finasworld11 - Untitled

14 posts

My Best Friend We Haven't Been On Speaking Terms For A While But I Still Love Her To Death And That Is

My Best Friend We Haven't Been On Speaking Terms For A While But I Still Love Her To Death And That Is

My best friend we haven't been on speaking terms for a while but I still love her to death and that is not a great picture of me #bestfriend #notonspeakingterms #iloveher (at Northridge Mall)

  • abdulrahman91m
    abdulrahman91m liked this · 5 years ago

More Posts from Finasworld11

1 year ago

sims 4 Eternal Night challenge

Challenge Description: In the "Eternal Night Challenge," you'll immerse yourself in a world where vampires rule the night. Your goal is to create a thriving vampire community while maintaining secrecy and power.

Rules: 1. Starting with a single vampire Sim, vour aim is to turn the entire world into vampires. 2. Create a vampire household as your main Sim. You can choose to be a classic vampire or any of the unique vampire powers introduced in the Sims 4 expansion packs. 3. Your main Sim can only leave the lot at night to interact with humans. During the day, they must remain indoors to avoid sunlight. 4. You can turn other Sims into vampires, either by befriending them and offering to turn them or by using vampire powers to directly convert them. You can't control non-vampire Sims. 5. Your vampire community should have a secret lair where you hold gatherings and parties. Build an impressive vampire mansion or renovate existing lots to fit your theme. 6. Maintain the Masquerade: While you can turn Sims into vampires, you must ensure that your vampire community remains hidden from the human world. Vampires should not reveal their true nature to humans unless absolutely necessary. 7. Create a diverse community: Turn Sims from various backgrounds into vampires to create a diverse and powerful vampire coven. 8. Achieve the "Vampire Family" aspiration to represent the success of your vampire community.

Optional Challenges: 1. "Vampire Dynasty". Start with a single vampire Sim and aim to have 10 generations of vampires living on the same lot. Each generation should contribute to the growth and power of the vampire family. 2. "Sunlight Struggle": Challenge yourself further by allowing your vampire Sims limited outdoor exposure during daylight hours. Use umbrellas, protective clothing, and special abilities to navigate the daytime world. 3. "Vampire vs. Human": Create a separate household of human Sims and challenge your vampire community to subtly control and influence their lives without revealing their true nature. Remember, the goal is to immerse yourself in the vampire lifestyle, create a powerful vampire community, and maintain the balance between secrecy and power. Enjoy the night-filled adventure of the "Eternal Night Challenge" in The Sims 4!

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1 year ago

“Toddler Takeover” challenge?

In this Sims 4 challenge, you focus solely on the lives of your toddler Sims.


1. Toddler-Only Gameplay: You can only control and interact with toddler Sims. You can create a household with multiple toddlers or just one, but no adult or teenage Sims are allowed. 2. No Aging Up: Toddler Sims must not age up until you complete specific milestones. 3. Milestone-Based Progression: To age up a toddler, you need to achieve certain milestones related to their skills and needs. For example, a toddler must reach level 3 in all skills, have a strong relationship with their caregivers (can be other toddlers), and have a positive mood for at least 3 consecutive days. 4. Limited Adult Interaction: While adults can exist in the household, they must have minimal interaction with the toddlers. They can provide basic care like feeding, bathing, and helping with skills, but they should not steal the spotlight from the toddlers. 5. Toddler Skills: Focus on developing toddler skills like potty training, communication, imagination, and movement. These skills will play a key role in achieving milestones. 6. Toddler Caregivers: To encourage interactions between toddlers, designate certain toddlers as “caregivers.” These caregivers can help each other with needs and skills, fostering a sense of community among the toddlers. 7. Decor and Environment: Create a toddler-friendly environment with appropriate toys, decorations, and furniture. Designing spaces that cater to their needs will be crucial for maintaining their positive mood. 8. Education: As toddlers age up, document their progress and create a story or journal of their development. Share their achievements, challenges, and adventures in the toddler-centric household.

Remember, the goal is to create an engaging and unique gameplay experience centered around the lives of toddlers in The Sims 4. Enjoy the adorable chaos and watch as your little Sims grow and learn!

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1 year ago

The sims 4 Eccentric Scholar challenge

In this challenge, you'll create a Sim who is a quirky and eccentric academic, eager to explore the depths of knowledge at the university. Here's how it works:

1. Create Your Sim: Design a Sim with unique and unconventional traits, appearance, and style to reflect their eccentric nature. Give them a passion for learning and a curious mind. 2. Eccentric Dorm: Your Sim must live in a dorm throughout their university journey. Decorate their dorm room with an eclectic mix of objects, colors, and patterns that showcase their quirky personality. 3. Unconventional Studies: Your Sim's primary goal is to explore the weirdest and most unusual subjects available in the university. Enroll in the "Bizarre Beliefs" or "Peculiar Phenomena" courses, and actively participate in lectures and seminars. 4. Eccentric Friends: Forge connections with like-minded eccentric individuals. Befriend roommates or fellow students who share your Sim's passion for the strange and unusual. 5. Quirky Hobbies: Encourage your Sim to take up peculiar hobbies. Collect bizarre collectibles, dabble in alchemy, experiment with potions, and embrace any other odd activities the expansion pack offers. 6. Unique Wardrobe: Dress your Sim in outfits that showcase their eccentricity. Mix and match unusual clothing pieces, patterns, and accessories to stand out on campus. 7. Social Experimentation: Engage in social experiments with other students. Conduct odd surveys, start conversations about peculiar topics, and gauge reactions to your Sim's eccentric behavior. 8. Eccentric Achievements: Set challenges for your Sim, like completing a term with only taking bizarre courses or maxing out the Alchemy skill. Earn rewards for each achievement to enrich your Sim's university experience. 9. Eccentric Part-Time Job: Find an unusual part-time job on campus that aligns with your Sim's eccentric personality. This could be something like searching for rare herbs, working at the Paranormal Investigator career, or even starting a conspiracy theory club. 10. Showcase Your Eccentricity: Use the in-game photo and video capture features to document your Sim's eccentric journey through university life. Share these moments with the Sims 4 community to inspire others to embrace their quirks.

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1 year ago

Time travelers challenge

You are a time traveler who has landed in the world of The Sims 4 with a mission to shape the course of history. Create a Sim and start in the Ancient era, then progress through different historical periods, each with its own unique challenges and

Rules: 1. Ancient Era (Prehistoric Times): Begin with a Sim in a basic shelter. Your Sim can only use basic tools and resources available at this time. 2. Medieval Era: As your Sim travels to this era, they must focus on learning skills related to agriculture, blacksmithing, and trade. Build a small medieval village and establish your Sim's place in society. 3. Renaissance Era: Your Sim should embrace art, science, and culture. They must pursue skills like painting, writing, logic, and gardening. Create a thriving cultural hub with beautiful architecture.

4. Colonial Era: Transport your Sim to a colonial setting. They should focus on survival skills, trading, and building relationships with the local population. Build a trading post or small settlement. 5. Industrial Revolution: Your Sim now faces the challenges of urbanization and industrial growth. Focus on skills like handiness, charisma, and inventing. Build a bustling city with factories and modern amenities. 6. World War Era: Set during a world war, your Sim must navigate rationing, community support, and maintaining morale. Develop skills like cooking, fitness, and charisma. Create a neighborhood that supports the war effort. 7. Modern Era: Your Sim arrives in a contemporary world. Focus on career progression, advanced technology, and social connections. Build a modern city with skyscrapers, advanced amenities, and a vibrant nightlife. 8. Future Era: As your Sim travels to the future, they must adapt to advanced technology, space tray and environmental challenges. Develop skills in robotics, programming, and gardening. Create a futuristic utopia or dystopia.

Scoring: • Each era has specific goals that your Sim must achieve. • Points can be awarded based on how well your Sim adapts to the challenges of each era and how historically accurate your builds and outfits are. Remember, the main goal is to see how well your Sim can adapt and thrive in various historical periods while influencing the course of history. Enjoy the challenge!

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1 year ago

“Teen Talents Challenge”

In this challenge, you create a household consisting only of teenage Sims. Each teen Sim must have a specific talent or skill they are passionate about, such as music, painting, writing, athletics, or cooking.

The challenge involves helping your teen Sims develop their talents to the fullest extent before they age up to young adults. You can set specific goals for each teen, like reaching a certain level in their skill, earning a certain amount of money from their talent, or even completing milestones related to their passion.

To add some extra excitement, you could introduce friendly competitions between the teen Sims, where they showcase their talents and compete for rewards or recognition. The goal is to see how successful and accomplished your teen Sims can become by the time they become young adults.

Remember, you’ll need to manage their schoolwork, social lives, and other responsibilities while also helping them pursue their talents. It’s a fun way to focus on the unique abilities and passions of your teen Sims!


1. Household Composition: Create a household consisting of only teenage Sims. You can have as many teen Sims as you’d like, but they must all be teens. 2. Talent Specialization: Each teen Sim must choose a specific talent or skill they are passionate about. This could include skills like painting, music, writing, gardening, athletics, cooking, etc. 3. Goals: Assign goals for each teen Sim based on their chosen talent. Goals could include reaching a certain skill level, earning a specific amount of money from their talent, completing certain milestones, or winning competitions related to their talent. 4. Aging Up: The challenge ends when the first teen Sim in the household ages up to a young adult. At this point, you can choose to continue with the challenge or conclude it. 5. Skill Development: Teen Sims are encouraged to focus on developing their chosen talent as much as possible before aging up. This might involve practicing, taking classes, and seeking out opportunities related to their talent. 6. School and Responsibilities: Teen Sims must attend school and complete their homework and assignments. Balancing schoolwork with talent development is part of the challenge. 7. Competitions: You can organize friendly competitions between the teen Sims to showcase their talents. These could be painting contests, music performances, cooking challenges, etc. 8. Social Life: Teen Sims are allowed to have friendships and romantic interests, but these should not distract from their talent development and schoolwork. 9. Parental Guidance: Adult Sims in the household (parents, guardians, etc.) can provide guidance and support to the teen Sims but should not directly participate in talent development. 10. Modifications: You can modify the challenge rules to suit your preferences. The main idea is to focus on developing the talents of the teen Sims while juggling their school and social lives.

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