~I Can't Remember My Calling~I'm Kieran (or Kiki). I'm a fallen angelkin who is always trying to figure himself out, one bit at a time. I'm shy but friendly, so you can reach out if you'd like! (He/him, hy/hymn) (20 y/o)
656 posts
Hey Hi Remember Me?
hey hi remember me?
I have decided that I need new friends, as my current friends are… not the best. It’s not that they’re not good people or anything, it’s just… complicated.
so, here’s a little about me, and if I seem like the kind of person you’d get along with, feel free to reblog this or dm me with a little bit about yourself, and hopefully we can become friends!
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Angels and Demons, from DALL·E Mini
Poetry about a seraphim who befriended humans ? I love your blog !
Being of the heavens,
Unrivaled in their grandiose power.
You alway go to earth with a message.
A gentle soul, yet people fear your form.
they thought different.
Gazing upon you, and seeing
A being of light and strength.
they reached out their hands,
Desperate for the shelter of a divine energy.
As you reached back, things felt less serious.
Your visits to earth weren't just missions now.
They had a deeper purpose,
A purpose of love.
Of shelter.
Of community.
"Love" you thought, "such a mortal thing."
Yet you think you could grow used to it.

I hope you like it, anon! This was really fun to write. Im glad you love the blog, my supporters keep me going! 💕💕💕
I sometimes question myself about my angelness and ask myself stuff like: "what makes an angel, an angel?", but I wanted to say to others who also do this that, it is OK to ask yourself that, to ask yourself: "what does it really mean to be an angel?" or "do angels really look like that?", and so on and so forth. Just every-day humans have those kinds of thoughts about themselves when they ask questions about their "humanness" too.
In my opinion it's actually good to ask those questions to yourself, I think it is useful to meditate on them, to help you reavulate and even deconstruct the stereotypes of "the true angel™".
But most important thing is that it's completely okay to not really know the answer to these questions regarding your angelity, sometimes it take more time to gain this knowledge about yourself, but sometimes it may never come to you; the Heavens are endless, and so are all kinds of angels, you don't need to worry about "not fitting in".
Don't tell me we are free when we can't have life saving procedures.
Don't tell me we are free when I have to pay thousands to exist.
Don't tell me we are free when you debate human life.
Don't tell me we are free when people are killings others with out consequences.
Don't tell me we are free when I worry about my safety in public.
Don't tell me we are free when I worry about my family going to school.
Don't tell me we are free when we have our rights stripped away.
We are not free. It's an illusion you're making for yourself so you don't have to face all the bad things happening.
Wake up America. We need to fight.

you’re so valid and very real, you are your kintype/kintypes and i wish you a very species euphoria