COMMISSIONS OPEN, 2/3 SLOTS OPEN || Nickname: Fawn/Bane || Pronouns: Any|| Pan/Genderfluid || Therians, LGTBQ+, ect, welcome. || Reblogs are appreciated! Not forcing, though ^v^
525 posts
Random Person: *stretches Their Arm In Weird Way*
Random person: *stretches their arm in weird way*
Blindy: Thats an odd way to stretch, but pretty cool.
Bunster: I CAN DO BETTER- *accidently dislocates arm*
*At hospital*
Blindy: You fucking idiot.
Bunster: Was I cool?
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Blacklight text is Bunster
@irodimww (please let me know if I should stop tagging you in these I'm invested-)
I don't see a chicken but you have me intrigued

You reblogged mine, so I'm returning the favor! These are really fun to think about, mostly because I like it when jerk characters are quickly humbled lmao
Blindy and Bunster Headcanons
SHOUTOUT TO @fawncr33k FOR INSPIRING ME TO MAKE A POST OF MY HC’S OF THE SILLIES !! (I’ve always wanted to make an HC post omg) thanks y’all for liking the silly jester and carnivore bnnuys !!

>FIRST WITH BLINDY’S PERSONALITY OMG: For a quick rundown, he’s cold, distant, private/secretive, very “guardian-like” (but in a dark way), grim, serious, blunt, kinda antisocial, strategic (I’d give a lot more details but we’d be here all day SOBBING)
> Blindy’s favorite color is red!! (reminds him of meat)
> He is a carnivore! I like to imagine him with fangs/sharper canines due to eating meat
> His ears can pick up the most quiet of noises from the farthest of distances away! He’s very fast, and can run in very quiet, quick footsteps. He also has a very strong sense of smell!—Although he has a very dull sense of taste, and his body has been trained throughly to practically not sense any sort of pain.
> He is immune to alcohol! I feel like Blindy has a really odd immune system after being in the void (the place he’s first introduced in the secret post-credit scene) and therefore he either is immune, or has a really strong tolerance to alcohol
> Blindy is 4’8 ft tall
—— (JorgeWrites, one of the developers of The Bunny Graveyard, actually said that Blindy was a short king—although he never confirmed an actual height sooooo-)
> He is very lightweight; as in he weighs very lightly! Being in the void for a long time (in which I headcanon him having stayed there for like, ATLEAST A SOLID 10 YEARS) has him probably at around 80 lbs in weight. > HE DOES NOT SLEEP; from my HC of him staying in the void for 10 years, he probably has gotten used to almost never sleeping—if he does sleep, he either sleeps while standing up and only sleeps half an hour (max time he spent resting was 8 hours probably).
> He’s very alert and pays attention to all of his surroundings at all times. He also has the ability to hold his breath for long periods of time and stay very still; very silent! Although, he can’t relax—his regular state is just being alert and highly attentive on everything.
> Blindy’s main weapon of choice is a sword! He likes slashing targets with his sword rather than stabbing. The sword itself is very long (almost like a katana!) but it looks like the sword from the SWORD Area of 4/1/1992 (I suggest playing that free mini game btw! It hints at a lot of things of The Bunny Graveyard as a whole)
> Blindy hates any sort of physical touch, you touch his shoulder? He’ll slap your hand away. The farthest he’s gotten with someone in physical touch is literally hand holding—also for anyone who’s curious NAWWW HE’S NEVER HAD A ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIP IN HIS LIFE
> Blindy’s Aromantic in my eyes, he has no interest in romance and doesn’t feel any sort of romantic attraction to anyone he’s ever met lol. (I should also quickly say this that NAW he is not in love with Bunster in regards to Blindybun, I’ll explain more about their dynamics in a different post)
> He doesn’t really swear a lot, but when he does it’s usually in small doses—to emphasize a point. He picks his words carefully; thinking before speaking ! > He doesn’t lie, but he tends to not give the truth very easily. He has a skill in avoiding and deflecting questions about himself.
★彡 I’m gonna stop the Blindy HC’s right there because WE STILL HAVE TO TALK ABOUT MY SECOND FAVORITE SILLY, THE JESTER OF ALL TIME, BUNSTER !!! ★彡

> Bunster’s personality is EASY: egotistical/prideful, vain, arrogant, grandiose, attention-seeking, VERY AGGRESSIVE, temperamental, eccentric, probably has a superiority complex, a major asshole, very petty, bossy, heartless, cruel, (I COULD SAY SO MUCH ABOUT HIM OMG)
—— (ElPichon, a developer of The Bunny Graveyard, also confirmed Bunster being a “bad kind of asshole”, in which he rated him a 9/10 for how much of a jerk he is)
> He is 5’8 ft tall (He is confirmed to be shorter than Kiwi, who the developers said was around 6’0 ft tall!)
> His main weapon of choice are daggers! He specifically dual-wields a pair of daggers and has a lot of throwing knives on him, not to mention he takes great pride with his GREAT SKILL of using knives
> He is the type to want to steal the spotlight off of anyone else and want everyone to pay attention to just him—if he doesn’t get that attention he starts getting into a tantrum and gets violent
> He is VERY heartless. He’s an irredeemable asshole that loves no one but himself, and he will use or push down others in order to get himself to the top. He has a VERY small capacity to care for others, but usually whenever he cares about another person it’s for his own benefit—usually.
—— (ElPichon on a stream once had actually said that Bunster had no love in him.)
> He LOVES pointing at other peoples’ insecurities and making fun of others to put himself up (in reality he has a big insecurity about his own strength and power)
> He falls for flattery very easily, and always craves for compliments—any criticism, however, will probably result in him throwing a knife at you
> He doesn’t really make “true relationships” (because he believes he’s already the best on his own and that he doesn’t need others). Because of this he kinda ended up being incredibly lonely, but he’s too prideful to want to let others into his personal life
> Bunster is outwardly homophobic (so that others don’t make fun of him) but secretly FRUITY AS HECK. He is ?? So secretly fruity. He’s either a closeted gay or a closeted bisexual in my head LMAO (this is a meme).
> He is VERY hypocritical. Along with being a hypocrite, he is the type to CONSTANTLY lie. You cannot trust this guy in keeping his word or telling the truth, he’s gonna lie and betray you the moment you’re weak
> Feel like I haven’t said this yet—Bunster is physically strong, and is actually the strongest in his circus (I HC him being the self-appointed leader because he’s the most powerful of his group). He values strength over intelligence, and is not one to strategize—more so he just tries to pulverize and overwhelm his enemy with brute strength.
> He has a really distorted image of himself and holds himself to the highest of standards. The moment his image is cracked he lashes out and gets very pissed off—bro just doesn’t want to accept that he’s weaker than someone else (Blindy COUGH COUGH)
> Bunster isn’t really the type to compromise, if he wants something, he wants all of it—not part of it or not some of it, all of it. He’s also very demanding and impatient with what he wants.
> Lastly, he is NOT into romance, he wants none of the cuddly, strawberry sweet fluff. He just wants a rush of adrenaline bro (cue in his most favorite hated enemy Blindy)
★彡 I think I’m gonna stop here for tonight omg (2 hours of writing HC’s on tumblr, damn) ANYWAY IF YALL HAVE ANY HEADCANONS ABOUT BLINDY AND BUNSTER FEEL FREE TO PING ME !! (Explosion)

by the way THIS IS FICTIONAL; i don’t support people like bunster in real life (just needed to put this in in case people were somehow thinking I liked heartless assholes in real life which I DO NOT—)