and begin to hug him and kiss him on his lips and even have a battle with their tongues for dominance, while they are entwining their tongues in a sensual mock battle, Jamie goes lower to Luke's firm buttocks and squeeze it which cause him to lose the mock match. They stopped for a few seconds to look into each other's eyes and even softly caressing their firm buttocks and even grinding on each other's clothed erect penis and begin to passionately kiss each other's lips, slowly walking back to Luke's bedroom while still passionately kissing.
"Jamie, Thank you for coming to see me (looking at Jamie's chocolate brown orbs)" Luke replied with a sincere smile on his face.
"Luke, I always love to be with you (looking up at Luke's ocean blue orbs) Well, I don't want to waste any time here" Jamie replied with a smile on his face.
"Oh yeah! Sorry about that! (Kisses him)" Luke sheepishly replied.
When they get to the bedroom they start to take their clothes and shoes off of each other, and Luke covers the latter's smaller body and begins to kiss him on his exposed neck which leaves trails of saliva and tiny bite marks on Jamie's neck and while Luke was kissing on Jamie's lips and neck.
When Luke was done kissing him on his neck, Suddenly Jamie turned the tables on him, did a reversal on Luke and pinned him to the bed, kissed him on his lips, and began to frottage on Luke's erect cock.
While Jamie was grinding on him, Luke used two fingers to enter his anal entrance to make it open for penetration, at first Jamie just hissed at the intrusion and even winced in pain but he felt the amazing feeling of Luke's fingers.
"Luke......!, Please I can't take this intense friction (being breathless) Please fuck me!" Jamie softly pleaded.
"Oh my! Pretty boy, you're desperate for my cock huh?" Luke asked with a smirk on his face.
"Please......!, I can't take this anymore! (being breathless)" Jamie softly pleaded.
"Alright then! But I must warn you (looking at Jamie) It's going to hurt (putting two of his fingers to make a scissoring emotion to Jamie's anal entrance)" Luke replied with a smirk on his face.
"I won't mind it Ahhhhh! (being entered)" Jamie softly moaned.
When Luke finished fingering Jamie in preparation for the penetration, he put a condom on his cock and lubricated his cock and even Jamie's anal entrance.
Luke begins to slowly thrust into Jamie's tight entrance and began to begin softly moaning with each slow thrust Luke leaned over to kiss Jamie on the lips, and while he was primal and senselessly thrusting into him, Jamie was kissing him and having a mocked and sensual battle with their tongues until Luke reached to his completion inside of Jamie and sloppy and sweet kisses him on his lips.
"Fuck!, baby I'm coming! (being strained)" Luke shouted.
"Aaaaaahhhh! (sensual moaning)" Jamie moaned loudly.
"Aaaaaaahhhhh! (blowing his cum over Jamie's entrance)" Luke moaned loudly.
"Luke, I love you (being breathless)" Jamie replied with a smile.
"I love you too, Jamie (leaning towards him to kiss him)" Luke replied with a smile.




A little RyuKen comic for Ryu's birthday!

RyuKen doodle between drawing book pages