
my dearest

127 posts

Everybest - Tumblr Blog

6 months ago

[05:31 pm] "Where's the baby? Here it is!" Bestfriend!Jaehyun gleefully says to your baby niece as he played peekaboo with her. As she burst in giggles, Jaehyun's own smile seemed to widen.

"He's husband material, you know?' Your sister bumps her shoulder on yours as she sits next to you on the sofa. 'You would make a wonderful couple!"

You scowled as you tried to hide your rosy cheeks. "We don't like each other like that." You mumble.

Another fit of laughter interrupts you both: the baby getting more and more giddy with the man's antics.

Jaehyun suddenly looks to you with a huge smile, dimples and all. "Look! She likes me better! I guess you just lost your 'favourite aunt title'."

"You're not even her uncle!" You answered, a giggle of your own making it's way out of your lips.

"I could be." He shrugged, winking at you.

The nerve this man had.

"Yeah you definitely don't like each other like that." Your sister teased

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6 months ago

𝐋𝐞𝐞 𝐇𝐚𝐞𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧 // 𝐃𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟏𝐬𝐭

The hairs on your arms stand as goosebumps rise on top of your skin even whilst you’re wrapped up in Haechan’s arms and the many layers, they both do little from protecting you from the harsh December winds. Walking out in the middle of the night to see the many stars that fall down into the streets only during this time of year, it was Haechan’s idea to go see the lights and as romantic as it sounds to walk in the snow, admiring all the Christmas decorations that were hung making these mundane streets that you walk everyday much prettier, the cold was becoming unbearable. Your teeth beginning to clatter against each other and your whole body shivering but despite it all you don’t want anything more than to carry on this moment. This moment in time where happiness fills you to the brim, where your heart erupts at each loving smile directed you way, where butterflies emerge when Haechan rubs small circles into you freezing hands, this moment when you feel loved and in love.

A dim light flickers in the distance but Haechan seems to know what it is as he hurries his steps dragging you along so you keep up. Excitment paints his face as he sees the cafe still open, rushing inside. The warmth of the indoors embraces you and smell of chocolate circling you. Haechan only can stare at you, a smile on his face as you wait in line to order. Hand in hand you both just smile at each other, as if you were the only ones in this world. So blinded by love. Haechan leans down to press a small kiss on your nose, again and again until the cold frost is replaced by his loving warmth. Until embarrassment is clear on your face and you nudge him away. He only lets out a small laugh before hugging you, arms around your waist and chin hooked over your shoulder. “You’re so cute when you get all embarrassed” he laughs in your ear pressing a soft kiss on it’s shell. You only roll your eyes at his antics as he continues to place small kisses down your neck only stopping when you have to order.

After ordering two hot chocolates, waiting for it to be made, you turn in Haechan’s embrace and place your arms around his neck, leaning up and quickly kissing him before anyone can see. He smiles down at you and all you see in adoration in his eyes and against your lips he whispers “I love you” a smile stretched across yours and before you can answer your’re being called for your order.

Š (jisungiest) 2021. All Rights Reserved.

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6 months ago
7:01pm Oh My God, I Really Cant Do This Right Now, He Scowls And Throws The Manual On The Floor, Putting

7:01pm — “oh my god, i really can’t do this right now,” he scowls and throws the manual on the floor, putting his hands into his hair dramatically. you grin at his sulky behaviour, bending over to take the 10 page long manual from the ground and turn the pages, trying to somehow understand how the two of you were supposed to build the stupid cabinet you bought online just because it was 80% off and it was a great deal.

lee donghyuck is known to be quite the smart one amongst all of your friends, but even though your roommate is the wittiest person you know, when the amount of screws and nails doesn’t add up to the number written on the front page of the manual and the whole thing is in polish, for some reason, even he himself has some trouble setting up the small wooden cabinet you meant to put into your shared bathroom.

you hear shuffling coming from the door, drifting your eyes off the small lettering saying only god knows what, seeing your beloved roommate coming back into the living room with two bottles of beer. you didn’t even notice him leaving, too immersed and occupied with the manual.

“here,” he mutters, offering you the glass bottle and taking the papers out of your hands, “let me look at it once more.” 

the more you drink and the more you try to build the cabinet in countless different ways, the more the two of you giggle, throwing the manual completely away and reasoning only to rely on your own brains. your sight is a little hazy now and hyuck’s hands are a little more clumsy than they are usually, the screws falling through his fingers when he tries to put some shelves inside of the wooden frame, but you no longer find it frustrating as you just clink your bottles against each other and continue your building journey with no stress and rush.

“i think we finally figured it out,” hyuck beams, showing you the creation you two bought together in retail, hands motioning to it like he’s proud of what he’s done. 

you examine the cabinet for a while, your slightly tipsy mind allowing you to ignore the small scratches and the chipped wood at the edges from when the wooden pieces fell out of your hands straight onto your floor, nodding at him with a grin on your face, showing him a thumbs up. 

“you’re good for marriage now,” you snicker, “ready to be the dream husband, you know, repairing things, building up cabinets…” you mumble, tiredly laying your body down onto the ugly orange carpet you two ordered online when first moving in, shielding your eyes from the light hanging above your head. 

“mhmm,” he hums when you feel his body suffocating you alive, his head finding its place in the crook of your neck, “only if I can wife you up, though.” 

you shake your head and scoff in disbelief, ignoring the swelling of your heart upon his words, opting to shuffle his hair and droop your hands around his figure. you guess you’ll dwell on his words more in the morning, after waking up with sore back from sleeping on the ground, finding the light still turned on and hearing your roommate snore cuddled up to your chest. 

7:01pm Oh My God, I Really Cant Do This Right Now, He Scowls And Throws The Manual On The Floor, Putting

a/n: first time posting nct me scared,,also HAPPY FULLSUN DAY im glad i managed to write this still on his bday </3

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6 months ago

me after you: ldh.

⨯ pairing: general!haechan x princess!reader

⨯ word count:  6.2k

⨯ genre: historical au, secret relationship

⨯ summary: being a royal means that you don't have the luxury of marrying for love. but when your younger sister is set to marry your childhood friend turned secret lover, you have to do something.

⨯ content: a lot of angst, mentions of blood, mentions of suicide, character death, open ending

⨯ playlist: fine, taeyeon / lucid dream, aespa / forgetting you, davichi / if it is you, jung seung hwan / how can i love the heartbreak you’re the only one i love, akmu

⨯ a/n: this comes after watching scarlet heart in one sitting. please be kind, this is the longest thing i've written in a while! feedback is always welcome ♡ . . .

You’re barely 10 years old when you first see him. You’re crouched behind a tree as you watch your brother Jaemin from a distance, an unfamiliar male by his side. You have no idea what they’re speaking about, but frankly, you don’t care much. You just want to know more about the male next to Jaemin. 

You've heard numerous stories of love at first sight. You’ve always believed that your first love would come and sweep you off your feet, that they would come in and whisk you away from the palace. But that’s not what he does. Instead, he fills your mind with fantasies, scenarios you only wish you could pursue with him. You imagine nights under the stars with him, being wrapped in his arms would be a dream come true. All this and you don’t even know his name. 

Suddenly, your muse for art is at its all-time high. You stray away from the usual flowers and bright colors. Dark colors make an appearance, and an unnamed male becomes the star of your paintings. It’s odd how someone you’ve never had a full conversation with occupies your mind. 

There’s this odd hunger that makes a home in your heart. Something that can never be calmed. At least not by you. Not by anyone but your mystery man. 

It’s not until a few weeks later that you get a name to match the face. Lee Donghyuck, the son of Grand General Lee. You know right away that he is destined to do nothing but good in his life. A man who can save countless countries in your eyes. 

You finally formally exchange names with him. It’s a wonder really, the way just a few words have you flying on cloud nine. “Lee Donghyuck,” he had said, voice sweeter than honey. It was sad how quickly you became smitten. 

But it seems you are not the only one because it doesn’t take long for the two of you to click. You’ve got a routine going, a secret shared amongst yourselves. Late nights turn into adventures, hand in hand the two of you explore everything the night skies have to offer. 

Looking into the eyes of Donghyuck you swear that he holds your whole universe there. He is limitless. The stars are not confined to just his eyes; they float in his voice when he whispers sweet words to you, and they dance along from his skin to yours when you touch. They surround him with this celestial warmth that is blinding to you. 

It doesn’t take you long to realize it, but you’ve fallen in love with Lee Donghyuck, desperately in love; it stays that way for years to come. 

And then the letters are sent out.

. . .

You are invited to the royal wedding...

Your attendance is requested at the wedding celebration of PRINCESS YI MIYOUNG and GENERAL LEE DONGHYUCK on the evening of Saturday, the 5th of January in the year of 1540 of King Jaehyun’s rule. 

The celebration will be held in the estate gifted to the prince consort and the princess after the formal wedding ceremony in the royal palace. Guests are required to bring forth a gift that will be presented to the bride and groom as well as the original invitation, which is to be presented on entrance. This invitation is extended to the immediate members of the recipient’s household.

His Majesty, King Jaehyun

Father of the bride.

. . .

Anger is a foreign emotion to you. But soon, you’ll find it’s your best friend. 

The date of the wedding weighs down on your soul. It crushes any hope that you have. Like a harsh wind, it blows out the flickering light of hope you have, and it leaves you covered in a darkness that you are unfamiliar with. Sorrow courses through your veins, but its presence is barely acknowledged. There’s something else there that takes control.


It clouds your senses until it's all you see. A white flash of rage. A single swipe of your arm leaves your tea cups broken on the floor. Tears of anger slip down your face, but it makes things worse. You’re weak, so weak. And you’re an emotional mess. 

You wish you could be angry at your father for allowing it to happen. At Donghyuck for making empty promises, or even Miyoung, for just being Miyoung. But you can’t. It’s impossible. Your anger is directed at one person only– yourself. 

You hate yourself. It becomes a cycle of self-loathing. You’re unable to be angry at anyone but yourself. You are too careless with your heart. How could you have been so foolish? You know better than anyone else that there’s no room for love when it comes to the royal family. 

You rip the decorative accessories from your hair and throw them with all the strength you can muster. Even so, they don’t make it far. They land in front of an unfinished painting, the image haunting you. A painting meant for Donghyuck. How could you bring yourself to finish it now? 

A piece of glass catches your attention. How easy would it be to end your suffering? A simple cut would be enough, would it not? You could be free of all the politics, free of the pain. The glass feels heavy in your hand and suddenly, you are weighing out your life options.

But the more you think about it, the more your anger manifests. How could you allow someone to have so much control over your life? You’ve given your heart away so easily, and you aren't sure if you’ll ever get it back. 

Without realizing it, your grip on the shard of glass tightens and soon you’re drawing blood. But with your emotions running so wild, you don't even feel the pain. Scarlet tears stain your clothing, but you don't mind. Not now. 

You’re tired, tired of being walked all over. You’re tired of not having a say in your life. But– at the same time– you’ve lost all care. Bitterness seeps into your heart, and you feel like giving up.

However, you refuse to be weak this time around. You’ve been kicked into the dirt once again, but you won’t allow yourself to be buried. You will grow this time, and this time with more resilience than before. 

You watch as another drop of blood falls from your hand. This time, you’ll care only for yourself. This time, you will only care for your own happiness. You’ll face everyone with a fake smile. You’ll congratulate the married couple. And you won’t reveal your sorrow.

. . .

It feels as if a weight has been lifted off Donghyuck’s chest. There had been a few hiccups, but he had survived greeting his future wife. It’s not like he really wanted to, but he knew he had a role to fill. Miyoung wasn’t at fault; it wasn’t as if she had approached her father and begged to allow her to marry him. 

No, it should have been you to do that. 

But he also knew that you were not in the proper position to make those demands. He sighs softly; what a truly frustrating experience this was. The meetings with Miyoung and the King had been draining, but it was clear that they were to be married for political reasons only. After all, Donghyuck came from a family of generals who were completely loyal to the crown. 

As if the sky was reflecting his exhausted nature, the sun had begun to set. The light was slowly dying, a beautiful pink hue painted across the sky. You would have loved to see this sunset; it was one of your favorite activities, just chatting away under the disappearing sun. 

Had he been more aware, he would have heard you approach him. Standing in front of him was a princess, and he would argue that she was his favorite one. 

His surroundings seemed to be muted in comparison to you. There was nothing as vibrant as his lover, if he dared still call you that. Almost instantly, his heart clenches; it hammers within his chest like the war drums sounding his army’s march. It was almost as if his heart was echoing its intent for you. 

“Princess…” Donghyuck catches himself, addressing you with your proper title before an affectionate nickname can slip past his lips. “I hope you are well.” He bows with a foreign eagerness to place as much distance between the two of you as possible.

As he gazes at you, he begins to wonder if betraying the crown is worth it. If it meant he could hold you in his arms he believes he would forsake the entire country for you. That thought alone is terrifying, and it goes against everything his father has taught him. 

So with as much courage as he can, and it’s not a lot, he speaks again: “I bid you farewell.”

There’s an undeniable feeling that pools in your stomach as you look at him. It’s an ache that squeezes your heart so tightly it’s hard to breathe. There’s no one else that you would want to spend your life with, yet he is the same person who is forbidden to you. 

In your bandaged hand is a piece of fabric, one that holds the love and affection you have for the male in front of you. Intricate stars are laced through the dark fabric, representing the countless nights the two of you had spent together. So many sleepless nights spent on something for a man you could no longer love. A man you could no longer call your own. 

“Donghyuck,” you say, almost choking on the tears that you refuse to let fall. There's a feeling of happiness that blinds your senses when you see him, yet you can also feel your heart break at his cautious nature. How could the affection that once laced his words be completely gone? The words that left his mouth felt foreign, and they left you feeling bitter. 

“Please accept this,” you whisper, nearly begging. You barely manage to grip his sleeve; it seems he is in a rush to leave you. That idea only has your heart hurting even more. Your nights amongst the stars seem so distant now. He seems so distant now.

The way you said his name hurt. Even if he had scars covering his body from war, none would hurt as much as it did hearing you call his name out like that. He did not want to do this, it would be so easy to leave and run away, but when a princess begs, it is in your best interest to act in favor of the princess. 

Duty before self. Crown before duty. Country before the crown. These were words that he was taught since he was just a young boy. It was these same words that now haunt his every decision. Duty to the crown– the king had decreed his partner for life. There should be no space within his heart for you. Yet, you occupy all.

With trembling hands, his heart overriding the screams of protest in his head, he takes the star-laced fabric. Quickly, his eyes dart around, checking to see if the two of you were truly alone. Once that’s confirmed, he doesn’t hold back. Calloused hands cup the delicate face of a princess, your beauty clouded by the tears gathering in his eyes.

“What are you expecting?” He asks.

Maybe hours later, when he’s regained control of his emotions and he’s alone, he’d probably berate himself for giving into his weakness. However, right now, the crown be damned. It nearly broke his heart to see you hurting, especially when he loved you so dearly. All because you wanted him to accept a gift, which he’s sure is a parting gift. Even if he wants to deny it. He could be heartless in his duty to the crown, however, this was too much. “I’m already promised to Miyoung,” he says softly, his thumb caressing your cheek. “You know the king’s decision is final, and I cannot love you. We cannot be seen like this.”

“Leave me.” He whispers, watching as the tears that had pooled in your eyes begin to fall. “And forget me.”

“Forgive me,” he thinks to himself. 

It’s a concept that is foreign to you; the fact that his words hurt more than any physical wound- you’ve never felt anything like this. His words are like needles, and your heart is their resting place. 

Like always, Donghyuck is able to take your breath away. But this time he’s left you with no air, and no words as well. You don’t know what you had expected to become of the two of you– after all, Donghyuck was always someone who chose his country and the crown over anything. 

“I can't accept it,” you sob. And even if you tried, you don’t know how to. There's no one else in the palace who you love as much as you love Donghyuck. And it’s so difficult for you to come to terms with. 

“I can’t leave you, and I can’t forget you,” you recited as if it was a mantra that had been playing in your mind for days. And you had. Your thoughts had been consumed with Donghyuck since you had met him. 

Donghyuck, without much thought, presses his lips to yours. As if it's the most natural thing for him to do, as if he wishes to ease the pain of your breaking hurt. And it works, if only briefly. 

You relish the feeling of his lips against yours, a feeling you find yourself not knowing you missed. You never realized how hungry you were for Donghyuck until you got a taste. Like a drug, you’re not sure if you’re able to give him up. Your grip on his sleeve tightens, unable to let go of him. 

But no matter how selfish you wish to be, you can’t.

An internal conflict impossible for you to escape. You pull away from him quickly, tears spilling from your eyes freely now. How could you do this to Miyoung? How could the king do this to you?

Donghyuck had lost to his own weakness; he had lost to his own emotions. Everything always came back to you. Your lips were just as he remembered. You were an addiction to him as well, and he wondered if he’d ever be able to quit. 

He knew you. He knew the meaning of those tears; he could see the conflict brewing within your eyes.

“You're thinking about Miyoung, aren’t you?” He says softly, his hands moving to curl stray hair behind your ear. “You’re unable to betray your sister, as I am unable to betray the king.” 

He’s once again brushing your tears away with his fingers. “So much for being a general,” he bitterly thinks to himself. He wishes he had the courage to ask you to run away with him, but he has a family to think about. He has to think about his duty to the crown and to his family. Unknowingly, tears had also begun to fall from his eyes. “The moment the King announced our marriage it was over. What did you expect coming to see me here?”

His words are once again stabbing at your heart.

“Of course, I'm thinking about your wife,” you say, “My sister. Your wife. A person who gets to spend their nights in your arms.” It hurts even more as you speak, the words leaving your lips in soft breaths. It’s official, Lee Donghyuck has broken you.

The feeling of his fingers on your face brings back nostalgic memories. Instinctively, you lean into his touch. There is nothing that you wouldn’t give up for Donghyuck– you were just that in love with him. But you were just a princess– a princess willing to give up their title and life just for some general. And while you want to say that you’re unsure if Donghyuck would do the same, you know his loyalty to the crown is undying. And that is what tears your heart apart. 

“Do you know how difficult it is?” There are so many nights where you find that sleep doesn’t welcome you with open arms anymore. Instead, it turns its back to you, ignoring your pleas as you spend the night tossing and turning. 

It’s hard for you to speak; you’re choking on tears. You don't know what you expect from Donghyuck anymore. Your situation has become so complicated. It's hard for you to even comprehend. 

“I can't expect the same love I once received, I know I can't,” you say weakly, hating how difficult it was for you to speak. “But I do. Donghyuck– I crave it. I miss you so much.”

“To-be. Wife to-be. We’re not married yet.” He states bitterly, doing his best to draw the line distinctively. “She will not spend her nights with me. I have not touched her hand, her lips, or her.” 

It’s like daggers are embedding themselves into his heart with each word. He does his best to defend himself and calm your anxieties as he speaks. “I will sleep in my own study even if we are wed.”

“To be or is, what difference does it make? You are no longer mine Donghyuck– why can’t I grasp it?” you speak with anger towards yourself now, each word produces a new cloud of darkness in your heart, a feeling you’re becoming used to unfortunately. 

You’ve come to a full circle of blaming yourself. You’re the one to blame, had you not fallen for Donghyuck that fateful day, this wouldn’t be happening. Had you begged the king to allow you to wed Donghyuck instead of Miyoung, maybe you would have gotten your happy ending. 

But it’s too late for that now. Even the thought of Donghyuck spending a night with Miyoung pains you. Though you want nothing best for your siblings– if Donghyuck is Miyoung’s best, you might find yourself changing your mind.

“You are always the last thought that I have before I close my eyes. You were my very last thought when I thought I was on the verge of dying.” His words are earnest as he speaks. “You are the one that kept me strong on the way back home, back to you. I thought about your crying face and fought the reapers who had come to claim me.” 

Donghyuck’s hands drop to your waist as he pulls you into him, holding you close. “The love you’ve once received is still here.” He takes your hand and places it over his chest. “You will always be in my heart until the day I breathe my last breath.”

You grip the fabric that separates your hand and his heart. “You plague my every waking thought, Donghyuck. And even when I think I can be free of you– you appear again. Countless nights I prayed for your safety. I prayed for you to come back. To come back to me.” But that’s not the reality you get. Your father had rewarded the man you loved for winning the war by giving him your younger sister’s hand in marriage. How cruel.

“It is torture to give a man your heart and soul only for it to be rejected because the crown and country are placed higher than you,” you say, hitting his chest with your balled-up fist. “It is truly torture having to hide away from your family because you’re ashamed. Ashamed to face your sister for loving her soon-to-be husband. Ashamed at the fact that I couldn't even be vocal about how much I loved you– how much I do love you.”

You move to cup his cheeks, your thumbs caressing his face in ways that you can only hope to express how much affection you still hold for him. “What are we to do? What am I to do?”

Donghyuck swears this is like a dead game of go, several stones are already stuck. Defeat is imminent. Perhaps he is going soft and becoming vulnerable. He had heard this is what love does to a person. He had warned those who learned from him that placing too much focus on one objective would be their downfall. Yet here he is, doing everything in his power to keep you safe and by his side. 

Even if he meant betraying his loyalty. 

It would be simple; avoid the engagement and wedding as long as he could. Then, when your brother Jaemin takes the throne, he could annul the engagement. It would have to work; it was the only way. For this to work, the King must die.

He could do it in five years, maybe even four. An illness, or a coup. Something like that could work, right? The thought alone makes his heart race. Someone with an undying loyalty to the crown, thinking such treasonous thoughts.  

He looked at you, the love of his life. He could see the pain that flickered in your eyes. Were you worth committing high treason for? To go against the crown and country? To go against everything he had ever known?

The answer was blatantly yes. 

Would your love survive if he was the one to end the life of your father? Even if it was a perfect crime, would his own soul survive dealing with the guilt?

“I love you.” He whispered, pulling you into him once again. Donghyuck closed his eyes, willing away the demons forming in his mind. When someone you love more than life is in pain, it is a very simple decision to make on the spot. 

Donghyuck lies.

“It will all be fine,” he says. “I will find a way for us. Can you wait?”

One look into his eyes, and you know he’s planning something. You can hear the cogwheels turning in his brain. Like a true General, or to-be Grand General– you know he wastes no time in making plans. You know him too well, after all, he was once your Donghyuck. 

Being in his arms was where you belonged, where you would happily spend the rest of your days. But that was not so easy anymore. You could no longer hold the affection you once held for him. 

Logically, it’s not right. You know it’s not. It's your loyalty to your sister that reminds you of this every single day. Miyoung was a princess, and you would not allow your sister’s reputation to be tarnished. There were just some things that were above you. Anyone with a brain knows that this is not just some easy mistake to be fixed. 

But you have always followed your heart. 

So you allow yourself to fall into Donghyuck once more. “I love you as well,” you breathe out, your voice barely above a whisper. You can hear his steady heartbeat as you place your head on his chest; it calms your aching soul. Donghyuck is your sun, your moon, and all your stars. You know that he is someone you’re willing to fight for. 

“I will wait for you until the end of time, you know that.” The words slip past your lips effortlessly, a white lie in its purest form. You know that Donghyuck will always be in your heart, but you also know how the world works. It works in cruel and unfortunate ways. 

A princess as soft-spoken as you will never get what you want. You are a pawn to others. You know soon enough that you will be married off– just as your sister was. And when the time comes, will you still be able to put Donghyuck above all else? 

“But are you able to wait for me?”

He leans away from you to look at your face, his hands not leaving your waist. “I fought death for you,” he thinks to himself, feeling his heart swell at the image of you. 

“Is this doubt I hear?” He gazes at you with false anger, a playful smirk decorating his features. “You dare doubt the hero, the Grand General Lee Donghyuck?”

“I will wait for you until the end of time,” He says, leaning in and stealing several small kisses between each word. You allow yourself to be showered in his love, and you enjoy the feeling wholeheartedly. You carve the feeling of his lips against your skin into your mind. You won’t ever allow yourself to forget it; you won’t allow yourself to forget your love. Separating himself from you, Donghyuck takes a step backward, his hands gently holding both of yours.

“I’m not good with words,” he begins, looking down at your intertwined hands. “But since I’ve already broken my own vow to stay away from you, I might as well speak freely now. I had prepared for months to say this, hoping that I would get to say it when I received your hand from the King.”

He takes a breath, his gaze meeting yours. 

“Once, as a young boy, my father told me to never stare at royalty. We should keep our heads bowed. And I took that to heart until you. How could I not look at the most beautiful person in the palace? For the first time in my life, I took a gamble. I asked Jaemin to introduce me to you. I was just his sparring partner then, and I thought I would have been executed for that.” 

Donghyuck thinks back to that day, smiling fondly at the reactions he remembered receiving from Jaemin. Why was his sparring partner interested in his sister? It hadn’t made sense to Jaemin then, and a part of Donghyuck almost wishes he never asked. 

“Jaemin introduced us, and when you smiled at me… I was never able to look away. If not for you, I don’t think I would have ever known a love so deeply in my life. I fell in love with you when I was ten, just a young boy,” he smiles, giving your hands a gentle squeeze. 

“I’m twenty-three now, and I’ve been loving you more and more each and every day since I was ten. I regret not a second of it.”

You know that your end is coming soon. 

But with every word, Donghyuck makes it so much harder for you to give him up. His words cause your mind to run; it runs to a place where the two of you are free to love each other.

However, that place is not here.

You two are but a small chapter in the novel of this country, a small insignificant chapter. And you realize that now.

Yet your heart still races at his words. You know that you are Donghyuck’s weakness. So it leaves you no choice but to be the strong one in your situation. 

“Every second I've spent with you, there is not a single regret that plagues them. You have given me the love I never knew I needed.” You raise your intertwined hands, placing a gentle on the back of his hand.

“And for that, I thank you. The first time I laid my eyes on you, I knew you would be more than just a man to me. I've given you my whole heart, and I can only hope you keep it safe.” Your words pain you. You know this is your goodbye, the last time you will ever see Donghyuck with these feelings of love dancing in your heart. 

So you press one last soft kiss against his lips before you speak again: “I should head back to my quarters, as should you. It's quite late. Be safe.” 

With these last words, you let go of your first love and quickly turn for your room. The farther you get, the more tears fall. You wonder if it’s really better this way.

. . .

It is a good thing that Donghyuck had not spoken of his treasonous thoughts to you because they fall through so quickly. 

The silence in the air becomes a newfound friend to you. Something you once detested before now brings you endless comfort. The day is coming sooner than you hoped. You must congratulate your sister. You must congratulate the love of your life, Lee Donghyuck, for getting married to your dear sister.

It hurts. It hurts like hell. There are so many things you wish you would have done differently. You wish that you didn’t meet Lee Donghyuck– that you never fell in love with him. You shouldn’t have given everything away so easily. Because now, you’ve become a fool, a pawn in this game of chess. All of you have.

You’ll be okay. It's a mantra that repeats in your head like a broken record. He's not worth it. Nobody should have control over your life like Donghyuck does. It’s time for you to let go. 

And so you try.

The moon supplies no light in the dark garden. Yet, you are there. Your canvas is set– Donghyuck’s unfinished painting there. The dark sky is displayed on the once white canvas, small stars littered sparsely amongst the space. Two figures bask in the glow provided by the white paint. Figures that were once Donghyuck and you have been completely remade into Donghyuck and Miyoung.

It ignites anger in your faint heart once again. But the healing scar on the palm of your hand reminds you to never take the anger out on yourself, never again.

So you take your anger out on the painting.

With a heavy grip, you stab your paintbrush into the canvas. Before your eyes, the painting becomes two pieces. Something you wish their marriage would become.

But it hurts you to even think these ill thoughts. You care for your sister so much. And you care for Donghyuck even more. Yet there’s this new evil that rests in your heart. Suddenly, becoming bitter seems easier than letting go. And it definitely looks more attractive with every second that passes.

It takes a few days of peaceful meditation, but you find yourself in the garden again. Your muse this time, a budding flower. A representation of the new relationship that will bud between the two. A representation of the new take on life you have.

The color blue stains your fingers. A color for freedom and peace. This painting is made with Donghyuck in mind. The words “I forgive you," are woven throughout the flower. And you only hope that Donghyuck is able to understand it.

The nights following your breakdown instilled a resolve that you could have never found yourself following. A path laced thoroughly with bitterness and hatred. A path completely unfamiliar to you. But it’s a path you will now call your own. For you have learned that those with a faint heart can’t survive. They won’t survive. And now you will do whatever it takes to survive.

You spend the night before the wedding in the garden again. It is foolish for you to hope that Donghyuck will arrive. You know that it is wishful thinking. As you walk the path engraved in the ground made by the two of you, you know it is the last time.

. . .

The morning brings signs of your new beginning. A new you. This is your chance at a new life. You will create a new path for yourself, a path you will now travel alone. You no longer need Donghyuck. All you need is yourself.

Your resilience is stronger than ever before. But you know that your weakness rests in your heart; you would be foolish to lie to yourself and say it doesn’t. You have always been someone who loves wholeheartedly. From a young age, you gave everything you had to offer to those you love. You had given your heart to Lee Donghyuck, and now you had to give him to your sister. 

You arrive at the wedding on time. But the happiness in the air has no effect on your mood. You’re sad and heartbroken– it’s inevitable. But you don't let it show. 

Sitting through the ceremony hurts. It’s expected, but you begin your healing process quickly. You lower your expectations for Donghyuck. You no longer expect anything from him. Not even a glance.

And so, your eyes stray from him. They only stay on Miyoung. Your heart hurts for the younger princess. You know that she wants nothing more than to not be married to Donghyuck. You know that someone else resides in the heart of your sister. Yet you hope she is able to find happiness. You don't wish for darkness to form in her sister’s heart.

. . .

“Your Highness, your sister comes bearing gifts.”

You stand tall, a soft smile on your lips. “For her highness, an embroidered scroll.” The scroll your maid hands over tells the tale of sorrow you feel for your younger sister. An arrangement of flowers decorates the fabric, a single daisy being the star of the show. A flower to represent hope and innocence. You pray that Miyoung is able to keep her hope throughout this marriage and that her innocence never fades.

“And a painting for you, General Lee.” The bitterness that dances on your tongue makes it hard for you to keep your composure, but you do your best. The blue carnation decorating the canvas is not something that you have ever laid your eyes upon. Rather something you have created for Donghyuck himself. The last thing you will ever create for him.

“I wish you both a prosperous marriage.'' Those are your final words as you bow. Your eyes avoid Donghyuck's as you leave, disappearing from his sight once the door is closed. You only wish that all involved can find happiness. For this is the last time you will allow yourself to be heartbroken like this. 

. . .

King Jaehyun gathers everyone’s attention with a clear voice that rings out clearly in the chilly night air. He motions to the tables set around a fire that blazes in the middle to warm the guests against a biting winter breeze. 

Daughters sit with fathers, quietly gazing away from the king out of politeness. Sons sit with their mothers, quiet and attentive, ready to hang upon the King’s every word.  Here marks the start of a toast: from a father wishing the best to his daughter in her married life, from a king looking proudly on his son in law who’s already achieved so much in such a short amount of time. There is a moment when the mantle of the king is laid down and instead, the wishes of a father ring out into the night.

It's obvious that the princess is unhappy sitting next to her now husband. It's obvious that her husband looks as if he wants to be anywhere else, beaten down already as he is by the rumors and the whispers about his wife and their marriage bed. 

The King can see it all clearly, but to them, he wishes them lifelong happiness. He hopes that in the end, they’ll find it. And he expects that they will. 

No one notices the looks that are shared slyly behind his back between certain members of the court. Everyone is far too interested in the married couple at the head of their table, seated close to the King. They’re far too invested in the King’s words, and the gleam of pride in his eyes when he looks over at the married couple as he is ready to put the cup to his lips. It’s a signal for everyone else to do the same, and so they do.  

It's a shame, really, that no one notices. This all could have been avoided if they had.

The toast ends with a sip of alcohol in the King’s presence, all members of the party turning away from him to drink from their cups. It doesn’t start right away– people put down their cups, and there’s once again a dull chatter that bubbles through the crowd. After all, no one is expecting a red wedding.

It takes a few minutes to settle in the system. Most poisons do. First, it’s the princess who coughs up blood, staining her hanbok a dark shade of crimson. That’s when the panic begins, her coughing not stopping; she continues to cough and bleed, unable to breathe from the poison that’s boiling hot in her system.

It's not just the princess though.

Several members of the court are clutching at their robes, heaving and clawing in fevered desperation to cling to their lives. The poison is fast acting. And it leaves the princess, the Minister of Defense, and a General as cold as the night air.

In the blink of an eye, two sons become the head of their family, forced to take on the mantle of their dead fathers. In the blink of an eye, a princess is stolen from the world. And in the blink of an eye, three families are torn apart and heartbroken. For a long moment, there’s silence. The King is pale. 

And then all you can hear is the wailing of the groom.

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6 months ago

who needs cupid’s bow?

Who Needs Cupids Bow?

pairing: bff!haechan x (f) reader

genre/warnings: bff2l, suggestive, lots of sexual innuedos but no smut, fluff, a teaspoon of angst, mc & hc are oblivious to each other’s feelings and jaemin calls them out on their bullshit, mutual pining

summary: Cupid is not on your side, it seems. He’s made you fall in love with the worst possible person ever, AKA your best friend, AKA the man who still eats tootsie-pops—willingly. And frankly, it feels like the damn candy has a better chance of dating him than you ever will.

word count: 11.1k

a/n: inspired by down for you by kehlani, boyfriend by ariana grande, and serial lover by kehlani. another oldie but i kinda like it… kinda. as always, feedback is appreciated!

It’s safe to say that Cupid is your mortal enemy (Or immortal—whatever. Nonetheless, you aren’t the biggest fan of him.)

You don’t know why, but for some inexplicable reason, he always makes you fall in love with the wrong people. Such as Lee Taeyong from eighth grade, or your failed relationship with Kim Jisoo from your biology class in high school — a pretty girl, but you were as compatible as Mentos and Coca-Cola. Hell, there was even Jung Sungchan from senior year, who you naturally drifted away from during an exam period. They’re all chapters in your book now, but you’re currently stuck on the one about your best friend, Lee Haechan.

It seems like you’re Cupid’s mortal enemy, too. You and Haechan are always side by side, down one another’s throats, there’s no way his arrow could have hit you and missed Haechan.

Perhaps, it’s a hole you dug yourself in. Via mutual friends, when you were seventeen, you met Lee Haechan — jock, senior, and the most beautiful boy you’ve ever seen. There was an instant connection between you two, all it took was a convo at a party about coincidentally both failing the same math exam, and you quickly became friends and close enough to pour out your heart into little rants whenever there was something personal bothering either of you, and you needed an outlet. You liked him because he understood you. He was patient witth you. You see, you aren’t the best at communicating how you feel, and he never makes you feel bad about it.

You remember breaking up with your then-boyfriend, Jung Sungchan, and while you weren’t heartbroken since you saw it coming and all the love had evaporated by then, you were devastated that you no longer had someone to kiss. That being your main concern made Haechan laugh. He thought it was the most you thing ever.

“Can I kiss you, then?” you asked, a little grin on your face, although you were very serious. It wouldn’t be the end of the world, kissing your best friend. He has pretty lips, and it isn’t like it’ll mean anything, you think. It’s just one kiss.

Haechan scoffed, biting off the last remaining piece of his Tootsie Pop off the stick. You’re kidding, he thinks. Why would you seriously want to kiss him? And after breaking up with your now ex-boyfriend? The wound’s still fresh. “You wouldn’t dare.”

To Haechan’s surprise, you dared.

He tasted like chocolate, exactly like a Tootsie Pop, as expected of him. You didn’t mind, though. You never do. It was fun, you liked the way Haechan held you in his lap and kissed you back with fierceness, and he still kisses you with that same passion, like there’s no tomorrow.

And that’s the problem.

Fast-forward four years later, you’re still best friends with Lee Haechan, only this time you’re in college, and have the fattest, most gigantic crush on him. Somewhere along the way, those lines between love and friendship were blurred. It’s impossible to pinpoint when, but you fell deep and hard for your best friend.

And the worst part? You doubt he’ll ever reciprocate those feelings.

Who Needs Cupids Bow?

One kiss turned into more than you can count on your fingers and toes.

Should you continue making out with your best friend who doesn’t reciprocate your romantic interest in him? Probably not.

Are you still going to, though? Absolutely.

“Y/n, I’m going to kill you,” Haechan states as he stumps inside the dining room. His hair is tussled since he’s just waken up from a nap, but you like this raw side of him. He looks gorgeous, and despite him basically threatening to murder you you still want to kiss him.

“Romantic,” you deadpan, training your eyes back on your laptop. It takes everything in you not to stare, but if you want to keep your feelings low-key, you need to follow a couple of rules.

“I know you took my Tootsie Pop. Where is it?”

You smirk a little, but it quickly fades into a line. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Okay, so maybe that’s a lie, and you both know it. You aren’t the only other person in the house, but Jungwoo, Haechan’s stepbrother, is asleep and wouldn’t cut his nap time short to do something as stupid as stealing the last of his brother’s favorite candy. That leaves you. As his best friend, you’re the first person to know Haechan turns murderous over those stupid lollipops, and that he’s the last person to know how many licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie-Pop. In your personal opinion, they’re not even that good. But he’s loved them ever since you’ve known him.

“We’re best friends, y/n. I know when you’re lying,” he remarks, and doesn’t give you the chance to answer before he persists, “where is it?”

There’s only one way out of this.


Haechan follows almost automatically, and in spite of being barely awake he obviously has the upper hand because he’s always leaned more towards the sport-y side. This doesn’t deter you though, because you have a getaway plan.

In your attempt to somehow outrun a man that used to do track and field, you make a beeline for the backyard door. He’s not going to outrun you in the grass in slippers, you think as you turn to see if he’s caught up on you. You’re in the lead, albeit barely, with your body almost being in arms reach. You try to pick up your speed, and once you reach the door you hurry to turn the knob. Except, there’s one, itty-bitty problem.

The door is fucking locked.

And you already know you won’t have time to open it, so you cave in to defeat, whirling around with your hands up in a surrendering pose. Your plan’s backfired; you’ve been caught.

“Oh, I’ve got you now,” Haechan says cockily. He has you—hook, line, and sinker, and at this point you aren’t even upset. You can’t be upset. His eyes are on you, and his body is close to yours, dangerously so.

“Okay, you win. Happy?” You mumur.

“Not until I get my Tootsie Pop back,” he shakes his head, “now where is it?”

Smiling, you shrug. Of course, you know where the candy is, but he’s either going to have to win or pry the answer out of you.

Then, he steps even closer, and your heart starts pounding in your chest twenty times faster than your feet were against the hardwood. This isn’t your first rodeo, you’ve made out with your best friend countless times, yet the anticipation gives you a rush, like you’ve never done this before. It makes you feel like a teenager in love all over again — seventeen, young and head over heels in love with the man closest to you.

He’s back you into the door, and you can’t keep your eyes off his lips. Beautiful, plush, soft, and your eyes flutter shut as you prepare to feel the same skilled pair against your own, closer, and closer, and closer—


“I fucking knew it!” Haechan yells, jolting your eyes open. You aren’t even given the opportunity to register the situation before his hands are digging into your back pocket, retrieving his fortunately unharmed Tootsie Pop.

It feels like he’s gone before you can even blink, and realizing he’s slipped back into the hall, you begin to follow him into his room. “Hey!” you yell, and he doesn’t say anything, just looking up at you from his gaming chair with that damn candy hanging from his mouth, “why didn’t you kiss me?”

“Why’d you steal my Tootsie Pop?”

Okay, that was stupid, yes, but there was a particular goal in mind which was reached, even if for a short-lived moment.

You frown, “I wanted your attention.”

Haechan shakes his head, laughing. “C’mere.”

Somehow, those words never fail, making you melt and slip into his lap effortlessly every time. You’re like Jell-O to his voice, to his touch, to his whole. You’re a goner, some would say, and a part of you is alright with never coming back if it means you get to feel all the weird, Cupid-y emotions he makes you feel.

At this point, you don’t think you’ll ever stop kissing Haechan. In the time that you’ve been together, you’ve both been in relationships, hence putting the make out sessions on hiatus. They were never really long though, because you’d break up with them and inevitably find your way back to one another in the end.

His fingers guide your chin up, and once more your eyes flutter shut as his lips unite with yours. Haechan kisses in a manner that contrasts with the soft feeling of his lips. He always starts off gentle, but there’s a hunger that overcomes him as he stands up and pushes you against his desk, rough yet graceful and holding you so firmly, like you’re glass, but he wants to break you. And when he shatters you into all those tiny pieces, you don’t care. You want him to glue you back together and do it all over again. He’s intoxicating, he’s an addictive drug, but he tastes like candy, and you can’t stop coming back to him. He feels like home, the place where you belong. The place where you can be one-hundred percent, authentically you, safe and whole, more than the general perception than you. And fuck, does he kiss like the damn devil himself.

You were silly for ever believing it would only be one kiss.

Who Needs Cupids Bow?

Jungwoo thinks that for people who are trying to keep their not-so relationship-y relationship under wraps, you two are very loud.

Speaking of which, and despite the nature of your relationship, you and Haechan haven’t even discussed your label. You know that you aren’t friends with benefits—you haven’t crossed that line, but to be honest, those lines have been starting to look blurry for a while—but you also aren’t in a relationship. You see other people, you fuck other people, and when other people ask if you’re dating, you both deny it immediately. You’re just best friends, you both say each time like some rehearsed line, even if it breaks your heart to hear him friendzone you.

Karina and Mark even have an ongoing bet about you two. Karina is one-hundred positive there’s something going on, whereas Mark is probably the only person in the world that wants to give you guys the benefit of the doubt.

“For heaven’s sake, I can’t get any type of sleep around here,” Jungwoo rasps, leaning against the doorframe, “I really hope you guys don’t do this shit when Dohwan’s here.”

His judgmental eyes practically bore into your soul, and you thank heaven that you don’t have to worry about keeping this secret from Jungwoo, even if he would probably appreciate it more if you did. He finds you in a rather interesting position, straddling Haechan’s lap as you press kisses into his collarbone.

It’s all Haechan’s fault, really. Three years ago, Jungwoo made the mistake of walking inside Haechan’s bedroom without knocking, accidentally finding you two making out in a very touchy way on his bed because a certain someone didn’t think to lock the door. Not only did you ruin his quote-unquote innocence, but his perception of you forever, and ever since that ordeal, Jungwoo has never opened his stepbrother’s door without knocking. This time, it just so happened to be wide-open.

You bite your lip, feeling bad. Kim Dohwan is Haechan’s halfbrother of whom he babysits whenever available (and you like to tag on, because dealing with children is stressful and Haechan’s already stressed enough), and on weekdays Jungwoo has to wake up from his nap earlier to pick up the kid from school and bring him back home, then leave for work. You were too loud and disrupted the poor guy’s nap time.

“Oh,” Haechan says the syllable blankly, not too sympathetic, “did we wake you?”

“Of course not, I usually wake up at 2pm and take extra longs showers to start my day,” Jungwoo deadpans, “but whatever. I’m heading out. Don’t forget to go grocery shopping today.”

“Noted,” you and Haechan say simultaneously, gazing at one another and stifling giggles when you catch each other’s gaze. Jungwoo smiles at you, then flicks off his brother before parting.

When you’re both all alone again, a few seconds pass before Haechan’s eyes do that thing where they twinkle every time something catches his interest (or perhaps that’s the in love side of your brain making you see things.)

“Hey, you coming to Chenle’s Valentines Day party Monday?” You don’t know why he’s even asking, you follow Haechan everywhere he goes like a lost puppy. Maybe he’s discreetly asking you out. “Unless you’re actually busy, by the way, I hope you know you’re going. And maybe you’ll find some single pringle interested in a relationship. You can’t just kiss me forever, you know.” Oh. Well that eliminates that thought.

A part of you is yelling at you to decline, to lie and say that you actually have a dick or pussy appointment scheduled for the 14th, yet another is weak, in spite of you being aware of how this works. First of all, Valentine’s Day parties are mainly for single people who don’t have anything better to do, and each time one of you go to one, you end up meeting some stranger and hooking up with them. You know that’s more than likely what he’s going to do, and you aren’t strong enough to watch him flirt with other people.

You know how to put up a good front, though, so you’ll fake it until you make it.

“We can do a lot more than kiss,” you suggest with a wink.

Haechan grimaces, “No thanks. Now get off my lap.”

You frown, but climb off his lap nonetheless. “Wow,” you drag dramatically, “You’ll make out with me for what feels like hours, but sticking your dick in me is where you draw the line?”


You gasp in faux offense. “Oh, come on. Sex doesn’t seem so bad. Like, think of it as my pussy giving your dick a nice warm hug.”

Haechan’s at a lost for words, his face bright red. How do you even come up with this stuff? “Oh my god, are you coming or not?”

You joke, “I thought you said sticking your dick in me was where you draw the line?”

He shoots you a glare so sharp you’re sure that if you were still on his lap, he’d be barely resisting the urge to shove you off. You don’t miss the way his cheeks heat up, though.

Haechan groans exasperatedly, leaning back his gaming chair, “Y/n, seriously!”

“Fine!” resisting your best friend is literally impossible, you conclude, because you have officially caved in to his request—or, more or less, demand, rather, “fine, fine! I’ll go!”

“Great,” he grins with satisfaction, beaming with his thirty-two teeth, and you even see little gleams of smiles in his eyes, “anyway, Dohwan’s gonna be here soon, so let’s get ready to go shopping.”

You furrow your brows. You have a solid twenty minutes left, and all you really need to do is slip on your shoes.

“I need more Tootsie Pops,” Haechan adds, and suddenly everything makes a lot more sense.

And you roll your eyes. “We’ll get you some more Tootsie Pops, but you better not ditch us for the candy aisle!”

“Of course, not,” he smiles, not even trying to sound or appear convincing. “I’d never leave you guys.”

That’s exactly what he does.

You aren’t even remotely surprised, though heavily disappointed when he announces in the middle of the thankfully empty cereal aisle that he’s going to find Tootsie Pops, managing to run off before you can even protest.

Gripping the shopping cart, you avert your gaze from the Cinnamon Toast Cruch boxes to his figure, almost missing him jog onto the following aisle. You shake your head, a small smile tugging your lips. If it were the end of the world, Haechan would stock up on those candies before he would even think to consider water.

“Auntie Y/N,” you aren’t quite adjusted to being addressed as an aunt, but you aren’t against it either. You have the image all put together—rich, thriving, and the kids adore you, “do you love my brother?”

That was perhaps the very last question you expected the six-year-old boy to ask you. Your eyes are a little wide, but it’s a kid, you remind yourself, so you shouldn’t be worried. But shit, then again, if a first-grader can figure it out, you’re fresh out of luck.

“Why do you think that?” You crouch down to be eye-level with him, having a feeling there’s some misunderstanding here. Dohwan’s bright for his age and doesn’t let anyone forget it, but you’ll be damned if he’s sniffed you out.

He makes a face. “I saw you kiss him, just like mommy and daddy do. And my mommy and daddy love each other very—” he stretches the vowel, and you can’t but giggle, “—much! That’s why they made me!” then he gasps, and you fear what it means, praying he doesn’t ask what you think he will. “Will you and my brother have a baby, too? I wan’ a new friend!”

On second thought, you think you’d rather he would’ve asked you what you thought he was. You nearly have a heart attack in the middle of the aisle, yet still, Dohwan gazes up at you with his innocent, sparkly eyes. You assume it’s in the blood; Jungwoo doesn’t have them, and he isn’t blood-related to Haechan, but Dohwan partially is, and the twinkle is promiment.

Calmly, you reply, “Don’t you already have a lot friends?”

He does, you both know it. You vaguely remember pulling up to his sixth birthday bash and being in shock of all the little kids jumping and flipping on the Spider-Man bouncy house. You haven’t been surrounded by that many children since, hell, probably since kindergarten.

“Yeah, but I wanna be a big brother,” he folds his tiny arms and pouts, “It’s not fair Hyuck and Woo get to be big, but I don’t!”

With minimum success, you manage to stifle your laugh, stretching out your arms to bring the little boy in for a hug, “You’ll be big one day. Trust me, you don’t wanna rush it.”

“And strong like Superman?”

“And strong like Superman,” you reassure, all smiley and convincing. “Now let’s go check up on your big brother, he’s taking too long.”

Dohwan rocks from side to side as he walks, murmuring some Nickelodeon TV show theme song, and you push the cart until you’ve reached your designation.

Quickly, you regret acting on your impatience. The scene taking place at the back of the aisle is anything but comforting—Haechan’s talking to some girl, whom of which is literally throwing herself onto him, and you can’t help but notice the way he wallows in the attention. For fucks sake, all the attention you give him and he doesn’t even give a fraction of it back! Then here comes this random girl from your campus.

Sometimes, you think about how you could do everything she’s doing right now—twirl your hair around your finger, be touchy with him, giggling girlishly at everything he says, funny or not—and yet he wouldn’t bat an eye, because you’re best friends and nothing more. Kissing each other breathless is already normalized between the two of you, what’s a little flirting.

Sometimes, you wish you hadn’t kissed your best friend that day. You’re both too comfortable, everything is too weightless. I love you, Haechan says it back without a thought. C’mere, he calls and pulls you onto his lap or cuddles you to death. Fuck, he—on very rare occasions when making out goes a little too far—groans into your ear, groping you a little. Scratch that. It may be weightless on his end, but it isn’t on yours, and everything has an everlasting effect on you.


When you look down at Dohwan, your gaze is so, so tired. Your eyes do the talking; you can’t move your lips.

He hugs your leg. “I love you.”

His face is pure, innocent, but he reads you so perfectly. The corners of your lips turn up, and you ruffle his hair, “Love ya, too. Let’s go get your brother, alright?”

He bounces eagerly, and you both begin to stroll down the aisle until you’re beside Haechan. You’re in a selfish mood today, so you think of some remark to make in the process.

“Nice Tootsie Pops, Bowlcut,” you mask your tiny emotional breakdown with a joke, “Hi, Faith.”

“Hope,” she corrects, evidently annoyed by your presence, though she doesn’t state it outright. “My name is Hope. And… bowl cut?”

“Interchangeable,” you dismiss her correction carelessly. In all honesty, you already knew her name, but you’re feeling like a bitter bitch currently, “and yeah, in high school Haechan had this hideous bowl cut that he—”

“Shut the fuck up,” Haechan grumbles, “that was four years ago!”

“And I’ll never forget,” you’re smiling blissfully, nostalgic. “Anyways, what’cha two doing?”

“We were catching up, it’s been a minute since I’ve seen Hope here,” you hear Hope snicker at this, and something about it is extremely off-putting. He turns to her, “So, I’m in a bit of a time crunch. Could I have your number?”

Ouch. Right in your face, literally.

She giggles some more, typing her number in his phone, and you try to focus on Dohwan so that you don’t cave into your desire to knock her upside the head. There’s already so much on your plate, you don’t need an assault charge.

She smiles, all bubbly and giddy. You know jealousy isn’t a good look, but it’s still pissing you off. “See you around?”

“See you around,” Haechan replies. She hugs him, not forgetting to shoot you a look from across his shoulder as she does, and only once satisfied does she turns on her heel, sashaying away.

“Didn’t know pussy was on the shopping list,” you sneer, relieved once she’s finally gone. Her presence was suffocating.

“Yeah, yeah, whatever,” he rolls his eyes, “at least I’m actually trying, I don’t know what you’re going to do when I’m cuffed down and—holy sh—I mean crap! You’re so quiet, I forgot you were here,” Haechan jumps, only noticing Dohwan when he pokes at his leg. “And don’t you dare make a cuff joke, y/n. Not in front of the kid.”

You yell in that defensive tone which is a tell-tale sign you’re lying, “I wasn’t gonna!”

Haechan gives you the look.

The we’re-best-friends, I-know-when-you’re-lying look.

And that look is utterly withering, so you decide you’re accepting defeat. “Okay fine, maybe I was thinking about it, but I wasn’t actually gonna say it. Not with him around.”

Haechan snorts, like you said something funny, but in reality he just doesn’t believe you. “Yeah, alright. Let’s finish shopping.”

You don’t argue, but there’s a lingering thought in your mind as you push the cart, rattling around in your brain still.

When he’s cuffed. Hmm. You can’t speak for him completely, but you both know how that one goes. When you get into a relationship, you think the person is great and they serve as a nice temporary distraction—that is, until you’re bored and realize no one will ever compare to Haechan, and especially not in the kissing department. So you break up, and then you go back to making out with Haechan, solidifying your suspicion that no one will ever replace your best friend. It’s the reason you don’t do relationships anymore, you feel bad for using people when you know it isn’t going to change a thing. It never does.

As far as your knowledge extends, things aren’t too different with Haechan. You and him don’t push things, you don’t pry too deep. There’s some unspoken boundary, and you know when to drop things. That’s why you both say the same thing each time you ask one another why you and whoever it was that you were previously seeing broke up—it wasn’t working out.

Like a moth to a flame, Haechan always finds his way back to you too, because apparently you’re the only person that can keep him tied down. You don’t think that’s the case, though. Your problem is you’re in love with your best friend, no matter how hard you try to suppress the feelings. His problem? You can’t be sure, but you’d guess commitment issues.

Whatever it is, and as selfish as it may sound, you want it to stay. He isn’t yours, but you like the comfort of knowing that he isn’t anyone else’s, either.

Who Needs Cupids Bow?

If Cupid had a human counterpart, it would be Na Jaemin in reincarnated form. He may not have wings nor a bow and arrow, but he does have dedication and a gigantic mouth.

“I can’t believe you called me over here for this,” you stand in an effort to leave, but Jaemin pulls you back down by your wrist, so you sigh, accepting that you’re stuck in the cafe and in the middle of a Jaem-terrogation.

“Not so fast, Sonic. You still haven’t answered my question. I don’t have all day, you know, I have other people’s business to be in,” he admits unabashedly, and you snort at his honesty.

Jaemin is an extremely shameless, extremely straightforward individual. He knows what he wants, how to get it, and the only time he’s afraid of letting someone know what he’s chasing for is when it interferes with his goal of obtaining said desire. He loves all things drama and gossip, and these are the lengths he’ll go to squeeze information out of you. No wonder he’s one of the writers for the campus newspaper.

“I don’t have feelings for Haechan,” you fiddle with your fork. “And even if I did, why would it matter? Haechan doesn’t have feelings for me, either.”

“Forgive me, but you’re a fucking dumbass,” Jaemin concludes, and you gasp in dramatic offense. “Why would I be here if he didn’t like you back, y/n? You know that he hasn’t had anyone over in two weeks? There’s like, three things at the top of Haechan’s list of shit he needs to survive, and that’s you, Tootsie Pops, and sex. Yet he’s gone two entire weeks without it. He likes you, really fucking bad.”

“Golly gee, Haechan hasn’t fucked anyone in two entire weeks. He must be head over heels in love with me,” you deadpan, ignoring how Jaemin rolls his eyes in response. “Be serious, Jaem. He literally got this girl’s number the other day. The man said himself that he doesn’t want to stick his dick in me. There’s nothing going on.”

Okay, so maybe Haechan is a raging sexaholic. Maybe he’s been a little horny recently. And maybe contact-full makeout sessions have been a reoccurrence in the past two weeks, but none of that matters, and he typically has extreme self control. Fresh as yesterday, he was definitely trying to get into Hope’s pants. It’s weightless, everything between you. It means absolutely nothing, and you’re trying to come to terms with the possibility that it never will. You wish your friends would accept the fact, too.

At least they don’t know you and Haechan make out, and have been for the past four years. They’d be insufferable, and you two would absolutely never hear the end of it.

“Y/n, please. Your biggest competition is those damn Tootsie Pops.”

“And if you told him that he had to live without me or the candy, he’d choose them over me any day.”

“Actually, he’d tell me to fuck off—and stop asking him stupid questions. You can’t tell me I’m wrong because I’m speaking from experience,” Jaemin grins, “I pushed the question until he gave me a proper answer. He chose you, by the way.”

You groan into your hands, “Unless you have some other evidence to provide besides this stupid question and him not getting laid in two weeks, you’re wasting my time here, Cupid.”

Jaemin sighs, “I thought I could pressure you into admitting your feelings—”

“I don’t have feelings for Haechan!”

“—that you deny having, but I guess taking the high road doesn’t work. Don’t worry, I still have plan B. I mean, you should be worried, but it’s whatever.”

You blink. “Plan B?”

He ignores you, standing up and preparing to take his leave. You’re still curious about whatever his alternative, backup plan is however, and he doesn’t look like he’s going to tell you.

“Jaemin!” You shriek. “What are you talking about?”

“February 14th, Chenle’s party,” he answers vaguely, swinging his bag over his shoulders. “Be there, or be square. Whatever that means.”

He exits without another word, leaving you dumbfounded and with a sudden dread in your chest. They don’t… know, do they? No, of course not. How could they? You’ve been keeping this secret for nearly four years, and the only people that know are Jungwoo and Dohwan.

Great. Another reason to dread the fourteenth, and despise Cupid—and his human counterpart, your actual mortal enemy.

Who Needs Cupids Bow?

“I know you like Regina George, but the dress code is Cady Heron.”

Bummer. You didn’t exactly plan on attending as a sexy bunny in fishnets and knee-high boots, but you don’t intend on wearing a Party City outfit, neither. It’s only the 6th though, so you still have a week and some change to outfit plan.

You frown, “Why the change? None of his past parties have had much of a dress code.”

“Because Chenle is also stuck babysitting his baby brother on Valentine’s day while his parents are having a date night,” Haechan answers. “I’m not saying you have to dress like a prude, but don’t dress like a slut, either.”

Ignoring the insinuation behind his words, you don’t miss the fact he said also. “What do you mean also? Don’t tell me…”

“Exactly what you think. Dad is whisking my stepmom away on a romantic evening date to only God knows where, and Jungwoo is busy with his girlfriend, so me being the sole single-pringle in the family gave him the bright idea to have me baby sit,” he explains, though he doesn’t seem burdened by the task. “I don’t really mind, though. It’d be one thing if I planned on getting some pussy that night, but no one’s smashing at a party where there’s children. I hope not, at least.”

You wince at that. You hope not, too. It’s a setback that you have to re-plan your outfit, but on the plus side, Haechan can and will help you decide this time, even if you have to force him.

So that’s where you find yourself a couple hours later, your bedroom a mess as the aftermath of the meticulous care you’ve put into your self-styling. You’ve narrowed it down to two outfit selections; option A, the white crop-top with the cute pink pants; or option B, the pretty and red mini-dress with stilettos. It’s a little embarrassing that hours of your indecisiveness have led you to this conclusion, but you want to choose the perfect outfit that’s also not overbearing.

“And I have to help you why?”

“Because you’re my best friend, and that’s what best friends are for, duh.”

Haechan’s favorite thing about your place is you have all his utmost favorite games—and that literally everything there is like a piece of you, from the decoration to the smell of your perfume bottles you keep in your bathroom. He’d never tell you that, though—so he wasn’t too enthusiastic about being interrupted from his video-gaming session. But then, he realized he gets a special preview of your Valentine’s day outfit, and Haechan loves the way you dress, probably an abnormal amount. Slutty or prude-y.

“Then what’cha waiting for? Strip for me, princess,” he demands jokingly. It isn’t normal for you to feel bashful by anything a guy says, but everything is so different with Haechan. It’s the littlest, simplist things that drive you over the edge, that make you want him in ways you probably, scratch that, definitely shouldn’t.

And all the questions, assumptions, and rumors regarding your nonexistent relationship with Haechan aren’t exactly unwarranted. You two flirt and touch an abnormal amount, and while it’s common knowledge that Haechan is a touchy person, and you’re a natural flirt, people say it’s extreme between you two.

That makes you laugh. When it comes to the tension between you both that people speak of, you wish you could see what they see.

“You want to watch me strip?” You’re genuinely surprised, only the other day he seemed repulsed by the thought of you naked. “That’s new. I’m guessing you haven’t gotten laid in a hot minute.”

Haechan rolls his eyes, silently confirming what Jaemin told you at the cafe, but you shake the thought away, refusing to let it spur you on. It doesn’t mean anything. “Anyways. You’ve got nothing I haven’t seen before, baby girl. Now, you gonna strip or what?”

“I’m stripping, I’m stripping! Relax, Liam Payne!” It’s really nothing he hasn’t seen before, because Haechan’s seen naked girls, and he’s seen you half-naked before, so neither of you actually care. You peel off your top, slowly and in a strip tease sort of way and look him in the eye, giggling once you catch him shaking his head. You don’t repeat the movement with your shorts though, simply taking them off and picking up your new shirt to slip it off the hanger.

Successfully discreet, Haechan wallows in the sight of you half-naked for as long as he can before you’re slipping on the crop top and the pink pants. Now that he thinks about it, he bought you those pants, and darn do they make your ass look good. Then he realizes he’s thinking about your ass and taking not as discreet looks at it, and shakes the thought away.

“So?” Your voice cuts through the silence. “What do you think?”

He needs a moment to gather himself and recollect his thoughts, because he feels like turning on Destiny’s Child’s Bootylicious and if spoke his mind he would definitely say something he’d regret. Like, I could fuck the shit out of you. He doesn’t think he should say that.

“What do you mean, what do I think? I bought you those pants, I’d be damned if I thought you didn’t look good in them,” Haechan supplies, making you roll your eyes in response.

“Very underwhelming reaction. I wanted you to fall out on the floor and pass out for a few seconds with your hand on your chest,” you pout.

“Definitely not doing all that,” he chuckles. “But you do look good enough for… somebody to do it. Anyways, it’s stripping time again. Get in that dress for me, princess.”

If he doesn’t stop with the pet names you’re going to combust. You hide it though, taking off outfit option A and putting on option B. You feel confident in your appearance, with or without him, but the way Haechan’s practically gawking at you does boost said confidence.

“What about this one?”

Okay, so Haechan’s one-hundred percent biased in his decision—or maybe he isn’t, since he didn’t buy this outfit—though nonetheless, he loves this dress on you. In his personal opinion, you’ll look good in anything you wear, but the way this particular dress hugs your figure perfectly is a bonus. He knows all eyes are going to be on you the moment you step inside Chenle’s house, and maybe he’s going to have to keep you and Dohwan close to his side.

Rather than replying verbally, Haechan walks forward and pulls you into a kiss. His hands dip around your waist, skirting the area until he’s gripping you like he’s afraid of letting go.

And as always, you melt into his lips. Like ice to the sun, or wax to a flame. It’s the umpteenth kiss in your whole lifetime, but Haechan always makes it feel like the first time. Like two love-struck highschoolers, except with a lot more experience. Haechan kisses you like he loves you, and you hate it. You might even loathe it.

His fingers slip down your hips, to your revealed thighs, like he just so happens to know that’s one of your weak spots. Luckily you’ve learned some of his weak spots too, and not really thinking, you don’t hesitate to aim for his most sensitive one - his neck. You can’t get used to how beautiful he sounds as he moans, your lips pressing into his sweet spot and leaving undoubtedly a mark.

“Fuck,” Haechan moans, “you’re my kryptonite, you know that?”

“A kiss is all it takes for you to fold?” You gasp out with a smirk.

“Shut up.”

Your grin widens. “Make me.”

Just as he leans in, about to pin you down to your duvet and kiss the life out of you while you’re thinking that maybe this is the tension people speak of, his phone rings in his back pocket. It feels like snapping out some trance or spell, like a reverse Cupid’s arrow, and he instantly backs off of you.

He takes a look at his phone screen. “I um, I gotta take this.”

Biting your lip, you nod. “Okay.”

“You look great though,” he comments, and you smile thinly at him as he slips from between your fingertips yet again.

It seems that you’re left all alone, pathetically wet, and wondering if that person on the other line is Hope - but you try to shake that thought off.

Sighing, you flop against your sheets. Love is some extremely cruel, extremely rigged game that only lucky people win, and it seems that Luck has sided with the evil that is Cupid. You’ve been dealt cards, and Haechan refuses to show you his hand. All you can do is watch it play out.

Who Needs Cupids Bow?

Haechan knew that something was dangerously off when Jaemin bought him a brand-new bag of Tootsie Pops without being asked, and invited you over for a movie night with the guys, offering to open up with you and Haechan’s all-time favorite movie, Mean Girls. He even offered to play The Kissing Booth next! Everyone else instantly protested of course, but the fact he offered in the first place is borderline suspicious.

Sure, Jaemin’s not the devil or anything, depending on who you ask. He’s… kind, and he can be a sweetheart. But Jaemin does nothing for free, and Haechan can’t shake the thought that this is planned bribery. And it isn’t hush-money. Jaemin doesn’t buy silence, he buys words.

By the time Jaemin asks Haechan to help him with the popcorn, he’s ninety-nine point nine percent sure that something is definitely wrong here. Yet still, he follows him into the kitchen.

“Alright, what’s up man?” Haechan wastes zero time, wanting to get to the bottom of all this. “I know you want something out of me. There’s no other reason you would offer to play The Kissing Booth, or buy me Tootsie Pops for free.”

Jaemin scoffs, but he doesn’t try to front, “Glad you know. Since we’re on the same page, let’s address this thing with you and y/n.”

“That’s what this is about?” Haechan grumbles. “I’ve told you, I don’t have feelings for her!” He whisper-yells.

Jaemin has heard that far too many times for it to be convincing. He’s positive that even Helen Keller herself could tell you two are hopelessly in love. Takes one to know one, he thinks. It seems the three of you must be blind, because you and Haechan are oblivious to your feelings for one another, and it’s painfully obvious.

“And Mary wasn’t a virgin,” Jaemin says ironically, making Haechan roll his eyes. “If you’re not in love with her, then explain what the hell is going on between you two. I know that she’s your best friend or whatever, but you don’t act like it at all. From a fresh perspective, someone would totally think you’re in love.”

Haechan hates that he’s right. It doesn’t make sense the amount of times you’ve gone to public places and had cashiers refer to you as a couple, or elderly people ask you if you’re together. Because you’re not. You’re best friends, and even if Haechan wants to be more than that, that’s his label. And he’s sure he’s stuck with it for life.

“You’re fucking Hope to distract yourself from your feelings for y/n,” Jaemin adds, and it’s a statement, not a question.

“I’m not—”

“You are,” Jaemin interjects. “Head over heels, in love with a girl you think doesn’t reciprocate your feelings, and you’re also being an ass to her, whether you know it or not.”

If Haechan was in a situation where he needed to simplify the reason you two click so well, he’d say chalk it up to compatibility and say it’s because you’re like a mirror of one another. Which also means he knows you, better than anyone else even, and he knows neither of you do the whole catching feelings things anymore. You like to fuck and flirt, and fuck some more, to avoid the fact that you love too hard. If you fuck people whose names you don’t even remember, it doesn’t mean a darn thing that you two make out.

No one really knows about that part yet. But they do know that you like to fuck, and that’s why Haechan thinks that if he’s an ass, then that means so are you. What the fuck is he doing that you aren’t?

Even if he is an ass, what is he supposed to do? He’s only recently realized that damn, he actually does have feelings for you, which is where Hope comes along and yes, he is fucking her to distract himself from you. So what? It’s not like it’s working, he’s still stuck on you, obsessed with the thought of you, craving your touch and the sound of your voice. He still loves you, and it’s so scary because no matter what his friends say, he thinks they don’t know you or your relationship like he does. They think they do, but they don’t.

“I’m not in love,” Haechan lies through his teeth, “maybe I’m in like.”

Jaemin snorts. In like? That’s the stupidest thing he’s ever heard. Not in love his fucking ass. “You’re in denial, that’s what you are.”

Haechan grumbles, trying desperately not to raise his voice so that the others don’t hear him from the living room, “Even if I did like her—and I’m telling you, I don’t—it wouldn’t change anything because she doesn’t like me.”

“You two are the same breed of oblivious and stupid,” Jaemin takes the popcorn out of the microwave, pouring it all into a bowl. He’s even laughing, much to Haechan’s confusion, but he’s apparently unbothered by Haechan’s lack of confession, “but fine. Lie to my face. I still have a backup plan.”

“A back-up plan?” Haechan repeats, lost.

“I just thought it would be nice of me to try and get you to confess before I have to work a Valentine’s day miracle, but unfortunately you two are a match made in heaven—both terribly stubborn,” Jaemin says vaguely, not really answering Haechan’s question, “so I guess we’ll all know the truth at Chenle’s party.”

Jaemin exits with the popcorn bowls before Haechan can even part his lips to ask another question, and he stands there, shocked and unsure of how to react. He’s concerned, though. Jaemin has something cooking (besides the popcorn), and he isn’t sure what, but it’s Na fucking gossiping blabbermouth Jaemin. That means it can’t be anything good.

So apparently when you and Haechan had that heated makeout session the other day, you left a trail - or in other words, you marked his neck the fuck up.

You hadn’t noticed because he covered it up with concealer, but you’re in the middle of another one of those when he stops you, preventing you from repeating your mistake.

“You can’t do that. People will see,” Haechan frowns. You wonder what’s the problem with hickeys. Is he embarrassed? No way. Haechan? Embarrassed? About hickeys? He has much bigger fish to fry.

In contrast, you’re over the moon. Even if he isn’t yours, marking him up makes you feel like he belongs to you. Plus, other people will see, and they’ll know that he isn’t theirs, either. Haechan also has a beautiful neck, you realize as you stare at his skin. It makes you wonder if there’s anything about him that isn’t beautiful.

“Would that be so bad?” You ask. “You’d look sexy all marked up by me.”

Haechan groans, “Do you ever think with your head and not your pussy?”

“I wish my pussy was my head. My head’s just so full of you,” you sigh dramatically.

It’s rare for Haechan to blush, but you somehow manage to make him full-on flush sometimes and you take that as an achievement. It’s partially the reason you love flirting with him so much, he’s so reactive. His reactions are cute sometimes.

“Be serious for 5 seconds,” he whines, and you giggle.

“I was serious,” you insist, “but fine, I’ll think with my head since yours is clearly not working. No one’s gonna assume they’re from me, Hyuck. Just tell them they’re from one of your hoes.”

“I know, but it’s not them I’m worried about. It’s, um…” he trails off.

You’re confused, blinking. If not your friends, then who on earth—oh, for fucks sake.

“It’s Hope,” you utter tonelessly.

“Yeah, uh, yeah,” he wonders why you suddenly sound so dry, and then the whole grocery shopping thing seeps back into his mind. You obviously don’t like Hope, and it’s not just you, really. Lots of people don’t like her. But Haechan needs a pretty face to compete with the image of yours in his head, even if it isn’t winning. “She kinda likes me, and—”

“Do you like her?” You don’t mean to ask so fast. It slips, like your mouth has a mind of its own.

Haechan shrugs. No, he doesn’t like her. He likes you, but he thinks that maybe he can somehow convince himself it’s the other way around. So he replies, “Maybe.”

Fuck. You try not to appear suddenly devoid of life, forcing a cheery smile. “That’s… nice,” you lie through your teeth. “Let me take this opportunity to have one last kiss before I possibly never will again?”

Haechan snickers, to silently say as if. He isn’t wrong for it, either. One kiss is never one kiss with him — never has been, never will be. There’s a reason you both bonded over bombing a math exam.

Who Needs Cupids Bow?

D-day rolls around, and you’re eyeing your frame in your full-length mirror, smoothing your palms over your dress as you give yourself a quick once-over before the clock strikes 7PM. You look like that bitch, and everyone in that party is going to fucking know it because you’re going to walk in there like that bitch. Fuck Cupid. You don’t need his stupid bow. And fuck Haechan, too. He’s your ride, but he’s gonna ditch you at some point in the party like he always does. It’ll be no different now, and this time, you’ll be the first one to leave.

The chime of the doorbell jolts you from your mental slumber, and you quickly reach for your purse then head towards the door with a heavy heartbeat. You know he’s already seen you in this dress, he chose it for fucks sake, but there’s something else that gets your heart racing—no. You can’t think about him. Fuck Haechan, remember? He’s no good for you.

“Here goes nothing,” you mutter to yourself, palm on the doorknob, “you can do this.”

Haechan’s sucks in a breath the moment you open the door. You look gorgeous. You always do, but in this particular moment, you look better than you ever have before. Those corny romance sayings usually make him laugh with mirth, but he’s genuinely convinced you look better everyday that he sees you. All dressed up like this, or not.

“You look so pretty, Auntie!” Dohwan beats him to a compliment.

You bend down to ruffle the boy’s hair, “Thank you, Dohwan. You look very handsome.” And then you look at Haechan.

He looks handsome as well, unfortunately. Jet black hair, exposed forehead, and his outfit is black with red hearts in the center of the shirt. You try not to pay him too much mind, but your heart and the place between your thighs don’t seem to agree with your mind. He catches you looking at him, and feels a twinge of anxiousness in his heart. Get it together, man, he tells himself. Lee Donghyuck doesn’t get nervous looking at pretty girls. Lee Donghyuck doesn’t hesitate about his actions, either, wondering if he should hold your hand, he doesn’t rethink what he should say. It all comes to him naturally.

“Yeah, you look beautiful,” he settles, mentally cursing himself for being unable to think of anything else. He blames you. Ever since you first snuck in his mind, you’ve been living rent-free there, and make it hard to think about anything else sometimes. That’s why he thought that needed distractions.

If you could relay the message to your heart, you’d tell it stop beating. Instead, you mask your emotion, smiling. “Thank you, likewise. Now c’mon, we gotta get there by 7:30!”

Haechan’s saddened by the dismissal, but you don’t catch his face as you walk to his car.

If you ignore him, you can do this.

Haechan cannot do this.

Something isn’t right. It wasn’t right the second he noticed you gave him a simple, rushed compliment, not bothering to make some sexual remark that usually makes Haechan’s cheeks feel like fire. You didn’t even kiss him before you got in the car. And Haechan’s sure you’ve been avoiding him like the plague, scurrying off and getting lost in the red and pink sea before he could even ask you if you wanted to check out the drink menu.

He doesn’t know where you are, and that haunts him. Turns out Chenle is paying Yangyang, Ten and Jisung to keep the kids entertained on one end of the house, whilst the adults do adult-y things on the other. You could be with someone else for all he knows, hell, you probably are. He was practically fuming when he saw some people staring at you as you walked in.

“Uh oh, I think y/n divorced Haechan,” Chenle jokes, and a choir of laughs follows suit.

Haechan grumbles, “A guy can’t miss his girl best friend?”

“Of course, you can,” Chenle drawls, “but everyone knows she’s more than just a friend to you. Like even if you aren’t together, there’s no way you guys don’t have feelings for each other.”

“Right? And they’re so cute together, too. A literal match made in heaven by angel Cupid,” Jaemin agrees, speaking as though Haechan isn’t right there.

“You’re dating y/n?” gasps Karina, overhearing Jaemin much to Haechan’s dismay. Oh, great, she’s as much as a blabbermouth as he is. The whole world’s going to think Haechan’s dating you in five minutes or less.


“Yes, he is, spread the word,” Jaemin says, already knowing he doesn’t have to tell her. Karina’s mumbling I knew it under her breath before jogging somewhere.

“You know,” Haechan starts, downing a shot because if he’s not at least tipsy he’s going to die at this party, “she’s been making me watch murder documentaries with her and I’ve definitely picked up a thing or two. I’d be careful.”

Jaemin scoffs, “Please. You’re going to be kissing my ass and the ground that I walk on by the time this party’s over.”

There it goes. Haechan wonders what’s so special about tonight that Jaemin’s been hinting at vaguely. It’s been keeping him on his toes, but he doesn’t ask because he knows Jaemin, and he isn’t going to tell him a thing. The one time this guy wants to keep something secret.

An hour flies by, and Haechan still hasn’t seen you. He’s looked for you, and refuses to believe his eyes are somehow missing you, even though you’re in a crowd. He literally went up the stars and gazed over the railing for a better view, and you were no where to be found. You’ve refused to answer your phone, too, and Haechan doesn’t know what to do. He would just start talking to some random chick, but that’s not what Haechan wants. He doesn’t want some random chick. He wants to be with you. Hold you. Touch you. Kiss you, with no shame, no fear, in front of everyone, and he isn’t in denial about it. He wants you.

And Jaemin is fed up.

“Alright, I’m tired of you moping around drinking like a divorced man. Let’s go to the kitchen,” Jaemin suggests. Or commands, but still.

Haechan quirks a brow. “Where there’s nothing but more drinks?”

“Trust me, I’m not letting you drink anymore tonight. You have a wife and a kid to drive home,” Jaemin jokes. Usually he’d deny any sort of relationship with you that isn’t best-friendship, but Haechan simply shakes his head, following his friend and roommate into the kitchen.

Then he sees you, and his jaw doesn’t just drop, but it falls flat on the ground, bounces a little, and comes back down. You’re clinging to Chenle’s side with a confused face, equally as surprised to see him, though not very delighted.

“What’s going on?”

“What’s going on?”

You stare at one another.

“Stop copying me!”

“Stop copying me!”

Jaemin and Chenle stare at one another, then stare at you two staring at one another, and stare at one another again.

“I hate to interrupt your… stare-off, but there’s a reason we brought you two here,” Jaemin interjects, making you two finally split gazes as you stare at him, confused.

“Which is?”

“Which is?”

You glare at him. Jaemin’s success was short-lived, it seems.

“Drum roll, please,” he says, and Chenle begins tapping against the counter, “Dohwan!”

Suddenly, Dohwan pops up from around the corner. He’s on the completely wrong side of the house, and while he’s under adult supervision, you still wonder why he’s here.

You blink. “What’s he doing here?”

Jaemin smirks. “I’m glad you asked. Dohwan tells me he’s witnessing some very interesting sights of the two of you. Go ahead and tell us what you saw, kiddo.”

“I saw Haechan and Auntie y/n kissing, like mommy and daddy do!” Dohwan shares, grimacing in disgust. If you weren’t practically fearing for your life right now, you’d probably laugh at his reaction.

“And how often do you see this?” Chenle adds.

“Um…” the kid ponders, “every time Auntie y/n comes over. I heard them say they wanted to keep it a secret from me, but they’re not very good at it.”

Haechan shoots you a panicked look, and you’re wearing the exact same one. By the time you realize that this is what Jaemin’s been hinting at this whole time, it’s much too late. Your secret has been exposed to the worst people ever, and now they’re definitely going to think you’re dating. 

“Thank you for your input, Dohwan,” Jaemin smiles, then turns to look at you and Haechan. You’re both frozen and stiff, unsure of how to respond. “So, anything to say about this?”

“It doesn’t mean anything,” Haechan’s quick to say. You hope no one catches the way your face falters with hurt for a split second. “If you want me to be honest, then fine, I will. Yeah, we kiss. We’ve been kissing since high school, but it didn’t mean anything then and it doesn’t mean anything now. We just, I don’t know, do it for fun.”

Chenle deadpans, “So you just kiss for pure, innocent fun.”

“Exactly,” Haechan nods. “It means nothing.”

It means something to me, you think to yourself, and when you notice the silence in the room, you gaze up to see everyone’s eyes on you, Haechan’s a little wide. Oh, fuck.

“I said that aloud, didn’t I?”

“Yep,” Jaemin grins. He was right. “Is there something you want to share with the class?”

Stupidly, you decide to look at Haechan, and he’s re-lost his composure, frozen up and stiff all over again. Your heart is pounding harder than it has been all night. It’s partially the alcohol, but you can feel it in your veins and all around you. It won’t leave you alone, and looking at Haechan, it’s faster, as if to say he’s the one I want.

So you choose to make another decision that you might possibly regret, but you have to get this off your chest. It isn’t news to anyone but Haechan anyways.

“Donghyuck,” you start, and he knows it’s getting serious because you just said his government name. You literally never call him by his government name. “I know we agreed to keep things platonic, and for it to mean nothing, but I want you. Like really, really bad. I think I—no, everyone’s right, I really am, extremely in love with you. If you don’t feel the same I understand, I just had to get this off my che—”

You aren’t given the chance to finish before Haechan swoops you in his arms, reaching for your waist as he pulls you into a kiss. There’s a chorus of cheers from Chenle and Jaemin, followed by a shriek of disgust from Dohwan as he covers his eyes, but you two aren’t trying to hide anymore, you want to scream from the rooftops that you’re in love. Yes, the infamous Lee Donghyuck and y/n know more than flirting and fucking. You’re in love, drunk off of a sip of it and the taste of Haechan’s lips, and god, has kissing your best friend never felt better.

“Let’s give the newlywed couple some privacy now,” Jaemin says with a grin. Gosh, he really is the spawn of Cupid, but you have to thank him. This wouldn’t be happening if it wasn’t for his stupid ‘gotcha!’ plan. “You two work this out.”

The three of them pile out, and you and Haechan part from one another to breathe. You stay in comfortable silence for a moment, his hands slipping into yours.

“Your hands are sweating,” you comment after a while.

“It’s hot.”

“It’s the middle of February.”

“So? Global warming is real, you know,” Haechan shrugs, refusing to acknowledge the fact that his hand is sweating because he’s nervous. He’s accepted that you make him feel all warm inside and his heart feel like mush, but he still isn’t used to not hiding the way you make him feel.

You laugh but don’t press things. “Newlywed couple, huh. Can’t be, you still haven’t popped the question.”

“Yeah?” He laughs, too. “Then will you take my hand in marriage and take me as your illegally wedded husband?”

You hum, pretending to contemplate, “Hmm, I don’t know. You sure you don’t wanna marry a giant cardboard Tootsie Pop cutout? Or what about that girl? What happened to her, by the way, I thought you said you liked her.”

Haechan groans, not really wanting to think about her right now, “No more Hope. Ironically, she’s a lost cause. I had to cut shit with her because she can’t comprehend what a fling is. She wanted a relationship, and you know, I lied to you when I said that I might want her. I didn’t know you liked me back until, like, now, so I was just saying shit in hopes of convincing myself I could stop liking you. That planned failed, though.”

His words lift a massive weight off of your shoulders, and you finally feel like you can breathe now. Take that, bitch, you think with a smirk. She was giggling in your face so hard at the grocery store, but you’re having the last laugh.

You tilt your head. “What about the Tootsie Pops?”

“Yeah, sorry but I can’t give them up as easily. Would you mind a Tootsie Pop bouquet?”

Gosh, this is the man you love. You roll your eyes, but smile as you reply, “You know, you’re like a Tootsie Pop.”

If Haechan were a dog, his ears would perk up right now. “How come?”

“I’ll never know how long I’ll be able to kiss you without wanting to fuck you,” you lean in his ear to purr, voice tickling his neck. You eye it and his lips, and lord knows you can’t wait to finally be able to mark him up again.

“Yeah? Wanna go home, put Dohwan to sleep, and let me take this dress off you?” He grips at your waist, his hand resting there with the burning urge to dip lower. He bites his lip.

“Thought you drew the line at sticking your dick in me,” you joke.

“That was when I was in denial about wanting you,” Haechan whispers, “but now I can admit to myself that even though you amazing in this dress, I wanna take it off of you. Your body’s perfect.”

“I kinda hate the scar on my thigh.”

“Don’t. It provides depth to your character. It makes someone wonder how you got it, the story of how it happened,” he answers, ever so deeply.

“Poetic,” you snort, “can’t tell if you’re giving me Bruno Mars or John Legend vibes more right now.”

Haechan rolls his eyes, smiling. “You said you’d never know how long you’d be able to kiss me without dying to fuck me, right?”

“I never said dying.”

He ignores you, “Then let’s put it to the test, shall we?”

Your lips wind up pressed firmly to his, with your hands on his cheek and his palms on your hips yet again. It’s fiercer than ever, Haechan’s kissing you like he doesn’t want to let you breathe, like he wants to stay in this moment with you forever. He kisses you with love and lust, with passion and desire, with emotion and no more fear in his chocolate-y eyes. You don’t regret kissing Haechan that day. It took a while, but it brought you to this moment where you can finally call him yours. And that one more kiss stuff is bullshit. His lips are yours and vice versa, and as you’re by each other’s side, you’ll never stop kissing him. And he’ll never stop kissing you.

“They’re here!” Karina suddenly bursts into the kitchen, pointing at you and Haechan. “Look! I told you they were dating!”

Oh, god. You totally forgot about Karina’s stupid bet with Mark. Mark looks entirely devastated and surprised, devastated because that’s twenty-five bucks gone from his wallet, and surprised because he genuinely believed you and Haechan have been best friends this whole time. Technically, he isn’t wrong, but you’re not sure if you want to interrupt to tell them that.

Mark whines, “Oh, c’mon! I really thought you guys were just friends.”

“Pay up, loser,” Karina smirks, and with a pout, Mark pulls cash from his pockets.

Haechan looks at you, and while you don’t say anything, you can tell you’re both thinking the exact same thing. The whole campus is about to know you two are dating. Karina’s for sure going to tell everyone she knows, hell, probably even people she doesn’t know, and there’s a ninety-nine point nine percent chance of Jaemin raining your business on everyone in his latest report for the school newspaper.

You can’t say that you care, though. This is what you wanted, to unashamedly love Haechan, to be able to state it proudly in front of everyone, to let everyone know, to claim him as yours and yours only. So fuck Cupid. Fuck his bow, fuck his arrow, because this relationship is all a product of you and Haechan’s hard work and dedication.

Who needs Cupid’s bow when you have tasty lips and Tootsie-Pops?

Who Needs Cupids Bow?

“You’re telling me you’ve been in love with me for the past four years? Oh, you’re a soldier. I would have given up in the first month.”

You snort. Part of becoming Haechan’s girlfriend is the process of telling one another the secrets you’ve been keeping, such as how long you can been in love. Haechan’s been in love with you for a solid year, he thinks, maybe two, but it’s been almost four years for you, on the other hand.

“If only it were that easy,” you sigh. “Trust me, I tried getting over you by getting under other people—how Jessie Reyez of me—but that didn’t work out, obviously.”

“You are too much like me,” Haechan shakes his head. “What made you think we should anyways?”

“You mean, four years ago, or now?”

Haechan shrugs. “Either. Give me three reasons.”

“Oh, brace yourself. I could do a presentation on this. One, we know each other’s McDonald’s orders. Two, like you said, we’re very alike. When have we ever argued over pizza toppings?” You reason. “Three, I can’t imagine kissing anybody else. I mean, we’ve basically been practicing on each other for the past four years. I’m the reason you can kiss so good, it would insane for you make out with other people. Four, I have a fat ass and sometimes I catch you staring at—”

“I said three reasons!” Haechan cries, face blooming red as a rose.

“I could go for a fifth,” you grin, “we’re both terrible at math.”

“Damn right we are,” he mutters. “But that’s what makes us… us, isn’t it? The only reason we’re dating right now is because we couldn’t resist kissing each other after one time.”

He’s right. It practically only took one kiss to fall in love with Haechan. He’s giving you major Dua Lipa vibes right now.

“I know you’re thinking about that Dua Lipa song right now.”

You smirk. “You know me very well.”

He tilts his head. “And what else are you thinking about?”

“That you look like all I need,” you say in tune, making Haechan laugh. “And I just want to feel your skin on mine.”

“Then we should do something about that, right?” Haechan smirks back.

You’re kissing the smirk right off his lips seconds later, and this is where you decide that you just can’t get enough of him. Even if one kiss is all it takes, you’re greedy for more, and more, and more, until both your lips are swollen and you’re both gasping for air.

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6 months ago

[12:23 AM]

“are you tired?” you ask, turning away from the movie to look at donghyuck- who’s sitting close beside you, both of your legs tangled together under blankets. “no,” he quickly denies, rubbing his eyes and looking back up at the tv screen with new found attentiveness.

“you’re a bad liar,” you joke as he smiles softly at you, enjoying your laugh. even in the dark room, the tv screen illuminates your face and he can’t help but stare at how beautiful you look. time spent together now was rare, especially quiet moments like this and he doesn’t want to miss this opportunity to be with you.

your voice interrupts his thoughts, as you continue knowingly, “you should sleep, I can come back later, we can watch this some other time.” you pause the movie that you both had been waiting to watch together. donghyuck shakes his head, reaching to grab the remote from your hand. “I want to spend time with you though,” he argues, still determined to make the most of the occasional tired nights you have together.

you slide your hand into his, subconsciously rubbing your thumb along his hand soothingly, distracting him from getting the remote. “I want you to get your rest.” donghyuck doesn’t respond, tired eyes dazily staring back at you. he realizes you’re right before quietly asking, “can you stay though? I can rest with you too.”

“are you sure?” you’re still unconvinced, and donghyuck reassures you quickly, “of course, let’s go, I always sleep better with you anyways.” 

you laugh as he leads you to his bed, flopping onto the mattress happily and motioning for you to join him. once he is settled and in your arms, donghyuck immediately falls asleep and you realize truly how tired he was. his plump lips and cheeks are smushed into your side and you brush his soft hair out of his eyes, admiring the faint smile that still lingers on his lips.

you think he’s fast asleep when you find your own eyes fluttering shut, until he mumbles out a small, “love you,” muffled against your skin. you say it back easily and just as quietly, as he hugs you tighter and sighs contently, resting well.

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6 months ago

and they were roommates


❝ come on, y/n, i don’t bite. ❞

PAIRING ▸ lee donghyuck x fem!reader

GENRES ▸ smut, fluff, some angst, crack, college au, strangers to friends to lovers au, slowburn

WARNINGS ▸ profanity, alcohol and weed consumption, “opposites attract” trope, mentions of anxiety, nahyuck are extra stupid in this fic, hyuck has his euphoria moment, momentary fwb, unprotected sex (wrap before u tap), slight corruption kink, high sex, fingering, oral (fem. receiving), and lots of fluff !! 

SUMMARY ▸ lee donghyuck’s competitive spirit to find the best girlfriend results with him setting his sights on yoo jimin, the hottest girl on campus. however, trying to get close to her ends up with him being pushed in her roommate’s direction. donghyuck has never considered dating someone as quiet as you, but, for whatever reason, he’s infatuated.

PLAYLIST ▸ adada adada by chitharth • partners in crime by finneas • i wanna be yours by arctic monkeys • garden song by phoebe bridgers • kal ho naa ho by shankar-ehsaan-loy, sonu nigam • heartbeat by bts

WORD COUNT ▸ 17,017 words

AUTHOR’S NOTE ▸ hihi !! i’ve been so so excited to share this fic so i hope u guys enjoy !! lmk what you think and i hope you enjoy the playlist :’) third installment of the bitch hunters series ♡ 



When he and his friends were finding prom dates in high school, Donghyuck was determined to find the best date with the best proposal he could plan. This ended with him on the rooftop of the science wing with a large sign that read “Will You Light Up My Night At Prom?” with neon lights taped to the sides, a megaphone, and his poor friends standing to the side with bouquets of flowers. Perhaps it was rather over-the-top, but Donghyuck’s charm came from how much effort he put into everything he set his mind to.

One would think Donghyuck’s fire would die down once he hit adulthood, but it was quite the opposite. College offered many opportunities for competing against his peers. Even if it was something simple as getting the last pizza roll from the microwave, Donghyuck would shove Na Jaemin against the wall any day to be victorious.

Bitch hunting season brought the challenge of a lifetime for Donghyuck. At first, he was determined to be the first one to get a girlfriend, but that fell apart once Renjun and Jeno beat him to it. Then, Donghyuck came to realize that it didn’t matter when he finished as long as the others saw him as the winner.

That meant Donghyuck would have to cuff the hottest girl in their year: Yoo Jimin.

Afficher davantage

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6 months ago

Started With A Kiss

Lee Donghyuck/Haechan X Reader | Actor AU, Smut, Fluff, Humor | NC-17 | 10K

Summary: Rookie actor, Lee Haechan, desperately wants to get the lead role in the highly anticipated upcoming TV drama. He’s sure he has what it takes to fill the part. Acting as a hero? No problem. Pretending to overcome his traumatic experience? Consider it done. A bed scene? Easy—wait, no. That might be a problem. But he should be fine as long as he gets to rehearse, right?

Warnings:  protected sex, oral sex, crude humor, swearing, literally 10k of sex with very little plot, a lot of playful banters between sassy!hyuck and equally sassy!Y/N

Wrote this for my love Kira @flopim​ who’s been having a tough time lately. I hope this will cheer you up bb! ❤️


“I want you to make love to me.”

Standing there, still dressed in your bright pink pajamas with your hair resembling a bird’s nest, you can only blink once, twice, and several times more because surely, your ears are playing tricks on you. There’s no way that your best friend, the cutely annoying and annoyingly cute, Lee Haechan—the one who’s been practically glued to your skin like a conjoined twin of yours for the last two years—is asking you to make love to him. 

Surely, this is not what you’d expected to see when you opened the door to your apartment, ready to bark at whoever it was who dared to disturb your beauty sleep (since it is seven in the morning on a Sunday), only to see him standing in his blue ripped jeans and black Michael Jackson shirt with his cheeks flushed, his bag hanging loosely on his shoulder, brown eyes desperately begging for your attention. 

And you’re most definitely sure that he’s not asking you to sleep with him when you still have drool on the corner of your mouth and a terrible morning breath (in your defense, you have brushed your teeth but that was, like, six hours ago).

But when seconds have passed and Haechan still looks like he badly needs to hear an answer, you have very little options but to ask, “You want me to do what to who now?”

Afficher davantage

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6 months ago

Follow Through.


ao3 | m.list 

minors dni, otherwise please like, reblog, and leave feedback, it’s important that you support the writers you like when tumblr shits on us. 

wordcount  → 23.5k

pairing→ mark lee x female reader (ft. lee donghyuck)

description → Mark managed to keep his best friend status with you even after you moved away. With a friendship strictly through imessage, facetime, and social media, it was surprisingly easy to keep him in your life. Even when things suddenly became sexual. By the time you move back home, you learn that the both of you talk big game through text, but nearly forgot how to communicate face to face.

Enter Lee Donghyuck, an old friend turned fuck-buddy. He is, unfortunately, also Mark’s best friend. But to be fair, he didn’t know what he was getting into when he suggested the two of you enter into the agreement of no-strings-attached. Kind of hard to have no strings when Mark is tying them all over the place. 

content → phone sex (kind of), sexting(kind of), frustrating communications, semi-red flag mark, pining, best friends to established relationship, mark big jealous, hyuck big idiot and kind of a bad friend to mark, y/n big confused about everything, smut, unprotected sex, angst if you’re a lil bitch.

note → I know this fic came out of left field, im not sorry about it even though im supposed to be working on other things. Once again this isn’t proof read so if you see any typos don’t tell me, I’ll cry.


Keep reading

Tags :
6 months ago


pairing: donghyuck x fem!reader word count: 5.8k contains: art school au, smut, a bit of sub!hyuck, fluff, mutual pining, oral (m receiving), fingering, kink discovery (exhibitionism), dumbification for like a split second, a little dry humping, protected sex, no pull out tho summary: after swearing to yourself you're done catching feelings for people; you meet someone who makes that incredibly difficult. you think you can avoid him... then you're assigned a final together. a/n: this is my first official fic on this blog! plz plz leave me feedback (whether it be an ask, a reply, reblog, or just a like, it's all VERY appreciated). let me know if i'm missing/need to get rid of any warnings!


“oh, he definitely likes you.”

you groaned in exaggerated frustration and let your body fall forward in your seat, forehead making contact with the cafeteria table. you heard yeri giggle across from you.

your freshman year of college started off strong. as strong as it could, anyway, with different members of your friend group convincing you to go with them to drink, party, or smoke every other week. you felt like you had a good healthy balance between productivity and fun. sometimes due dates came quicker than you thought, and you would pull an all-nighter to finish 2 day's worth of work in an hour, but you made it out alive in the end. even if you felt dead inside.

it was all working well until you met lee donghyuck.

donghyuck was loud and witty and gorgeous. he had a way of holding people’s attention, cracking jokes or making stupid comments that were only really funny because he was the one who said it. he started attending your shared cinematography class way too late into the semester, yet he was smart and creative as hell from the projects you’d seen him submit.

you, however, didn’t let yourself enjoy the experience of crushing on donghyuck because of the promise you made to yourself: no boys this year. dating in high school was a shitshow for you; too many empty promises and too much manipulation, and your grades slipped along with your sanity. it was exhausting, and you weren’t gonna sabotage your opening year of college by letting some guy cloud your thoughts. so you avoided donghyuck; tried not to make eye contact, tried not to check him out so much… tried not to look at him period. it all kinda failed.

yeri thought all of that was bullshit, of course, because “you literally had to write essays hours before your class started ‘cus you were with me and the guys getting high. you don’t really care about that, be real.”

so yeah, maybe you just emotionally closed yourself off. you still weren’t going to go out of your way to interact with donghyuck.

unfortunately, your professor decided the two of you would be perfect partners for a short film project so you had no choice.

he was the one who introduced himself first, all glowy skin and pretty smile and fluffy hair. the palm of his hand was soft but firm when you shook it. he smelled like whatever beachy bodywash he used and you tried not to drool at him while he shared his ideas with you in the last ten minutes of class. at that point you knew there was no saving you.

what really convinced you that you were done for was how quickly the two of you hit it off. a few meetups were all it took, your ideas bouncing off each other as you both enthusiastically got your creative juices flowing, and then you were friends. suddenly donghyuck was in every setting - the cafeteria, the hallways, the library - and as you became designated study buddies, his personality showed its depths.

he liked to poke fun at you over small things (your tone of voice when you tried to prove a point, the food you chose in the cafe, the music you liked, etc), but he was also caring. he’d ask if you needed help on any other subjects, carry art supplies for you, and offer to pay for your food.

you’d noticed about a week after meeting his close circle of friends that he didn’t do those things with them, though, and asked yeri, your closest friend, what she thought about that.

“yeah.. i’m sorry girl, but as someone who’s known hyuck for years, he’s literally an asshole like ninety-five percent of the time. this is honestly hilarious and i will be making fun of him for it.”

you lifted your head off the table with a heavy sigh and looked up to the busy cafeteria’s ceiling as if it’d give you some insight on what to do. “god, i’m so… we were doing fine! like i literally have a crush on him right now but the only thing that was keeping me sane was knowing he didn’t feel the same way.”

yeri continued to apply her makeup using a handheld mirror. she, luckily, didn’t have any classes after lunch for the day and was likely going to spend the rest of her friday with sooyoung. “he must be feeling something ‘cus even the teasing you described isn’t nearly as annoying as it usually is.”

“i mean, surely he’s not just a jerk.”

she gave you a look then huffed a laugh and shook her head. “sure, he can be sweet once every blue moon. he’s never fussed about driving us places, i’ll give him that. he just acts like a little brother to me.”

you practically felt the crush on him brewing into something bigger and more unbearable every time you talked about him. although he was really hot, you did genuinely like him as a person and you didn’t want to end up ruining what you had. “i really don’t know what to do. how am i supposed to control myself, now? just the way he talks sometimes makes me all.. you know.”

yeri pretended to gag. “please don’t talk about him like that near me,” satisfied with her face, she looked up from her mirror and not a second later something behind you caught her eye. “oh, speaking of the devil.”

“heyy girls,” donghyuck walked up to your booth with a very big camera and yeri smiled and nodded to him in greeting. he plopped down next to you and placed the camera right into your lap. your heart raced at how close he was. he pretended not to hear the squeak you let out. then, after noticing the pause, “you guys talking shit about me or something?”

“yes.” you and yeri said it in unison and you both laughed when he pretended to be offended. “what’s with the big heavy camera in my lap, hyuck?”

his excitement made itself known as he spoke. “renjun’s letting us borrow it since his final has him in the theatre. we were looking through the place earlier and found it with some other equipment so i kinda bribed him to let us use it.. it’s super cool.” he pulled out his phone to show some already-downloaded pictures and clips in his camera roll of what it’s capable of. you were honestly blown away.. it all looked straight from a movie.

yeri gave you an amused look. “you know.. you guys are both so geeky. i wonder why you didn’t become friends sooner.”

you knew from her tone and the way she pointedly looked at you what she was getting at with that statement. yeri was just as sweet and adorable as she was mischievous, and while that’s one of the things you liked about her, you couldn’t help the annoyance at her indirect jab at you. just as you were thinking of a response, donghyuck spoke. “you should come over later so we can test it out.”

your eyes widened. you’d never been to each other’s dorms, just meeting up in common - public study spots. and now that you knew he probably liked you back there was no way for the experience to be tension-free... on your part at least. yeri tried to muffle a laugh but it didn’t work.

studying with hyuck was already hard sometimes. he’d drink from a water bottle and watching his throat bob would be enough to make your mind fuzzy for longer than a moment. or his arm would brush against yours and butterflies would erupt all the way from your stomach to your chest. once, he decided to play a game of basketball with jeno before showing up, and you could swear being right across from his sweaty sun kissed body was going to drive you nuts. the idea of being alone with him in the comfort and privacy of his home was way more exciting than you wanted it to be.

you hoped you were playing off your shock well. “uh, sure. just text me the details after lunch?” your voice wavered regardless, and you cringed internally.

he nodded and walked off to grab something to eat, not without shoving your shoulder before he left for literally no reason. you could feel the smile on your face grow and bit your lip.

it was going to be an interesting day.


turns out donghyuck didn’t live in a dorm complex like most students, instead shared rent with mark, jeno, and jaemin in a cheap little house off campus. it made sense, the art school you all attended had so much to offer yet all the money they collected never really seemed to reach the dorm life. there wasn’t much space and the beds sucked, the cafeteria a ridiculous twenty-minute walk away from the buildings. it overall ended up cheaper and more convenient to split rent amongst four people and take turns driving to campus.

with that being said, the house was a mess, and you couldn’t wrap your head around it. it didn’t necessarily stink (although the air had a hint of the familiar warm scent of weed, the kind that settled into furniture and you can’t quite get rid of), but it was cluttered and almost disastrous looking. while they seemingly had the decency to throw out food, they must not have had the same decency to put away anything else; shoes, clothes, bottles, textbooks, art supplies.. so many art supplies - you wondered how they knew where anything was. the living room tv played some youtube playlist of r&b music videos with no one in the room and you fought the urge to search for the remote yourself.

donghyuck’s shared room however, was very tidy compared to the main area of the house, and you assumed the kitchen and living room was just everyone’s communal workspace. his belongings seemed organized (surprisingly, considering his spontaneous personality), and you felt more at ease. you ended up sitting together on a large fluffy rug that accessorized his floor.

the requirement of your short film was that it had to be a visual study of your partner, whether that be an interview or a short documentary, it just had to be visual. the two of you decided to do both in one, as well as contribute some drawn graphic art into the editing to make it a partially animated piece in the end. in another meet-up you’d already colorfully written letters on pieces of paper, moved them around, and taken pictures of them to create the animation. you just had to start recording each other.

you’d realized you kinda overdressed when you arrived and saw donghyuck in sweats and a hoodie. you needed to showcase your true selves in the video, and while it wasn’t necessarily uncommon for you to wear a denim miniskirt and lacy cropped cami, it was one of your better outfits saved for outings. you had on an unzipped large hoodie for the breeze outside, so hyuck didn’t notice your top right away, but you saw the way his eyes flicked to your legs repeatedly when he gave you a mini tour of the place.

he set his bulky cinema notebook between the two of you and started flipping through it, looking for the pages with notes from the most recent classes. printed pictures and taped-in polaroids made the thing look a mess, but it endeared you, the amount of passion and thought hyuck put into art and photography.

he noticed your fidgeting. “you want something to drink? we have like, tons of soda.”

you hummed a no and stood up. “i’ll just start setting up the camera.”

“whatever you say.”

so far your visit had been almost as tense as you thought it’d be, fewer words spoken between the two of you than usual, and the only thing making things easier was the distant music from the living room tv. his room smelled so much like him, the beachy bodywash suddenly warm and strong in your nose and you figured he had the same scent in cologne. all those moments where each other’s presence felt like fire igniting (lingering looks when passing by, hugs lasting a few seconds too long, not moving away when you accidentally touch hands, arms, legs), felt like they’d been leading up to this; you in donghyuck’s room freshly showered and pampered with excitement bubbling in you, it felt way too similar to a hook up.

you could feel donghyuck’s eyes burning into you while you moved around. “so,” you pulled apart the legs of the tripod, “i assume this is our backdrop?”

hyuck looked to the heavily decorated wall you gestured towards and nodded, his mind visibly elsewhere. it wasn’t quite the white backdrop you had in mind but you figured it added character with all the pictures of him and his friends along with album covers and stuff. it probably should’ve been used for his segment of the video only, but you weren’t really thinking about anything that deeply at this point. your attention was mainly on donghyuck and the way he looked, soft and comfortable yet still as intimidating as usual.

he helped you put the actual camera on the stand and angle it, then played with the settings as you stood in front of the wall. you noticed how his roommate’s side of the room (mark, he told you) was relatively less neat than donghyuck’s and wondered if he just tidied everything up because you were coming. an exaggerated dreamy sigh pulled you out of your thoughts. “this thing is so fucking nice. really wish i could keep it.”

you smiled. what would he even need a big ass production camera for in his day-to-day life? you realized hyuck wasn’t just looking at the camera but you through it, and pursed your lips to keep from smiling bigger out of sheepishness. “let me know when you start recording.”

“i started, like, thirty seconds ago.”


he finally stepped aside from the settings on the camera but stayed within reach to zoom in or move it a bit when he felt necessary. you pulled a chair over and he started asking you questions, ones written and not shown to you during study sessions to keep each other’s answers authentic. the air in the room changed from loosely awkward to playful as you answered the very random questions. hyuck laughed at your responses and initiated friendly banter from behind the camera.

“what would you do with a million dollars? like if i handed you a million dollars right now what’s the first thing you’d do?”

you snorted. “i’d assume it’s all fake.”

hyuck rolled his eyes. “okay. then say you went and got it checked and it was all real. what are you doing with it?”

“buying anything i want, obviously.”

he tsked and flipped his paper to the next set of questions. “you could’ve said something meaningful, like donate it or something. you’re evil.”

you made a face at him while he messed with the camera a bit. the house was significantly warmer than the air outside and you were starting to feel it, so you shook your jacket off and threw it over to donghyuck’s bed. you took the chance to fix yourself up a bit, running your hands through your hair and adjusting both your top and skirt, rubbing your lips together to keep the lip gloss pigmented. your legs felt stiff so decided you’d rather stand, pushing the chair into the desk you pulled it from and standing back into place. there was a moment of silence and you looked up at donghyuck, just to see him already looking back at you. his playful smile was gone.

“you look really hot right now. just saying.”

your stomach flipped and your heart skipped before you even fully processed what he said. you had almost forgot about the butterflies and the tension and yet, it was back like it never left.

something in your expression made him laugh, the airy sound reminding you to breathe.. and to respond. “oh..”

a moment passed.

“sorry if that was crossing a line-”

“i promise you i don’t mind,” you interrupted, hands raised. “i just don’t know how to take compliments sometimes, i think. thank you.” then after a beat, “you look hot, too. like, all the time.”



you felt breathless. since when did you forget to say thank you after someone complimented you? donghyuck’s voice sounded almost seductive all of the sudden, and you were ready to throw all caution to the wind. just the fact that he was standing there looking and listening to you, adjusting the camera to focus on you better, and felt the need to compliment you.. you realized his attention had never been undivided on you this way before.

you were about to speak again, but he beat you to it. “do you.. consider yourself a risk taker?”

it made you pause, momentarily forgetting that he was even interviewing you in the first place. a risk taker? a very normal question in contrast to the other things he asked, yet it hit home in a way. it felt almost ironic considering the internal battle you’d been fighting since he entered your life, all to save yourself from some imaginary heartache. you did this with other things in your life, too; emotionally closing yourself off to avoid negative emotions, and while it never got bad enough to cause huge miscommunication issues, you missed out on a lot of great feelings and experiences.

“ooh you’re thinking hard about this one. it must’ve been good,” hyuck teased, and you couldn’t help the big shy smile that erupted on your face. he just had a way with words.

“i don’t think i’m a risk taker,” you decided. when he just hummed in response and waited for you to continue, you figured your emotions must just be visible in your face or something. “...but i want to be. i want to take risks.”

“then why don’t you?”

“it’s scary sometimes,” you shrugged.

“don’t be scared, then.”

you genuinely laughed, and maybe it was the way his chest tightened at the sound, or the way your eyebrow curved in disbelief, but he felt something in him snap suddenly. he stepped over to you, grabbed your face, and kissed you in one seamless motion.

your heart soared, his lips soft and strong against yours, and you grabbed his forearms to anchor yourself. the kiss winded you; the shock of it wearing off and into a simmer in your gut. it all felt so warm - his body heat having melted into the fabric of his hoodie, his hands on your face - and you leaned in closer, running your hands from his arms to his back and up near his shoulder blades.

the feeling of your hands on him made him kiss you deeper, hotter, and you moaned. his brain short circuited at the sound and feeling, humming and kissing you even harder. the room temperature rose rapidly as the kiss went from sweet to desperate, hands grabbing and groping at and around each other until yours brushed the skin under his hoodie. he broke the kiss to pull you over to his bed, laying back on it and guiding you to straddle him with his hands on your hips. you felt yourself become wetter at the light manhandling.

now on top of him, you leaned down to kiss him again, curling your hands into his hair. it all felt so right, any doubts or worries you had beforehand completely forgot about as you felt donhyuck’s bulge grow stiffer against you, body euphoric and mind hazy with nothing but his warmth and his softness and his smell.

you pulled back to admire his face, a red flush beginning to form on his skin and a shiny plump to his lips. you impulsively traced a finger through the slit in his brow (something you’d wanted to do for a while) and he laughed lightly, “you’re a good fucking kisser.”

you hummed in response and slowly started to grind on him, watching his eyes flutter shut as his breath stuttered. seeing him like this after so much time imagining what he’d look like - under you, above you, between your legs - made you feel hot all over. it was almost surreal. you sped up and huffed a laugh when he grunted.

“guess i’m in control here?”

“shut up.”

he rolled his own hips up a few times to meet yours and you moaned louder than you meant to, dipping down to mouth at the side of his neck to hide your embarrassment. he wanted to laugh but ended up hissing loudly when you bit and sucked at it, dick twitching in his pants.

was this a good idea? you didn’t know nor care, everything feeling too good, and neither did donghyuck it seemed, his hands pushing your already ridden-up pleated skirt even further to grab each of your ass cheeks and push you closer into him. his hands squeezed and kneaded, and after noticing your breath hitching against his neck he slapped one side, and you keened. the sound went straight to his dick, and he lightly pushed you off of him. you gave him a confused look.

“need you.” he explained. his breathing was labored, mind and body focused on the feeling of your weight on top of him.

you shook your head. “can i suck you off first?”

you felt him twitch again before his head fell back on the pillows. “god, you can’t just say things like that. i’m already not gonna last long.”

“so is that a yes?”

he looked up at you and just studied your face for a second, then playfully flicked your forehead when you gave him puppy eyes. “no, i totally don’t want head from the sexy girl in my bed right now. why would i want that?”

rolling your eyes at his sarcasm, you bit your lip and started making your way down. hyuck helped you pull his hoodie off as you reached the seam of it. the t-shirt underneath rode up his chest in the process and you left a couple kisses on the smooth skin of his lower stomach. his abdomen tensed up.

“oh, you’re sensitive..” you whispered hotly against his skin and he took a moment to respond, just staring down at you, his brain moving like slush.

“‘m just ticklish.”


when you finally pulled his dick out it was fully hard and a red-ish purple at the tip. feeling the warm weight of it in your hand and seeing the trimmed hair at the base made everything feel so real all of the sudden; the cute funny guy from cinematography now underneath you, pretty and responsive waiting for you to make him feel good. you hummed and kitten licked at the tip, eyes flicking up to lock with his. his face was now fully flushed, hair all messed up from your fingers and being rubbed against his pillow.

you licked a long, slow stripe from the base to the tip, then loosened your throat and sunk down on him. the relieved moan he let out was the greatest enabler, and you tried your best to take all of him in. when you were at your limit, you started lightly bobbing your head and used your hand for whatever didn’t fit when you began to speed up.

donghyuck was nearly panting at this point, staring blankly down at you with his mouth agape. before he got too comfortable with the pace, you lifted up and kitten licked his tip again. his dick twitched.

“you ticklish here, too?” you joked.

he didn’t even respond, too lost in his pleasure. you felt his dick twitch again and his eyes screwed shut, so you removed him from your mouth and waited.

some time passed with hyuck just breathing, calming himself down. he opened his eyes and looked visibly flustered when he saw your smile.

“i’m not usually this sensitive, i swear,” his voice came out hoarse. “i’ve just been wanting to.. like, i’ve thought about you for a while. if you know what i mean.”

your heart stuttered at the confession. donghyuck, probably the least shy person you knew, wasn’t even able to tell you straight-foward that he’d imagined fucking you. “it’s really okay. i think it’s cute.”

he pouted. “i don’t wanna be cute, though. i wanna be sexy.”

you laughed and dipped down to lick at the spot right under the head of his cock, eyes never leaving his. his mouth parted and you smiled. “i promise you’re just as sexy as you are cute.”

your underwear was definitely soaked now, so you decided not to waste anymore time, biting your lip and moving back up to straddle. hyuck reached down and into the pocket of his sweats and pulled out a condom.

you snatched it from him. “you just carry these on you?”

he sucked his teeth. “of course not, i was just hoping. didn’t wanna have to stop and grab it from my dresser.”

you tried to hide a smile and shook your head in mock disappointment. his hand grabbed your wrist after you teared at the packaging for a second.

there was concern clear on his face. “we don’t have to do this, by the way. we don’t have to do anything.”

“i want to, hyuck. i wouldn’t be doing this if i didn’t want to,” the unsure look on his face didn’t budge so you continued, “do you want to?”

“hell yeah,” he scoffed. “you just looked put off by the whole condom-in-my-pocket thing.”

“oh, it’s not a problem. i just think you’re lazy.”

after you put the rubber on him, you flattened your hand on his chest and tried to use the other to move your underwear to the side, but he lightly slapped your hand away to replace it with his own. a rush of pleasure ran through you as he rubbed your clit over the fabric, feeling his larger fingers on your most sensitive spot for the first time. apparently the moan you let out sounded funny because he laughed, but your brain didn’t catch up to anything before he breathed “how the fuck are you this wet?”, and suddenly you were extremely impatient.

“please hurry up,” you whined, and surprisingly he didn’t make a comment about you begging. he got to work instead, pushing your underwear over and inserting a finger into you, free hand grabbing the back of your head to pull you down and kiss you again. the feeling of your hot wet walls around his finger set him off, and he wrapped his arm around you, flipped you both over, and gently placed you down so he could thrust it in and out. once you pushed your hips up and mumbled some jibberish (something that sounded like a jumble of “more” and “too slow”), he added a second finger then sat back on his knees to really look at you.

he felt almost dizzy. your eyebrows were furrowed and your skin was flushed, body still clothed yet moving like a wave from your abdomen to your hips against his hand, pushing into the pleasure he was giving you. you huffed out whimpers with most breaths, chest rising and falling giving donghyuck the tempting view of the lacy fabric of your top against the flesh of your boobs. he pushed in a third finger and used his other hand to lift your top up, grabbing a boob over the cup of your bra and squeezed.

you bit your lip, body buzzing. “hyuck.”


you could feel yourself whining again but you didn’t care. “please just. i need you inside me,” the familiar winding-up in the pit of your stomach was coming way too soon.

the words ‘i need you inside me’ rung in donghyuck’s head as he looked at your pretty little skirt that’d been pushed up, your underwear that had been moved to the side, and the way your pussy took his fingers. your body layed there on his bed in his room, halfway clothed and desperate. he let out a shaky sigh. “i’m not gonna last long.”

you grabbed his wrist. “i don’t care. i’m not gonna last either.”

“you get all whiney and needy when you’re horny,” he teased, his wet fingers exiting you and indenting into your hip as he grabbed you and lined himself up. “would’ve never thought you were ever ‘in charge’ of me.”

you both moaned loudly when he sunk in. his cock inside of you felt like a missing piece to a puzzle, and you tried to slow your breathing to relax your body. he waited a moment, twitching inside of you as he waited for you to adjust, then thrusted in and out slowly.

it was overwhelming to say the least, everything you felt inside and out was hot and the stretch was addicting. if this was what you’d been missing out on all this time, you hated yourself for it. you moaned again when he sped up, the cheap bedframe creaking below you.

hyuck furrowed his eyebrows in concentration. he breathed in deeply, closed his eyes, then exhaled a half-whispered “you smell so fucking good.” he let go of your hips and draped himself over you, placing his forearms on each side of your head and just watched your expressions. you breathed hot and quick in each other’s faces, whimpers mixing with moans.

you faintly heard the music from the living room tv get louder and louder, some bryson tiller song echoing off the walls, and your stomach dropped a little. someone had come home and heard you guys fucking right next door. the tightening feeling came back to the pit of your stomach fast and you tangled your hand into donghyuck’s hair, bringing him closer to rest your foreheads against each other and anchor yourself.

he moaned loud and clear, fucking into you faster and harder, eyes screwing shut. “r-renjun’s here.”

you panted. “fuck.”

“hnng. fuck,” he nodded against you, but it was obvious the nod was in agreement to something neither of you would say out loud.

turned on beyond belief, you rolled your hips up to meet his thrusts, your g-spot getting pistoned into as hyuck chased his own orgasm. he huffed out a desperate little whimper at the action, and you wrapped your legs around him, pushed him deeper into you, and pulled his hair as you felt yourself start to let go.

he really did try to speak, but the only warning you were given that he was about to cum was a quick rough inhale and a violent twitch inside you before you felt the warmth fill you. you swore you felt numb in your limbs as your own vision went blank. your highs lasted a few extra seconds of both of you stiff against each other before you sagged into the bed, satisfied.

donghyuck rolled off of you and the two of you just panted up into the air for a while. he eventually breathed out a “woah.” and sat up, walking out the room to get warm wet towels to clean up with.

he came back with a stupid big smile on his face, and when you looked at him questioningly he just snickered. “he’s pissed.”

he was wiping your inner thigh for you, for soothing purposes more than anything, when you finally spoke.

“i don’t want this to be a one time thing,” you stared hard at his ceiling as if it’d give you the right words to say. the high from arousal had worn off and you were left with that anxious uneasy feeling that kept you from doing this in the first place, but after experiencing what you just did, you didn’t want to just move on. “i’m not sure how you think of me..,” you sat up to look him in the face and he paused, giving you his full attention. “..but i really like you. and i don’t wanna screw anything up.”

the look on donghyuck’s face was nothing but puzzled. he stared at you, really stared at you, and you felt stupid. did he not like that way at all? you were ready to accept the rejection and move on as friends with benefits and a hurting heart until he cut your thoughts short.

“you really don’t know?”

you frowned. “don’t know what?”

his entire demeaner softened as he took in your genuine confusion. then he looked a little embarrassed. “i’ve been kinda obsessed with you since we met. i thought you knew ‘cus the guys make fun of me for how i act around you all time.. they always joke about telling you. in fact jaemin said he told you and i couldn’t tell if he was kidding. so when you kissed me back earlier i guess i just assumed that was like, a reciprocation.”

despite having caught on to his crush the literal day before, you were shocked. you didn’t even suspect that he was ‘obsessed’ with you, if anything you thought it was just a bit of attraction from spending time with you so often. you could feel your skin go hot.

“i didn’t even think you were into me at all until yesterday,” you swore, fidgeting with the hem of your skirt. “it really wasn’t that obvious.”

“even though i follow you around all the time?”

“huh? you follow me around? like, at school?”

he laughed in light disbelief. “yeah? i’m with you almost always outside of class. it’s pathetic.”

the butterflies came back to your stomach as the two of you talked about all the (very obvious) hints to your interest in each other, and when he kissed you again and asked you to be his girlfriend, you didn’t have to think twice before answering.


when you were being walked out by donghyuck, you were met with renjun sitting on the kitchen counter with a sketchbook in his lap and a paint set next to him. you guessed you were right about the communal workspace thing. he took out an airpod when he notice your presence and you smiled at him bashfully.

“is there anything you two would like to say to me?” he looked between the two of you pointedly, the edges of his lips curling up despite his efforts.

you and hyuck looked at each other then back to renjun. hyuck pursed his lips to stop himself from laughing.

“we’re dating now?” you tried, and renjun rolled his eyes.

“not even a sorry?”

“well, i’m not sorry, personally,” hyuck said, cocky smile stuck on his face. “this is payback for making me pay for dinner the other day.”

renjun scoffed. “that’s not even remotely the same!”

hyuck just grabbed your hand and continued to walk you out, and you turned to wince and mouth a ‘sorry’ to renjun.

you were definitely in for a ride with this man, and you had no doubts about it this time.

Tags :
6 months ago

Blow. (ldh)


“you taste like cigarettes. i hit it every chance I get. girl, you got me dripping sweat, you pull me back every time i quit. “ Jackson Wang :: Blow

ao3 | m.list | minors dni !! | please reblog this, since tumblr refuses to put it in the tags ♡ . ― part 2 (tbd)

wordcount― 7.6k

pairing― haechan x fem reader

description― he never agreed to be the other man, but he just can’t get enough of you. you are, quite frankly, the worst thing that has ever happened to him, yet he is determined to make it worth his time.

content― jealous haechan, cheating, abusive behavior, manipulation, a lot of smut, arguments, fighting, angst, best friend to fuckbuddy to enemy to secret fuck buddy to ???? what are we???, boyfriend doyoung

warnings― angst, cheating, manipulation on y/n’s part, she’s not a good person lol

note― I do not condone cheating. I will never condone cheating. I have been cheated on and friends, it is awful. Don’t ask me why I like writing about it, not proofread either because no. smut tags are under the cut.

taglist:@aedreamzy​​​, @ahgastayzen​​​, @subhyuck​​​, @mrkis​​​, @serialee​​​, @glitchyuck​​​, @zealhaechan​

Keep reading

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6 months ago
Renjun 'Marine Turtle' MV Behind The Scenes
Renjun 'Marine Turtle' MV Behind The Scenes
Renjun 'Marine Turtle' MV Behind The Scenes
Renjun 'Marine Turtle' MV Behind The Scenes
Renjun 'Marine Turtle' MV Behind The Scenes
Renjun 'Marine Turtle' MV Behind The Scenes
Renjun 'Marine Turtle' MV Behind The Scenes
Renjun 'Marine Turtle' MV Behind The Scenes
Renjun 'Marine Turtle' MV Behind The Scenes
Renjun 'Marine Turtle' MV Behind The Scenes
Renjun 'Marine Turtle' MV Behind The Scenes

Renjun ♡ 'Marine Turtle' MV Behind the Scenes

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6 months ago

going below zero | l.dh

Going Below Zero | L.dh

genre ❄ coworker au, enemies to lovers, slowburn, fluff, angst pairings ❄ attorney!donghyuck x attorney!reader word count ❄  10.2k synopsis ❄ Considering how much Haechan makes it his personal mission to antagonize you at work, it seems like a rather cruel twist of fate that the both of you have been side by side since middle school, the only consolation being that his office is a different floor from yours. But if there’s a saying about how distance makes the heart grow fonder, your attitude with him might just be the opposite, and it’ll take a family ski holiday to find out. warnings ❄ mentions of alcohol info ❄ merry christmas everyone!!! i hope you enjoy this small present and hava a very warm holiday wherever you are  <3 (it’s currently below freezing in seoul and I’m typing this barely half-alive in my hotel room at 1.50am after returning from gocheok sky dome)

Going Below Zero | L.dh

You enjoy your job. Mostly.

Besides the long hours, gruelling paperwork, inefficient district judiciary, and shitty coffee, of course. It’s all bearable, especially if you think about the multiple zero digits in your annual salary and the occasional bonus. And of course, you’ve developed a certain fondness for your office, which gives you a lovely view of the palaces and Seoul’s skyline.

“Y/N. Your coffee.” Karina passes you one of two mugs, specifically the one with daisies on it. Everyone working on your floor has made a deliberate effort to get distinct coffee mugs out of disdain for sharing, and you’re all the more grateful for it, especially on days like this. You take a tentative sip, and barely prevent yourself from spitting it out.

Maybe the burnt espresso will be the tipping point for your resignation after all.

“I still can’t believe the tenth floor shares their cups communally. Renjun would flay us if we tried suggesting it,” Karina mutters. She’s dressed in a form-fitting suit today, blouse slightly untucked. It’s been two years since she joined as a paralegal, and you’ll miss having her careful eye to look over your documents. Still, if there’s anyone deserving of becoming an associate, it’s her.

“It’s what happens when you have a floor that’s ninety-per cent men. Especially with people like him.” Your voice narrows to a sharp point, and Karina already knows who you’re talking about.

“I still don’t know what’s up with the both of you,” she muses, and you shrug. “It’s a long story. One that I’ll tell if I’m drunk and tired. Unfortunately, it’s currently-” you steal a glance at your watch, “-nine-thirty on a Monday morning, so wrong time.”

She gives a nod of acceptance, grimacing at the harrowed expression on your face. “Well, if you need anything, I’ll be outside.”

“Wait. Karina,” you call out, and the girl halts, arching an eyebrow at you. “Where’s the case that we were working on last week? The medical negligence one.”

There’s a nervous expression on her face when she takes in your words, and you don’t have a good feeling about what she’s going to say next.

“Karina. What is it.”

She smiles sheepishly, and that’s when you really start getting scared.

“Haechan…said he could take over because you were busy with your current ones and Mr Kim agreed. It happened when you were on leave last Friday. I thought he emailed you.”

“You have got to be fucking kidding me.”

Karina tries to flash a smile, but it comes out more like a pained cringe as she watches you close your eyes, and then take a deep inhale. You’re deathly quiet, and it’s slightly terrifying. “I’ll be back,” you force out, and she turns, alarmed, as you stride out of the office.

“Where are you going?”

You don’t answer.

Going Below Zero | L.dh

Haechan gives it approximately five minutes before you reach his office. It takes three minutes for you to take the lift up, and it’s about twenty metres from the lobby to his personal office.

If you’re particularly enraged, however, your pace might be a little faster, so he accounts for that too.

Afficher davantage

Tags :
6 months ago



Pairing: Haechan x Reader Genre: Roommate AU || Fluff Length: 1.7k Warnings: light swearing Summary: In which a jealous Donghyuck purposefully “floods” your shared apartment’s kitchen to get you to come home from your date, and accidentally confesses his feelings to you.


Donghyuck is not pleased. He is not pleased when he watches you fuss over your hair for your date, and he is not pleased when you keep asking him if the jacket you picked out looks good with your outfit, and he is definitely not pleased when you nervously put on your shoes and add the finishing touches to your look for tonight.

You had a particularly bad break up a while ago: it was almost cliche how you walked in on your ex in the middle of cheating on you, the screaming match that awkwardly took place in the hallway outside of his apartment, and the tears you cried for a whole week afterwards. You were finally able to pull yourself out of this funk; you’re a bad bitch and no one can reduce you to anything else, at least that’s what Hyuck kept saying. He was the one who was telling you to get back out into the dating scene. Of course he meant to “get back out into the dating scene” and start dating him, not other people, but he thinks you’ve been just a bit slow in realizing that.

In reality, you had given up hope in Hyuck returning your feelings for you a long time ago, deciding that it’s better to not date your roommate and attempt to find someone else to give your attention to. Despite your efforts, a small part of your heart is with Hyuck. It doesn’t seem like he’ll ever give it back.

Hyuck tries to keep all the emotion out of his voice and nonchalantly tell you that you look “fine” when all he wants to do is barricade the door and cling to your leg and beg you not to go on this date. He doesn’t know who this person is, but it isn’t him and that’s the problem. You barely notice Hyuck’s weird behavior, your doubts and fears slowly rising to the surface of your thoughts as the time to leave creeps near. Nevertheless, you walk out of the house with as much confidence you can muster, but not before telling Hyuck to only call you if there’s an absolute emergency.

On this warm night out, your date takes you to get ice cream and you spontaneously decide to go to an arcade on the other side of town. You have to admit, you’re having fun. It’s so easy to forget about whatever worries were on your mind as you focus on enjoying yourself, even if it’s just for a few hours. Until you check your phone.

Afficher davantage

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6 months ago

109 Steps To You


this is a part of the “almost” collaboration hosted by @hyucksie​


Pairing: Haechan x Reader Genre: romance, fluff, angst, mature content, soulmate!AU, college!AU Length: 19k Summary: Everyone is born with two marks on their body: one that is identical to your soulmate’s, and one that is identical to the person who will cause you immense pain. No one knows which mark means what until they live out their life and meet the people destined to bring them love and hurt. However, you were only born with one mark. Out of all the places you thought you would meet the person with the mark identical to yours, you never thought it would be on your first day of college. Warnings/Details: female reader, mentions of other nct members (and yuqi from g-idle), explicit sex (unprotected + the consequences that come with it), mentions of a dysfunctional family, swearing

— read epilogue here

a/n: if you’re a minor: beware! there is explicit and mature content in this fic.


“I want to thank you guys, again, for helping me out today.” You shyly announce to the table, swirling your spoon through your froyo and glancing back and forth between the other people sitting before you.

“Oh, it’s no problem, we weren’t doing anything today anyway.” Xiaojun softly knocks his elbow into yours, sending a reassuring smile your way. If it wasn’t for Xiaojun, an old childhood friend, you weren’t sure how moving into your dorm room and getting settled into campus would’ve gone; you would probably still be a mess right now.

“He’s right. Plus, I really wanted to meet the girl Jun kept raving about, he wouldn’t stop talking about how much we would like you-” Mark’s comment is quickly cut off, a thud under the table and a pained look on Mark’s face giving away that Xiaojun just kicked him.

“I just hope I lived up to the hype.” You laugh at their antics.

“Oh, definitely,” Yuqi quickly buts in before Mark can retaliate back at Xiaojun, “And I live a few floors below you, so just let me know if you need anything at all.” She adds on, her warm deposition and all around friendliness from today making you let out a small sigh of relief, some stress falling off your shoulders when you realize just how many people around you are here to help you out.

“I appreciate it so much, really.” You lean away from Xiaojun and Mark, closer to Yuqi and Lucas who are sitting on the other side of the table, “By the way, I love your guys’ marks. They look so good on both of you.”

At your comment, Lucas puts down his phone and gently grabs Yuqi’s hand, their matching chamomile flower marks touching as their fingers intertwine. You almost didn’t notice their matching marks earlier today when they were helping you set up your dorm room, but when you did, you couldn’t help but stop what you were doing and stare at their hands. Such a simple mark has never looked so pretty to you, maybe it’s because Lucas and Yuqi made such a good pair that their fated marks looked so right for them.

“I still wish I got a cool dragon mark down my back, but I’ll let Jun be the one to deal with that in this life.” Lucas smirks at Xiaojun, who just rolls his eyes at Lucas’ fake jealousy. “Yours looks good, too.” He finishes and glances down at your left hand. There, a dragonfly mark stains your skin, the long tail trailing over your thumb and the wings spreading out over the back of your hand and your wrist.

Afficher davantage

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6 months ago

I Love You | Haechan

prompt: can i request a haechan angst where the reader is constantly hiding her sadness and when he realizes it, he feels bad since you’re always making him feel better? or something along those lines? words: 700+ category: blurb, fluff

I Love You | Haechan

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6 months ago

Goodbye Summer // Jung Jaehyun


the prompt: could you do Jaehyun song based scenario with f(x) - Goodbye Summer?

words: 2566

category: angst

author note: ooh here she comes, back with the jaehyun angst fdhdhsj i’m sorry. also I feel like this is kinda messy but i tried.

- destinee


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6 months ago

New Year


○Pairing: Mark x Reader  (Female) ○Other Members/Characters: X ○Genre: angst ○Warnings: kissing + implied sex ○Word count: 3,053

→Summary: After a break-up with Jeno, you realize you also lost Jeno’s best friend Mark, who means more to you than you previously thought. Mark shows up on New Years Eve to apologize. Will you face the feelings you always ignored, or will you keep letting the new year drag you down?


   2018 had been terrible. You started out the year feeling uncharacteristically optimistic. You drank the champagne you hated the taste of because you wanted to feel like an adult. You felt happiness at the thought of life giving you a fresh start to get things right this time. If you had known the whole world wished the same that night, you wouldn’t have felt as alone as life makes us believe we are.

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6 months ago

first kiss with nct dream !

how your first kiss with them went


it was late at night when he finally got back home and walked through the front door. you were sat on the couch, wanting to talk to him about his day since he had messaged you earlier that he wasn’t having a good day. when he saw you still awake, looking his way with a bright smile, he felt like he wanted to cry. everything that could possibly go wrong, went wrong. he walked over to you and pulled you into his arms. you wrapped your arms around his neck and hugged him tightly as he put his face in your neck. you pulled away slightly, just enough to look at his face.

he smiled and looked down at your lips, feeling a rush of love and affection for you, he realised how badly he wanted to kiss you. noticing his sudden change in demeanour, and sudden fascination with your lips. you grinned and asked, “can we kiss?” instantly he pressed his lips to yours, holding your waist tighter as he kissed you with his whole heart.

First Kiss With Nct Dream !


you two had been friends for a few years, and had been pining each others practically the whole time. one day, when you came over to his house earlier on the morning of his birthday, you stood by his front door with a gift bag in your hands. you filled a whole birthday card up with words - full of things you never thought you’d say. It wasn’t a confession of your love… but it was at the same time. you could definitely play it off as just simply being a really nice friend if he didn’t realise or didn’t reciprocate.

when he let you in, and opened the card first before even taking the gift bag from your hands. you two stood in his kitchen where he had been in the middle of eating, but the plate remained untouched ever since you got there. as he read the card thoroughly without a word, you looked around the kitchen, feeling too shy to look at him. suddenly he was in front of you, barely centimetres from your face. “this was so fucking sweet… can I kiss you?” you, wide eyed and staring at him, nod. he kisses you so fast, pressing your lips together so roughly at first before he relaxes and kisses you much more gently.

First Kiss With Nct Dream !


it was so fast. you two were in his bed, cuddling and talking about the movie you just finished watching. you spoke in quiet whispers, so you didn’t disturb the gentle silence of the night. he was sat behind you, with his legs spread and you in between them, leaning your back against his chest. as you spoke he pressed gentle kisses to your temple, before drifting down and pressing kisses to your cheek every now and then.

when you turned around and looked at him, he smiled and leaned in and kissed just beside your lips. it was then that you realised how badly you wanted to kiss him. so you did. you leaned in and within seconds you two were kissing each other in a rush. when you two do pull apart, you are breathing heavily and smiling brightly, going back to kiss each other again once you got your breath back.

First Kiss With Nct Dream !


you two were blasting music in your bedroom, dancing and singing to your hearts content. you grew tired and sat on the bed, and allowed haechan to take the imaginary show away. he danced for you with all his might, putting in all his effort. but he too grew tired from all the dancing - and laughing - so he walked over and stood in front of you.

you looked up at him from where you sat at the edge of the bed. you spread your legs and he stood in between them, his arms resting on your shoulders. you leaned forward and rested your chin on his stomach and looked up right at him. he giggled and lifted his hands up to your face, gently moving your face away from his stomach. he leaned down and pressed a kiss to your lips without thinking. you happily kissed him back, pulling him down onto the bed with you without breaking the kiss. when you two part for a breather, he rolls over off you and lies on his back, looking up at the ceiling with a goofy smile.

First Kiss With Nct Dream !


you two had just gotten home from a day out together. both of you weren’t ready to end the night, and you only wanted to stay in each others presence. so while he chose a movie to put on, you ran to the kitchen to grab something for the both of you to eat while you watched the movie. as you searched through the cupboards and stared at the options of snacks, jaemin had set the movie up, ready to press play, and made his way to the kitchen.

his sudden presence behind you went unknown to you until you felt his hands in your waist. You lightly gasped and turned around in surprise. He smiled down at you, grinning as he leaned in a pressed a loving kiss to your forehead. you stood still, staring at him as he continued to look at you, hands never leaving your waist. his smile dropped ever so slightly, almost as though he was nervous as he asked “can I kiss you?” under his breath. you nod, and within seconds his lips were on yours.

First Kiss With Nct Dream !


you were just playing with daegal when he came up behind you. since you were sitting on the ground, he leaned his knees on you to get your attention. when you turn around, he leaned down and that’s when you realised he had a gummy in his mouth. it was half sticking out and when he came closer to you, you realised he wanted you to bite the gummy off. you laugh and tilt your head away, making him laugh as he stands up straight. “lele if you wanted to kiss me you don’t even have to ask.” you said it as a joke - it was true, he didn’t have to ask, but it was a joke none the less.

you didn’t expect him to lean back down a couple of seconds later, with no gummy in his mouth. he grabbed your face and turned your head to face him directly. he titled his head to the side and kissed you just as quickly. as you kissed him back, you suddenly felt like your hand was getting licked. you start to giggle and shake your hand around trying to move it away from daegal. he breaks the kiss, curious to know why you were giggle, only to see daegal licking up your whole hand. “I kiss daegal wanted to kiss you too.”

First Kiss With Nct Dream !


you came over to the dorm since you hadn’t seen him in a while. You two weren’t really shy around each other anymore, and you two were really like best friends - and there wasn’t anything that really proved that you were more than that. other than the sweet touches and very common hugs, you two had never even kissed.

but when jisung saw you walk into his room, smiling and immediately telling him about how your day went with such excitement, he knew how much he liked you. he stood to his feet and walked over, causing you to stutter slightly in surprise. you stop talking and just look at him as he lifts his hands up and gently holds your face in them, his hands cupping your cheeks. “can I… kiss you?” not trusting your voice, you merely nod and he leans in, pressing a sweet kiss to your lips.

First Kiss With Nct Dream !

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6 months ago

Hello💕 I hope you are doing well! I would like to request an reaction on nct dream giving a gift to their s/o or like planning a surprise for their birthday and what type of gifts do you think they’ll give. Thank you 😊

Mark: "It's not much," Mark said, looking down at his hands. "But it has a lot of heart." It never mattered what presents Mark gave you for your birthday, because each one was special. You took the shopping bag from his hands and kept a cheery smile on your face. It was hard not to drop the bag on the floor and kiss every inch of his face in that moment. "You know I'll love it." you said, opening the string of the bag. You could tell Mark was gearing up to give you disclaimers again, so you quickly opened the shopping bag to reveal another bag inside. Mark had gotten you an attractive black bag to carry your things around in. He looked sheepish as he spoke: "You always say you don't have anything. I thought you could have used this. It's pretty functional." The buttery soft material squished in your hands. You examined the metal hardware on the outside of the bag, turning it around in your hands. " I love it." you said, meaning it with every fiber of your being. You opened the bag up and saw a letter sitting at the bottom of it. "Read that later." Mark said, quickly. "I wrote you a little something. I hope you like it. I think you'll like it." Later on, when you were alone, you opened the letter to see that Mark had written you pages of things he liked about you and could learn from you. You were so touched by it that you couldn't stop the tears from falling.

Renjun: The pathway was lit up with fairy lights that Renjun had carefully strung up all day. It helped guide your way to the blanket he had set out, since the darkness was so inky black. You wanted to tell him how beautiful the set up was, but you ran the risk of watching Renjun clam up with embarrassment. "Close your eyes." he said. "Whatever you do, don't look up." You clamped your eyes shut and tried your best to ward off the excitement that was threatening to bubble out. Renjun gave you a little spin before bringing you back to him, tipping you over, and laying a kiss on your lips. He could be so romantic sometimes. "Okay," he said. "We're here. Sit down." You felt a blanket underneath your feet and sat down on it. Half on the blanket and half on Renjun's lap was where you felt the most happiness. "Can I open my eyes now?" you asked. Renjun held you in his arms, using his strength to lean you back against his body. "Okay." he said. "You can look." When you opened your eyes, they were overwhelmed by the view. The sky was full of stars, and the moon was so full you needed your whole hand to cover it. You had never seen anything like it, and it mesmerized you. " What I'm about to say is really cheesy. Don't react, okay? They say this only happens once every few years." he said. "And it happened on your birthday. Two beautiful things at once." You felt yourself starting to giggle. You covered your mouth, but it was too late. Against you, you could feel Renjun's body shaking with laughter, too. "Happy Birthday, baby. " he said, kissing the top of your head.

Jeno: You told him you didn't want extravagant gifts and Jeno listened. Usually, on your birthday, Jeno found ways to make the experience worth something. He would take you out on little dates, spending quality time with you. Quietly, Jeno handed over his spare bike helmet to you. Over the years, he had upgraded his bike to a motorcycle. Although you were scared of riding on the back of it, you trusted Jeno wholeheartedly. It didn't hurt that he looked extremely sexy whenever he looped his leg over one side and sat down on the leather. He ran a hand through his black hair and put on his own helmet. "Are you coming?" he asked, holding his hand out. You placed the helmet on your head, took his hand and looped your own leg over until you were straddling the seat. You tucked yourself against his body and wrapped your hands around his waist. "We'll only drive a little bit." he said, starting the motorcycle. Once you felt the wind on your skin and the smoothness of the ride, you began to relax. The sun was going down, casting everything with a soft yellow light. You rode with Jeno down long roads giving way to beaches and the prettiest blue water you've ever seen. Jeno pulled over and stopped the bike. He helped you off, tore off his shoes and held them with one hand, while he held your hand with the other. "We're going to watch the sun go down." he said, pulling you onto the sand after you removed your shoes. You felt a glow burning in your chest. "There is no place else I'd rather be." you said.

Haechan: You woke up when he left the bed. Reaching over, you patted the bed beside you, but all you felt was were sheets where Haechan once was. You saw his back disappearing through the door and laid back down in bed, wishing that sleep would come for you. What felt like only seconds later, Haechan returned. You could hear how quietly he was moving through the room, his toes carefully trying to avoid all the creaky bits on your wooden floor. You opened one eye and saw a candle flame as big as his thumb. "What is this?" you asked, leaning up and more awake. Haechan turned on the light beside you and sat next to you. In his hands was a lit candle stuck into a chocolate cupcake. "It's midnight," he said. "It's your birthday." Haechan sang happy birthday to you and brought the cupcake closer to your face so that you could blow it out. You closed your eyes and wished that he would always be by your side. When you opened them, the smoke was curling up into the air. He put the cupcake down on the table, gave you a quick kiss on the lips, and disappeared out of the door again. You were patient when he came back with a big box tied with a pink ribbon. "I know you said I shouldn't get you anything expensive, but I don't care." he said, handing the box over. You opened it to reveal an expensive jacket you had been admiring for weeks. "Whoa," you said, holding it up to your body. "I love it. Thank you."

Jaemin: You were blindfolded, and you couldn't stop giggling. Feeling Jaemin's hands on either side of your arms made you feel as safe as can be. He led you throughout the home you shared, his body coming up close to yours as he walked behind you. You felt his breath on your ear before he whispered, "Take the blindfold off when I count to three. One. Two. Three." You reached up and removed the blindfold, blinking a few times to get your eyes to adjust to the dim light. Jaemin had cleared a lot of furniture out of the way, so that the room was bare of most things except a single table with two chairs. On the table, red roses in a vase stood flanked by pretty candle sticks that were glowing. "Happy Birthday." Jaemin said. "Come sit." Jaemin led you to the table and pulled out your chair. You sat, watching him as he walked around to his side of the table and picked up a bottle of red wine. He didn't love drinking, only on special occasions, but he held the bottle like he was so sure of himself. As he poured, he didn't say much, just stole occasional glances in your direction. As soon as Jaemin sat down, a man came out holding plates with silver domes covering them. He explained the food he'd prepared in exact detail, but you couldn't hear anything because you were paying attention to Jaemin. "Thank you." you mouthed to him, a smile so big on your face.

Chenle: He held your hand the whole car ride. If you didn't know any better, by the way Chenle circled his thumb on the top of your hand, you'd think he was nervous. Yet, when you looked over at him, the smile permanently plastered to his face was confident. He looked as if he were replaying a satisfying and happy memory in his head, which made you all too curious. When he noticed you staring at him, he raised your hand to his lips and laid a delicate kiss on your skin. "Enjoying your birthday so far?" he asked. He had woken you up to breakfast in bed and then a foot massage. The way he took care of you throughout the day was magical. He ran you a bath and made sure everything was easy for you. In a way, you felt you didn't deserve all of his attention and adoration. Now that it was night and you were travelling across town, you didn't know what other surprises Chenle had up his sleeve. "I am." you said. "You've made it perfect." Chenle smiled, cockiness clinging to the edge of his mouth. When the car stopped, he didn't let go of your hand. He led you out of the car and into a restaurant where a large group of people yelled, "SURPRISE!." Startled, you looked around at all of the people and noticed they were your family and friends. You looked back at Chenle, his face familiar and heartbreakingly beautiful and said, "I love you so much."

Jisung: You weren't expecting anything for your birthday. You and Jisung hardly exchanged gifts. The anxiety of getting something perfect for the other person was too much, so you both opted out. While expectations were low, Jisung's inability to tell a lie was loud and clear. The first telltale sign was his smile, coy and alluring. He wanted you to know what his not-so-best kept secret was. The second sign came when he looked as lost as can be. Jisung patted the breast pocket of his shirt and the pockets of his jeans before spinning around in a circle. "Lost something?" you asked, amused. Jisung let out a sigh and turned on his heel. Ten seconds later, he came out of his bedroom pointing at you. "I found it!" he said, his smile so wide you could see his gums. From behind his back, he produced a box so large it would have never fit into his pockets. He handed it to you and stood back to admire your reaction, with his hands behind his back. "You weren't supposed to get me anything." you told him. Jisung shrugged and said, "But I love you." You opened the box. Inside, was a beautiful silver bracelet nestled in white satin. You looked at him, snapped the box shut and held out your arms for him to come home into.

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6 months ago

Raise the Barre (Master List)


Author: kpopfanfictrash

Pairing: Jimin / Reader

Rating: 18+ 

Genre: Enemies to Lovers, Dance Academy!AU

Status: Complete

Description: You and Park Jimin have been rivals for as long as you’ve known one another; ever since he tripped you in the front row of your first dance convention. When you graduate from high school and enter Russet Ballet Academy, you tell yourself you’re leaving all past quarrels behind. The main problem with this though, is that your past seems determined not to leave you alone.

Worse still, the obstacles you face while out in the real world might prove more challenging than anything your enemy has to offer.   


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6 months ago

For Me, It’s You


Member: Jimin (BTS)

Prompt: Song!drabble, inspired by For Me, It’s You by Lo Moon

Rating: R

Genre: childhood friends to lovers!AU (THANK YOU @underthejoon​ for this amazing header, ur the best)

Warnings: angst, estranged parents, references to former underage drinking

WC: 4,015

↳ part of my 30K milestone drabble game

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6 months ago

Theophany (To Paint a God) (M)

Park Jimin Oneshot


•••> Author: @ilikemesometaetaes​​

•••> Summary: “Theophany (noun)- a visible manifestation to humankind of God or a god.” In which you somehow manage to stay under control after your first love’s/best friend’s brother, who you falsely confessed to, reappears in your life with full intentions of giving himself to you- in a manner that begs to be captured with paint.

•••> Pairing(s): Jimin/Reader

•••> Requested by Anon & @jinnfires​ : “Imagine/fic/series : you have a crush on Jimin’s sister (unrequited love) and you’re too shy or scared to be open about it and you almost get caught and lie that you have crush on Jimin and - romance reader x jimin”

“You have an unrequited love with your best friend but they don’t like you back and another member swoops in and you learn to love someone else ”

•••> Word Count: 19.63k

•••> Rating: 18+

•••> Tags: smut | college!au | Old Friends to Lovers | Jimin!au | Best Friend’s Brother!Jimin | Bisexual!Reader | Dancer!Jimin | Painter!Reader

•••> Warnings: smut, slow burn, unprotected sex, body worship, oral (f receiving), fingering, dirty talk, cursing, alcohol use, pining, heartbreak, love triangle, unrequited love, false confession, angst

Copyright Š 2021 ilikemesometaetaes. All Rights Reserved.

Official Playlist - Will place ‘******’ when the specific songs start.

Thank you for the request, anon! I hope you enjoy it :)


She was like a breath of fresh air.

A minty, gorgeously sweet scent of aura wafted through your pores and ballooned your chest with warmth. The overflow of golden heat, locked around your heart, poured from your nose, mouth, and every orifice in your head to the point that it felt almost suffocating. You saw stars in your eyes every time you laid eyes on her.

Park Jihyun, the absolutely perfect human being, was the object of your affections.

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6 months ago

Blue Blood


➭ “Prince Jimin was born with blue blood. His coronation is rapidly approaching, but there are two requirements he must fulfil before becoming a king. He must have the skills to fight in battle, and he must have a Queen with blood as blue as his. You, a member of the royal guard, are assigned to teach Jimin the ins and outs of combat. You are not scared of death, of blood, or of battle. What you are scared of however, is falling in love with Jimin, the one man your blood decrees you can never have.”

pairing: jimin x reader

genre: royalty au, smut, angst

wordcount: 26k

❀ 1 / 8 of my oneshot requests ❀

** warnings: this is angsty!, jimin is a light dom, slow burn, violence, mentions of blood, heavy themes, lots of drama, character death

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