existence-is-a-curse2021 - idk-something

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Existence-is-a-curse2021 - Idk-something - Tumblr Blog

i think a LOT of you with chronic conditions should learn this one magical phrase to get your hospital doctor to shit his entire pants, which is leaving the room and saying "im going to go discuss your behavior with the ethics committee, i think you might need a reminder of what your job is"

I have encountered the opposite problem, where people older than me get all uppity about how my generation (gen z) doesn’t know cursive, doesn’t know what a VCR is, etc. Gen Z is roughly defined, depending on the country, as people being born between 1997 and 2012. While older technology from the early 2000s and before may be foreign to the younger half of gen z, the older half of us literally grew up with that shit. Like I remember getting VCRs from our local library and playing cassette tapes and CDs in the car.

I think a big factor in why older generations assume Gen Z is unfamiliar with tech that’s from around 20 years old or even older is probably due to a delightful mixture of COVID and lockdowns generally fucking with people’s sense of time. I know that it fucks with me and people my age immensely. Lockdowns hit in March of 2020 for me while I was finishing grade 11, and within the next year or two I’m going to be applying to master’s programs. My sibling was in grade 9 when the pandemic hit which pretty much nuked the majority of her high school experience, after April 30th of this year she can work as a certified nurse’s assistant and be able to legally drink in every province and territory in our country.

Also, my section of Gen Z is very into y2k and vintage stuff generally. There’s a reason why major artists like Taylor Swift are releasing records and CDs, there’s a demand for it. I got a record player for Christmas and this weekend I’m taking my partner to a record store for a belated Christmas gift. My almost 19 year old sister got a record for her birthday and another one for Christmas.

Gen Z, like every generation that has become before and after us, is not a monolith, quit treating us like we are. Besides, if y’all keep talking smack about us to our faces or behind our backs, don’t come crawling to us because your computer doesn’t work properly and you can’t be bothered to call IT.

existence-is-a-curse2021 - idk-something

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Dog Owners Please Be Aware.

Dog owners please be aware.


For those of you aren't aware and aren't involved in NDN circles, the Supreme Court just declared that tribal territories and reservations are part of states and are under state jurisdiction, including in regards to charging someone and putting them on trial in state courts for crimes related to the tribe (as opposed to this being left up to tribal courts), undoing decades of precedent for the separation of tribal and state governments.

In a few months, the Supreme Court is also going to be giving a verdict on whether or not the Indian Child Welfare Act, the only thing keeping indigenous children with their families and communities instead of being "adopted" (trafficked) to white Christian families at every chance, is unconstitutional. This act is also dependent on the belief that tribes are sovereign nations and that giving our children to people outside of our tribes is akin to the US government taking Canadian children in the Canadian foster system and trying to adopt them out to American families.

If the ICWA falls, we're going to see a modern Sixties Scoop, with Native children being stolen from their tribes and families and cultures and assimilated into white Christian society. This is not only traumatizing for the children and their families, it's also a form of cultural genocide that has been used against us before and has devastating effects.

There are family members I never knew because they disappeared into the foster system as children.

This is the beginning of what's going to be wave after wave of attacks on indigenous sovereignty and tribal governance. The Supreme Court, even with a Democratic majority, has historically decided against upholding indigenous sovereignty and tribal protection. We're seeing genocide and forced assimilation become federal policy again.

Anti-trans group admits bathroom predator myth is made up
Empirical research shows bathroom predator concerns are baseless.

“Our side concocted the ‘bathroom safety’ male predator argument as a way to avoid an uncomfortable battle over LGBT ideology, and still fire up people’s emotions.”


If you can't bring yourself to care that the Supreme Court is going to review the constitutionality of the Indian Child Welfare Act, thus possibly opening the doors to further cultural genocide of Indigenous Peoples on United States soil, unfollow me right now.

If you think our rights aren't as important to protect as your rights to your own body, i don't want you on this blog.

Never forget residential schools were not a uniquely Canadian issue, they existed in the US as well. Silence and neutrality allowed them to be built and silence and neutrality will bring them back. Whether that's your silence and neutrality is up to you.

Friendly reminder that this blog is pro-choice and if you don’t think everyone should have full control of their own body, then kindly unfollow me right now and go to hell

Happy Pride Month 2022!!!
Happy Pride Month 2022!!!
Happy Pride Month 2022!!!
Happy Pride Month 2022!!!

Happy Pride Month 2022!!!

Faust the Crow loves you even more than she did last year!