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There Is More Loss Gained As Years Pass.

There is more loss gained as years pass.

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5 years ago

“I sympathise with everybody, damn it, and see why they are the way they are.”

— Kurt Vonnegut, The Commandant’s Desk

5 years ago

As the years pass by...

Your youth will continue to fade. Your body will ache in places you never realized. Your mind will become forgetful. Your sense will dull as the years continue. Your overall health to bounce back from sickness will take longer. You better hope that you’re living your life to the fullest as you read this now. Because you’ll never going to get any younger.

5 years ago

It is not about how beautiful or far away you can explore or travel. It is about being able to see the beauty and excitement that is in front of you. Appreciate what you already have and you’ll see beauty everyday.

5 years ago

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