Emperor Taian Highlights In Dashing Youth Episode 30

Emperor Tai’an highlights in Dashing Youth episode 30
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Facing off against the City Lords 🗡️
Aaaah, I thought it sounded familiar! I just checked, and you’re absolutely right! Fittingly, considering Dark River’s presence, the song is named Black Blade 😹
me while watching dashing youth: hang on a sec ARE THEY USING BGM FROM TWO STEPS FROM HELL????
Zhuo Qing in Tales of Dark River?
Take this with a grain of salt, as this news is mainly based on a translation of what seems to be a summary of actor Yan Su’s livestream. Still, it looks like he’ll be reprising his role as Zhuo Qing in the Dark River show! His performance in Dashing Youth has been excellent, and he clearly put a lot of work and consideration into it. The thought of seeing Yan Su continue Zhuo Qing’s story in the live action Tales of Dark River is quite exciting! 💜

Original post below

Hello! From what I see in your blog, you're very knowledgeable about the Eunuchs in TBOY and Dashing Youth. I'm having problem to identify who's who so I'm just wondering if you have a guide of their names, position, motives, appearance and short backstory? An appearance guide with DY and TBOY actors comparison will be very helpful. At first I thought Zhuoqing of DY is the same guy in the TBOY who also has white hair that keep helping the red prince but I'm afraid they are different people. I hope this is not too much to ask because I genuinely want to know about them but I always ended up confusing myself more. Have a nice day.
Hello, thanks for the ask! 😺 It always makes me happy to see people being curious about the Five Eunuchs! If you want to know more about them, you’ve definitely come to the right place! I’ll probably make a more comprehensive guide at some point, but I can offer a good bit of information here.
The Blood of Youth Eunuch Tree

To start with, here’s a guide to the Blood of Youth eunuchs and how they’re related. I explain more about it in this post: https://www.tumblr.com/feng-huli/753083060426293248/blood-of-youth-eunuch-tree
Now, for Dashing Youth, I’m afraid that I have less to offer, as not all of the eunuchs have appeared yet. Still, I can show the ones who have.
Zhuo Qing

First, we have Grand Eunuch Zhuo Qing. He is the shifu of the Blood of Youth’s Five Eunuchs (except for Jin Yan, who was taught by Zhuo Xin). He serves Emperor Tai’an and is fated to guard the Imperial Mausoleum when he dies. Needless to say, Zhuo Qing is far from pleased by such prospects and is fighting to change the future that has been written for him.
Jin Xuan

Next is Jin Xuan, who succeeds his role as Director of the Five Eunuchs. Growing up, he was the study partner of Xiao Ruojin (also known as Prince Jingyu, Emperor Mingde), and now serves as his most trusted companion and bodyguard, among other roles.
Jin Xian (Jade Deity, Shen Jingzhou)

Jin Xian is known as the Eunuch of Incense in Tianqi and Shen Jingzhou of the Blizzard Sword outside it.

There’s also Eunuch Li (pictured left) and Eunuch Cheng (pictured right). Less is currently known about them, as they aren’t in The Blood of Youth.
The Blood of Youth Loyalties
Finally, for now, there is the matter of loyalties. The eunuchs are honestly some of the most complex characters in the Blood of Youth, and this chart merely touches on the alliances between the eunuchs and the royals. Jin Wei has assisted all of the princes, but I believe his devotion is to his shifu above all else. Meanwhile, Jin Xuan is… ambiguous. Even if his greatest affection is for his emperor, he is reluctant to put his whole heart into one person or cause.

I hope this was helpful!