external-factor - All, Nothing, and Everything in Between
All, Nothing, and Everything in Between

Blog primarily aimed at posting my own artwork. A bit of an oasis when certain sites where I've posted begin to fail miserably. Will contain obscene NSFW imagery. I'm not to be held responsible for any initial corruption of feeble minds...well, unless I tended that to begin with...

67 posts

Sheepheavenly's Pretty Much Got Most Everything Down.

Sheepheavenly's pretty much got most everything down.

Since he’d apparently asked, why didn’t Hanekoma just tell Beat how to create Noise, instead of imprinting him?

Hanekoma's an extreme enigma throughout the storyline until read the Secret Reports. He's a bit of an external factor--that third+ party character in a plot that has his/her/it/shem's own goals that help or hinder the protagonist's progress depending on said goals. His intervention in the Game is borderline illegal.

Using imprints instead of telling Beat would avert questioning to Mr. H's true identity and role. He's incognito much of the plot, after all (according to secret reports). Besides, with Beat's black-and-white thought process at the time, anyone with properties of Reaper is as such and is automatically set to enemy in his eyes.

Why is Rhyme’s pin the only Noise pin that’s unclassed? (If one needs “special Imagination” or to be a Reaper in order to use it, shouldn’t it be Reaper class?)

This can also be chalked up from the one who made the pin and the process itself. Rhyme's noise is the leftover sentience (conscious) of Rhyme herself and was made into a pin by one of a much higher caliber than Reapers. Like the Player Pin, it's technically in a separate league of it's own. If this was an adventure RPG, Rhyme's pin would be a Key Item--something you couldn't sell, trade, or drop. It's primarily plot relevant, not combat relevant.

If Beat was already imprinted with the instructions for summoning Noise, what did he go looking for the Reapers for?

I'm going out on a limb with this one. Beat's prime concern and one-track goal was summoning Rhyme, not Noise. He may have thought that there was a specific way to summon specific types of Noise and wanted to confirm that process. Then again, Rhyme was of a different breed of pin...and Beat's attention to detail during his quest for Rhyme's resurrection wasn't all that great. Standard "Don't care how, just make it happen" mentality.

In another perspective, going to the Reaper's would've kept him in existence through the rest of the plot. With Rhyme reduced to an unused pin and somehow still under pact with Beat to keep him from fading, how would he survive solo to give Rhyme her second chance? Really, he could've been erased at any given moment. Buuuut~ by going to the Reapers, there would be a greater chance to return Rhyme to her original form and survive long enough to get her back to life. Also, more future plot-wise relevant, Week Three would not have been if Beat didn't involve himself with the Reapers. Like Joshua's extra Player Pin, Beat is another last-chance lifeline for Neku.

...I do hope I didn't confuse you...

Hey TWEWY tag, help me out?

I’d always assumed that Rhyme’s pin was Reaper class, which was the reason why Beat couldn’t use it until he joined the Reapers. But when I looked it up, Rhyme’s pin is unclassed (like yen pins, meaning that there shouldn’t be any special...

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More Posts from External-factor

12 years ago

I like to do things like this three times to see the initial result and what could've been. It's usually entertaining.

Job Class: Samurai

Best Friend: Elena

Marry: Elena

Spend your Honeymoon: Nibelheim

Number of kids: Two

Tried to Cockblock you: Rufus

^^^...Is there a hidden plot I'm unaware of...?

Job Class: Dragoon

Best Friend: Yuffie

Marry: Cloud

Spend your Honeymoon: Chocobo Farm


Tried to Cockblock you: Kadaj

^^^Yet another hidden plot...

Job Class: Beast Master

Best Friend: Rude

Marry: Reno

Spend your Honeymoon: Shinra Headquarters

Number of Kids: Two (I repeat...where exactly will these come from? Hojo's labs?)

Tried to Cockblock you: Kadaj (Stop interfering, one-third replica)

external-factor - All, Nothing, and Everything in Between
external-factor - All, Nothing, and Everything in Between
external-factor - All, Nothing, and Everything in Between
external-factor - All, Nothing, and Everything in Between
external-factor - All, Nothing, and Everything in Between
external-factor - All, Nothing, and Everything in Between
external-factor - All, Nothing, and Everything in Between

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12 years ago


There're two versions to this.

"Prompt": "Ahhhh yeeeeaaaahhhh..." Beat groaned as his Neku finally pushed into him. Hard. Neku didn't wait for the skater's walls to adjust before pounding into him. Beat made it clear during the first time they connected like this. The skater wasn't the type to let up once he got going. Man, did his ass hurt the day after. "Ha...Hnnn...! Fuck! Why you...ah...holdin' back?" Beat said between gasps. He wanted more friction. The sorry ass excuse Neku was currently dishing out wasn't enough. He wasn't hitting that spot...and he knew he was doing it on purpose! "Wanted to...hear you beg for it...Daisuke--" "I...fuckin' dare you...hn...to--" A sharp jab straight to his prostate cut him off. "Ah!" "-nojo." The following thrusts didn't meet the skater's desired target. Teasing him was about as fun as bubble wrap. Too much fun. "Fuck...Neku!" A whine. "Beg." Beat was getting irritated. "Shit...Just--" Cut off again by another brush against that spot that sent him to a higher frequency. "Ngh!" Neku decided to give him what he wanted, mentally playing with the idea of having Beat beg for release. After all, his lover was impatient. It was only a matter of time before the skater took things into his own hands. By now, all other sounds paled in volume as Beat's howls practically echoed throughout the room. Sometimes Neku wonders if all of Shibuya can hear the skater. ~~~~~~~

Shirtless Version:

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12 years ago
Is This Adequate Enough Testament?

Is this adequate enough testament?

Ok, I need an official head count to settle something. Reblog if Beat/Neku from TWEWY is one of your otps. Like if it’s one of your Brotps.

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12 years ago


beat/neku really does need more love as a ship. its so perfect and for some reason i like it almost as much as i do josh/neku. its cute levels are off the charts. like eoifjrveoirjgoei theyd be big dumb boyfriends and do stupid things together and try to one up each other in...

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12 years ago

Didn't bother to go into the Lineart stage and kept the lines as sketches.

...This was me playing around with an obscene amount of coloring with basic brushes to get a certain effect. Apparently this was the best I could produce to get anywhere close to a dark, night time effect. Didn't help that Photoshop became completely useless with an error so I had to change programs.

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