57 posts
Send An Emoji To The Writer!
Send an Emoji to the Writer!
Send one and I’ll respond with something about my WIP!
💪 — Who’s the strongest character physically?
🥺 — Who’s the strongest character emotionally?
🤐 — Who’s the quietest character?
💬 — Who’s the most talkative character?
👑 — Any members of royalty in your WIP?
🤕 — Which haracter ends up the most bruised (physically and/or emotionally)?
😤 — Which character is the feistiest?
🤫 — Which character is keeping secrets…?
😈 — Which character is the villain and/or antagonist?
🐶 — Which character is the most loyal?
👋🏻 — Which character is the most approachable?
🥳 — Are any of your characters a party animal?
🐣— Which character is the youngest?
🦖 — Which character is the oldest?
🦀 — Which character is the crabbiest/complains the most?
🦊 — Which character is the most clever?
🤣 — Which character is the comedic relief?
🌩 — Do any of your characters have elemental abilities?
🍗 — Are any of your characters the chef of the cast?
🌷 — Do any of your characters have a green thumb?
💍 — Are any characters in your WIP married?
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Resources For Describing Emotion

Without Making Your Character Feel Too Self Aware
Showing Emotion Without Telling About It
Emotions Associated With Body Language
Telling Readers What The Character Doesn’t Want To Show
Hiding Emotions
Expressing Cardinal Emotions: Masculine vs. Feminine
Writing Extreme Emotion Without Melodrama
Specific Emotions
Conveying Shock
Conveying Embarrassment
Conveying Disappointment
Conveying Love/Attraction
Conveying Annoyance
Conveying Relief
Conveying Uncertainty
Conveying Impatience
Conveying Shame
Conveying Resentment
Conveying Panic
Conveying Guilt
Conveying Desperation
Conveying Sarcasm & Verbal Disrespect
Conveying Confusion
Conveying Stubbornness
Conveying Frustration
Conveying Indifference
Conveying Indignation
Conveying Confidence & Pride
Conveying Smugness
Conveying Enthusiasm
Conveying Curiosity
Conveying Hopefulness
Conveying Unease
Conveying Reluctance
Conveying Worry
Conveying Humility & Meekness
Conveying Happiness & Joy
Conveying Amusement
Conveying Disgust
Conveying Resignation
Conveying Jealousy
Conveying Anticipation
Conveying Contentment
Conveying Defeat
Conveying Excitement
Conveying Fear
Conveying Hatred
Conveying Hurt
Conveying Being Overwhelmed
Conveying Sadness & Grief
Conveying Satisfaction
Conveying Somberness
Conveying Sympathy & Empathy
Conveying Wariness
Conveying Defensiveness
Conveying Desire
Conveying Doubt
Conveying Energy
Conveying Exhaustion
Conveying Hunger
Conveying Loneliness
Conveying Physical Pain
Emotional Wounds
A Role Model Who Disappoints
A Sibling’s Betrayal
A Speech Impediment
Becoming a Caregiver at an Early Age
Being Bullied
Being Fired or Laid Off
Being Held Captive
Being Mugged
Being Publicly Humiliated
Being Raised by Neglectful Parents
Being Raised by Overprotective Parents
Being So Beautiful It’s All People See
Being the Victim of a Vicious Rumor
Being Stalked
Being Trapped in a Collapsed Building
Being Unfairly Blamed For The Death of Another
Childhood Sexual Abuse (by a family member or known person)
Discovering One’s Parent is a Monster
Discovering One’s Sibling was Abused
Experiencing a Miscarriage or Stillbirth
Failing At School
Failing To Do The Right Thing
Financial Ruin Due To A Spouse’s Irresponsibility
Finding Out One’s Child Was Abused
Finding Out One Was Adopted
Getting Lost In a Natural Environment
Growing Up In A Cult
Growing Up in a Dangerous Neighborhood
Growing Up In Foster Care
Growing Up In The Public Eye
Growing Up In The Shadow of a Successful Sibling
Growing Up with a Sibling Who Has a Chronic Disability or Illness
Having Parents Who Favored One Child Over Another
Having To Kill Another Person To Survive
Infidelity (emotional or physical)
Losing a Limb
Losing a Loved One To A Random Act of Violence
Making a Very Public Mistake
Overly Critical or Strict Parents
Physical Disfigurement
Rejection By One’s Peers
Telling The Truth But Not Being Believed
The Death of a Child On One’s Watch
Victimization via Identity Theft
Watching A Loved One Die
Wrongful Imprisonment
Spending Time In Jail
Suffering From a Learning Disability
Achieving Spiritual Enlightenment
Avoiding Certain Death
Avoiding Financial Ruin
Beating a Diagnosis or Condition
Being Acknowledged and Appreciated by Family
Being a Leader of Others
Being the Best At Something
Caring for an Aging Parent
Carrying on a Legacy
Catching The Bad Guy or Girl
Coming To Grips With Mental Illness
Discovering One’s True Self
Escaping a Dangerous Life one Doesn’t Want
Escaping a Killer
Escaping a Widespread Disaster
Escaping Confinement
Escaping Homelessness
Escaping Invaders
Finding Friendship or Companionship
Finding a Lifelong Partner
Having a Child
Helping a Loved One See They Are Hurting Themselves and Others
Obtaining Shelter From The Elements
Overcoming Abuse and Learning To Trust
Overcoming Addiction
Protecting One’s Home or Property
Pursuing Justice For Oneself or Others
Realizing a Dream
Reconciling with an Estranged Family Member
Rescuing a Loved One From a Captor
Restoring A Name or Reputation
Righting a Deep Wrong
Seeking Out One’s Biological Roots
Stopping an Event From Happening
Trying Again When One Has Previously Failed
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WriterofthePrompts Ultimate Ask Masterlist
I’ve decided to make a masterlist of asks I’ve done to make them easier to find for you guys (and for myself). I split them into categories as best as I could by genre and topic. Also, some asks have some helpful tips in the notes as well to check out (some are marked but not all) and if you have anything to add that you think would help, feel free to reply or reblog with your addition. I’ll try to keep it updated with future asks.
Now without further ado, the strangest and most wonderful list I’ve ever made.
World Building
Urban fantasy prompts/creating urban fantasy world (also linked under fantasy)
Links to help with world building
Creating a pantheon of gods
Things to research when writing a historical novel (also linked under Historical)
Using metaphors in descriptions
Too much world building?
Asking questions to develop a magic system
Wizard school ideas
Why magic would drain from a world
Tips for descriptions
Reasons for civil war
Character Development
Writing confusion in your character
Obstacles to character goals: traveling abroad
Reactions to sadness
Reactions to a devastating event
Showing a character’s anxiety towards something
Showing a character’s secret without revealing it
Reasons a character would die for another
Secrets in a character’s past
Culture shock with loss of rules
Growth of a trainee witch
Characters provoking other characters
Dealing with moving to a completely new place
Why a 19yo would allow a strange boy to live with her
Why a character would want a do-over in life
Showing a character going from good to bad
Possible good messages when the villains aren’t reformed
Kid growing up surrounded only by adults
Quirks for characters
Showing friendship with reserved characters
Introducing an antagonist
Introducing side characters
When you don’t think your character’s backstory fits
Writing Different Types of Characters
Writing antiheroes
The reluctant hero
Writing a violent character afraid of their mind
Making an immoral character likeable
Not a normal girl
Sympathetic villain
Making sure your character isn’t just a flirt
Writing intelligent characters
When your hero isn’t very heroic
Confident characters
Writing an antisocial character
Character Family
Visiting family for the first time
Showing closeness in siblings (opposite twins)
How a joker and a quiet character can become friends
Daughter of a party organizer prompts
Parent jobs where the kid needs to keep up appearances
The mom that left comes back…a vampire
Including character’s parents
Why a character would leave another
Sibling relationships
character with an abusive father (and how to show fear)
Writing a slow paced love story
love interest vs the ex revamped
Platonic male x female relationships
Random places to get married
Suspense and romance with a “different” male lead
sad relationship prompts
Asexuality and romance
Mutual pining
Romance with large age differences
Childhood friends falling in love
Fluffy unique first kiss
Ways of showing commitment in characters (vampire edition)
Friendship to romance
Small situations for a couple story
fantasy creature and human fluff
characters meeting and falling in love during war
Why best friends might fall in love
Unlikely soulmates prompts
Sci Fi
Using dreams as energy
Time travel prompts (asked for male x female protags)
Time travel: how saving someone can go wrong
Reliving memories
Android characters
Writing humanoids in post apocalypse
Consequences of growing a baby in an artificial womb (theoretical)
The evil AI that characters can’t (shouldn’t) destroy
Girl and guy get trapped in the same body
Rich people in post apocalypse
Discovering you have a doppelgânger
Teenagers, hormones and their superpowers
Weird superpowers
Superhero kids reluctant to be superheroes
beings traveling to Earth
Why an alien wouldn’t be able to leave Earth
Reasons an alien would be sent to live on Earth
Human/alien team surviving on hostile planet together
Urban fantasy prompts/creating urban fantasy world (also linked under world building)
gods losing their powers
creations turning on their creators
How elemental powers might work
Why NOT to destroy the world when it’s your goal
Mistreated genies
Tropes of a fantasy (also linked under Writing Motivation/Tips)
Male character ideas in a fantasy
Immortal woman prompts
Beauty and the Beast revamp
How Death and a teenage girl become adventure teammates
Powers for magical beings writing down history
Girl meets demon from forest behind her house
Reverse fairytale prompts
Revamped fairytale prompts 2
Manatees being confused by mermaids
a princess befriends a baby dragon
Making a character believe in a cure for a curse
Egyptian gods living among us
A love between the sun and the moon
What fantasy creatures do on Halloween
Human and fantasy creature become pen pals
Monsters and urban legends
Fantastic creatures
A little bit on dragons
Kind dragons
Magic and Witches
witch x wizard romance
witch prompts
Witch being protective over a human-turned-doll
magical boarding school
Ideas for curses
A young witch exploring the boundaries of her powers
Traps a wizard could set for a thief
Angels and Demons
Angels and demons
Angel as a human on earth
Jobs for angels and demons who fall in love
Physical impacts on a demon who keeps dying and coming back
Demons hunter prompts
Human meets vampire 1
Human meets vampire 2
How to hide your vampirism from your family
Royal vampires
Vampire hunter gets bitten by a vampire
Reasons a locked up vampire would go after your character
Why a vampire and vampire hunter would work together
Vampire x werewolf forbidden love
Helpful ghost prankster prompts 1
Helpful ghost prankster prompts 2
Human and ghost solving mysteries together
1776 woman with supernatural abilities prompts
A medium whose friend is in a coma
Medium question Pt. 2: their fatal flaws
Battle Scenes
Writing Battle Scenes Tips
How to lead up to an action scene
Keep reading

good facts to know for writers
Reblog if you support people of all genders and sexualities 🌈🏳️🌈❤️💛💚💙💜🏳️🌈🌈

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