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Prompt from:@oc-tober2023

[ I am not following the same order ]

CW: A little creepy chase, something stinks of death, all in the fashion of halloween I suppose (I am very bad at summarising CWs, I’m so sorry.)


You woke up with a start.

Something that months of running for your life did to you, is being attentive to any kind of noise around you - even when you sleep.

You did not dare make any hasty movements, if whatever is making those noises is human or animal, it might not see you, if it's not… you don't know what else to do but run.

The trees rustled ahead, it was dark. You realised, you were alone. She did not return. Why did she not return?!

A sudden stomp right next to your shelter made you snap out of the sudden panic. It was close, right next to you behind the twigs and leaves built to hide you beneath. 

You held your breath. Another step, slower this time, as if it was searching. You heard it moan and creak like bending a bark. Not human!

The Underfolk can see you. It can see through the leaves and twigs, you knew you should run, but something was rooting you to the spot. You couldn't move.

You heard it bend forward, its close, confused by the barrier it cannot see. Clumsy hands started to pat around your shelter. It won't hold. What are you doing! Why can't you move!

Your heart beat rapidly, you think you forgot to breathe entirely. Another stomp and it blocks the entrance now. You stare at the cold and dark legs, like the pitch black night itself, it looked boney and … dead.

Just then, its smell reached you. Rotten and foul, you had to stop yourself from gagging by slapping a hand over your mouth to not make a sound. It's no use, it can see you anyway - your mind tried to tell you as you stared at its legs to see the exact moment, it lost its patience. You need to run! Why won't your legs move! It will break through easily.

Then, a sudden tickle runs up your arms and legs, as you look down you see the shadow of something crawling up your limbs. A bug!

Suddenly your legs work! You sprint to your feet, break through the roof of your shelter and without further ado, turn and run. You hear the creature scream surprised, a voiceless, breathless shout. They no longer have a voice.

You don't wait to hear what it tried to say.

Stomp, stomp, stomp. 

It was quicker than you, you knew that from experience. Your mother always slowed it down with the power of her god. You had no god. Only your legs.

So you ran around trees, stumbled through the darkness, over hatches and moss. Your breath was cold but your hands were warm when you held onto the cold bark of a big tree. The Underfolk was on you in a second, so you slid behind the tree, knowing from experience that it can't see its surroundings very well.

It somehow always sees you however. 

You heard its gaze snap towards you in an instant, a painful crack of its stiffened neck. Then it ran and that fast, you slid down the tree, closing your eyes, waiting for the impact. It didn't take long and you felt the shattering of the creature hitting the tree. It wailed, a quiet scream - then you heard it stumble disoriented, boney legs slipping over wet leaves.

Then it shuffled away and you heard it run back into the forest. Only then you allowed yourself to breathe. It was gone for now, but it found you once, it can find you again. Your mind instantly shifts back to your mother still out there.

What if it finds her?

You sat there for a moment longer, knowing its not wise, but you needed a moment to calm down. The leaves of the trees above rustled with the wind and you felt a small breeze pass you by. Then suddenly a tickle up your arm. Looking down, you saw a small beetle, it was crawling up towards your hand and this time you lift it up and look at it with relief.

"Thank you for waking me out of my stupor." You say to the little thing, "You are my saviour. Without you I would have probably been dead or well, sick with the Rot by now. So, thank you."

You gently place your hand down onto the forest floor so it could scurry away, but somehow, it remained. 

"You don't want to leave?" You can't help a little smile, everyone always leaves you behind, how stupid to expect a bug to stick around. "I'm sure you have better places to be than stick with me."

You try again, placing your hand onto the ground, but the very moment your hand touches the ground, a bright light pops up in front of you and you have to shield your eyes.

It is not by my choice, just to make that clear.

An ethereal voice spoke to you and slowly you lower your arm from your face. There in front of you, was a bright light, floating and blinding. 

Bramble chose to help you.

"Bramble?" You did not know who or what was speaking to you, but it sounded annoyed.

The Rose Chafer in your hand calls himself Bramble, because he likes it so much. Why he likes you, I cannot understand.

You blink, looking down at the back of your hand, where the small green shimmering beetle was still crawling merryly over your hand, wiggling its antenna.

He misses the warmth of the sun. He said you are as warm as its shine. The voice scoffed, but you could not hear any real malice behind it. 

"You know what he says?" You pull the small beetle closer to you, trying to inspect it, and see its tiny antenna wiggle in delight as you do.

"What did he say now?" You wonder, fascinated by the little thing.

You hear the voice mumble something under its breath, you only catch single words like 'humans', 'annoying', 'ungrateful'.

When you look up towards the light, you see it shift from left to right, almost like it was pacing.

He says I should help you and listen to your concerns, despite him knowing that I do not converse with humans.

You blink, looking closer at the shining light, floating in front of you.

Are you talking to a god?

[ 1.059 words ]

Next Part?➜

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More Posts from Filopay

1 year ago


Thirty | he/him | 182 cm | Human | Nord

The self is not so weightless, nor whole and unbroken Remember the pact of our youth Where you go, I'm going, so jump and I'm jumping Since there is no me without you — Gang of Youths

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Prompt from:@oc-tober2023 [ I am not following the same order ]

~ Found Family

Chirp, chirp.

Ralof was awake even before the birds had sung their first tune. The floorboards creaked as he quickly reached the end of his small room, throwing a simple shirt and trousers on. The bed groaned as he sat back down to squeeze his feet into his way too small shoes. It was a simple life, but he did not mind, because looking up, hanging on the loose nail opposite of him, was his leather armour.

Reaching for it, he drew a tentative hand over the fabric, it too wasn't much, worn and a little too small for his broad frame, but it was his and he is going to wear it with pride.

Running down the stairs, he was now fully dressed, passing by the kitchen, he already saw his father prepare some breakfast.

"Morning, dad. You're early." He noticed, as he pressed himself next to his father to steal a stale slice of bread, biting into it.

"You won't leave the house without a proper breakfast." His father chastises, making Ralof halt in his quick escape, "And you need to take something with you for lunch."

He held out a small package, the breakfast he had been preparing all wrapped up in a clean cotton cloth.

"You got up this early to make me these?" Ralof was touched, usually his dad was more than grumpy about his sleep.

"I was awake anyway. Couldn't sleep. So I made use of my time." He deflects and it draws a smile on Ralofs lips.

"I couldn't sleep either, so I thought I will get there early." He gently takes the package from his fathers outstretched hand.

"Thank you." He leans forward to give his father a kiss on the cheek. "I'll tell you everything tonight."

"May Fate favour you today."

Ralof was out of the door with a light skip to his step. The air was stuffy and it had recently rained, making the path muddy and dirty but he did not mind. It was his home and he liked it here very much.

"Good morning, Ralof." He looked up, seeing his elderly neighbour throw the night pot out the window, "You're early today."

"It's the first day at my new job!" He shouted back so she would hear him.

"A new job? I thought you would take over your father's smithy. How strange."

"As of today, I am a recruit guarding the outer Walls, so if you have any concerns regarding your safety, I can be of help." He pushes his chest forward, presenting his new leather armour.

"Oh, my door has been giving me troubles lately. I fear it will fall off its hinges soon. You father had crafted them for me when he was learning under your grandfather. If you could take a look before it falls open? I am afraid of having to life without a door in these dark times."

He could surely spare the time.

"I can take a look, no problem."

She smiles brightly. "You are a darling. Thank you, Ralof."

It turned out, the hinges were just slightly loose and he walked back home to get the right tool to fix it. Then she invited him for a small cup of tea, when she took out the baked loaves, he declined and instead took them with him as she insisted on repaying him.

Now, no longer as early as he was, he resumed his walk towards the outer walls of the fortress, his little lunch package, a little fuller.

His path had him walk straight through the daily market. He liked the market very much, so many different foods and items to look at and people that came from all around Aestricca just to sell their things here. The stories he had heard them tell, always captivated him, but at the end of the day, he was still glad to be where he was.

"Ooh, look at you all dressed up." He stopped at the sound of the familiar voice. Turning around he saw a young woman with a headband wrapped around her head, standing behind a small stall selling vegetables. She was the daughter of one of the farmers living outside the walls.

He instantly stood a little taller, showing off his new armour. "I am on my way to my very first day."

"Never thought you would be the one joining the other side. Be careful not to forget us little folk here when it gets to your head." She quips, pushing her chin out.

"It's only a trial today, but I'm sure I will be taken in as a recruit. I do it because I want to help us here afterall. If there are any concerns for your safety, you can let me know. It's my job now."

She chuckles. "Careful not to say that too loud while wearing that armour. Someme might take it you feel the fortress is not a safe place to be."

He frowns. "But thats why we have the guards, to make it safe."

"All I'm saying is, that this armour gives you authority. All kinds of people will turn to you just because of ehat you wear. Use that power wisely. Saying the wrong thing to the wrong person can get you easily killed and not all take kindly to the guards."

Ralof was quiet for a moment, stunned she would think so. He had never been very good at reading situations, at least that's what he'd been told. His father always said, he better stay away from jobs that require smarts. Politics make too much troubles, and do something with his hands. He was no longer a blacksmith apprentice but is being a guard so different?

"I didn't mean to scare you. Just wanted to give you a proper warning, in case no one did. I'm sure you do fine though, you've always been enganging with the community anyway, if anyone, you will give the position a better name. You're one of the good ones, Ralof."

"I dont think there are bad guards." He shakes his head, "They follow a code, you know. I had to learn it too, the preservation of the community comes first. We need to act for the greater good. That's what I intend to do. Help people."

She gave him a weak smile. "Sure you will do great."

He nods, no doubt he will, he wasnt sure why she was so worried. Why everyone seems to want to warn him. First his dad, now her too. Then he gets it. They were afraid he'd be too busy for them. "I will still be able to help you out with setting up the stall. Don't fret, I might be more busy than usual, but I will be here if you have to carry a prized pumpkin again."

She laughs at that, "You almost dropped it last year insisting on carrying it all on your own. I'm not sure I will entrust my prized pumpkin to you again." She winks at him.

"But I will be training harder than ever now. So give me the biggest pumpkin you have and you'll see I will carry it for you with ease." He grins and she matches it easily.

"I will hold you up to that. Now I think you should be on your way. The sun is already rising above the walls." She points into the distance, where the high stone walls of the fortress loom over them all. "Dont think you want to be late to your first day."

"By the gods! I forgot the time. Let me know about the pumpkin!" He shouted the last words, already jogging down the street, dodging shoppers and merchants alike as he easily navigates through the masses of people.

A few more greet him, call him by name, but he excused himself, not having the time to stop and chat this time. He liked this city. Many speak bad about the lower district of Skaeld but he wouldn't be anywhere else. It's where he grew up, it's where everyone knew him, everyone was family to him, if blood or not. Here he would always stay and being a guard won't change that.

He had found his home, his family and choose to keep and support it as one should.

[ ~ 1.387 words ]

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1 year ago


twenty-three | she/her | 146 cm | Dwarf | Brandurag

I cannot be bothered to be friendly And why'd you keep on calling me your baby? You ain't doing nothing to impress me So now is not the time for you to test me — Cher Loyd

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Prompt from: @oc-tober2023 ' [ I am not following the same order ]

~ Foreigner

"The Queen has lost!"

All conversation instantly stopped the moment the young dwarf had stormed into the Bulky Mule. Then murmurs arose and there was uncertainty in their gazes. It had been a change that they had wanted, but was it a good change?

Lorna placed the mug down she was currently drying and raised her voice above the whispers. 

"Who took her place?"

It was not difficult for her to be heard, she always had a certain confidence. With her words, the murmurs stopped around the filled tavern, everyone wanted to hear the answer.

The young dwarf by then had walked towards a table and taken one of the filled mugs to drown it in one go.

He dried his mouth with a swipe of his sleeve, before looking into the round. "Some foreigner. From the east, I believe."

"Is that a good omen?" "What if it's a dwarf!" "More likely a dragon."

"There is nothing to worry about." Lorna quiets the many questions going around, "It is a change, that's more of a chance for us than we ever hoped. We will find out more about this foreigner and see if we can get our voices heard. We need to start early however, the sooner the better, before once more it becomes common to ignore us. Show this new ruler that we are not easily silenced and don't even give the chance for us to be forgotten."

There were nods and some 'hear, hear!' The overall worries seemed to be eased and that is when Lorna waved the young dwarf that had spoken over.

One of the barmaids addressed him and escorted the confused dwarf inconspicuous through the tavern and into the back room. Lorna was already uncovering the map that was hidden beneath a simple tablecloth. It showed the whole of northern Aestricca, the north with the fortress they reside in right now, below that the harbour city, their neighbour and far in the west divided by water, lay on another land. Their once home.

Lorna however, only uncovered the eastern part, beyond pointy mountains and the vast forest of Rania, lie Bullmar. On the map, indicated by an empty region. 

Not much was known of the east that even the map was incomplete. It was always described as harsh and unwelcoming, but then again, that's what they said about the north as well. She didn't give much about rumours.

"You said this foreigner comes from the east." She points to the empty spots on the map, "We need to find out what their aim is. Why leave the east to become a ruler of the north."

Her hand drew back over to the west. "So we can finally reclaim our home and no longer be foreigners ourselves." [ words ~461 ]

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1 year ago
Prompt From:@oc-tober2023
Prompt From:@oc-tober2023

Prompt from:@oc-tober2023

[ I am not following the same order ]

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~ Mask

"Can I count on you, Herald?"

"Always." Elora nods, dipping her head lower in respect.

She thought to hear her goddess smile.

Iesis or Uwila | the goddess of wisdom, knowledge and healing | Animal: The Owl | Symbol: Open Eye

Sometimes she appears as a fair maiden, with long white hair and owl wings on her back. On her forehead a giant eye. Othertimes she is dark skinned, wrapped entirely in scrolls scribbled texts on body and paper. Owl wings and one giant eye for a face. Its usually her I- can't- be- bothered- to- dress- up look. She changes her look fairly often, based on whatever new powerful knowledge she consumes. The eye and the owl wings the only prominent feature that stay. Thus they became what people associate with her.

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1 year ago


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Prompt from @oc-tober2023

[ I am not following the same order ]

CW: Violence, bloody fight, biting limbs off

~ Free choice

"No, wait! You-you like to cut things, right?"

Thamaya closes one eye, licking her lips as she aims her knife at the dangling woman not far in front of her. Perhaps that will shut her up.

"Why not save your skill for the Underfolk, they will come when they smell my blood. You better not attract them."

"Never heard of that." Thamaya narrowed her eye, it was dark in the forest but she had never missed her target yet. Perhaps this knife truly was lucky.

"If you throw that knife, they will come."

She ignored the woman, her need to draw blood bigger than whatever that woman was talking about. She gets ready to throw, but just as she was about to let go, a sudden flash of light blinds her and she has to shield her eyes.

"What the-"

She didn't get to voice her surprise, as one of the ugly fuckers crashed through the thicket, ready to pounce on the former Queen.

Thamaya grips her knife tightly, teeth pressed together. "That is my bait! Find your own."

Before it could jump on her captive, she slashes its leatherly skin open, it wailed, tattered wings flopping behind it like a dark coat.

If it can bleed, it can die. Thamaya smirks, adrenaline rushing through her veins, she mocks the creature, excited by the thrill of a possible fight.

It turned its attention to her fully, jumping with bared teeth. Thamaya was quick, she dodged, slashed its legs, landed another hit on its back. Then it swung around too quickly, long arms hitting her making her skid over the moss below. She could feel blood running down her nose, as she crouched, never once losing her footing. She licks the blood off, delicious.

"Cut me loose. I can help you." 

Thamaya groans, she should have let the babbling woman die. "Shut it."

Then she sprints forward, quick feet leaping into the air, knife at the ready as she let out a battle cry. Landing on the blind creatures back, she cut into its flesh, cackling, as it spun around confused, arms unable to reach her.

Then she grabbed its bald head, only a few loose strands of hair remaining, before she placed her knife on its throat and sliced it open. It trashed around wildly, fighting the inevitable, it held its bleeding throat. Thamaya jumped off of it and as she did, she watched it stumbling back into the woods.

"So, where were we." She spins around towards her captive, flicking her knife once to get rid of the inky blood.

"That's not going to stop it. It will be back. Cut me loose and I'll help you."

Thamaya scoffs. "You wish-"

Something heavy slammed into her, knocking the breath out of her. She flies to the ground, ungracefully this time, it was hard to breathe.

"Cut me down. It will curse us both. Quickly!"

Thamaya gets back on her feet, this time slower. "Would you just fucking shut up!" Her shout was loud, the creatures blank eyes on her in an instant. She had never lost a fight before, only that once, no, no she won that too in the end. It didn't count. She won't loose against this creature either.

It seized her, Thamaya could still see the cut she had left on it, but whatever had made it run before, seems to have vanished. If it can bleed, it can die. She tells herself once more, gripping her knife tighter, she roars as she swung herself at it.

She cut into its shoulder, then a sudden pain running through her own. She gasped, it was biting her.

"No!" She swung her head forward, hitting its own ugly face with her own, then she bit down too, teeth catching its nose. It came off easy.

It let her go, hands trashing through his face. She used that moment to sprint forward, knife at the ready, but this time, it saw her coming and caught her mid-sprint, slamming her back into the ground. It held her down, its face forming into an O as it starts to inhale. She struggled beneath it, but suddenly all her strength left her, she felt cold all of a sudden - weak.

"Its cursing you with the Rot! Cut me loose, I'm your only chance!"

That blasted woman again. Thamaya didn't need anyone saving her, she could cut it down herself… she can. Her eyelids started to get heavy, daring to close. What was wrong with her?

"Do it! Quick!"

Biting down on her teeth, she gribs her knife tighter, she has only one chance, it needs to hit. She gets ready to throw it, aims, and watches it soar through the air. One snap and the rope holding the false Queen upright, is cut in half. Lucky Charm indeed.

She met the womans eyes for a moment, there was hesitation. She could just run and leave her here. Thamaya let out a hollow laugh. What a cursed choice it was.

Then the blinding light made her shrink away, closing her eyes on instinct, but with the light, the warmth returned to her limbs and suddenly she was back to her old self.

As the light subsided, the creature was nowhere in sight and all that remained was her captive, that was no longer caught in her trap.

Thamaya jumped to her feet, knife still in hand.

"You could have run."

The woman meets her gaze, her former confidence fully restored, it made Thamaya grimace. "You could have left me hanging."

Thamaya didn't say anything, but studying the woman more closely. Why did she not run, why wasn't she running now? She wanted to cut her open, used her for bait to capture her son. She had been very clear about her intentions towards her. Why did she stay?

"How about we call it even. We chose to help each other in a dire situation. Truce for a moments time, to honour our decisions." She held out her hand and Thamaya just looked at it enstranged. 

"I still want to cut you open. See your insides." She watches the woman attentive, not trusting her intentions at all. Perhaps she had gone mad.

"In the eyes of the Underfolk we all look the same. It would have devoured us both. With a common enemy, we chose to stick together. What happens after is on us."

"So I can chase you down once more?" That doesn't sound too bad actually. The chase is the most fun.

"You have my word." She extents her hand a little further, reminding Thamaya of it.

She licks her lips, weighing her options. Cutting her down now and possibly being yelled at for damaging her or having the thrill of a chase all over again? Yeah, why was she even thinking about it.

She grabbed her hand tightly. "Agreed."

The woman smiled. "Perfect."

Then a fist came flying towards her face and all went dark.

[ ~ words 1160 ]

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1 year ago


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~ History

The wind was ice cold so high up on the mountaintops, the path snakes along through the gaps of the rocks, unsteady and loose. 

Nulburnad was cold when they arrived at the top, another reminder of their mortality.

There stood a statue, the image of a giant wolf with long teeth and three eyes looking down at the fortress below. The people of Skaeld had built it to honour their god, but knowing the god of mountains, its size did nothing to his real image.

"I need a favour." Nulburnad throws the dead rabbit they had carried onto the stoney ground in front of them.

Suddenly, the rock before them moved, it leaped into the air and landed only inches from them. Now in the form of a gigantic wolf, blaring its teeth.

"Not even polite enough to grant me a reaction, sibling." The wolf smacks his tongue, backing away disappointed at Nulburnads absence of a reaction.

"And all you bring me is a tiny rabbit." The wolf pushed the dead body with his paw, watching it flop over, "Should I eat you instead?"

"I am here on serious business."

"Why not chat with me first? I've met Arcos the other day, they said they wanted the items back they gifted you." The wolf cackles, a strange sound coming from a giant animal.

"You told them of me?" Nulburnad frowns displeased.

The wolf just walks around them, wagging his tail as he does, "I told them that you supposedly died. Thought you both were quite close to each other back then. Guess I was wrong. They were more interested in the lost treasure that you hid away. I still wonder, why did you come to me for help and not them?"

"I had to finish what I had started." Nulburnad says, serious.

The wolf flops down next to them, inching closer to the small Sovereign.

"You've made yourself quite cozy in the fortress have you not? Didn't the former Queen help in killing you? Sounds to me like you're after revenge."

Nulburnad scoffs, "I am not so petty. It's just a bad coincidence."

"Coincidence." The wolf muses, lifting his paws to draw the Sovereign closer to him, "Your heart tells a different story."

Nulburnad turns away from the wolf's penetrating gaze, his nosiness nothing they enjoy.

"I want to open mines into your mountain. Help the north support itself." 

The wolf didn't seem eager to talk about business, as he flops down on his side with a huff.

"Whatever you want to do, you always have good arguments for it. Do what you must." The wolf yawns, scratching its chin, "I'm glad you came actually. Heard alot about you stirring up trouble with that one mortal. You're rather fond of him, aren't you? Ralof, isn't it? He is one of my most loyal followers. I could tell you what he thinks of you too." The wolf smiles a toothy grin.

Nulburnad heard their heart beat faster, daring to deceive them. "I came here to discuss the mines. The Nords respect you greatly, Ulgrim. They wouldn't let me proceed without asking you first. I wouldn't be here otherwise."

"What are you afraid of? You know I can read your thoughts." Ulgrim smiles delightedly as he plants his giant head flat onto the stone, one yellow eye looking closely at the small person beside him, "Oh, he reminds you of someone. He is not so different to Ral the sun god, your former friend. Both are very positive and honest personalities. Wearing their emotions on their sleeves. How very human of them. You do have a type, don't you? I can see the resemblance now."

"Get out of my head." Nulburnad hisses, irritation in their movements as they pierce the wolf with a warning glare.

"Then you shouldn't have become my follower, you know. I always wondered what was going on in your head. Even back then when we were racing through the lands. You were so distant, so cold, but I liked your ruthlessness." The wolf then lifts their head again, placing one leg over the other, thinking, "Wasn't Ral there with us? I've barely ever seen you two apart. He was always a delight, wins everyone's hearts so easily, doesn't he? I never thought he could melt yours too. You have a lot of history together. Don't you wonder how he is doing today? If he regrets killing you or do you think he would try again?"

"There is no need to think about what is no longer important. I came to you for matters that impact the present." Nulburnad stared at the wolf, daring him to say anything else about the topic.

The wolf hummed, Nulburnad knew he would have liked to say more, but at least he knew when to stop. It seems the respect they both had for each other, had remained.

Ulgrim walks to the edge of the mountain. Below them sleeps the fortress of Skaeld restless and vulnerable. After a while Nulburnad joins him.

"There are many that disapprove of your arrival. They fear the changes that you will bring, the ones you already made. The Nords value tradition very much - threaten their beliefs and they will cut you down."

"They wouldn't be the first." Nulburnad crosses their arms in front of their chest, looking passively down onto the city, "I am not playing their parent like the former Queen had, there is no need to coddle them. The situation is getting worse, change is inevitable."

The wolf snickers. "You always loved stirring trouble, speaking words no one wants to hear. Don't make it sound like you had no other choice. You're enjoying it, I can tell. It's why Ral cut you down too, there are only so many rules one can break without angering a few."

"Let them be angry then." Nulburnad says, "Someone has to say how is it. I wouldn't want to remain ignorant either. Besides, never thought you interested in the politics of mortals."

"Despite what our siblings say, I am not a feral beast like Shlaegor." The wolf growls, "I have my reasons."

They were silent for a moment, enjoying the night air, the blackened starless night sky pressing down on them from above.

"It's not so much the mortals that worry me. Some gods have become aware of your presence." The wolf was serious now, "Uwila has always been meddlesome in human affairs. She had asked me to investigate you and give her information."

Nulburnad looks at the wolf, the one confidant they entrusted their circumstances with and the one they had asked to keep it a secret.

The wolf cackles then. "I told her to suck it!"

Nulburnad found no amusement in it. Uwila was nothing but persistent. If they had raised her interest, she would soon send someone to investigate them.

"Even the old gods seem to take an interest in you. Seems like the old days, doesn't it? You are only here for a month now and already stepping on everyone's feet." The wolf speaks, restlessness making him stand back up on his paws.

Then he gets serious, head tilting downwards to better perceive Nulburnads small form.

"What I am concerned about is their constant presence. The old gods are lingering around my domain. They never cared for it before." The wolf fletched his teeth for a moment, a nervous habit perhaps, "I can live with you stirring up trouble with the mortals, but you are starting to attract the old gods, endangering my followers. Fate had watched Ralof rather closely as of late. I fear your meeting with him was entirely made by Fate themselves. So tell me, what have you done to get the old gods so interested?"

"Fate had sent the former Queen after me before, in an attempt to stop me. I am not going to fall for the same trick twice. If Fate wants Ralof to stand in my way, I will not be moved by it. The darkness has gone out of control and I will stop it."

The wolf tilts his head. "In all our history together, I never thought you had gained the title god of ice for your personality but I am starting to believe it now. Do as you please, but I draw the line at dragging my followers into your mess. We do not want the old gods here. If you keep antagonising them, I feel forced to act."

Nulburnad almost smiles at Ulgrims threat, it meant very little to them.

"Every god had turned a blind eye to the increasing darkness. As gods, mortals swear on our protection. Who else should be responsible for the misery that has befallen mortality if not to us. Your domain is said to have the highest increase of Underfolk, that should be something you worry about and not the interest Fate has in me."

"We were doing just fine hunting those bastards." The wolf bared his teeth, "It keeps them at bay and it will keep doing so. You're just holding onto your misplaced heroism because you're afraid that Ral has been right in stopping your madness!"

"Fighting them won't help the situation." Nulburnad remained calm, "You can't kill what's already dead. Don't you see? You're just avoiding the inevitable The darkness doesn't spare gods and if you keep eating them, you'll be the next to fall. They will devour you from the inside."

"Ral had killed you for overstepping all the boundaries there are. You are doing it again!" The Wolf barks, "I protect my domain as I see fit. Your criticism is not welcome here!"

"I am doing my responsibility as a god. I promised my followers protection and I will not let them down."

"And see where that has taken you. You are no god any more, dear sibling. Your influence is limited. Give up now, before it's too late."

Ulgrim looks down at Nulburnads small form. Mortal and fragile, but they refused to believe they hold no power. They had seen this coming. Friends and siblings turning on them, it was to be expected when Fate was on their game, but something they can look past. It's not their fault to not see clearly.

Nulburnad knew that they can succeed in their goal. No matter the cost. To achieve it, they could not waver, especially not when they want it the most. Even when they have to stand alone, facing friends and foes alike. Fate was nothing but persistent, but so could they.

Ral had caught them off guard once, it won't happen again with Ralof.

History will not repeat itself. This time, Nulburnad will be prepared and they will defy Fate and cure the darkness for good.

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