
She's shiny

She's strong

And she's gotta a batle axe 🪓

Hey, the Fishy has made some mermay stuff, and it is mostly purple
Who would have guessed?

*My first victims were Celestial (10) and Villan (day 11)

Villan was my favorite and inspired by the lion-fish, they just look kinda malignant to me

Going for Malificent vibes? Maybe?

Here are some of my favorite sketches.
At the end of the month, maybe the favorites will become full pices, all depend on time

[To much stuff, celestial on the next post]
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Holy smokes, 500 ?
that feels like a lot, I’d like to thank everyone for sticking around!
Some hands doing stuff
Because one can never have to many hand studies

More fishy!
* This time old money, I'm not sure if it was supposed to be literally old money (like buried gold)
Or something else
[ Internet told me old money means UK and USA 50 house wife, and I'm no sure I understand]
But pears are pretty, so I've made a little dumb comic and also included dystopia

Oh no, my hand...

The sketch

The fish of this time was golden-fish because of reasons

*Look at him, no thoughts in his mind, love little fish

* The star motife continues

*Also a gost?
*she looks pretty death to me

*Also, I've watched OFMD, and my good, it only gets better
Hello, I’ve come close to the end of my second ever sketchbook and resolved to post some of my old 2022 stuff here

I’m probably not going I put everything on the 100 and something pages here but these are some of my favorites
Also bunny obsession fase…

One shot fan art:

The fox name is manjericão (Basil), he got 2 sisters whit equally weird names

These are from April to the beginning of may!