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More Posts from Everlyn63
this is so freaking adorable!!😫ðŸ˜
Mornings with Toji Fushiguro is sweaty. That sweat is not because of any bedroom activities, rather his intense work-out schedule. As someone who hates moving an inch unless it was for getting food or to go to bathroom, you despised his morning routine than anyone.
But if Toji was asked about the ways in which he makes himself feel better, he would obviously say workout and makeout (with you of course).
The time he wakes up -according to you is at the witching hour- is way early that usual people. The room would still be plunged in darkness, except for the occasional light from the flickering sign board outside your apartment. He would be having you close to his chest by the time he is awake. He would stop the alarm before it gets annoying and you turn to the other side, facing away from him. He doesn't like that. So he would turn the alarm off, then gently tuck you in his blanket, placing a firm kiss on your forehead before he starts his day officially.
Once he finished his warm up then the regular workouts and cardios, it would be around the time you wake up. By the time he reaches back in his home, on most of the days you would be in his comfy over-sized t-shirt which reached you knees. Or else, you would be running around in a casual wear searching for some papers that he swears he didn't see. But since the pandemic started it's usually the first one that happens. Work from home was actually a blessing according to him, you won't deny that either.
Toji would walk towards you, then kiss your nape. He would give a back hug, and pull you impossibly closer to him. As much as you hated sweat, by this time Toji has already got an earful. But he is immune to it. And as much as he hated hearing the same thing over and over again, but it was you who said those words, so he loved it too.
Despit his looks of a tough guy, Toji actually looks forward for days where he can just bask in your embrace without worrying about what happens next. Just you and him in the comfort of your home; a cosy place that he built for just the two of you.
AN: I think I should stop it here, anymore my heart won't be able to handle the sweetness.
could you draw Chopper with Sanji?

sure. take this.
maybe had write smth wrong I cant stop yawn
kdudjdueu ðŸ˜

Jujutsu Kaisen references in "OTAKU HOT GIRL"

"Welcome back my dear students! I hope all of you had a great summer break but I hope you got enough rest because it's gonna be hectic starting from now!" As the Principal of Neo greeted the students and warned them of the upcoming schedules Park Jisung the star of Neo's hip-hop dance team couldn't help but daze in broad daylight, already missing his summer holidays.
He had been busy the whole break with dance competions, exhibitions and workshops. And in a blink of an eye the summer holidays were over even before he could lie down on his bed peacefully. So he couldn't help but let out a sigh as he went back to his thoughts when a certain something his Principal said caught his attention.
"This year our school will be hosting the Winter Solstice ball with students from schools and institutes all over the country in attendance. Of course it's important to have fun but since we're in our home grounds I request all students to give your best and show all the schools we were chosen as hosts for a reason alright?" Lee Soo Man asked as the students answered with an energetic yes. In that moment Jisung felt a fire of motivation growing in him as he cheered along with his school mates.
"Finally!" he cheered out as all the students talked with each other about how excited they were when Principal Lee cleared his throat.
"Now, now...before you go to your classes I'd like to warn all of you. Don't be overconfident if you don't want to lose like your seniors last year...I say watch out for Seuli..." he said as murmurs graced the hall.
"Didn't Seuli win last year as well?"
"I heard the teams this year are a lot stronger than last year's."
"Then we have no chance of winning."
"Someone told me that the students of the Dance team are all people with more than 15 years of experience! And we're 19!"
Seuli...6 time Winter Solstice Champions, they won the first ever Winter Solstice Ball 10 years ago at 2013 and then went on to win the Winter Cup for five more years from 2018 till last year at the 10th Anniversary Ball last year. If anything, Seuli was a force that couldn't be stopped so it wasn't surprising when their Principal specifically warned them about that particular institute
Neo had won the Winter Solstice Cup only once at 2015 which greatly owed to the Sports and the Dance teams. Jisung's elder brother being the leader of the dance team at that time. That win was part of the reason that made Jisung want to become a Dancer and join Neo. So Jisung wanted nothing but to win the Cup at home ground and make his hyung proud the way he made Jisung proud back then.
"So we have around- now it's July...sooo...we have about 4 months to choreograph and perfectly execute a dance piece good enough for us to win." Minjae said when suddenly a voice caught us off guard.
"Good enough won't get you guys anywhere close to the consolation let alone first." all of us stood up the moment our teacher and choreographer Hoya entered and spoke up.
"To win you have to be the best, Seuli is not the only school you have to look out have Hanyang, Kirin, Kwangan, Suwon and many more, the competition will be strong so you can't aim for good enough." he said making us nod.
"Sorry hyung." Minjae said as Hoya smiled and sighed.
"It's alright, we still have a lot of time left so we can go about the performance step by step." he said as all of us nodded.
"I hope all of you do know that you'll be partnered up with students from other schools to dance for the ball right." he said as I let out a loud 'what?' making Hyejin hit me.
"But they don't usually do that right? We usually go with our own partners." Yuri said and all of us nodded as Hoya laughed.
"How about all of you stop acting like you don't pick a fight with the ballet students of Seuli first hm? It's because of the frequent clashes that the dance teams and other students of both Neo and Seuli get into that our Principal has made it mandatory that both schools are paired up with each other for the ball.
Me along with Seuli's dance teacher have been assigned to pair up the students of both dance teams for the ball. No complaints, we will be going to Seuli tomorrow after lunch break and anyone who tries to skip will automatically be removed from the line up for the main dance competition." Hoya said causing all of us to jolt up.
"Hyung! That's not fair!" Minjae exclaimed as I agreed.
"Yes! I agree with him! It's not fair!" I exclaimed as Hana and Yuri pushed us away.
"It's the student's of Seuli who always rile us up!" Yuri exclaimed as Hana followed.
"They're the ones who start the fight so I don't get why we have to be punished too!" Hana exclaimed as Hyeonjun nodded.
"They should be the ones punished not us!" Hyeonjun exclaimed as Hoya clapped.
"Settle down, settle down!" he exclaimed as we hesitantly sat back down.
"First of all, all of you are equally at fault not only Seuli. You know what? You guys are actually quite similar." he said earning a gasp from us.
"Hyung! Don't compare us to those prideful and overconfident spoilt brats!" Minjae exclaimed as Hoya sighed.
"Hey, don't say that...besides I say you throw away thoughts like that or else it'll affect your chemistry with your partners." he said as I groaned.
"But they're ballet...and we're hip-hop...we're completely different." I said as Hoya pointed at me with a smile.
"See! That's the point! Both teams perform two very very different forms of dance but you'll all be doing waltz which is also very difderent from your normal style so the point of pairing you guys up is for you to not only learn a new form of dance but also learn how to work together and perform in sync with each other despite your differences.
Waltz is a dance form that requires a lot of chemistry between the partners so it'll be a good way for both teams to get to know each other and perhaps become friends too! So I expect all of you to cooperate and execute it beautifully." he said as we groaned.
"Waltz is so boring! I'm sure the ballet students chose it! I despise classical music." I expressed my disinterest as Hoya laughed.
"First of all waltz is a must for balls and secondly do you plan on popping, locking and freestyling on the dance floor? It's just as fun as hip-hop I promise." Hoya said as we finally agreed.
"'s not like we have a choice anyways." Hyejin said as Hoya clasped his hands together.
"Very good! I know all of you will do well!" he said as he dismissed us to go to our classes.
"Who's gonna tell Seunghee and Seunghan though?" Hana asked as we walked to our classes.
"We can just text them." Yuri said as we all nodded and headed to math class.
"I don't get why we have to dance with animals..." Hyunsuk mumbled as I sighed.
"We don't really have much of choice since they're the hosts." I said as Haeri nodded with a sigh.
"Yeah, knowing them they're gonna try and squeeze some hip-hop into the dance." Haeri said as we continued talking about it on our way to the cafeteria.
"It's alright, let them do as they like. It'll only result in them getting in trouble later." Sungchan said as I agreed.
"Sungchan's right...let's just focus on our part." I said and took a sip of my lemonade.
"Sungchan, you used to study at Neo right? Were they alway so wild?" Sua asked Sungchan who just scoffed at the question.
"Why do you think I left hm?" he said earning a laugh from everyone.
"Let's see who takes the Cup home this year." Yuki said as we looked at the Cup that placed itself in the middle of the school trophy display.
"But of course our job is to make sure we assure the Winter Solstice Cup remain here in its place for another year." Sanha said as we made our way to our respected classes.
During class I couldn't help think about the competition. I looked out the window at the clouds as they floated past my line of sight.
Will Jisung be in the team?
I sighed and stretched my body at the ring of the bell. I packed my bags and skipped out happily at the thought of being able to finally go home and rest after a long day at school. I was about to go out the school door when I heard footsteps running behind me.
"Lia, wait up!" I turned to see a smiling Sungchan making me smile.
"Hey!" I exclaimed as we walked out together.
"Let's hang out." he said and threw a helmet my way as I groaned.
"I wanna rest!" I exclaimed as he threw me a banana milk.
"Have that and power up, we're going up no matter what." he said and giggled while dragging me to where his bike was.
"It better be worth my sleep." I said as he chuckled and got on his bike followed by me. I put on the helmet and wrapped my hands around his waist as he started the bike.
After reaching our destination, the convenience store I went in first sin Sungchan had to park the bike. I went on to the ramen aisle searching for my favourite ramen and smiled when I caught sight of it.
"Why..." I slumped down when I realised I can't reach it.
"The government should really take care of this problem and make convenience store shelves shorter and easier to reach...the people being born these days, especially women are getting shorter and shorter..." I mumbled as I groaned again and tried reaching for it and failing marvellously.
"Or maybe you should grow taller." I turned to see Sungchan leaning on one of the shelves as he walked up and took out the ramen and handed it to me.
" how's the family?" I asked as I prepped the ramen and put it in the microwave.
"They're misses you already. She always asks me when I'll be bringing you over for dinner again." he said making me smile as I patted his back.
"Tell her I'll come visit soon." I said with a smile and stood up to take my ramen out when Sungchan stood up and took it out for me.
"Yah, Channie you didn't have to." I said as he smiled and removed the cover.
"We're gonna share it so I have to do my part of the job too right?" he said and quickly took my chopsticks and ate my ramen making me hit him.
"Yah! That's mine!!"
That's it for this chapter hope you liked it even though Jisung and Lia still haven't met but I hope you liked the bff goals Sungchan and Lia gave. I will say that there will be some love triangle shit going on!