Weird Purple Things, Also Pie!
Weird purple things, also pie!

Don’t have a date for this one, probably was on may though

smoothedsmoothie liked this · 1 year ago
ferronickel liked this · 2 years ago
More Posts from Fishy-lilic

A portraid of woman in red, tring to learn digital art from some reference photos...
New camera, just don't know how to use it

Introducing Looking Glasses!
Pages 1-12
Next ==>
The plan is for this to be an ongoing comic, set two years after the events of the game, mostly focusing on Ralsei, Susie, and Lancer. These first 12 pages serve as a good introduction, but future updates won’t be longer than one or two pages at a time. I hope you’ll join me for the rest!

He and he’s little pink companion, he loved it!
Bartolomeu está de volta.

He back and updated! I’m still trying to figure out he’s anatomy and all, who would know that Bats are so complicated!

The ears, aaaaa I like the ears