fengxinwifutobecalled - obsessed with mxtx and feng xin
obsessed with mxtx and feng xin

El que no sabe de amores liorona , no sabe le que es martirio💔 No sĂ© que tienen las flores liorona , las flores the un campo santo💐 que cuando las mueve el viento liorona parece que estĂĄn liorandođŸ„€ 24yo-she/her

959 posts

I Know This Probably Sounds Crazy,,, But I Used To Wear A Hat Almost Exactly Like That One!!!

I Know This Probably Sounds Crazy,,, But I Used To Wear A Hat Almost Exactly Like That One!!!

I know this probably sounds crazy,,, but i used to wear a hat almost exactly like that one!!!


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More Posts from Fengxinwifutobecalled

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Trafalgar Law & (Not) Living Up To His Reputation
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 Shes So Pretty
 Shes So Pretty

   “She’s so pretty”

- ☆ - Luffy x Reader


- ☆ - 10.9 k

- ☆ - tags : ♧ Fem!Reader ♧reader-insert ♧ curvy!reader ♧ reader is a new strawhat pirate ♧ some minor fat-phobia from Sanji it's not hate, just for plot ♧ size difference ♧ strength kink ♧ oral.f.recieving + fingering ♧ minor cum play if you squint ♧ lots of praises ♧ Luffy being a tease ♧ nothing major, just cute :3 ♧ - ☆ - a/n : ♧ this was commissioned by a lovely anon, I hope you like it ♧ One Piece is my newest hyperfixation, and Luffy is my fave straw-hat, this was my first time writing him and it was so much fun :3 he's just so cute hehe ♧ never had a beta, we die like fools ♧

 Shes So Pretty
 Shes So Pretty
 Shes So Pretty

“She’s so pretty”.

 You have heard your Captain say the same thing a few times now— every time he does, Zoro usually responds with a tired sigh and grumble, “Why don’t you just tell her, idiot?” He’d lean against the mast, his eyes closed and fully aware that Luffy is referring to you every time he interrupts his peace with his goofy sighs, talking animatedly and smiling wide in the only way he knows how.

  Boisterous and shameless.  

 It’s nothing new; you are used to Luffy’s colourfully confident outbursts about you, despite the way they used to make you blush. Often hearing it to your face and behind your back, or rather when he assumes you are not within earshot.

 Not that it matters to him. Luffy has never once said something he did not mean.

 So, when he shouts, when he hollers in the morning over your new outfit and calls you pretty in the same breath, you laugh bashfully, and your smile makes his beam.

 And today is no different.

 Luffy’s voice tends to carry in the air whenever he speaks, filling the space with his spirit. All the while, you sit on the swing, the sides only slightly digging into your curvy hips— trying not to overhear the conversation from across the grassy deck with your nose buried in a book. Though, your fidgeting gives away how difficult it is to ignore them. The day is warm and bright enough without Luffy’s endearing praises triggering palpitations in your chest.

 “Why are you bothering me?” Zoro booms, exasperated by another unprompted comment about you, "Go tell her!”

 “I already told her this morning!” Luffy shouts with a grin, “I’m telling you!”

 “And why the fuck are you telling me?! I don’t care!”

 His face falls, “You don’t think she’s pretty?”

 “I never said that!” Zoro exhales shakily, pinching the bridge of his nose as if gathering every ounce of patience he can muster. “Go bother someone else with your crush”, he grumbles, “I’m tryin’ to sleep”.

 “Well, I told Sanji over breakfast”, Luffy states, in an odd tone you don’t quite catch from your position, “and then he called me stupid for saying it”.

 “What did you say?” He asks cautiously.

 “That she looked really pretty in her skirt this morning”, Luffy says in a flat tone, his head cocked to the side the way it does when he is trying to figure something out a little too slowly. “Sanji likes girls in skirts, but he said girls like her don’t suit it”, his brows knit, “I don’t get it”.

 Zoro and you both freeze. A tightness compresses in your chest, drying your throat as you fidget in the seat.

 Though you have only been on board for six weeks, Sanji’s dissatisfaction was not news to you or anyone who would catch his off-handed comments whenever you dared to share a meal with them. Including when he would blatantly exclude you from the special treats he cooked for Robin and Nami, muttering how you did not need any more sugar in your diet. It was uncomfortable for anyone who heard it except the sweet, clueless Captain who could never see tension past his plate.

 You weren’t the type to start a fight— but you could defend yourself well enough, especially against men like Sanji, who exuded hostility in your direction whenever you coincidentally walked past. Like your very existence was a disgrace. Your curves, ass, chub and thighs a blight to the man who claimed to love all women.

 In those moments you would laugh, hissing a snide remark which eases the tension and often has the others laugh at him instead of sitting with the awkwardness he creates for you. Luffy’s rambunctious laughter always turns the tide, shifting the attention away from you, even stealing treats Sanji withholds and sharing them with you as a childish act of rebellion which means more to you than he realises.

  Life on the Sunny is exciting, and if it means tolerating Sanji’s attitude, then you will bear it. And if it includes hearing Luffy shout your name, then you can go on pretending his smile glows just for you when he says it. The sort of warmth that bathes your skin like the first beams of sunlight on a summer’s morning. Radiant.

  There is not one present now. He stays seated in contemplation. An unnatural frown twists the shape of his smile.

 You sigh, fiddling with the skirt they spoke of now riding up your pillowy thighs, a lovely pink one you made yourself the other day. You were quite proud of it, and hearing Luffy’s cheery comment this morning warmed your cheeks— unaware of disapproving glares when Luffy’s loud compliment drowned out any animosity.

 Now, a twinge of discomfort and anger flushes your face while Zoro struggles to find the words without making the scene any more uncomfortable.

 “That pervy cook is stupid”, he hisses in the end. “If you think she’s pretty, then that’s it. That’s the only thing that matters”, Zoro says firmly, giving his friend a pointed look before scoffing lightly. “Anyway, forget that idiot. He has no dignity around girls anyway”.

 Luffy hums thoughtfully, and for once, he’s quiet. He tilts his head, listening to the wind howl around the ship and ruffle the sails.

 The anticipation is palpable, the rock of the boat twists your stomach further. You can’t help but watch him even though it’s obvious and incredibly impolite.

 It’s Luffy’s enthusiasm, laughter, and devotion to freedom on the sea that captured your heart. His sincerity has a way of uplifting everyone it touches, inspiring loyalty and friendship, like there’s a magnetic flair pulsing around him, luring people into his life. Luffy is earnest. He is honest and bold. 

  His opinion matters to you.

 “I like her!” Luffy declares loudly, unaware you squeak in surprise at his shout. “She’s great!”

  “And pretty?” Zoro teases lightly, eyeing your shy smile from across the deck.

 Luffy snickers, wiping his nose bashfully with another one of his radiant grins, “Yea! I really don’t notice stuff like that. But when Usopp said she has a big butt, I saw it!” 

  “God!” Zoro shouts, blushing hard as he whips his head between you and his clueless Captain. “Why are you listening to Usopp?!”

 “Cause he helped me notice!” Luffy screams back, throwing his arms in the air as if it were a revelation. “He said she’s probably soft all over, an’ I wanna know too! An’ I like the way her butt moves when she walks past, shishishi”.

 Zoro groans, uncomfortable with the new direction of the conversation, knowing you were right across the deck listening in with a giggle you could not hide behind a book. “Okay, that’s enough”.

 “An’ I wanna squeeze her thighs—”

 “Jeez, stop it!”

 “They’re so squishy!” He shouts, demonstrating by groping the air with greedy grabbing fingers that made you snort, “—like marshmallows, I wanna bite ‘em!”

 “Please, stop”.

 “She smells good too”, Luffy continues snickering, even when Zoro covers his ears and turns away from his friend, wishing for the torment to end. “I asked her what it is, an’ she said it’s this coco-summin’ butter. She won’t let me taste it— but it makes me so hungry! Oh! Is it lunchtime yet? I’m getting hungry again”.

 “Then leave me alone, goddammit!” Zoro turns his back to him, now lying on the grassy deck with the sun beaming on his tanned skin, eyes clamped shut, vanishing the rest of the world— but not its irritating chatter. Luffy does not take the hint, choosing to plop right next to his best friend, legs crossed and the cutest pout on his lips.

 “I’m just saying”, he goes on with the most dramatic sigh, “I’m glad she joined the crew! She’s fun and nice, and so-so cool! Oh! And she made a really nice pudding yesterday— ooo! I wonder if there’s more in the fridge?!”

 “Can’t be”, Zoro mutters, utterly defeated, “you ate it all”.

  “Oh, yeah”, his expression deflates.

 “Why not ask her now?” Zoro exclaims audibly, “oh look, there she is!”

 That does the trick. Luffy jumps up, turning away from the swordsman and slinging himself at the tree where you sat.

 He lands ungracefully, stuck in its branches with twigs and leaves falling on you until he collapses at your feet.

 Luffy doesn’t miss a beat, practically shouting in your face, “Can you make that yummy pudding again?!”

 You gleam, dusting your lap off loose leaves. “Sure, Captain! I’ll just finish my book, okay?” His impatient huff pudges his cheeks. Your heart blooms, instantly conceding with a sigh, “How about you give me a hand, then?”

 “YES!” He grabs you without a second thought, his hand large and warm clasped in yours, you try not to read too much into it as he drags you to the kitchen. “Sanji! Sanji! Where are the pudding things? I’m gonna make some!”

 “THERE’S NO WAY YOU’RE MESSING UP MY KITCHEN!” Sanji bellows from the boy's room, running up to the kitchen to beat him to the fridge, “I WOULDN’T TRUST YOU TO POUR MILK!” 



 You shake your head, taking out the mixing bowls well away from the fridge they fight over, both screaming at the other the only way brothers do— with fists and insults thrown.



 Luffy latches on to the fridge door, taking the assault of harsh kicks to the back as the cook attempts to forcibly wring his stretchy body off the metal handle.

 You ignore their chaos for a moment, mildly surprised no one else had come to investigate the noise, only when they rattle the massive fridge do you smack them both.

 “Okay!” you holler, “That’s enough!”



They scream at you, pointing an accusatory finger at the other. You shush them calmly, forced to be the voice of reason when the blonde doesn’t even attempt to hide his feelings towards you with a deep scowl.

 “Sanji don’t worry”, you try to say reassuringly, but his glare burns too hot to maintain civility. It pains you to feel such distrust, but you stand firm anyway. “I’m making the pudding, Luffy promises to not touch anything, right?”

 “You said I could help”, he whines, sliding down the fridge door.

 It is always so hard to say no to him, it’s like you melt under the shine of his eyes.

 “Of course, sorry!” you beam at him, your affections always obvious to everyone but the man it is directed to. You turn back to Sanji, “Luffy can stir the bowl, I promise to clean up afterwards, okay?”

 He's silent for a little too long. Sanji’s rejection sits in his furrowed brows, his sneer curled behind his cigarette, but a presence shifts behind him, and he nods slowly. Demeanour cracking. “Sure, I’ll just be observing, then”.

 “That’s okay”, you sigh, only slightly agitated to be micromanaged, “I’ll make plenty for everyone”.

 “No way!” Luffy interjects, letting go of the fridge finally, “you promised it was just for me! I am not sharing!”

“I know, Captain. I’ll make a huge batch just for you, yeah?” you laugh, turning around to start prepping the dessert and feeling his stare curve down your back. His earlier words thrum with a blush you’re thankful neither of them can see. You just do your best to ignore the tension that swirls from behind, but Luffy doesn’t sit still for long.

 “Lemme help!” he jumps, landing right beside you, squishing you into the counter with his hard body— unphased by the tight proximity as his grin widens, “let’s cook!”

 Your laugh sounds strained compared to his, but it passes off just fine anyway, letting him do as he pleases.

 Luffy engages in an animated conversation watching you prepare the dessert. His ‘help’ is a loose term that mostly includes snickering and sneaking the chocolate into his mouth every second your back is turned, then feigning innocence when you confront him with the missing ingredient.

 You can only laugh, butterflies always present whenever he grins at you— while Sanji sits in mild agitation at the counter, but he is easy to ignore, given how Luffy’s surprisingly large hands never stay far from your waist.

 Always grabbing and manhandling you. Affectionately squeezing your arms, and shoulders, leaning into you whenever he speaks— his gaze following your every move like they’re latched at your shadow.

 He is relentless, restless, and mischievously clings onto your back whenever you turn away from him for too long. His strong arms lock around your body and squeezes you into his bare chest while laughing airily into your ear.

 He’s an affectionate person, you know this— but to feel his body constantly pressed against yours is— it’s hot. It’s maddening.

 You can’t focus— your hands shake when he grabs your waist to shift you out of his way, your cheeks burn whenever he rests his chin on your shoulder to peer at what you are doing, his hips dig into your ass you can feel every ridge of muscle rub against your back.

 It drives you crazy, heated— humiliated to feel such attraction when he probably has no idea of the effect he has on you.

 Or he does, but you refuse to let your mind wander to that possibility because it’s Luffy.

 He’s silly and sweet and so handsome...it doesn’t matter. So what he thinks you’re pretty? You think you’re pretty too, so...yes. It doesn’t matter.

 You try to wriggle your way out of his hold, push at his chest to keep some distance, but then comes that pout of his. The one that makes your legs weak, butterflies flutter, and you concede once again, letting him do as he pleases until the dessert is done and he sits on the stool with a big bowl in front of him. His attention fixated on the treat.

 “Here you go! a big bowl of pudding, just for you!”

 “Thank you!!” Luffy beams at you, “Thank you!! You’re amazing!”

 “You’re welcome!” you offer Sanji a regular bowl, who politely takes it, never one to turn down food, something you genuinely appreciate about him before he mutters about whisking the cream slower for a smoother consistency. You take as friendly criticism, nodding calmly, “I’ll remember that for next time”.

 “Don’t forget to clean up”, Sanji murmurs, idly playing with his spoon.

 You nod, standing back up without an argument. It stung, but if it meant he would leave, you quickly begin to clean up. The sooner the better, you thought. But Sanji’s scrutiny glows at the back of your head, ruining the mood you enjoyed with Luffy moments before.

 His orders about placements and proper care about utilities you took as courteously as you could muster— though it was hard to ignore the tone he used, steadily setting your nerves alight. Forced to listen to his irritated orders with every second his kitchen was in slight disarray.

 “That’s not where it goes.”

“I got it.”

  “Make sure you soak it first.”


  “That’s not how you do it.”

 The clink of his spoon grates your ears. His problem was you, and you were losing patience the harder he cut your politeness with his demands.

 He micromanages every little thing about where things belong and how he keeps it— twisting and churning frustration whenever you fall out of step— rudely cutting you off. Talking over you.

 “I said—”

You huff, slamming the whisk down—


 You jump as if the thunder in Luffy’s voice was directed at you, catching the tension that cracks between them when you turn.

 Luffy shoots him a hard look, one that shakes the room with its force and rakes a shudder through you. One Sanji doesn’t question, only nodding in understanding and perhaps a little guilt that has him softening his expression towards you.

 He murmurs an apology, talking lowly into his cigarette. “That was rude of me”, Sanji says. He meets your eyes, looking somewhat embarrassed for his behaviour.

 You only nod, entirely too focused on the pressure squeezing in your chest, a weight you’ve never felt before making you hot the way Luffy’s did. It was palpable, electric. You try not to squirm, not to give away how sweltering his presence was— how it affected you. How Luffy’s side profile made you stare a little too hard at the cut of his tense jaw.

 Thankfully, it doesn’t last long.

 Sanji leaves calmly, saying something to his Captain about locking the door before it closes firmly behind him.

 The tension dissipates, and Luffy’s easy smile returns just as quickly. The room brightens immediately with his mood now that the two of you are finally alone in the kitchen. Just the way you wanted.

 You turn to him, and your breath finally returns to your lungs, frustrations melting. “What was that about?”

  He waves it off dismissively, his laughter easing his features once again. “Forget him. Sanji’s super protective over the kitchen”.

 “Maybe ‘cause you always create a mess”, you tease lightly, going back to clearing up the huge bowl he devoured.

 “Food is too good to sit in the fridge!”

 “Then how will you preserve it? Fridges are important”, you say matter of factly. This was easier. Talking to him. It brought back the lightness in your conversation.

He huffs, his voice trailing off when you walk over to the counter, “I’ll just eat it quickly”.

 “What about the day after?” you look at him over your shoulder, missing how his gaze shifts quickly to your eyes, “you can’t buy new food every day. And when you’re out on sea all the time—”

 “We can fish!”

 You roll your eyes playfully, making quick work of the dishes while he sits drumming on the table, “you can’t guarantee that there will be”. He hums in response, sounding distracted, and the conversation dies for a few seconds before you turn to him with a cheeky wink. “Don’t tell Chopper, but there’s secret stash of cotton candy behind the sink cabinet if you want some”.


 You giggle, clearing up the sink like you promised and bending over slightly to rummage for the treat. “Found it!” you wipe the counter before moving over to sit beside him, handing him the snack, “All yours, Captain!”. He practically inhales it after ripping open the bag, but not before giving you a piece you idly pick at, not all that interested in anything but the comfort of his company.

 “y’know”, he begins to say, a sly smile on his pink, candy-tinted lips, “you’ve been really mean to me”.

 You scoff, his smile too infectious to maintain your frown, “I’ve been mean to you? How? I made you dessert”.

 Luffy snickers, his hand brushing against your thigh when he leans in, warm breath tickling your cheek, “cause of your skirts, they’re too short”.

 “And how is that mean?”

“When your skirts move up your thighs, everyone else can see your panties”. He grins, “I wanna be the only one who can”.

 Your cheeks burn, spluttering an awkward chortle that drowns beneath the sound of his laughter. “Oh, I’m sorry! Was that too forward?” He scratches the back of his head sheepishly, a boyish chuckle hiding the threat of his words, “I just can’t stand to see Usopp look at you”.

 “U-usopp looks at me?”

“Mmhmm, so does Brook”, his smile slants down, not quite into a frown, but it doesn’t reach his eyes or hold the same warmth. Gratifying, almost. His body inches even closer to yours, his every word touching your lips like a faint kiss. “He asks the girls what colour panties they have on every day. But I wanna punch him when he asks you”.

 “Why?” You flush, heat pooling between your thighs when his eyes linger a little too long. You swallow your nerves— about the only way you can speak, “Like you said, he asks every girl”.

 “Cause I want to know too”, he confesses boldly, “—but I don’t want anyone else to. Makes sense?”

 You nod, the implication too loud for you to ignore. The room stifles with the rising temperature he stimulates between you. This was a side to him you weren’t used to— flirtatious and forward. But his confidence was the same, his boldness ever-present. Just Luffy playing again, only a different sort of way.

 When you swallow the lump in your throat, you find yourself slipping into a teasing smirk and bump his knee, “Then should I stop wearing skirts? Captain?”.

 Luffy snaps out of his daze with a huff, “That’s stupid, then I won’t see your thighs”.

 He makes you laugh, his earlier conversation coming to light. “Do you like my thighs?”

Luffy nods heartily, “they look squishy and soft”.

 “I know”, you say bashfully, tugging on your skirt that squeezes against your plush flesh. “I heard you talking to Zoro earlier”.

 “I meant it!” He shouts, though his attention lingers a little too long on your lap, sounding far away in his mind as he speaks. “I like it, like your outfits. Your thighs, ass”. He meets your eyes, a coy smile tilting the innocence of his question, “do you like me?”

 The words fail you despite the obvious answer you want to shout.

 Of course, you do. He’s all you think about, dare to fantasise, hope to kiss. Yet, your bodies touch, and all you can feel is the distance your insecurity creates between you— faltering your confidence, fumbling your words.

 “I’m bigger than you, y’know”, you say flatly, “That doesn’t bother—”

 “You’re not that tall”, he scoffs, cutting off your rejection with a frown and a titled head, a familiar expression. He leans back and starts comparing your heads with his hand, though it is an unfair assessment considering you were both seated. “You’re average for a girl. I’ve seen some really tall girls and—”

 “No, no”, You take his hand from above your head, giving it a gentle squeeze to gain back his attention. His rough palm shooting sparks up your body. “I mean, my body is bigger than you”, you attempt to laugh, but all you manage is a slight grimace. It is as if his sincerity vanishes any shame of vulnerability. “My thigh is the same size as your head”.

 He hums, “yea, I know”.


“Big and squishy”, he hums again, smile shading into a sinful smirk that matches his hooded eyes a little too well. “Bet they’d feel good on me”.

 “Feel good?” you squeak, embarrassed at his teasing giggle. There was an intensity you couldn’t shake as though it were pulling you to him, a gravity made all on his own. Drawing you closer.

 “Yea”, he husks, “like you
on top of me”.

 It shouldn’t, but his sly leer makes you cinch your thighs to relieve an ache you try to ignore.

 But you can’t, not with this— not with his attention and his flirtatious leer making it hard to breathe, to think straight, about the only thing you can manage is stare at him. Taunting you with the proximity of his arousal purring from every breathless chuckle. Every lingering brush and light-hearted snicker stealing your resolve, leaving you lightweight, airy and incredibly flustered.

 Luffy has a sweet charm about him that makes it hard to dwell on your insecurities. It makes you bold, but the gnawing voice hissing at you makes it acutely aware of the size difference between you too.

 You are all curves, and he- he is- “But—”

 “I’m stronger than you”, he states plainly, the same way someone says the ocean is blue. As a matter of fact, a simple statement not up for debate or further conversation— and it still makes you pause, slinking another smug grin on his face. “You’re cute when you’re shocked! But I don’t know why you’d be shocked, you’ve seen me fight. I’d throw you up easy!” He flexes playfully, showing off a surprising bulge of muscles as he laughs, “I’d beat your ass, size doesn’t matter to me!”


 “Oh! I don’t wanna hurt you!” He shouts, animatedly waving his hands in a panic, “There are lots of things I wanna do to your ass, but I didn’t mean beat you up! I’d never beat up a friend! Unless I hav’to, but I won’t hit you, promise!” He pauses, mulling something over before the corner of his lip tugs up, “unless you ask me to. I liked throwing you over my shoulder last time, remember?”.

 How could you forget? he practically kidnapped you to join his crew. It was exhilarating how effortlessly he lifted you and ran with you shouting over his shoulder.

 It excites you a little too much imagining him showing off that strength again.

 Pinning you down, gripping your thighs.

 “What—”, you wet your lips, noting how his eyes follow the movement of your tongue before you draw in a shaky breath. “What else have you thought about, Captain?”

 “The way you say Captain”, he murmurs, sounding a little breathier, a little more distracted while fixated on your plump lips, “makes me wanna...”.

 “What?” You whisper, unable to control how your chest rises and falls practically in his face. “Should I stop, Luffy?”

 “No”, his adam’s apple bobs when he swallows. There's a beat before amusement curls with his half-lidded eyes, dark mischief purring from his gaze. “You can say it any way you like”. Luffy slides in closer, his arm rests behind you, lightly brushing against your ass, his knee bumping into yours. “But you’re still being mean to me”.

 “How? Because of my skirt?”

 “Nah, your tits”. He laughs over your face, nudging you playfully with his knee, “you’re fun!”

 “You’re the one teasing me, Captain!” you huff, turning away from him with your arms crossed, tits pressed tightly you miss the flicker of his gaze. “You keep saying these things and laughing at me!”

 “I can’t help it! You make such funny faces when you’re flustered”, he giggles, a toothy grin flashing you with all its merriment, “makes me wonder how you’d look cummin’”. His voice lowers into a playful husk, “wonder if you’ll choke or cry pretty tears”.

 “Luffy”, you gasp, out of breath and unable to meet the wicked gleam in his eyes. You don’t know how to respond to it, to him and his bold confessions.

His brazen honesty. Yet the butterflies burst anyway, spreading warmth in the deepest parts of your core, and a smile you don’t even notice coaxes out as he continues to snicker.

  “So, can I?”

 You stare at him suspiciously, “can you what?”

 “See the face you make when you cum”.


 He tilts his head, “Is that a no? yes? Wait—” He stretches his arm, locking the kitchen door quickly, then turns to you, cheeks flushed and breathless with longing. “Say what you want”, he says boldly, “Cause I jus’ think you’d look pretty cummin’ on me. It drives me crazy thinkin’ about it all the time! It’s like, all I can imagine is you makin’ a mess on me. Sittin’ on my lap with your skirt up an’ thighs squishin’ me. I wanna see it for myself, kay?” His hands flex, keeping them on his own stool despite the hunger that thrums in him to kiss you, “I’ll make it feel so good, please?”

  “Now!?” your heart pounds, rushing blood and arousal faster than you can register his words, flurrying an excitement that matches the eagerness Luffy proudly exerts with his grin. “Here? I-”

 “Say it”, he presses, impatience buzzing but smiling at you anyway, “do you want me too?”


 “I wanna kiss you”, he blurts out when your hesitancy drags for too long. When you still don’t answer, he sits back, giving you the dignity to heave in a deep breath that makes him snigger. “I’m sorry, you jus’ get me all worked up”, he says impishly, pushing back his hat to rest on the string. “I wanna grab your face and kiss you, like all the time, but Usopp said I can’t do that”.

 “Why did he say that?”

 “He said I have’to ask you first. That I can’t jus’ touch you, like I really really want to. That you’d be mad if I kissed you without permission, but I don’t want you to be upset, I want you to want me too. I want you to like me too”, he reiterates firmly, then lightens his tone by talking with his hands again. “I usually don’t care ‘bout stuff like that, but Usopp likes you too, and it made me realise how much I like being with you! Your hugs feel different, I like it when you laugh at my jokes, it makes me feel even happier that I made you laugh! Like
like hot all over— Like, when I see you, I wanna kiss you an’ touch you, an’ feel you on top of’me! It drives me crazy!” He laughs cheerily, talking fast and over himself as you sit and admire his confidence.

 His pride, his passion.

He makes it all look so easy— talking jovially, confessing boldly.

 His heart exposed.

 As though the only thing holding him back are the short breaths between sentences, while you sit wide-eyed and incredibly flustered, unable to make a sound louder than a gasp.

 “—I think Zoro is sick of me talkin’ ‘bout you”, he continues to say, “but that’s jus’ cause I think we’d have lot’s’a fun together! I like bein’ friends with you, but like— in a different sort of way, with kisses an’ stuff, ya’know?” Luffy takes a deep breath, his face splitting into his signature grin, but this time, with a precious blush darkening his cheeks, “I really like you, but more than friends— does that make sense?”

 Your heart swells, pulsing a beat that matches the nervous drumming of his fingers on the counter, moved by his words in a way you are sure he doesn’t quite understand.

 He was closing the distance for you, by casting out the insecurities that stood in between. Forcing you to face them— your doubts, his feelings, your attraction. In the only way he knew how— boisterous and shameless. His confessions were fiercer than any gnawing whispers that dared to intervene.

 Luffy was infinitely braver than you.

 And you were only getting in your own way.

 “Luffy, come here”, you reach for him and tug on his shirt until he stands. He follows you blindly, allowing you to guide him till he is in front of you with his hands firmly by his sides, cracking them one finger at a time— breaking his nerves, counting the seconds.

 It was your turn to take the reins, to be brave.

 “I like it when you touch me”, you confess bashfully. “I like it when you stare at me, you have the cutest blush I’ve ever seen, even when Nami points it out to me— I just can’t keep a straight face around you”.

 The words stumble, and your confidence builds, talking ardently with his hands clasped warmly in yours; you give them a squeeze upon every affliction.

 “I admire you so much, you’re so caring and funny. And so strong! And your smile is
its magnetic. It gives me butterflies when you compliment me. Your confidence is
it’s so hot— when you stand up against enemies and your haki pulses, I-I just— I am in awe of you”. Your final words flow out in the gentlest breath, stretching his smile when you finally say; “Luffy, I really like you too
I-I want to be more than friends”.

  Luffy grins widely, rosy cheeks blooming, “...yea? With kisses an’ stuff?”

  A giggle bursts as you nod at him, “yea, with kisses an’ stuff”.

  His knees bump yours playfully, situating himself between your legs and caging you with your back against the counter. The room shrinks suddenly, containing nothing but you, him, and the rhythmic sound of your pulse. You try to contain your excitement, but it splits between your teeth forcing you to draw in a shaky breath through your nose.

 Neither of you say a word. And you could stay that way, just for a little while. Stay under the shine of his eyes, in the spotlight of his desires. Wishing you could pause this moment and sit between the seconds because you are finally basking in the radiance of a summer morning. All for you.

 The air stifles as he leans down, hands clenching the countertop tightly you can almost hear his knuckles crack. His lips part cutely, his stare burning, and you mirror his expression with the same exhilaration you feel bump blood in your cheeks. In your belly, in your cunt.

 Luffy exhales heavily, heart thundering, “So
can I kiss you now?”

 The word yes barely flows past your lips before he captures it in a searing kiss.

 You moan, melting into him, palming his firm chest the way you have fantasised about for so long, and feeling his heart drum beneath your fingertips when he licks the seam of your lips. stirring the butterflies in your belly into a roar.

 “Fuck, yea”, he rasps, nipping on your bottom lip lightly as he deepens the kiss. Cupping your face in his large palms, you gasp from his passion and the heat he elicits with his kiss.

 A kiss that feels needy, rushed. Hungry.

 His tongue plays with yours, and you can hardly keep up, but it makes you soften anyway. Tongue gently glides against you until he slips in a little further, stroking you with the type of kiss you ache to feel between your thighs.

 It’s addicting. Rousing.

 It’s a rush. And he chases it with you, answering your sighs and gasps with groans and greedy nibbles on your bottom lip. Something he licks and probes excitedly, growing addicted to the taste of you on his tongue.

 Luffy kisses you eagerly, and you mewl from his touch. His scent, his heat.


 You tug him closer to feel him tight against your chest, and when he shudders, when he whimpers cutely into your lips, you claw at his pants. A fire bursts in your core to hear it again. The sort of fire that fuels desperation and stirs the depravity making you senseless to everything else that isn’t him. His hands, his lips.

 Your tits flush and squish unto his scarred chest— not even a breath apart, yet it is not enough for either of you, not when the kiss deepens, his hands leave your face and weave into your hair. Tangling his fingers and pressing you harder into his lips, slipping out the tiniest moan that breaks into a smile.

 “You taste like candy”.

 Luffy giggles into your kiss, licking the curve of your lips before trailing off to your cheek, neck, and shoulder. Leaving playful bites along the way that have you yelping and squirming, his warm breath fanning against heated skin. “You’re the one who tastes good”, he teases you with a big chomp on the shoulder, “gonna eat you up, pretty”.

 You roll your eyes and give his hips a squeeze, “I’m not a piece of meat, Luffy”.

 He grabs your waist and hoists you up on the counter, grinning when you shout in surprise from his casual bout of strength. “I meant your pussy”, he says brazenly, “its why your skirts kill me, I think about doing this—” Luffy ducks his head under your skirt and licks a broad stroke on your panty-covered slit.

 “Ahh! Lu-luffy!”

 “mmm, pink panties”, he murmurs, ignoring your startled huffs and lifts his head momentarily, “I won’t let Brook ask you again. It’s mine now”.

 “Luffy, no!”

 Your screech does nothing but make him snicker, the sound muffled by your thighs that compress against his head when he dives back in. His tongue does quick work brushing up and down on your panties, dampening it lewdly with slick and salvia that stick to your flesh. You tremble, sigh and buck into his mouth. Shrinking quickly to the lust he pulses in your sex as he rubs your most intimate parts, pulling sighs from kiss-swollen lips swirling into a blend of salacious sounds in the room.

 “You’re, uhh-ahh— you’re too good at th-is, stop teasing, please..”. His nose ruts on your clit, the friction of the cloth making you twitch harder for a pressure deeper than his teasing. For something rough, hard and most likely uncut and heavy
but Luffy only sniggers, grazing his teeth on your panty-covered labia just to feel you quiver into his mouth.

 “Can’t help myself”, he grins, lifting his head from his new favourite place. “You taste better than I imagined, y’have no idea how often I thought of doin’ this”.

“How often?” you ask tentatively, a panting wreck when all he’s done is play with you.

 “til my cock hurt”, he pouts cutely, eyes widening fake innocence while thumbing the dips of cellulite that decorate your thighs, “could hardly sleep ‘cause of you. So mean to me wearin’ these lil’ skirts all the time”. Luffy tugs on it, bunching it up in his fists, “it’s’okay, we’ll use it to clean up all the cum later”.

 You shove him, his laughter rings between your legs, “you’re so stupid”, you huff.

  “And you smell good”, he groans, falling back under your skirt and spreading you wider for his pleasure while flattening his tongue on your clothed pussy. “mmm, getting’ messy fo’me, yea?” His cock jerks from the mewls you try to swallow, but he can feel your pussy soak the flimsy material with every one of his touches. Every lick and playful bump of his nose stirs a gasp you try to hide. Luffy grins, finding enjoyment in this sensual game. “That’s dirty, hehe
 lemme clean it up, kay?”

 You answer in an undignified whimper, one that makes him laugh some more as he peels your sticky panties to the side and licks the shiny string that connects them. “Fuck”, he swallows a heavy lump, then hurriedly lifts your hips and tugs off your panties all the way. Impatience thumping through his chest.

 “W-wait, Luffy—”

 “I need to see it all”— is the only thing he says above your weak protests. Your panties he takes as a prize he pockets secretly.

 Luffy hums appreciatively, his fixation feeling a little more exposed than the nudity he subjects you to. Twisting embarrassment that forces enough clarity to have you realise you were bottom naked on the kitchen counter with your Captain. With Luffy, of all people, making you nervous in a way none of the other girls would believe.

 Thighs spread, slit wet.

 “W-We can’t, not in here”. You try to reason, try to close your legs and sit up, but he holds you down with his gaze. With the hyper focus and intensity that pulsates in them, pinning you to the counter and setting you a flame harder than his praises.

 “Be good for me, kay? It’s jus’ us”. He hurriedly shrugs off his red shirt and unbuttons his shorts, but doesn’t strip any further, revealing the heavy tent that indecently shapes his erection through the dark fabric of his underwear.

 Now you are the one staring.

 Your mouth hangs open in a small o, not that would ever fit the girth Luffy has somehow managed to conceal all this time, making his cheeks blossom with your stare. His pants sag now that they are loose. Dark tuffs of hair peak beneath the waistband, titillating the evidence of his arousal. Begging to be free. A hefty bulge pushing against the cloth with a raunchy, crude stain that has you squeezing your thighs and shuffling to try and ease the pressure in your achy cunt.

 The curl of his smile returns, one that makes you shudder beneath his hand when he grips your thigh, coaxing them open. “It’s jus’ us”, he says gently, “You, me, an’ you’re cute pussy”.

 “Luffy! You can’t say that”.

 “Why not? You’re the prettiest girl ever”, he grins, unable to tear his gaze away as he slides his thumb between your puffy lips, “wow, so sticky
”. His fingers tenderly prod and roll your clit, strong hands delicately slow for your pleasure. He takes careful note of all the noises you emit when he sinks a finger in your cunt— when he slips it along your slit. How your back arches when he presses deep and curls his fingers into a squishy spot. All the sighs and mewls that escape a reward for his efforts. A lewd fascination darkens his expression with the viscous moisture that paints his fingers and glosses your puffy vulva in a shining coat. “No, no, don’t run from it”, he coos, cradling your plush hip and keeping you pinned one-handed. “Lemme watch, I like how your pussy sucks on my finger, fuck
like its gripping me
” His words husk into a low groan, “wow, imagine my cock in you
in deep
ohh s’tight, ngh, so tight on my finger, pretty. Your pussy likes me, hehe”.

 You want to tell him to shut up, to stop teasing you, to release his hold on you and collect a decent breath. But you don’t, you can’t, any lies to make him stop choke into a moan. Thrumming lust-filled blood through your core, aching your clit. Your body betrays you with another buck of your hips─ desperately searching for a release he plays with as his thick fingers idly glide upon your sensitive folds, sliding them up and down─ collecting the gooey wetness dripping on his digits with your cunt obscenely clenching in front of him.

 “Wowowow, my fingers are all wet hehehe”. He licks up the sopping mess on his fingers, smiling as he does. “mmm, s’nice
”. Luffy leans down, hooking his arms over your thighs and locking you in place— shushing you gently upon seeing the panic begin to rise when his mouth is inches from your cunt, “shh, it’s’okay, you gonna make my face wet too, yea?”

 “Ohh, uhhh-ah, Lu-Luffy! Not here!” your whole body curls into his tongue, faltering the weak objections that have you withering in the iron clutches keeping you cinched in his grasp.

 “shh, you’re doin’ so well, I love it”, he mumbles, slick squelching on his lips, murmuring praises that muffle his mouth in your cunt when you try to break free. “Pussy s’pretty— so so pretty. Lemme taste— jus’ a lil’, please, please?”

 “But what if some-one waa-alks in?” you whinge, attention glued on the door and the tiny window that could expose the scene between you, while your heavy breaths do a poor job disguising your gasps.

 “Doors locked”, he states, licking the sensitive bites he marks on your tender thighs. “it’s’okay, it’s jus’ us”.

 “You sure?”

 He only nods, that muffled mm-hmm he says when he’s busy with his meal, burying his face into your sex as if it were food on a plate. Lapping and slurping on your cunt— his smile caresses your skin when you moan for him prettily. Lips parted, breaths uneven. Your voice carries into low whines resembling his name, cute sounds that tingle down his spine with half-garbled protests making him press harder to drown them out. Stretching the hot muscle to a fatter girth that fills you beautifully, tight walls rippling the deeper he drags his tongue along the spongy spots in your pussy.

 “ple-goddd— Luffy! Ahh-uhh
slow dow-wn!”

 He ignores you again, too drunk to even think of releasing you before he has his fill because you churn the deepest grunts and sighs from him, setting alight a fever of lust he can feel building in his abdomen. Coursing through the thin veins in his cock. A relatively new sensation he chases in the heat of your cunt. In the sounds of your pleasure.

 You can tell by the slow jerks of his hips, in his throaty grumbles against your flesh that he’s trying to ignore the thick bulge tenting his pants. You attempt to reach for him, to shift out of his hold and pull shudders too— but he pins you down harder. Flexing his strength against your plump curves into the cold counter.

 “Don’t run from me”, he whines, dipping his fingers in and out in quick succession to gain back those salacious cries. “Lemme stay right here for’a’bit. I like it too much to stop, kay?”

 You huff a broken chuckle, the counter sticking to your flushed skin, “you shouldn’t look so cute talking like that”.

 “Like what? How good your pussy tastes?” Luffy peers at you through his lashes, “or how much my cock aches fo’you?” He laughs breathily at your girlish stammer, swiping his thumb on his bottom lip and licking off the excess, “hol’ still, ‘m still hungry”.

 Your needy mewls surge as Luffy dives back in and eats messily.

 Long strokes of his tongue massage your silky folds, gliding up and down in wide, flat brushes with his nose lightly rutting against the sensitive nerves of your clit. Your chest heaves, the room spinning as your lashes flutter against your cheeks, collecting the tears that bead tiny balls of ecstasy. Only suited by the wet splashes of his tongue resounding with his loud grunts— the room doused in the lingering sounds of sex, his calloused hands squeeze the soft fat of your thighs in a vice grip, digging his nails into the grooves of your cellulite like they are made for him.

 “pretty, pretty pussy”, he groans, keening when you claw at his hair, “wet n’ sticky...mmm, I like your pussy”. Luffy’s incoherent mumbles dribble slick down his chin. He quickly laps it up, greedy and keening not to miss a single drop of sweetness that seeps from your cunt. “It’s mine now, yea?” he glances up at you, his mouth glistening, chin shining, staring at you wide-eyed and expectedly. “I get to do this whenever I want?”

 “Ye-yeah”, you swallow the nervous lump in your throat, senses haywire and your clit pulsing for his kiss. “Whenever you want”. You can’t imagine not doing this again.

 “Yes! Can’t wait to tell Usopp how your pussy tastes!”

 “Wait, no-! uhh, fuuuckk- Luffy!”

 The wet smacks of his mouth and veiled grumbles fill your ears as you throw your head back, clinging to his fluffy locks for stability when your breath is knocked out in a long moan.

 “Oh god, ohhh god. Jus’ like that, s’good, fuckk. Such’a good boyy”.

 “Yea? Feel that good? shishi— ya’ feel’so tight on my tongue, fuuuckk
 can’t stop thinkin’ ‘bout you on my dick squeezin’ me like this. Make my cock nice’n’wet
shit— sexy, pretty girl Cum fo’me, please, need to taste it first, then I’ll fuck you. Fuck you on the table— fuck you on the floor, wall, I dunno— figure it out ina’bit. Sound good?” he slurps loudly, “Yea, it do, shishi— your pussy says so. Creamin’ all over my mouth hehe”.

 “Luffy! Don’ talk like that, uhhh- fuuuuck, baby”.

 “Ya’ like that? Mmm
I’ll talk fo’you then, make you feel goo’ fuckin’ you with my tongue, huh? Like this? Uhh-uhhh- ahh, fuck, you’re makin’ a mess on me”, he coos. His lips squish your clit, pursing his mouth and sucking the sensitive nub playfully before releasing it with a sweet pop. Drool hangs off his tongue as he pants heavily, your labia shining with sticky residue, puckered hole aching to be stuffed full─ you’re so pretty. It excites him to finally touch you like this, a perverted sort of eagerness he shamelessly expresses above your moans. “I like your pussy. She’s so-so cute fo’me. Look-look—” He dips his fingers inside and shows you the stringy mixture that leaks from you, “See? It’s drippin’ all’over, makin’ such a dirty mess. ya’like me that much, yea? hehe”.

 “Quit it”, you sigh half-heartedly through the haze.

 Your pride can’t handle Luffy’s teasing. He’s too good, too observant. He touches you with no skill or guidance, he simply plays with your pussy on his tongue. Swirling, flicking, swishing the hot muscle over your soaked pussy lips over and over. Fucking your cunt. Calling you pretty, talking with his mouth full. You cry out and clamp your mouth shut just as quickly, making him grunt unhappily.

 “Don’t do that”, he rolls his tongue harder, rubbing into your velvety walls until he hears that cry of his name, and the playfulness of his touch begins again.

 His satisfaction bleeds with the slick that trickles out, sparkling his skin with addictive tingles that tastes like you. He needs more. More of you, more of your moans, more of your supple body squishing against his. Luffy is greedy like that. About your body, your smile, your cries— he’d lick your tears if he can break away from your clit fast enough. He needs this, desperately. Needs you. If there was anyone out there stifling their flustered laughter behind their hands, they could hear it in the pitiful pleas he makes in your cunt.

  You’re so close, his cock aches.

 “Lemme taste your cum, please. I can feel’ya tighten’in on’me”.

 It is— you feel it, your pussy quivers on his tongue. Clit twitches on his lips, tummy fluttering. “don’t stoppp”, you whine incessantly. Struggling to maintain coherency when your release bubbles and his name topples in broken gasps. Curling your toes, trembling your thighs. “Imma cu-um uhh-ahh, fu-fuuckk, yes ye-es!! Luffy!” praises fall in high whines. Coil snapping, back taut─ you feel the pleasures light your nerves, touching every cell that bursts in your core as your orgasm erupts, coating his face, chest and mouth with cum.

 “That’s it, that’s it, cum fo’me”, he grunts, panting feverishly through the lewd squirts that splash from your release, using the tip of his thumb to brush soothing circles on your puffy clit. Devouring every drop of your essence you offer him— throbbing a delicious ache turning you into a pathetic, pliable mess that Luffy squeezes and caresses as you descend from your high.

 “Good girl, so-so good— ya’made such a mess shishishi”.

 He buries his face back into your sex, cleaning up the gooey mess and sensitising every nerve he touches with the pad of his finger and the tip of his tongue.

 Sweat beads down your brow, breath stuttering inaudible mewls as you squirm in his grip, twisting your hips to run from his mouth when it all becomes too much. “Luffy, st-stop”, you exhale, tugging on his hair for attention when his slurping turns sloppy again. “Fu-uck me now, ahh, Luffy! Didn’t you pro-promise me, to fuck me nice?”

 He snaps his head up, releasing you suddenly— excitement glowing, face wet. “Wan’ me to fuck you now?!”

 You nod, exhaling heavily. Finally, you sit up, smoothing your skirt over your lower half and covering the glossy sheen of your inner thighs to cup his face, wiping the excess off his cheeks. “Yes, Captain”, you purr sweetly, “fuck me nice’an hard”.

 Luffy leaps up hastily, fumbling with his pants to remove them. A heady sense of urgency overwhelmed his mind. “Fuck-fuck!” He hisses to himself, kicking off his shorts and underwear once they pass his knees, freeing his hardened cock that hangs heavily. A girthy erection donning a two-tone tan/brownish hue on his shaft with a blush, darkened tip and a visible vein that trails along the side beneath round balls you ache to weigh on your tongue. It doesn’t sit completely erect, the meaty heft to it slants him down, dripping pearly beads of his arousal you longingly part your lips to taste.


 “Come ‘ere”.

 “Wait— ohh, shit! L-Luffy!”

 He snatches you up, stripping off your top, lifting you from the counter by your thighs, and barely waits for you to cling to his body before walking over to the nearest flat surface— which just so happens to be the massive fridge.


“Tell me later, fuck now”, he grunts, pressing you tight against the metal container only so he can release one hand to grasp his cock, lining himself up with your dripping cunt. Luffy grins suddenly, your shallow breaths caressing his lips, “nice an’ hard, yea?”

 You nod, anticipation churning, lust thickening.

 Luffy pushes in, and something hot— something sensual and molten flushes across his stomach. It's hard and fast and pulls his balls tight, bucking his hips until his cock is fully sheathed in your warmth. His abdomen clenches, muscles quiver— “Ohh god”, he chokes, diving in deeper, harder. He can just about hear your moans, even as they’re breathed right into his jaw, the laboured slaps of his hips encase the room. Filling you, intoxicating him. Your pussy already moulding perfectly into the shape of his girthy dick.

 Every curve, ridge and vein finds a home in your cunt, fit snugly and warm as he whispers filth in your ear. Calling you pretty again and again— through the teasing affliction is replaced by pitiful, needy pleas to your body, to your heat, to the little trembles twitching on his cock. Followed by your name hissing through gritted teeth as he plunges into the softness of your pussy— into the lust that sears his skin. Gasping delirious praises as if the flutters of your walls and spews of slick are answers to his babbles.

 You think you warn him— something about the fridge, or the sheer size of his cock bullying your delicate flesh— but none of it registers the way his name does. The pressure is blinding, your cunt clings to him, and he splits you open with every harsh snap of his hips. Fucking you frantically. Chasing an orgasm you can feel the ripple of his abs against your stomach already.

 Ears tinted red, cheeks dusted pink, his bottom lip clenched in his teeth, looking wrecked and insanely cute— you hold him close, planting kisses along his neck. The teasing glint in his eye has vanished, and his mouth hangs open instead— spilling drool into your chest as wretched gasps tear from his throat.

 “I like you better like this”, you hum, pushing back the sweaty strands that cling to his forehead. Hungry, hooded and drunk on arousal suited Luffy in a way only your cunt understood as it fluttered on him and triggered another hitched moan.  “Cum, ple-ease, Luffy. Need to feel you cum”, you coo at him, smiling when he lifts his head and whines a sound like your name. His lust-blown eyes brimming with unshed tears, your chest swells with pride. “Feel good, Captain?” you can’t help but tease, “y’like fuckin’ me, mm? uhh- I nev’er imagined you’d be so big”.

 He digs his fingers in your meaty thighs, holding onto a pinch of clarity as your nipples rub on his chest. Soft an’ squishy an’ so warm he can’t help but push against it. “God-nnghh, ya’feel so-so good, pretty”, he whimpers. “It’s’like ya’pussy’s grippin’ me, beggin’ for’it. ‘s’wet, ya’hear it? how wet y’are? Shh, shh, listen—” raunchy, sticky splats echo between you, heated arousal saturating your bodies, soiling your skirt, splattering on his pelvis and staining your inner thighs. Each punch of his hips spills pre-cum into your cushy walls as Luffy groans loudly, raking bite sized kisses when he buries his face in your shoulder. “’mma cum, pretty. Cu-uuhh, cum in you”, he says, saliva dripping messily on your skin, “Make’a hot, dirty mess in you— an’then I’mma fuck’ya ahh-ahh, sh-it— ‘mma fuck you hard, sweet girl. Ohh god! uhhh
‘yer pussy’s mean to’me”, he huffs, pawing at your ass, “makin’ my dick hu-urt— fuck! s’tight, ughh”.

 “mmm, thought y’loved my pussy?”

 “I do! So-so-so much”, he squeaks, each syllable followed by a hard thrust. His words stay rugged and croaked, pistoning into your sopping cunt hastily. Clumsily. “gon’a tell ‘em how goo’ you’are. Tell ‘em ya’mine! Tell ‘em ‘yer pussy gets wet fo’me an’ s’queezes on’my cock, uhh-uhh, she like that, huh? She jus’ pulsed on me, shishi, y’like e’vryone knowin’? hehe, we’ll show’em who y’belong to. ahh, fu-ck, I’ll bite y’ass an’ you can bend over— ya’skirt will show’em shishishi— ohh goddd, keep-keep clenchin’ like that, nnghh uhh-uhh, pretty girl, I’ll fuck ya in my spot next, right in the open—  nghh-shit! dirty-nasty girl ahh-haha bein’ turned on from people seein’ you? ‘yer ass bouncin’ an’ ridin’ my cock? Fu-uuck— fuck, fuck!”

 He’s so hard, so worked up. Luffy opens his mouth, but only a strangled moan huffs out this time— his cock squelching as he ruts and humps and jerks into your pussy. “Ohh, fu-uhh, ye-s. please, ple-ease!”

 “Cum, I wan’ it, Luffy— cum in me, please”.

 His hair tickles your cheeks as he nods. Gripping your flesh, panting your name— rocking into you faster and faster, mindlessly thrusting and crying and cooing until splotches of creamy cum shoot out in thick gobs.

 “Ohh! Fuck!” he squeals, giggling through his laboured breaths as his orgasm punches through him so quickly you shudder in his embrace. “In, in! Ta-ake it!” he pumps into you drunkenly, his grin lopsided and gaze misty. “God, Fuck”. Murmurs of good boy nuzzle into his cheek, coaxing him through the ropes of thick cum that spill from the sides and coat you both in its sordid mixture.

 His cock stays stiff, his high buzzing. “’m still hard”.

 Luffy bounces you back up in his arms securely. His balance stays perfect, even though the carnal fog that shakes your plush body up an’ down— Luffy’s got you. He rocks into you, rattling the giant fridge that keeps you from wriggling out of his grasp because Luffy doesn’t stop. He doesn’t breathe past a croak and doesn’t give you a moment to adjust, not when your pussy grips him like that or smears sticky kisses all over his length.

 And you’re not any better. Words fail you; moans fall, his lips stay just inches from yours and yet you can’t gather the strength to tilt your chin and touch them. Silently begging him to be closer when he’s already caressing the deepest, most delicate parts of your skin. You claw at his back, roll your hips, and shudder from the pulsating thickness that stretches your cunt.

 “fuuuck”, His muscles ripple as he shifts, taking you with him. “Floor, need you deeper”.

 Suddenly, you’re on your back— gently laid on top of the tablecloth he drags down onto the floor to use as a blanket. Luffy manoeuvres you swiftly, folding you in half, wasting no time or trickles of spent cum that leaks from you before sinking back in— skin to skin, breaths hot, legs bent and over his shoulders. A full mating press shrinking your lungs, heaving only horrid gasps Luffy drinks in a sloppy kiss.

 Tongues gliding, moans melding.

 Lust-scented sweat drenches both your bodies, scorching you with desperation you had never felt burn your core this way. Shrouding an erotic sort of haze that makes you frantic to relieve the ache he stimulates with every stroke of his length. Yet he doesn’t hear you above his own cries, delving his cock in deep, bruising the spongy walls of your cunt with his fat dick and blood-filled veins dragging along the skin.

 Luffy fucks almost mercilessly, his stamina unyielding, his kisses ravishing— pumping his cock in and out like pleasurable punches to the gut while you stay subjected to his unrelenting pace. You try pushing at his belly, untangling your limbs, but Luffy is much stronger than you.

 His strong thrusts clap your bodies together, a harsher sound than before. Gravity doing half the work for him while he freely gropes your tits. Kneading your cushy belly, your curvy hips, your fat ass. So much of you to grab, to pinch and massage. He can’t get enough, too hungry for his pleasures now that his fantasies don’t vanish in a blink.

 He should be savouring it, in the back of his mind he knows that— but the way his thick shaft reappears lathered in a warm layer of cum from every roll flurries a dark, gluttonous need to see more. It’s not only arousal and passions anymore, it’s a deep seeded hunger to feel you pliant and cum-soaked. Your plush body was made for him that way. Your ass, chub and hips are the perfect fit for Luffy’s greedy hands.

 And Luffy is not the type of man to be shy about his preferences.

 “pretty girl, I love touchin’ you”, he nips at your cheek, swallowing at your moans with a kiss, “’yer body so-so soft!” he chomps playfully at your breasts, tonguing the areolas, teething on your nipples. “hol’ on”, he groans suddenly, lifting his pelvis and slamming back in your warmth, “fuuck, ahh, it’s’like ‘yer pussy’s droolin’ on me ev’ry time, shit. Can’t stop doin’ that hehe”. He uses his hands this time, tweaking at your nipples with the rough pads of his fingers, “please, ple-ease don’ wear a bra ‘round me anymore, kay? ‘yer boobs are perf, soft an’squishy!” he makes them bounce, his chuckles sounding more and more strained with your pussy spasming on his thrusts.

 Sparking lust with every impact, you can almost feel the imprint of his cock— the touch of his veins, the kiss of his tip, the swell of his fat balls spanking your ass— your inner walls suckling on every inch. Smearing wetness all over him. A sob tears through your throat as he presses down on your belly, pumping into your cunt gaping on his cock, teasing his finger on your clit just to feel you quiver around his girth.

 You cry out breathlessly, a warning of your impending release— or something that sounds close to it. Truthfully, you claw at the tablecloth beneath you, withering and trembling, locked in a position he has total control over. Only being able to answer in yes and just like that, lost in the sensuality of his arousal.

 His greedy hands groping you exactly the way he always intended. His tongue swirling on your pebbled bud, his teeth nibbling and leaving their mark on every surface his neck stretches to. His, his, his.

 Hard and rough and so, so good.

  “Luffy! Ohh, Lu-uffy, I-I—” you cry nonsensically, pretty tears falling past your lashes now as the blend of sensations rip through your core. Praises stumbling, gasps falling—

 “Cu-um with me”, Luffy pleads, teary-eyed and hips faltering, “make my cock wet, ple-ahh, please!”

 “ohhh, god!” you wail, your orgasm ripples and you cry out his name like a depraved prayer into the column of his neck as clear cum squirts out and splashes on his pelvis, soaking the makeshift blanket.

 “ye-es, that’s it— ahh-haa”, he giggles hysterically.

 Luffy answers your cries with throaty rasps as he cradles your body, quickly following suit into a mind-numbing pleasure as he rides the wave of your combined release until his stuttered strokes turn into languid glides— filling your spongy walls with hot blasts of cum for a second time.

 Your nails rake down his back, moaning blissfully in the aftershocks of your orgasm, holding him close, smiling wide. 

 For a while, your breaths take the time to even out, slowly descending from the high you shared as he releases your thighs and presses kisses where his hands gripped too tight. Murmuring his apologies for every dig and teeth mark that decorates your supple skin, kisses feeling faintly like pleased smirks whenever his lips touch you. And you melt into it anyway. His hands, his kiss, his praises.

 Low rasps of “pretty girl” merge with your sighs as Luffy sinks into your arms, panting widely. dabbling kisses on your neck as you cuddle him yet unable to resist the temptation to start slowly rocking his hips just to hear you whimper and push at his chest again. Flaring a gentle warmth between you when it triggers tiny tremors in your creamy walls.

 Luffy laughs breathily between your whines, canting his hips, digging into your flesh. Mesmerised by the hot layer of cum that paints his shaft and the rings of white, slippery juices creating bubbles at the base of your pubic bones at every drag.

 “Luffy”, you whine, exhaustion slurring your words. “I need a minute if you wanna go again. Not everyone has your stamina”.

 “shh, s’okay, look-look”, Luffy pulls out slowly, watching the mixture drool from your sensitive hole. A big spurt spits out first, then ever so steadily copious spills of gooey semen and wet squirts seep from your cunt, soaking the cloth as it pools down your thighs. He snickers, “so dirty, you made my cock all shiny”.

 You slap his arm tiredly, your whole body humming and sticky while he sits back on the balls of his feet, grinning down at you, and you never felt more beautiful.

 He’s silent for a moment, though his eyes are soft as he stares.

Luffy leans down and cups your face, his hands large and warm holding your sweet cheeks in his palms. He smiles widely, gaze hooded, lips parted.

 Your breath hitches.

“You make the cutest face when you cum”.

 You slap him again, and his laughter rings loudly.

 His smile is bright, his joy contagious, and the sheen of sweat glowing on his skin makes him glow that much brighter.

  Luffy is so pretty.

 Shes So Pretty

reblogs are appreciated :3 don't repost or translate my work.

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The Aftermath
The Aftermath
The Aftermath

the aftermath

(a quick sequel to this)

the series tag: ★ | wallpapers: 1 | 2 | 3 | printable: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | snowglobe

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i think lusopp, sanuso and zosopp shippers should join forces to make people realize that the monster trio's first priority is actually usopp and if they knew how the fandom treats him they'd go insanely mad and protective