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3 years ago

The Highest Bidder Masterlist



Summary: A graduate-level education is a costly pursuit. When you move out of state to study in Boston, expenses pile up, leading you to auction off what is apparently your most valuable asset: your virginity. It goes to the highest bidder…who happens to be Ransom Drysdale.

There are no major spoilers for Knives Out. Consider this as an alternate timeline. There will be references to the movie/its characters and family dynamics revealed in the movie.

Warnings: loss of virginity, explicit sexual content/smut, angst, sugar daddy/baby arrangement, dark elements, dubcon, cliffhangers, minor spoilers for Knives Out, unprotected sex, irresponsible driving, Ransom is an asshole (more to add and if you spot any that I’ve missed, please kindly let me know!)


Chapter 1 - 5/18/2020

Chapter 2 - 5/28/2020

Chapter 3 - 6/16/2020

“It’s a real shame nobody asked for your opinion” Drabble (requested)

Chapter 4 - 6/21/2020

Chapter 5 - 6/30/2020

Chapter 6 - 7/5/2020

Deleted Scene: Studying the Muscles - 8/18/2020

Chapter 7 - 7/13/2020

Chapter 8 - Part 1 - 8/1/2020

Chapter 8 - Part 2 - 8/1/2020

Chapter 9 - 8/3/2020

Chapter 10 - 8/4/2020

Chapter 11 - 8/7/2020

Chapter 12 - 8/16/2020

Chapter 13 - 9/2/2020

Chapter 14 - 10/18/2020

Deleted Scene: Childhood Bedroom - 11/2/2020

“I couldn’t say no to you even if I wanted to” - 8/24/2020

Chapter 15 - 11/22/2020 

Chapter 16 - 11/27/2020

Epilogue - 12/25/2020

“I do anything to be the person you love again.” - 8/24/2020

Money’s Worth

3 years ago

Mr. Popularity (VI)






Summary: Our favorites are about to hit the next chapter of their lives. Are they ready? We look back into when things were bad...

Relationship: fratboy!Chris Evans x black!OC “Bianca”

A/N: Jesus Christ it’s finally here. The conclusion to this era of Chris and Bianca. Since you guys loved these two so much, I decided to continue their story of their lives: post-grad. I’m pretty drunk so I hope this ending does you guys justice. I’m not even sure if I’m making sense right now lol this felt like a long ass chapter, which kind of changed as I wrote it but that’s what happens. Thank you for those who came along for the ride of Chris and B. And I really hope this conclusion does you guys justice until I work on their next saga. Fratboy!Chris wasn’t supposed to be this huge, dead ass, but I love this series a lot. And I love how you guys love them. But anyway, let’s get on with it...

Mr. Popularity (VI)

Time is a funny thing. There are moments when it seems to go by so slowly, like during a boring lecture or waiting for food when you’re starving and other times it goes by so damn fast, like when you’re young and it’s summer...or when you’re in the best relationship of your life. Yeah I can say that about Chris; he’s the best boyfriend I’ll ever have. I’m confident in that. Never have I ever had such a sweet, mindful, genuinely wise beyond his years, fuckin sex machine of a boyfriend. When things were good, they were blissfully good. Like “am I dreaming” good. Our relationship just felt so natural, so real. I felt like sometimes I won the universal lottery and that one day, somehow, he was going to be snatched away from me. That I’m only allotted so much pure joy in my lifetime. Never thought I would say this but I wanted to keep him forever. I didn’t want to imagine a life without him. Not to say marriage is on the table or anything like that I just...I just want him to stay.

Once we said those three magical words, our lives were set. We wake up kissing, fall asleep kissing. Continuously entangled in each other’s limbs, we exist in our own little world. Most likely making everyone near us sick but it didn’t fuckin matter because the outlandish hatin officially came to an end after that party. And if there was a problem, they kept it to themselves. No one dared to cross Chris again and I loved that. I loved everything about him. I had never felt so sure about saying I love you to another person. As soon as he said it, it felt right. So perfect.

“Oh B...” Chris sighs, practically melting on top of me, “baby B...I love you.”

He hasn’t stopped saying it since he’s confessed. With each stroke, each throb of his dick between my gripping textured walls, he sputters the words, “I love you...” whispering my name against my sweaty neck, digging me out with finesse. Fisting his hair I match Chris’ motions, desperately groaning, falling in love with the way the words sound in my ears. The softness in his tone makes me soak. The weight of his perfect muscles makes my core ache. Nuzzling into his hair, I breathlessly whisper,

“Oh fuck Chris,” locking my fingers tighter around his roots, “you sound so fuckin good, shit, I love you too baby C. Say it again...” The head of his cock grinding directly over my spot is driving me so fuckin crazy. I feel like we’ve been fucking for hours Chris being so slow and tender, affectionately brushing his hands over my warm cheeks, raining down dainty kisses all over my throat and collarbone. My whole body felt fuzzy. No thoughts. Only focus on his smooth steady strokes, holding me so close to his sticky torso.

“Love Bianca...” he caresses the softness of my cheek with his own, sighs in my ear as he softly squeezes his muscular arms around my waist. “I could say it forever...”

And he made sure he said it often, as if I could forget. I can see it in those vivid blue eyes when they’re casted down on me and feel it in his touch when he takes my bag to carry. Always: good morning, I love you. See you after class I love you. And it made me smile like a shy school girl every single time. I’d just toss my arms around his neck and say those words over those happy pink lips. I never want this feeling to end...

“Do you two ever get on each other’s nerves?” Asks my roommate during lunch one day, she and her boo almost disgusted with the way Chris and I always smile at one another. We both turn to her with confused faces.

Chris jokes eating a fry, “maybe when the Patriots are playing...”

Rolling my eyes at him, I simply reply, “Well...yeah,” chuckling, thinking back to certain moments I could have punched him or most likely did. “Why do you ask?”

My roommate and her boyfriend exchange a knowing glance before stating, “it’s just...we’ve never seen you two really fight.”

“Yeah...always so lovey dovey it’s kinda fuckin irritating.” Her boyfriend piggybacks while we just laugh. “Seriously guys.”

I can’t help but shake my head, grabbing a fry off Chris’ plate. “Just because you guys don’t see it doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen.”

My roomie raises a challenging eyebrow. “Oh yeah? Tell me, right now, the last time you guys got into a fight.”

Immediately a moment comes to mind and I snap my neck to look at him with the giggles. It was so serious then but it’s damn hilarious now. Chris hangs and shakes his head with a silly smirk, instantly thinking of the same moment as well.

Glancing back at them across the table I ask slowly,“Remember that mustache...?”

Although we didn’t fight too much, when we did, it was always mad immature. Two stubborn hot heads who needed the last word? Yeah, we resist arguing. Neither of us actually liked being mad at one another but we’re also so stubborn, we’d rather push each other’s buttons. And this one particular got extra.

Another night, another party. Chris didn’t make it a habit of getting too drunk often but on occasion he had his annoying sloppy nights. Nothing too crazy just a tad sillier. Definitely way more obnoxious than usual but I learned how to deal with him. Had to. This one particular night in question...

The party mostly emptied out, leaving the usual suspects sitting around his semi-trashed living room, drunkenly shouting and talking over music playing from a stereo. My roomie and I had been intimately discussing what most of the girls on campus were yackin about: A new lit professor and his very gorgeous salt and pepper Burt Reynolds-esque mustache. We kept our voices low for a reason; Most of the guys on campus were tired of the chatter, quite frankly, so it became a trigger. One of the guys nearby butted in and fussed so loudly that it caught our boyfriends’ attention. As we tried to defend ourselves to their drunken outraged comments, Chris roughly stroked his new beard that I’d recently became obsessed with. It wasn’t even that big of a damn deal.

“So you’re saying that’s what you like?” Chris interrupts, slurring and squinting at me sitting beside my roomie, stuck in the middle of the inebriated angry mob.

“I’m just saying he’s an attractive man! That’s it!” I shout with my hands up, confused as to why he’s even bugging out. But that wasn’t it. Chris kept his suspicious eyes on me the rest of the night, even after everyone had left and it was just our drunk asses alone in his bedroom. He’d never heard me talk about another guy before and it really fucked with him. Maybe it was all the beers but something about all of it stirred up some animosity inside. The bountiful amount of alcohol coercing through his system burns his skin. Watching me stumble, around, getting undressed, he couldn’t just leave it alone.

“You don’t have a class with the mustache, do you?” Chris grumbles with a deep sigh scratching his chest through his shirt.

Snorting, I throw my shirt down on the floor before throwing myself down on his bed.

“Oh god Chris. Not yet no.” Rolling on to my back, I look up at him upside down, “are we really going to do this? Right now?”

A sensible voice in his head told him he should drop it, that he’s just being ridiculous but the other voice, one sponsored by all the beers, yelled out fuck that shit.

“I just find it interesting that you’d find that kind of...older guy attractive or whatever.” He distastefully grumbles down at me, practically disgusted.

I almost laughed. “What the fuck is happening.” Slowly turning back onto my stomach, I mostly frown up his front, trying not to laugh in his face. “Are you jealous? Is—is that...?” I couldn’t hold back the twitching smirk, pointing a mocking finger at him.

It was unusual. Chris had never been an ounce of jealous before. I didn’t really know how to handle it but the potent mix of tequila and vodka made his jealous rage so funny to me. Hence all the teasing...

“Is it because he looks like some sort of distinguished nerd?” He continues to grumble, completely ignoring me. “Is that what does it for you?”

Rolling my eyes with a condescending chuckle, I rest my chin and cheek in my palm. He’s really trippin I can’t believe it.

“Why yes,” I shrug flippantly, “Yes that’s exactly it Chris. You see right through me.”

Chris hates my sarcasm, rejecting it by waving his hands out in front of him. “Oooh don’t...don’t do...”

“What? Don’t do what?” Moaning and groaning in protest he backs away from the bed. “I just want you to hear how ridiculous you sound right now.”

“You know what, if you’re going to be a dick about it, I’d rather us just go to sleep.” Chris continues to retreat heading for his bathroom, slightly regretting bringing it up. He really hates it when I turn on the sarcasm because I’m about to go in.

“Aww c’mon babe...don’t you wanna hear all about my sexual awakening over his mustache?” Kneeling on the bed, I continue to taunt him, clutching my bare chest with fake fawning. Chris huffs a full frustrated sigh, biting his tongue because he really wants to say some fucked up shit. But me, on the other hand, had to milk this all for what it’s worth. Like an asshole. Like an idiot.

“I can’t believe you’re acting jealous. You. The prettiest, nicest, most popular white boy on campus...buggin over some mildly attractive white man. Please...” I rip back the covers and begin to bury my drunk ass into them since I was told to go to sleep. If I’m gonna be a dick about it. “Distinguished nerd...tuh...yeah my lady boner is raging...” Grumbling, I nestle my heavy head into the cool pillow that feels so amazing my tired eyes shut.

“Bianca.” Chris warns, hand on the doorknob, head swimming in alcohol and anger. But I’m done because I’ve passed out and he’s grateful for that.

As he showers, Chris stews over my words fueling his anger. For me to dismiss his feelings like that, so fucked up. So upset his head pounds. Stepping out he looks into his mirror, fuming, running through every petty word he could have said or thing he could do to make me eat my words. While he runs his towel over his face to dry it off, it dawns on him. Grinning like the Grinch, Chris opens a drawer.

Waking up the following morning, everything hit me like a fuckin cement truck. The fight, ugh. The alcohol, fuckin ugh. Even though we were mad at each other, Chris held me close to his naked body. Still sleeping soundly. My head was fucking pounding, stomach churning as I come to life. Groaning obscenities into my pillow, I smother my painful face as I turn to face Chris to at least give him a kiss and snuggle. I miss that perfect beard of his. The time to kiss ass starts now.

Threading my arms around his neck, we shift and mold into our new position as I snuggle between his pillow and suddenly bare cheek. Bare cheek?! Reeling my head out of the crook of his neck, I pop my tired lids open to see A MUSTACHE. If it wasn’t for the hangover, I would have screamed but instead I just gasp loudly, utterly appalled, accidentally slapping my hand down on his exposed cheek. Slapping him awake. Here goes round two.

“What the fuck did you do?!” My throat so dry I barely croak even though I really wanted to yell. The combination of his hideous carpet brush and the throbbing behind my eyes has me wincing, pushing my way out of his arms with a tortured moan.

“What, you don’t like it?” Chris smirks chasing after me rolling away with quiet whimpers. This asshole.

“Oooh fuck you.” I cover my face with both hands as Chris nuzzles that stupid facial hair on my nape. My shoulders tense up in disgust. This is a low blow.

“Aww c’mon baby B. Just last night you were all about mustaches...” he mutters, still grinning. So pleased with his plan. His hot breath brushing against my skin usually would excite me but that’s not the case this morning.

I fuss into my hands, “Ugh! Too hungover. No bullshit. Please!” The image of it burns the back of my eyelids. So upset but also so hungover all I wanted was to fall off the face of the earth. It’s my punishment for being such a dick last night. Tit for tat. A kiss from his furry upper lip makes me shudder but not in a good way. I have to get out of here.

“Bianca.” He calls out to me as I throw the covers off, bailing out of this round because I can’t do it. Not in this condition. “Bianca where are you going?”

Now he’s laughing at me, making his dumbass mustache dance every time I’d look to make sure I’m seeing this correctly. Because damn I want this to be just a shitty dream but my hangover reminds me it’s all so very real. I don’t say shit, just get dressed.

“Bianca c’mon. I’m just trying to look more like your type. You don’t think I look hot like this?” Tossing his muscular legs over the edge of the bed Chris watches me gather up my shit with a shit eating grin. This revenge currently sweet on his tongue. If I wanted to be a dick to him, he can be one right back.

“Look,” hell I can’t even fuckin look at him, “I’m gonna go before I smooth go off on you Chris. Because this...” massaging my forehead I sigh to myself, reconfiguring my words because I’m this close..., “this is just...fucked. My fuckin head is killing me. I’m tired. I feel like I’m gonna puke and seeing that on your stupid face isn’t helping.”

The mattress stirs as a nude Chris stands to approach me but I’m gunning for his bedroom door. Seriously I have to go.

“B. Bianca you can’t be serious. It’s just fuckin facial hair!” He shouts at my back as I open the door. He thought I was acting ridiculous but he didn’t even see ridiculous yet. He wouldn’t be able to handle it. It’s smart of me to go.

As I leave, I tell him, “Get at me when you shave that shit off,” leaving him bewildered with a bitter taste on his tongue and that stupid ass cop mustache on his face.

“Oooh. So that’s why you were back in the room for a few days.” All of it dawns on my roomie. “Why didn’t you say anything?”

Chris kept his arm draped over my shrugging shoulders, grinning down at me grinning over at my roommate. “Because it was so stupid! But I was so pissed off.”

“But,” her boyfriend points at our amused faces, “Chris had that mustache for like...a few days...”

He pops open his mouth to say something but instead sighs a chuckle, shaking his head. “Yeah we know...”

“Cuz, as we also know, my man likes to win.” Looking over to him I boop him on his scrunched up nose. “So it went on four days too long.”

Four days too long for us not to see each other outside of class or spend the night together. Four days too long with no hugs or sweet kisses. Four days too fuckin long of no mind blowing orgasms. Honestly I wasn’t sure how we did it. Four days was the longest we had ever gone not associating with each other. Don’t know how my roommate was so oblivious; she figured I just wanted to spend more time with her the dork. Some did notice though and tried to take advantage of our silent treatment but he couldn’t even bother. Chris was ultimately so distraught over our fight and so was I. Only keeping up a front when we were in class or passing by each other. Glaring at that stupid mustache when he would brush his fingers over it. So fuckin dumb.

By day three, we were ready to call this bullshit. Missing each other way too much but so-fuckin-stubborn. In class, I would catch him staring at me with this soft lusty gaze, bottom lip stuffed in his mouth. At night, I would find myself furiously rubbing my clit, imagining him grunting on top of me. Oh yeah we were slowly cracking under the pressure of sexual frustration. Purposely brushing up against each other in passing, even though I couldn’t look directly into that silly mustache. Those little touches were everything and how we survived another day of mostly ignoring one another until...

My roommate was out with her boyfriend so all I could do was try to distract myself with a really good book. Emphasis on try. In the midst of narrative and dialogue, intrusive thoughts of Chris pummeling into me were starting to take over. So the book ended up on the bed and my hands down my sweatpants. I was over it by now...but I wanted him to be the one to come crawling back. Silly pride. Chris didn’t have to take it to that level, taking away my beloved beard to get back at me for being a drunken asshole. As I dip my fingers inside me with a muffled whimper, I swear to myself this is the first and last fight Chris and I would ever get in. Delusional I know. Slipping into a fantasy I sink my fingers deeper, silently wishing it was his fingers, his beautiful cock filling me up. I needed him so bad.

“Oh Chris.” I whimper out to no one, spine slipping further down my propped pillows when there was a knock at my door. Smacking my lips with an eye roll, I remove my fingers and wipe my hand on my pants. Swear if my roommate lost her key again. It was becoming a shitty habit of hers.

Hopping off my bed I start to fuss through the door, “Christ. I swear I’m not loaning you anymore mon—,”

But she wasn’t there when I opened the door.

“I’m losing my shit.” A clean shaven Chris confesses with rich blue sad eyes. “I fuckin hate this.”

Shit, my prayers have been answered. “Thank God.”

Barging his way in, Chris gathers me up in his big arms, ugh, and holds me so close to his torso he knocks the wind out of me. Snuggling and nuzzling his smooth face into my crook of neck, breathing in so deeply.

“Fuck I missed the way you smell.” He sighs, squeezing me even tighter. My hips so warm just from his touch. “I don’t wanna fight ever again.”

Hiding my smile in his chest, I hug Chris back, so grateful to be in his arms again. “Me either baby.”

“So stupid.” He frenches me so hard I deflate into his hard torso.

“Mmhmm.” I sigh into his burning lips with a small nod. “So stupid.”

Opening our mouths, we invite each other in, tasting each like we’re star crossed lovers who’ve been apart for centuries. Drooling, tongues locked, embracing each other so tight. Feels like we’re fallin in love all over again.

“Where’s your roommate?” He whispers, dragging his stiff fingers across my lower back, missing how my skin burns under his fingertips. So soft to the touch. I can’t keep my lips off him.

“Out.” My fingers soothe up into his soft brunette hair. His firm hands slip down to my ass, pulling down my sweats in the process. God I hope she doesn’t come back to the dorm tonight. This session is definitely going all out all night.

“Good.” He’s found his way between my thighs, teasing my folds with the very tip of his middle finger. The sound of his dirty moan makes my pussy so wet. Which makes him moan even louder. “We’re gonna need the space.”

Backing me until my bare ass hits the cool wood of my desk, Chris goes to undo his pants with a crooked smirk. Smirking back, I shove my pants off the remainder of the way, so ready to for him to fuck me into another dimension. And he knows it. Stroking himself he hooks a veiny arm around my hips, jerking me closer to the edge. Closer to his rock hard dick sitting in his boxers.

“I need you,” my plea is so fragile Chris softly groans with a grin, “need you so fuckin bad Chris.”

“That’s what I wanna hear.” He gently locks his lips with mine, slipping his tongue over mine. As we make out, Chris threads his cock out of his boxers. His wet tip nudging into my folds. My jaw drops with a weak sigh. Sinking deeper in between my walls, his whole body shudders. “I need you too B. I’m so sorry.”

My head rolls back with an animalistic groan as he fills me up, the weight of his dick applying so much pressure to my slick walls. Crazy the difference four days make. Kissing up my exposed throat Chris huffs and grunts, so relieved to feel my wetness encasing his thick dick. He could lose himself but he fights to keep it together. He’s got to make up for so much time away from his favorite place: in between my thighs. Stilling once he bottoms out, Chris squeezes his eyes shut with an exasperated sigh. Nuzzling my nose, focusing on the sensation of my textured walls hugging his rigid cock. This was home.

“I’m such an asshole.” he hisses cradling my cheeks with his giant hands. But it’s not just him.

“I’m an asshole too babe,” gasping for air Chris begins to pump me so roughly my legs shake on either side of his hips. “Oh fuck!”

“Fuck.” Chris gasps right behind me, picking up speed, reaching so deep I choke on my heavy breaths. The desk knocking against the wall with each smooth but strong strokes. Wildly moaning and groaning between the two of us we didn’t give a shit if anyone could hear us. This fuck is worthy to be praised. Speaking between shouts and squeals.

“I fuckin love you Bianca.”

“Chris—SHIT—I ohmygod!”

“You’re mine’re mine...”

“Uh huh...yes...fuck yes...”

“Say it.”

“I’m yours...”

It wasn’t a lie either; I felt it in every cell of my body. Funny it took the dumbest, silliest fight for us to reconnect in such an emotional way. It was a good thing my roommate never came back to the room. We got it in everywhere; our make up sex was probably some of the best sex we’ve ever had. It definitely went on all night, no naps between. By the time the sun came up, we were gasping for air on the cool hard floor. Blissfully smiling and laughing, looking deeply into each other’s eyes. It feels ridiculous to be so into someone. Especially someone who looks like him. His blue eyes so vivid and bright staring back at me...all I could do was sigh.

“ guys are disgusting...” smirks my roomie’s boyfriend averting his eyes from Chris and I staring at each other now, remembering that night. God I really love this goof. Softly laughing to himself, he nudges the tip of my nose with his. We are disgusting and I’m not even sorry. My roommate loves to admire our romance though, laughing for a bit before she shuts up with wide eyes.

“...wait you guys didn’t fuck in my bed, did you?!”

Leaning in for a kiss, we answer together, “no.” But it was a lie. It was best not for her to know.

Stroking my jaw with his thumb, Chris smiled down at me. “I don’t think I have the strength to get off this floor.”

Turning my chin towards his palm to plant a kiss I mutter, “we can stay here. I don’t care. As long as I’m with you.”

I know I don’t recognize myself saying corny shit like that either but Chris eats it all up with a shiny silver spoon. Smiling so hard.

“I don’t ever wanna go that long without again B...” he delicately kisses my cool clammy forehead and I just shut my eyes, swooning and falling. “I was so miserable at one point baby it was all so pointless...”

“Let’s not worry about that anymore.” I brush a comforting hand across his furry chest. “Let’s just worry about the days ahead...”

Hugging me closer, Chris rests his cheek atop my crown with a sweet sigh. “Are you saying you wanna plan our future B?”

Hearing the question aloud rings a small panic alarm in the pit of my stomach but was it out of excitement or fear? What did I have to fear? I trusted him entirely, with any and everything. And he was right, the time apart from us just being mad at one another was horrible. Imagining his warmth surrounding me in our own bed, in our own apartment, made my stomach flip in thrill. Could we really do it? Is that even a thing? College sweethearts making it for the long haul? Deep down, that’s what I wanted with him but the idea that it could fail terrified me. Didn’t want to lose him...but I was willing to risk it. I think...


Chris tackles me from behind, rocking me back and forth as he hugs me, burying his beaming face in my neck. Everyone’s so excited. It’s a beautiful day, a good day and it’s fuckin wild we made it here, that we lasted this long as a unit. Everyone celebrating that the bullshit is over. Caps thrown up in the air with delightful shouts once the ceremony’s over. Chris breaking his neck to connect with me across the graduating class. Graduating was a different level of freedom, an upgrade of adult that most of us wouldn’t understand until we’re actually on our own. But I’m ready for my next chapter, especially with this pretty ass man at my side. Anything is possible and Chris is along for the ride.

Leading a trail of kisses up my nape, he muses with a sneaky grin. “I’ve got a surprise for you baby B...”

Spinning around I toss my arms around his shoulders. “Yeah?” I inquire with enthusiasm, placing a chaste kiss on his perfect lips in the midst of the swarm of graduates and their families. In no rush whatsoever to find our families we share an intimate moment. We had been discussing places to move to for over a month until Chris decided to take over, swearing he could find the perfect place for us. Since he felt so confident I let him have it. While we exchange loving pecks and giggles, he digs in his pants pocket for whatever he’s trying to surprise me with. Holding my lips, he smiles as something jingles nearby.

Parting from my puckered lips, he bites back a gleeful smile. “Remember I said I’d find the perfect place? Well...”

Two gold keys dangling from a golden chain hangs from his two fingers appear before me clapping and jumping for joy.

“Babe!! Seriously?!”

He can’t contain his goof of a laugh, pulling me back into hips as he cracks up. “Of course, of course! You know I’m gonna take care of you.”

I couldn’t ask for a greater boyfriend. In the distance, I can hear my parents shouting out in the chaos but I really just wanted to have this moment with him.

“We’re really doing this?!” I shriek snatching the keys from him. Living in New York was a pipe dream, something we discussed post sex drunk and sleepy but now it’s a reality. Rubbing my fingertips over the rigid edges of my potential key to our new place. Our new place. That’s insane. Our parents closing in on us. Tipping my chin up, pulling my attention away from the keys resting in the palm of my hand, we share another moment as our folks approach with cameras in hand. Shutters clicking around us, hooting and hollering with congratulations but we only focus on one another with wide happy eyes. It’s time. I’m fuckin ready.

“I’ll do anything with you Bianca. Let’s start our new life together.”

3 years ago

If you call pedophilia a kink please unfollow me and never talk to me again

3 years ago

Devil’s Advocate

Pairing: Andy Barber x Female!Reader Word Count: 18,454 (🙈) Summary: From the moment you first met, Andy Barber had a hold over you, and even though you knew you should stay away, that he was bad news, you just couldn’t help yourself. Warnings: Explicit sexual content. Explicit language. Unprotected sex. Oral sex (f receiving). Cum play. Praise kink. Breeding kink. Bad boy kink. Dub con. Non con touching. Threats of rape and murder. Panic attack. Reference to drug use and overdose. Biker!Andy Barber. Sweet Nurse!Reader. Biker gang elements like violence, murder, and reference to trafficking guns. AU. NSFW. Dark fic. 18+ only

A/N: Whew boy. This is my 2nd entry for my 5K Soft Dark Challenge and oh em gee, was this one was an experience. I hope you enjoy it. Also just a reminder that I am not a medical professional and get all my “knowledge” from watching Chicago Med and googling, so liiike don’t at me for bad medical plot devices or a lack of actual plot, let’s be real, lolol. 🤷🏻‍♀️


You catch the eye of someone dangerous.

“You just won the wrong place, wrong time Olympics, sweetheart.”

Bad boy kink + Praise kink + Breeding Kink

P.S. Also I made this moodboard I am in love with like ahgowijfaoiejw okay love you byyye ✌🏻


Keep reading

3 years ago

Mr. Popularity (V)





Summary: Now as an out couple on campus, Bianca and Chris come across a few issues but they’re unstoppable...

Relationship: fratboy!Chris Evans x black!OC “Bianca”

Warnings: YOU KNOW THE VIBES smut, graphic language, some hateration, conflict/drama, 18+

A/N: WELL FUCKIN FINALLY RIGHT?! I know the thing I knew that would happen once I started working again, HAS ACTUALLY HAPPENED UGH. But I pushed through and got you guys our faves back in our lives. Of course, this didn’t go as planned. I was ready to give y’all a smut cliffhanger got lucky(ish). Anyway, missed y’all mean it. On to the story

Mr. Popularity (V)

“Keep your eyes closed. No peeking.”

For the past few days, there’s been a constant ache in my cheeks. I didnt think it was humanly possible for me to smile this much. Becoming Chris Evans’ girlfriend made me happier than I’d ever thought. It’s oddly refreshing...and slightly exhausting.

“I couldn’t even if I wanted loser.”

Chris has been on a world tour of proving himself worthy, showcasing me around campus as his. And as much as I couldn’t stand all the newfound attention, Chris couldn’t help but eat it up with a proud smile and an arm around my shoulders, carrying my bag, still waving and carrying on like the big man on campus. Like any ordinary day. Well except the change in relationship status. And all the stupid ass looks I get from some of the girls I pass by. Don’t even get me started on the sorority girls. At first, I would shrivel up once I was caught in an icy glare but as of late, I have to laugh. Chris didn’t make it any better either. If he really wanted to take a jab at the haters, he’d pull me in close and whisper nasty shit in my ear just so I could bite back a sleazy smirk and chuckle, making all the girls turn away in an awkward huff. Pretty mild most days but sometimes all the looks puts him on edge a little bit too. So I figure that it’s best to act like it doesn’t bother me as much but it does bother him quite a bit more. But never mind all the bullshit, we’re precious anyway.

“Okay open”

Standing by his bedroom door, I pull my blindfold down off my eyes to discover Chris standing by the foot of his bed with candles lit all around him. All modest and cute. A bottle of champagne by his bed. I cough a startled laugh, scoping the room, smiling even though my jaw is dropped. Yeah...there’s been plenty of these moments. Him impressing me, damn near flooring me, and him being so damn cute in the midst of all of it. Smug grin and chin held high.

“God you really make me fuckin sick Chris!” I sigh in awe, covering my partially embarrassed face with my hands. What is he even doing right now? These moments he lives for. Just to see me squirm and feel ridiculous. Chris comes and takes me by the arms, smiling at how bashful I’m getting.

“And this is why I do it,” he says, his big arms swallowing me whole, “just to see you make that face.” Chris covers me with affectionate kisses as I giggle underneath him, laying my arms over his mountainess shoulders. These moments make the glares all worth it.

“You really...don’t have to...” I can barely get a word out between his full on kisses taking my breath away. Every single time, he kisses me with everything in his body, crushing me with all his feelings and I couldn’t help but suffocate in them. We pull each other in closer, damn near swallowing lips and tongues. My chest heaves against his as we collect our muffled moans; Chris effortlessly picks me up and wraps my legs around his waist, walking us to the bed, never breaking our latched lips.

He takes a breath to fuss. “Stop...let me spoil you B.” Then attacks my neck with love bites, gripping my ass under my skirt, fingertips reaching for my ticklish bikini line.

Sometimes it was too much, and all the time. Make me swoon, make me cum. Swoon, cum. Right, I sound so stupid for complaining but it’s just...I just don’t want us to burn out so soon. Chris is making me happier than any dude has ever but as much as he does, I live on edge of when it all would be over...and how.

Carefully placing me on the bed, Chris starts to pull my panties down, still sucking at my neck. Honestly we should be exhausted with each other, around each other most of the day and night, kissing or talking or moaning orgasmically. But sleeping beside him was the best time. Always cuddled up on my chest, holding on to me tightly while I played in his soft hair until I passed out. Those moments will always be my fave.

“Baby,” I grunt because he’s teasing my tender folds that are still in recovery mode. Their only mode lately. I feel like I never get a break, Christ. “What’s the occasion?”

It’s a stupid question. I already know the answer. “Just wanna show how much I care about you baby B.” He whispers into my skin, sighing at the sensation of my warming folds against his fingers.

Giggling behind a moan, I love to hear the current nickname created by him late one night during a quiet pillow talk. Since we both call each other baby, he thought he should call me “baby B” to specify which baby was being addressed. Falling into a laughing fit at three a.m. when he mentioned it I had to roll my eyes. Sometimes, to make him smile all big, I’ll call him “baby C.” He eats that shit up so I don’t give it to him often. He can’t get the idea that I’m enjoying the cute ass pet names. But I never get tired of feeling him in the hull of my jaw, sloppily tonguing me with the sexiest moans. Can’t keep the man off me.

“God you’re so pussy whipped.” I bite back a chuckle while he dies laughing, his whole body going slack on top of me. Removing his hand to cradle my head resting on the bed, Chris rests his forehead on mine, still in hysterics. His silly laugh is the best and I still try to stifle back mine because I fuckin meant it.

“You’re such an asshole.” Quieting down a bit he shakes his head, opening those crystal blue eyes that stun me any time they’re this close. He snipes, “you so did that on purpose. You were trying to get me to stop weren’t you...” Shrugging, I snicker against his wet lips, “because you’re all tuckered out, aren’t you?”

He thinks he knows me so well, smug grin dancing on his lips. Thinks he knows my body. Annoyed, I squint up at his smoldering mug, begging me to let him keep going but seriously...she needs a moment.

“I mean...yes?” Chris goes to chastise me but I interrupt, “BUT just for a bit.”

Brushing the hill of my cheek, Chris sighs with a nod, “fine...if my big baby B needs a break. A break she shall get.” We kiss once again before he frees me, still smiling down at me as he stands over me. His dick print prominent in his jeans. I’ll definitely be taking care of that later. Chris snorts a chuckle at me ogling him, turning away to walk over to his side of the bed.

“For someone who’s so worn out, you’re surely eyeing my dick like you’re starving for it.” He grumbles with a cheeky grin as I sit up on the bed, crossing my legs beneath me. Pop goes the cork.

“Just cuz she’s tired doesn’t mean I don’t want it baby C.” Coyly I smirk as Chris laughs, pouring champagne in proper flutes and not red solo cups thank God.

“I know I’m just busting your balls babe.” He hands me my glass. Immediately I take a big gulp before handing it back with a wink that he just shakes his head at. Pouring some more before handing it back Chris sits beside me on the bed glass in hand. “Really it’s okay. Whatever you want Bianca you know I’ll do it for you.”

Glasses clink before our love adorn smiles. He means every bit of the sentiment.

“Whatever I want huh?” I could think of many things but the one thing that I really wanted... “Check your girls sounds good...” I mutter into my glass with raised eyebrows, saying it loud enough for him to almost hear me but not really. But he does anyway, narrowing his eyes at me.

“My girls? I have one girl...who’s being an ass right now...” Chris gives me a playful shove almost making me choke on the bubbles.

“You know what I mean.” I clear my throat as I recover from his mighty shove. “Check your sisters or whatever you call them.”

Shooting me a side eye, he takes my glass from my hand and places both on his nightstand so he can pull me into a loving embrace. Kissing and nuzzling at my temple and side of my head.

“Don’t worry about them.” He reassures softly, squeezing me tenderly with those big arms I can’t get enough of.

“Do you tell yourself that when you’re getting annoyed by the looks as well...?” I ask wrapping my arms over his, wanting his arms tighter around my waist. Snuggling deeper into his pillows, we sigh and relax, not really wanting to have this convo but we’d been avoiding it for a few days.

Chris sighs again. “Of course B. I can’t stand the way they look at you, at us. I really can’t...”

Turning my chin so I can really look up at his gorgeous face, I tell him, “then do something about it,” eyes soft and pleading. If anyone could deal with this the way it needed, it was him. Big man on campus. He needs to squash the bullshit.

Pinching my chin, Chris lands a sweet peck on my upper lip, sighing deeply. “I will B. Promise.” Another kiss but this one harder, longer, tasting the champagne on his lips. It’s to pacify me, to keep me cool and collected. I’ll allow it.

“Chris...” I call out to him once he parts from me, lids low and swooning. “For real. If we’re gonna keep doing this...”

He shushes me, dragging the pad of his thumb over my puffy lips. That’s where he has me quite frankly. Under his thumb. Under his control. Especially when he’s looking at me like that. Hooded eyes and close, tips of noses touching. I can’t break the hold those shimmering blue eyes have on me. Always drowning in them. The only sound is our heavy lustful breaths. Nothing hurts anymore. All I want is him, right now.

“I got you B.” Chris breathlessly whispers. The longer we stare at each other, the heavier our breaths get. “I’ve always got you...don’t you forget that.”

Without even really thinking, I climb up into his lap, cradling his stubble with my slender hands. His hands already cupping my bare ass, squeezing at them here and there.

“I know sweet.” I can’t resist his soft lips, kissing him sweetly before murmuring against them, “I got you too.”

Tongues slither past each other as we open mouth kiss for a bit. The faint taste of champagne still floating around in our mouths. My sweet protector. I adore that we protect each other. His fat fingertips padding between my thighs reaching for my moistening middle.

“Yeah?” Chris roughly pants into my mouth, “You got me?”

Frantically nodding while inhaling his lips, I sit up on my knees a bit so he can snake his hands further between my thighs. His nails grazing along my slit. Clutching his jaw a little tighter, I groan lightly into his hot mouth. His stubble pricking the palms of my hands. His teeth sinking into my bottom lip wedged between his along with his fingers carefully dipping in and out of me, testing the waters to make sure I’m feeling up to it. Even if she was aching in pain we couldn’t tell. I’m soaked and it’s all because of him.

“Oh Chris.” I whimper out releasing him, soothing my hands down his neck and chest until I reach the button of his pants. He smiles as I reach into his pants for my homie.

“So eager all of a sudden...” he purrs licking at my lips, “you ready for me now?” Chris groans as I stroke his beefy cock some before he splits my aching walls back open.

Grinning, I say with a fragile moan, “I said a moment. Moments over babe.”

“Good.” Chris groans positioning me over the crown of his cock, pushing the wet tip between my folds, “Take this shirt off. I wanna see those beautiful tits of yours.”

My shirt’s thrown off me as I slip down his length with a long whine, ignoring the burning of my tired walls and focus on how amazing he feels stretching me open every time we fuck. His big hands envelope my caramel tits, squeezing and pushing them together in utter joy as he throbs, filling me to the brim.

I sob out, “oh fuck baby!” Chris grabbing ahold of my hips, quickly bouncing me up and down on his dick. Moaning and crying out over and over, each time he meets my pussy with a muted pop.

“Bianca...” He whispers grinding himself deeper, slapping a hand against my nape and taking a strong hold. “Fuck, Bianca...”

Shit I’ll never get tired of him saying my name as he pumps inside of me. How light and airy it falls into the air...but full of passion and emotion. Tilting my head back to expose my throat, Chris slowly drags his teeth down my neck; his hot breath prickling my sensitive skin we both moan together.

Gasping from how full he makes me feel, I ask up at the ceiling, “I make you feel good baby?”

“Fuck yes B...” Chris moans lapping at the slope of my neck, “god yes. All the time baby...ugh fuck.”

My walls clutching on to his throbbing cock chokes him up, rocking and bucking my hips back and forth on his lap. Wrenching his eyes shut, he drops his jaw, drawing out a long gutterly groan.

“Only me? Only I can make you feel this good?”

As I ask, Chris leans my head back forward, dropping my forehead on his sweaty one. “God yes,” he growls, “only you”

Never heard such sweeter words. Such a sweet face. Gushing out all around him. We suction our lips back together, grunts meeting whimpers as our tongues twist and tangle. Continuing to ride him out like all I want is his load to paint my soaked walls. Leaving him panting and pleading, sputtering his desperate cries against my swollen lips. Stars dance in front of my eyes. Every muscle in my body tightening I inch closer and closer to my climax.

“Ugh c’mon B,” Chris coaxes, slapping my ass so I can shout out, which has him grinning. Spanking me makes me drip.

“I’m—I’m—,” With a shaky breath, I fight through my quicken moans to announce that I’m about to combust but my orgasm beats me to the punch. Fisting Chris’ shirt, I shudder and convulse on top of him, shouting out to the heavens.

“Cumming already?” Chris shakes his head with a chuckle, slipping his middle finger down between us to furiously rub against my throbbing clit. Yelping, I slam hand down on his big ass shoulder. “You make it seem so easy baby...”

My orgasm seems never ending the more he strokes at my clit, still fucking me through it all with low chuckle. Can’t stop groaning. Can’t stop losing myself all over his monstrous cock.

“Oh my GOD. CHRIS.” I choke on my sobs. “Christ! Stop!”

“Nu uh.” Wrapping an arm around the small of my back he drops me backwards on the bed so he can take over. Pinning me down beneath his weight. “Going back to back baby.”

Hyperventilating, clawing his swole arms, Chris rolls himself deep into my pussy, stroking me slowly, smoothly, digging me out with everything in his lower body. His rhythmic sighs orchestrating his mighty thrusts. My legs can’t stop shaking as my eyes roll back into my head.

“So fuckin beautiful,” Chris croons with a saucy smirk, “God I wanna make you cum all fuckin day and night B. Wish you could see how gorgeous you look.”

I’m nothing but high pitch whines and squeaks, stretching as every muscle tightens again. My toes curling. Fuck, this man makes me feel too good. His dick feels too good amongst my soaked walls. My limbs twitch the closer. But I can feel him, hear in the way his groans get louder, he’s ready too.

“Aw shit, oh fuck.” He barks behind a monstrous groan, his thrusts picking up in speed, slamming against my spot, “cum—cum with me baby...OH—SHIT.”

His deep gutter voice beckons my second climax the minute he busts and we lose our shit together. It’s the fuckin best. Screaming. Shouting. Unraveling. Just noise and convulsions and then long, life regaining huffs of breaths. My nerves so dead and my mind absolutely blown; as much as he wears me out, I love the aftermath and aftercare. Chris pants a satisfied chuckle beside me on the covers, muttering my name to himself like he’s hypnotized.

“Oh” He sighs and breathes and huffs with a wistful laugh. I hear what he’s saying, how sweet and pleasant his moans are as he comes down. He’s falling, shit, I’m plummeting and the more we connect, physically and emotionally, the more I expect the words “I love you” stumble from his precious pink lips. A part of me wants to hear it. A part of me wants to say it but damn we could wait. I can wait. Besides we didn’t have to say it. Turning to look at each other, we smile tiredly, our breaths returning to normal. Draping his arm over my waist he pulls me closer, turning into his side. Damn those eyes so clear and warm. Damn my smile so genuine and big. We kiss and giggle while muttering sweet nothings, finishing undressing and resume drinking the champagne but from the bottle. Cuddling close and getting drunk, talking about anything. We didn’t have to say it because we felt it.

Another night. Another party. The night already had a weird vibe and I couldn’t help but feel like it was going to get stranger. I didn’t know how to explain the energy but my hairs constantly stand on end. With my roommate by my side, we watch our boys do their thing with their bros while we sit in a corner with our eyes shifting. She could feel the disturbance in the force as well.

“Weird night.” She kept mumbling in her cup of beer but she couldn’t explain why either. We just felt it.

“Right? What the fuck?”

Nothing’s out of the ordinary though. The guys kept turning back to us with winks and drunken smiles. Chris blowing kisses. Goof. All I could do was smile and blow kisses back. Fuck, we’re on cloud nine, riding out the deepest, longest infatuation high. Biting back a cheeky smile while falling into his ocean blue eyes from across the room, my roommate elbows me with a laugh, stealing my attention away from him.

“God, you two are...sickening but in the best way...” she pokes fun at me with a sarcastic eye roll but I deflect.

“Me? The way you two can’t keep your hands off each other...” I motion to her beau acting goofy with Chris.

“I know right?” She giggles. “I can’t get enough of it.”

Chuckling, I silently agree with her. I can’t get enough of the head over heels, sickeningly sweet foolery of it all either. Looking back over to him, I catch him heading my way but the front door opening stops him dead in his tracks with a startled look.

“Oh god no.” My roommate grumbles looking over to the entryway. Following everyone’s gaze I see them walking into the party. “Whaaaaat they never come here...”

That was it. They were the disturbance. Their head bitch in charge leading the way, their presence just shifted the energy in the house. Like a dark cloud looming over. Of course she saw no one else in the party, locking eyes and bee lining for Chris who stood confused as to why they were walking through the door. With a hitch in my breath I latch onto my roommate’s arm, watching this tall lanky blondie commandeer her way through the crowd to get to him.

“Fuuuuck. Fuckfuckfuckfuck.”

Chris puts distance between after she throws herself onto him, the rest of her posse scattering throughout the party. The music’s so loud I can’t hear a word but body language said enough for me to relax my hold on my homie. But blondie was putting on for him. Flipping her hair, touching his arm, laughing all loud and shit. My roommate’s jaw is dropped with an appalled gasp.

“Damn B. What are you going to do?”

I could have laughed. What am I going to do? There’s nothing I have to do because Chris was doing enough. He retained his distance no matter how close she got to him and kept his arms folded across his chest, chin raised, looking down on her blabber on and on about absolutely nothing. I didn’t feel worried just...uncomfortable. Before I could even think about going over there to stand next to him, three of her weirdo sisters stopped me.

“Oh my god Bianca right?” Chimed the brunette to my right, a girl I’d never seen or talked to before in my life. My grip tightens on my roommate again. “You’re the girlfriend! You’re so...cute...” She tries to compliment with a stale smile while the other girls snicker quietly behind her. My roommate adjusts her stance with a sigh. They’re here on bullshit but I could care less, breaking my neck around them to see what was going on behind them but they had a perfect block on my shot. Like I said, it’s not like I was worried...but it’s good to be aware. Wish these birds would move out the way though...

“Have you ever thought about joining our house?” Brunette continues to chirp, swerving her head to meet my eyes, “Y’know, since you’re dating Chris and all. Think he would love that.”

“He so would.” chimes a ponytail.

The pixie cut echos, “So would.”

I just snort a laugh because these idiots don’t know what they’re talking about. He so would not. My man knows me and he knows a sorority is the last thing I would do. Not enough money. If it was my life or join their house, tell my mom I fuckin loved her.

“Nah, she’s good. Trust. Um...don’t you guys have anything better to do? Get some dick or a drink?Literally anything else...” Intrudes my roommate over their fake shit just as their head bitch looks over her shoulder back at us. Their faces sour and their eyes roll at my roommate on edge for an attack. Their head bitch shoots me a fucked up smirk. Ugh what the fuck is she up to.

“Anyway, Bianca, seriously you should think about it.” The brunette says to me but her voice is faint. Too busy focusing past her. No, seriously, what is she up to?! Chris’ stance hasn’t changed much or relaxed in the slightest.

Muttering, I ask, “Now why would I do that?” While keeping my watchful eye on her caressing his boulderous bicep. Again. I would never join these catty bitches’ anything! Clearly this is all some sort of ploy and I’m not fuckin here for it. The brunette leading the charge keeps pressing,

“Don’t you wanna make Chris happy?”

Mentioning his name has him locking eyes with me, a confused brow laced across his face. My brow definitely matched his.

“I’m sorry? What?” The question calls for my attention, annoyed that she assumed I didn’t or something. Narrowing my eyes at the three of them in my face, I make it perfectly clear. “I make him plenty happy. Trust me boo. Not like that’s any of your business in the first place.”

They withdraw like I offended them. But they’re approaching me mad disrespectful. I truly don’t give a fuck about what they think or how they feel.

“You don’t have to be such a fuckin bitch about it,” snaps the ponytail.

“Yeah. Just trying to be nice,” piggybacks the pixie cut. What in 90’s teen movie is happening right now?!

“Noooo the fuck you aren’t.” My roommate intrudes again, stepping between me and my aggressors who all of a sudden seem to cower away now that they see we aren’t with their bullshit. As she approaches them, closing in on them, I follow closely behind. She’s got my back and I’ve got hers. Especially against chicks like them. “You catty bitches better move around...”

“And fast too because I’m not here for any fake shit.” I shout at them finishing her sentiment. They picked the wrong ones to fuck with. As they cower away, they keep talkin shit back.

“God, no one’s scared of you two,” announces the pixie cut, nervously shifting her eyes around.

“Yeah says the bitch retreating,” my roommate tuts, cracking her fingers in the palms of her hands. Usually, we’d both keep a cooler head but for whatever reason, tonight’s a different story. “Don’t run girl...’we just wanna talk’.” She mocks in a whiny voice still advancing with me mischievously smirking behind her.

Before you know it, the five of us are in each other’s faces causing a huge scene in the middle of the party. Voices raised over the music. Fingers pointed in their faces but poor Chris couldn’t cut through the growing crowd fast enough. Everyone circles around us heckling and instigating a fight. Neither of us wanted to throw a punch but we definitely wanted to show we weren’t afraid to. As we go off on them, they nervously look for their ring leader to come save them but Chris is throwing people out of his way to intervene.

“Whoa, whoa! Babe, what’s going on?!” He barges his big body through and in front of me and my roommate still going off around him guarding us.

“God Chris,” my leggy nemesis purrs behind him in front of her flackies folding her arms, “didn’t know your girlfriend was so...ghetto.”

“GHETTO?!” Me and my roommate holler in unison from around Chris, trying to charge at them but he holds us both back with both of his strong arms.



But Chris has us both, pushing us back into the corner we came out of. His frat bro coming to calm down and sweep my roomie away from doing anything crazy.

“Bianca. Bianca!” Grabbing me by the shoulders, Chris shakes me, forcing me to quit shouting in his face, really look at him but all I can see is her smug, snooty rich face I wanted to punch. “Don’t do anything stupid babe. Babe look at me!”

Tearing my glare away from her, I begrudgingly meet Chris’ oversaturated sapphire blues and of course, instantly relax, losing myself in how soft but raging they are. His thumb gently grazing my fiery cheek. Some of the party has moved on from the incident now that he’s intervened but I’m far from over it. And that stupid ass smuggy bitch.

“I didn’t even do anything!” I shout out on the defense, “those bitches!”

But Chris continues to shush me while his nostrils are flaring, fuming. That ghetto comment really struck a nerve. “I know babe, I know. Relax, I know...I’ll handle it.” He speaks so calmly, cradling my cheeks with both hands, kissing my forehead. But the moment he’s felt my body relax more, he releases his hold. I couldn’t tell he was that mad until he’s turned to face the girls fuckin up the night’s vibes.

“You callin my girl ghetto?” Pointing to himself Chris starts, not necessarily shouting but his voice’s loud enough to silence everyone in the room. “My girl is far from ghetto. If and your girls are ghetto for comin up in my house startin shit...”

Leggy blonde goes to say something but he won’t let her have the floor; each step he takes towards her is careful and calculated. So calm and collected but firm in every word he delivers...damn. It’s safe to say he’s got a girl throbbin. My heart’s racing.

“You don’t get to come in here and disrespect her. You disrespect her, you fuckin disrespect me and that shit doesn’t fly. Not here, not now, not ever.” Stopping a few feet in front of her with his jaw slightly clenched, he decides to address everyone else at the party. “BY THE WAY, for ANYONE that’s confused, Bianca’s my fuckin girlfriend. So quit with the fuckin stupid looks, the fuckin side eyes, all that bullshit!”

With that his voice is thundering over the party, making everyone shift and mumble uncomfortably amongst themselves. But your girl? Fuckin soaked between my thighs. The way he stares everyone down and they avoid his eyes. The way the leggy blonde looks stunned that he would raise his voice at her like this. But he’s not playing around, staring her and her flackies down as everyone else resumes their drinking. Chris did exactly what I wanted him to do and beyond my expectations. And his bad boy demeanor is making my insides melt. I couldn’t wait for him to get me back in his room. Even if everyone else retained his announcement, he wanted to make it absolutely sure she did.

“Did I fuckin make myself clear?” He asks the intruders fuckin with our good time. But she has nothing left to say, huffing and rolling her eyes at him inserting his dominance all over the place like the boss ass that he is. What a babe. What a daddy.

With a suck of her teeth, she retreats muttering, “whatever,” under her breath with a dismissive hand as she walks to the front door. Her posse following closely behind her as I take my rightful position beside him. There’s nothing left to say as they all take their exit. Taking Chris’ hand securely, I whimper out to him,


And he doesn’t need to hear another word as his fingers lock securely with mine, watching them empty out the party. The moment they’re all gone, Chris swoops me up into his grounding embrace, rubbing a soothing hand up and down my spine. His affection on top of my arousal has my knees trembling.

“You sure you’re okay B?” He asks in the softest tone I had ever heard. Nodding against his chest, I squeeze his hand indicating that I’m over all of it and all I want is him. My babe. My protector. My fuckin boyfriend. Our lust lorn eyes meet and without a moments notice, Chris is yanking and pulling me through the crowd and up the stairs to his room. The moment his bedroom door closes behind us, our mouths are latched together with eager moans.

“Fuck babes...” I sigh out against his hungry mouth tugging my own further into his. “I’m so fuckin wet for you.”

He’s meeting me with the exact same energy. “Yeah? You like how I handled that trash baby?”

Jumping up into his arms I anxiously crawl up his torso, lacing his plump wet lips with quick pecks. “God yes. was so fuckin hot baby I want you inside me so goddamn bad. Ugh fuck Chris...”

It didn’t make sense for us to be mauling each other the way we are but...the way he just stood up for me. The way I didn’t take shit from them fuckin randoms. For whatever cosmic reason, tonight was the night we proved to each other we are indefinitely committed to one another. No one could sway either of us that we aren’t supposed to be together. Hell, I couldn’t even deny it any longer, could no longer fight it. How when he’s holding me so close to his body, kissing me like he’s been starved. Hands yanking and pulling at shirts. Completely locked in. Good God all I want is to get closer, squeezing my legs around his muscular midsection.

“Fuck,” Chris sighs going for a breath, meeting my eyes. “Me going off got you this turned on B?”

Um, obviously. I’m so turned on I’m grinding my crotch against his abs. “Yes.” I gasp.

Smiling, Chris plants a juicy kiss on me, guiding my body up and down him. Applying pressure along my lower back so I can grind against him harder. “Did I just unlock some new shit?”

Huffing a laugh I nod resting my forehead on his, quietly moaning as my folds flood. Damn, it was bound to happen I suppose. Chris leveling up on my inner freak. Laughing together we lock lips again.

“You’re gonna have me walking around yelling at people for no reason.” He mutters before collapsing our conjoined bodies onto his bed. On the bounce back I straddle him and instantly unbutton his pants.

“You’ll ruin your sweet boy image dork.” I poke fun with a raise of my brows as Chris snakes his hands up my thighs and hips until he reaches my tits, pouring them out of my bra to pinch and twist at my nipples. Pinching them so hard I can’t help but cry out a needy moan. Which makes Chris groan back, bucking me up to grind his dick into me.

“I’d do that for you B.” Chris groans again, “I’ll do anything to get you this riled up.”

Scooting down his lap some, reaching down into his boxers, I gently grope his hard thick dick already burning for me. Moaning together we tease one another, working ourselves up even more.

“Don’t be ridiculous Chris.” I hiss, careening my head back from him working my nipples between his nimble fingertips. Working them so well I could cum in my pants right now. His cock so veiny, throbbing against my fingers squeezing back. Chris shouts out my name, lurching up and huffing each time I stroke him. Fuck he looks so amazing losing control underneath me, his abs and hips flexing. Jaw dropped and groaning out my name. Those pretty baby blues hooded and dark Chris seriously is a work of art. So beautiful I love it. I love the way he looks up at me all soft and needy. I love the way he says my name, calls me B. I love the way he kisses me awake every morning. I love the way he smiles all heavenly when I cum all over his dick. I love his ridiculous laugh. I love the way he stood up for me against those bitches. I love...

“Bianca.” Suddenly Chris is sitting up, caressing my face with both big soft hands. Those pretty eyes demanding my attention my heart almost stopped beating. “Bianca, I gotta say something baby.”

“Okay.” Now my heart’s hammering like crazy in my chest, in my ears because I can see what he wanted to say all in those pretty eyes. Could he read my mind? Does he have that much insight on my thoughts and feelings? But I couldn’t wait for him to say it because I’m ready to say it back. Shit, I really am. Not a drop of fear laced in those baby blues. He’s absolutely certain with every syllable that he whispers against my lips. A chill quakes down my spine as the words settle over our heads. It feels so good.

“I love you.” The edges of his thumb slightly tremble as they graze my cheeks, “Like for real...I love you B. I have...for some time now and now that I have you I...” Chris trails off, his eyes falling away for a moment before he continues, “I know for sure...”

“Hey.” I call out to those blue eyes because I needed them. I need them to give me that undeniable strength they consistently exude when he looks at me. When they return, the words fall from my lips with ease. “I love you too.”

4 years ago


4 years ago

beginner’s guide to astrology

Beginners Guide To Astrology

Hiiii, it’s werelivingarts. I’m back with another beginner’s guide to astrology! ☺️ 

Astrology is not 100% scientific but it is an art of interpretation on movement of celestial bodies when you were born. You may not fit in well in your sun sign because you have so many other signs that also may affect your personality! 🌌

More resources if you are interested: Creating Birth Charts with Astro Seek App - Co-Star

What’s your sun, moon and rising sign?  I’m Libra 🌞with a soul of Gemini 🌚 and put the mask of Scorpio ⬆!

4 years ago
Beyond The Valley Of The Dolls | Russ Meyer, 1970
Beyond The Valley Of The Dolls | Russ Meyer, 1970

Beyond the Valley of the Dolls | Russ Meyer, 1970

4 years ago

My Dad’s Best Friend- part 13


Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Steve Roger’s daughter!reader

Word Count: 1.8K

Warnings: legal age gap, explicit sexual content- SEX!! explicit language (must be 18+)

Series Summary: You are the daughter of Captain America and grew up around all of the Avengers, including James Buchanan Barnes. A man your parents refer to as your uncle Bucky. As you grow older a mysterious pull keeps bringing you back to Bucky. You think it’s just a crush until you learn of a failed Hydra experiment called Project Retwine. Now, with no say of your own, your life is about to completely change and Bucky’s about to become so much more than just your Dad’s Best Friend…

Part 13 Summary: Your dad can’t find out. Not like this 😬

A/N: Thank you to the wonderful and talented @amythedvdhoarder for beta reading this tale and listening to my crazy ideas! This wouldn’t be half as good without her brilliant ideas! ily, friend 😘

* I try to keep reader insert descriptions vague for the enjoyment of all readers, but because she is Steve Roger’s daughter, reader would have to be half white, or multiracial depending on her mom.

My Dads Best Friend- Part 13

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4 years ago
Ig Illustrator > @hazel.mead

Ig Illustrator —> @hazel.mead

4 years ago
On Being Unable To Say It

on being unable to say it

emma, jane austen 

“self-portrait at 28,” david berman

“figure it out,” orla gartland, art by @oozins​

red doc>, anne carson

“how to draw a horse,” emma hunsinger

“the crane wife,” cj hauser

“the torn-up road,” richard siken

4 years ago

Idk if I have 'foreign followers' but I know for sure a lot of you are not from here.

If you want more insight of what happened, just google it. PLEASE.

Idk If I Have 'foreign Followers' But I Know For Sure A Lot Of You Are Not From Here.
4 years ago
Musics The Only Thing That Makes Sense Anymore, Man. ACROSS THE UNIVERSE (2007), Dir. Julie Taymor
Musics The Only Thing That Makes Sense Anymore, Man. ACROSS THE UNIVERSE (2007), Dir. Julie Taymor
Musics The Only Thing That Makes Sense Anymore, Man. ACROSS THE UNIVERSE (2007), Dir. Julie Taymor
Musics The Only Thing That Makes Sense Anymore, Man. ACROSS THE UNIVERSE (2007), Dir. Julie Taymor
Musics The Only Thing That Makes Sense Anymore, Man. ACROSS THE UNIVERSE (2007), Dir. Julie Taymor
Musics The Only Thing That Makes Sense Anymore, Man. ACROSS THE UNIVERSE (2007), Dir. Julie Taymor

“Music’s the only thing that makes sense anymore, man.” ACROSS THE UNIVERSE (2007), dir. Julie Taymor

4 years ago

New in Town

Warnings: noncon sex.

This is dark!Lumberjack!Thor and explicit. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.

Summary: You start a new job in a new town but find your welcome not so warm.

Note: Another piece for @imanuglywombat​ and @nellblazer​‘s Lumberjack Challenge. I needed me a big, scary Thor so here we go!

Thank you. Love you guys!

As always, if you can, please leave some feedback, like and reblog <3


It was your first day and you already felt in way over your head. Your predecessor had left quite the mess and it would take a while to clean it all up. The filing cabinet had little actual organization to it and the computer, well that was just a bunch of nonsensically titled files dropped in random folders. It would take you the better part of a month just to get things in order.

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4 years ago

Here’s to the fanfic writers who can only write sporadically.

Here’s the writers who can’t output enough to keep up with the most popular writers.

Here’s to the writers writing even though they get no feedback.

Here’s to the writers who somehow manage to scrape together a little inspiration and a lot of hard work to write that story they know nearly no one will read.

Here’s to the creators who keep going even when it’ feels like screaming into an empty void.

You’re inspiration, and I don’t know how you do it.

4 years ago

My Dad’s Best Friend- part 12


Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Steve Roger’s daughter!reader

Word Count: 2.3K

Warnings: legal age gap, explicit sexual content- SEX!! explicit language (must be 18+)

Series Summary: You are the daughter of Captain America and grew up around all of the Avengers, including James Buchanan Barnes. A man your parents refer to as your uncle Bucky. As you grow older a mysterious pull keeps bringing you back to Bucky. You think it’s just a crush until you learn of a failed Hydra experiment called Project Retwine. Now, with no say of your own, your life is about to completely change and Bucky’s about to become so much more than just your Dad’s Best Friend…

Part 12 Summary: You take a nap with Bucky and it gets a little heated when you wake up 😏

A/N: Thank you to the wonderful and talented @amythedvdhoarder for beta reading this tale and listening to my crazy ideas! Amy sat through 5 or 6 revisions for this part and it wouldn’t be half as good without her brilliant ideas! ily, friend 😘

* I try to keep reader insert descriptions vague for the enjoyment of all readers, but because she is Steve Roger’s daughter, reader would have to be half white, or multiracial depending on her mom.


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4 years ago
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

“What? I’m giving you a pep talk.” 

“No offense, Mr. Griffin, but you’ve never been good at pep or talk.” 

And she leans forward, her drunk mouth very close to his drunk mouth. 

Jack/Sarika, post A.P. Bio (college!Sarika)

4 years ago


The first transgender suicide hotline is now up and running in the U.S. You can reach Trans Lifeline at 877-565-8860.

4 years ago

Wreck Your Sh!t~Chris Cuomo


Sugar Daddy! Chris Cuomo x Black Reader

Warnings: Smut, Language, Age Gap(older than 20 but i didnt mention a specific number so the numbers up to yall), The use of the term Fredo I did some research on the word since I didn’t know about it until the video, its a offensive term people call people who have an Italian background basically according to the things I found on google.) But make sure yall like and REBLOG!

word count: 1199

based off of this video of Chris arguing with that guy. The video did things to me that it shouldn’t have but hey😗✨. Enjoy!

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4 years ago

At Your Service (Peter Parker x Reader)


WARNINGS: NON-CON, DUB-CON, AGE GAP, escort!Reader, jealous!Peter, loss of virginity (m.), mentions of Tony x reader, basically porn with a plot


➥ { page breaks done by @writeyourmindaway​ }

summary: with Tony Stark being a regular of yours, you’re surprised to find that it’s not him you’ll be servicing, but instead the boyish brunette at his side. Tony wants you to make Peter’s 21st birthday special, and you do just that, but what is just a job to you quickly becomes more for Peter.

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4 years ago

get on your feet.mp4

4 years ago

some fucking resources for all ur writing fuckin needs

body language masterlist

a translator that doesn’t eat ass like google translate does

a reverse dictionary for when ur brain freezes

550 words to say instead of fuckin said

638 character traits for when ur brain freezes again

some more body language help 

4 years ago
fantasyangsl - bbyg
fantasyangsl - bbyg
fantasyangsl - bbyg
fantasyangsl - bbyg
fantasyangsl - bbyg
4 years ago
Reblog To Have This Spoopy Dancing Ghost On Ur Blog

reblog to have this spoopy dancing ghost on ur blog