To The Anon That Said This:
To the anon that said this:
…I just had to read just a LITTLE of that long ass post and just decided that that shipper has got to be one of the biggest dumbasses in the fandom. There’s too many reasons to say why. Dude. Learn. To. Cut. Your. Stories. Short.You also don’t have proof, you just listed all the SAME basic and false ‘facts’ that every other dumbass shipper says. So not only are you stupid, you’re not original, either.
Ok so when a person who is an anti can give their long ass opinion it's alright? But when I do it it's wrong? I listed facts. Beside a piece of the age thing/equation wich is incorrect the chronologically 29 yrs old part, and the thing about sotas age I do believe rin was older than him be it by a couple months or a year . I explained that it's from my drafts and was unedited. And I did have it edited to make it more factual and true., When I did the math backwards and forwards I was agreeing that she was 18+ when she gave birth to the twins ,so yes I agreed with the equation. Then I said that the the ages for rin in both yashahime and inuyasha was never confirmed. In other words the 29yrs old in the equation is irrelevant. I left the equation alone because I remembered the rule that I'm not allowed to tag the original creator of it for credit,this is how the original person had it, I corrected it in my version wich was in my notes until my phone factory reset. So I left the mistake in it intentionally, though I admit watching many of you take the 29yr old age mistake thingi and run away with it is kinda funny. And before you can say that I'm back tracking I'm not, I'm explaining what I had already explained before,y'all just want to hear/read what you want. I admit I could have made myself more clear and explained all this before but the ask was to long and I felt bad because moddy has to read all of it to make sure not tagging of people,wich I appreciate.
And I'm not original? Says one of the few people who calls the people who ship sesshrin stupid everytime they don't agree with you. Or lemme guess you also call everyone a pedo,and a groomer, like every other anti who is against it like a broken record. I honestly couldn't care if you didn't like sesshrin or if you just don't ship it. But the accusations many of y'all throw out are very serious. And yeah, sesshriners are also just as bad,there are good and bad antis and good and bad sesshriners. Plus this is a confessional blog, it doesn't just say antis only R Us. And as I said in the post all my stuff was erased. Wich honestly sucks, now I gotta go back recollecting everything.
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More Posts from Firelord-aries

Her Move
Sonia Strumm and Geo Stelar
By @azroazizah / @waltzfor-zizi

Nothing gets past Buttercup mwahaHAHAhaHAHA!
Deleted scenes and wallpapers will be available on Patreon (sweeeet and mmmm yessss tiers)
So Cute

“Why did we come to the zoo, papa? It’s boring. The sun is too bright and I’m tired.”
“Your mother and your sisters wanted to.”
“Can we just stay at home next time? Mama can take care of Towa and Rin onee-san while we have fun on our own, right?”
“..yes. Good idea, Setsuna.“
It’s grumpy dad and grumpy best girl Setsuna lol. Sesshoumaru doesn’t play favourites with his daughters but Setsuna is 100% a daddy’s girl.
Played around with a slightly different art style and line art method today and I realised I hate this method unfortunately so I will not be doing it this way again akjkajdfjfdh.
Support me on ko-fi if you like my art! Please do not repost my work without permission.
This goes without saying but DO NOT TAG AS SESSR/IN.
“First time for everything” Chapter 4 updated!
Read it on AO3 here.
“Mother, if there is–”
“My grandchildren. They would be around a year old now, wouldn’t they?”
She blinked. Towa and Setsuna? What the fuck did she want with them now?
“They– Two years.”
The daiyoukai stopped in her tracks, and Kagura stopped with her by her side. She turned around, her head cocked and her eyes narrowed. “Two years?”
Yeah, and what about it?
Golden eyes studied her from head to toe, and suddenly, Kagura didn’t know what to do with her arms.
Fuck. She should have grabbed her fan when she came out here.
Annoyed, she folded them.
“I specifically requested for you to bring them to visit once in a while because I knew my unfilial son would not. And here I am, having to invite myself to my son’s home just to catch a glimpse of my own granddaughters after two years of their birth.” Her husband’s mother shook her head and sighed deeply with a roll of her eyes. “One day, Kagura, when you find yourself seeing your daughters only once every decade, I hope you remember this exact moment.”
The wind sorceress resisted rolling her own eyes as well.
She could see where Sesshoumaru got his pettiness from.
Avatar: Goth Style
Series from @artbycarooliveira on Instagram.

Head over to Caro Oliveira’s Instagram to check out the captions and see more art! Each character is designed in a certain style of goth that fits their personality.