Blog primarily aimed at posting my own artwork. A bit of an oasis when certain sites where I've posted begin to fail miserably. Will contain obscene NSFW imagery. I'm not to be held responsible for any initial corruption of feeble minds...well, unless I tended that to begin with...
67 posts
To Canon Or Not To Canon

To canon or not to canon
styckywycket liked this · 1 year ago
More Posts from External-factor
Incredibly awesome sketch and color of one of my OCs. Dat Pose! Dat Perspective! dat parody to the right UNF!

Getting Nomura vibes from this guy. …Among other things.
…Gotta rest my arm. …I really fucked up on that right one… …OH WELL.
rainbowsmashd crouching-moron thegreenm4ge cerulianvaultofwonder external-factor indycotton? radishranger? feenick? stafftomesword?

Somewhat half assed BG

For more posts like these, go visit psych2go
Psych2go features various psychological findings and myths. In the future, psych2go attempts to include sources to posts for the for the purpose of generating discussions and commentaries. This will give readers a chance to critically examine psychology.

Started this before ACE, finished after
Backgrounds are my achilles heel

Ahhh... Shenanigans of old
The girl in the pic is an OC of this hiddleston fanatic
The guys are OCs of mine; Xevdon Edge and Gus Telium