Just here for the fun of it (and all the Stargate, star trek and star wars content)
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when you finish a fic that was everything you could of hoped for and you click on their user to see that they’ve written dozens of fics for that pairing

thinking about that TNG episode where Riker says he never feels rested after sleeping and Dr Crusher tells him to just drink warm milk about it and then later it turns out he's been abducted by aliens 6 times and had his arm cut off. most accurate portrayal of dealing with the medical profession ever seen on screen

Coolest thing about lord of the rings? The king of horses shows up. It appears he is no different from all other horses
I love how Star Trek will have the most heartbreaking dialogue over the worst CGI you've ever seen, like a real tv show should
heyy can we do a sexy roleplay where im a prince from a fallen kingdom and youre the powerful warrior who has taken me for their own pleasure. yes? yipeeee ok so before we start first here's a google doc with the whole history of the fictional land we're both from and the intricate geopolitical workings of the- oh yeah and here's a supplementary doc on the agriculture and trade routes of said fictional land and stuff and yes this is important. the dirty talk has to be lore accurate
I’m about to have a fun afternoon.
So my trainer’s bf cheated on her. She broke up with him. He’s holding her stuff hostage until she agrees to talk with him. Which she refuses.
She trains; for free mind you; three college linebackers, a college wrestler, two martial artists, a body builder, and… wait for it…. a Navy seal. We’re gonna go get her shit for her.
This should make for an interesting story.
I’m about to have a fun afternoon.
So my trainer’s bf cheated on her. She broke up with him. He’s holding her stuff hostage until she agrees to talk with him. Which she refuses.
She trains; for free mind you; three college linebackers, a college wrestler, two martial artists, a body builder, and… wait for it…. a Navy seal. We’re gonna go get her shit for her.
This should make for an interesting story.

Note left by a fellow camper
I love soulmates but also this-

Holy fuck that was the best addition to a post I have ever seen in my life 🤣
i wanna talk about this shot

My sister is doing pet play with women on roblox and I don’t have the heart to tell her it’s probably a kink for the others involved

I think the boldest prediction Star Trek ever made was that we would be using Celsius by 2024 across the nation. That said, they accurately predicted the temperature today so y'all: keep your eyes out for the bell riots :-|

Starting a collection called the incredible fighting moves of starship captain James Tiberius Kirk
it’s August 30th, 2024

Note to self do not leave pens in the car in arizona i gUESS????

i got into star trek as a bit and now unfortunately ive realized its one of the most beautiful shows ever. its about love and family and exploration and warmth and possibilities and a hopeful and wonderful future. and its also so so fucking stupid