rome21 years too old
28 posts
Eviiwhiteguy - Metaphysical Terrorist - Tumblr Blog

i can't be trusted with sour gummies i'm guzzling this shit down like a hog that's tasted blood

Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011)/ Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (2014)/ War for the Planet of the Apes (2017).

in the club freakin it in a sensitive style
youre telling me a ham fisted this metaphor??
Worlds Shortest Transmasc Falls Between Couch Cushions Never To Be Seen Again

ever since i was a little girl ive always been a boy
hold on i need to engineer an image that will cast 20 psychic damage on a niche group of people

Drew a fanart of Mara Forest from SFB's new game !
I played the demo with some friends who - like me - can't handle horror very well so it was very fun XD
( also- trying to remake the logo as faithful to the original was painful lol )

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i’ve watched only 2 episodes of clone high but nothing is funnier to me than that pic where gandhi is told he has adhd

Brendon Small @ everyone

scared to go to film school because what if slenderman is there (in my student film)

congress, put estrogen in the water supply