Dev blog for My Inner Sins, a supernatural romance with mystery, told as an interactive fiction game.
301 posts
How Would The Ro's React To Their Partner (mc) Sitting Down On Their Lap And Doing Their Makeup??
How would the Ro's react to their partner (mc) sitting down on their lap and doing their makeup??
💛 Marcel
Marcel just wrapped his arms around your torso as you straddled him, lipstick in hand.
His eyes follow the movements before a look of understanding crosses his face, and he lets out an amused chuckle.
"You think that is my color?" He asked as you giggled and put it on his lips.
"I think it will bring out the fullness of your lips."
Marcel simply shrugged and proceeded with the situation, content with the feeling of having his arms around you.
🧡 Margaret
Margaret blushed as you straddled her. "What are you doing?"
Her heart was beating so fast inside her chest that she thought it might explode. Clearly, you gave her a fake innocent look.
"Little old me? Well, I thought it would be fun to do your makeup."
Margaret then noticed the blush container in your hand and smiled warmly. "I don't know a lot about makeup."
"Then let's change that."
❤️ Owen
Owen grinned as he put his arms around you when you straddled his lap.
His smile is almost predatory as he sits up to kiss you, stopping when you put a finger on his lips.
You shushed him with a giggle and brought an eyelash curler to his face.
Before you knew it, your hands were held behind your back. Gently, Owen looked from the tool in your hand back at your surprised face.
"What are you doing, lass/duck/lad?"
You pouted a little. "I wanted to do your makeup."
Owen raised an eyebrow. "I don't wear makeup."
You tried to squirm away from him, but he just held you tighter. "That looks like a torture device." Owen kissed the tip of your nose. "You're going to get me wasted before I let that thing come anywhere near my face."
💙 Rosemary
Rosemary would just raise an eyebrow at you. "Is there something you desire, dollface/ angel face/handsome?"
You brought some eyeliner into view. "I thought I could do your makeup." You said, making herself comfortable on your lap.
Before you could even realize what was happening, Rosemary had you both sitting down in front of her vanity mirror, talking about the different kinds and qualities of her collection of beauty products.
🩵 Tai
Tai would fall into your touch as you sat on his lap, but his guard wouldn't be down. With his eyes narrowed, he looked at you. "What do you want?"
"I was wondering if I could do your makeup."
"What? Why?" You whined, and Tai sighed.
"There is no point in it. I don't wear makeup."
"I thought it couldn't be something we do together, and it would make me so happy." You pouted, and before you knew it, Tai was letting you put foundation on his face.
"We will never speak of this again."
💚 Zane
Zane kisses your neck as you sit on his lap, already getting worked up before you stop him.
"Wait, Zane, I actually wanted to do your makeup."
Zane pulled back to see the eyeliner in your hand. "You want to do my makeup? Why?"
"I thought it would be fun!" You give him such a genuine smile that the suspicion on Zane's face melts just a little bit. A feeling deep in his chest blooms, and he can't control letting out an almost primal growl. "While I don't like anyone touching my perfect face, I'll make an exception for you." He whispers, Low in your ear.
Then, he attacks your neck with kisses. "But after we are through here, I want a smokey eye."
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More Posts from Florencetypemaniacs
After seeing Margaret birthday thing. I gotta know when the other Ro's birthdays are. Looking forward to seeing theirs
If your okay with spicy asks, How do you think the RO's would react to the MC giving them bedroom eyes from across a room, maybe at a meeting/ party?
Relationship Stage: Couple
Very Mild NSFW (just in case)
💛 Marcel
Marcel feels his eyes on him and turns to find you looking at him with that look. That look made him completely forget about the conversation he was having with the person in front of him.
How could he focus when you were looking at him like that?
With a smile, he politely exited and went over to you, kissing you ever so softly.
"Is there something you need?" Marcel asked, his voice light, even if his eyes were full of lust. The lust in his eyes darkened when you gave him a coy smile.
"No, can't I just look at my boyfriend?" You asked too innocently, and Marcel fought the urge to take you into his arms.
Marcel cursed a little in old Latin and softly held your hand, helping you stand.
"I...desire you," Marcel whispered in your ear, making you gasp. No coy remarks. Instead, it's just a blunt need. The silent question was in his eyes, and you answered by pulling him up the stairs into your bedroom.
🧡 Margaret
I don't think she would understand right away, but when she does, she is a blushing mess. She felt something inside flutter, and she felt a deep desire. Whoever she is talking to will see that her face is as red as a tomato, and she would have to leave the room out of embarrassment, not noticing that you were following her.
When her name was called, Margaret spun around to see you walking towards her, worry on your face.
"Are you okay?" Those were the first words out of your mouth when you stopped in front of her.
Margaret shook her head, and her hands went to rest on her cheeks; they were warm to the touch.
"Everything is fine. I just got a little overwhelmed." She said it meekly.
You frowned. "Margaret..." You sighed. "I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable-"
"You didn't!" Margaret's hand grabbed your own, making you look into Margaret's eyes.
Margaret felt herself shutter in want and looked down at the ground in embarrassment. "I'm not uncomfortable. I just..." Margaret's words trailed off.
You gave Margaret's hand a gentle squeeze in support. Margaret swallowed and looked into your eyes, not breaking the intensity.
"I just really wanted you."
❤️ Owen
He would stare with a raised eyebrow. Owen would let you know with his eyes exactly what was going to happen before walking over to you with all the confidence in the world. Owen's eyes roamed your figure as he helped you up and out of the chair.
"If we weren't in public, lass/duck/lad, I would carry you out here."
You felt your breath quicken as you stepped even closer to him. "What's stopping you?"
Owen tilted his head, seeming to think for a moment before grinning at you.
"Nothing." He whispered in your ear before he started to drag you out of the room.
You both made it to the door until you heard the sound of a throat clearing behind you.
Owen and you turned to Aunt Zinnia, a hand on her hips and eyes dark. You could feel Owen sag beside you in defeat.
💙 Rosemary
People's eyes are usually on her every time she walks into the room. So what made this different? You. The minute Rosemary noticed that look on your face, she couldn't help but be pleased with herself. Your eyes were the ones that she wanted on you, and the need to be near you would be so strong as she swayed over to your side, a smirk on her face.
"Dollface/Angelface/Handsome if you keep looking at me like that, people might think you're not so well-behaved."
"Who said I was well-behaved?" You whispered close, and Rosemary just gave you a coy smile.
"Do I have to teach it to you?" Rosemary raised an eyebrow. "How can a lady think when you're looking at her like that?"
Rosemary didn't comment when your arms wrapped around her waist.
"How about we don't think for a while?" You said, a teasing tone in her ear, and Rosemary grinned.
🩵 Tai
All you would see was a blank stare before Tai would turn back to what he was doing. But on the inside, Tai would be having a mental battle to not drag you to the bedroom.
Did you know what you were doing to him?
All his thoughts had already consumed you, and now you were giving him this look?
Tai breathed in and out, knowing that you two would have a private moment alone sooner or later where he could properly have you with sweet words and tender touches.
Good things happen to those who wait.
💚 Zane
The moment Zane saw the look on your face, he felt himself grin from ear to ear. Desire was deep in his eyes as he gave you the same look right back.
Although he was hungrier, he was more animalistic, like a snake ready to swallow his prey.
No matter what Zane was doing, he was coming to you, a gasp escaping your lips when he kissed you.
Long and deep, full of promises and love that he never thought he would feel.
When you both came up for breath, you could feel eyes on you, and then Zane's lips were on your skin again, tender and then hungry, until your head hit the wall behind you in bliss.
"Do you think you can look at me like that and not have a consequence for your actions? " Zane whispered against your skin.
A shiver went down your spine, and Zane laughed. "It isn't a consequence, hm? It's more of a reward." Before you know it, Zane has picked you up from the floor, your legs around his waist.
"Isn't that right, little lion?"
Reaction of ROs when their children prefer them?😭 Like, the simple presence of the RO makes their baby calm down
MC goes to the baby's crib and they can't get the baby to sleep, but when the RO does they fall asleep immediately.
💛 Marcel
Marcel heart would explode as soon as the baby was put in his arms, his warmth instantly making the child calm down.
The big, beautiful eyes were the same shade as his own, and Marcel smiled, gently rocking his child in his arms. Marcel couldn't believe he had gotten a second chance at having a family. It was a chance to be a father and to know that his child felt safe with him, to the point that the baby instantly calmed down and made him warm all over.
"Don't worry, little angel; I won't let anything happen to you."
🧡 Margaret
Would weep with joy and hold her child close. Telling you all about it, not to make you feel bad but to share her relief that her baby actually loves her. Margaret would put a lot of pressure on herself to be the perfect mom, so this would make her relax a whole lot. But she would make it her life mission for you to bond with the baby as well, so you would feel included.
❤️ Owen
Owen would just shrug and would try not to make a big deal out of it so your feelings aren't hurt, but he would be freaking out inside. I could see Owen just holding the baby up when they were alone and saying...
If girl:
"I won't let anything happen to you, lass." And holding his daughter close to his chest.
If boy:
"I will make you proud that I'm your father." And holding his son close to his chest.
💙 Rosemary
Rosemary would find it very touching but would worry about the baby bonding with you. She wouldn't want you to feel left out, but at the same time, her own child already finding comfort in her would just make Rosemary's day. Rosemary just smiled the whole day and did not want to be apart from her child for even a minute.
🩵 Tai
Just Tai was in the rocking chair in the nursery, narrowing his eyes at the baby. "Okay, what is wrong? Don't you know how amazing your other parent is?"
Tai would just narrow his eyes. The baby preferred him over you? Not possible. You were perfect in every way; couldn't your child see that? So he would pay close attention to the child, maybe even running some tests. He would look through all the parenting books and see if this is normal. When he just figures out that the baby finds him comforting, Tai will honestly be so happy.
The baby was just babbling at him. In the baby tongue.
💚 Zane
Oh, so smug. Would rub it in your face, but he would be overjoyed as well. Zane was honestly really scared to become a father, so having his child feel comfortable around him would fill him with pride.
You, as the MC, would think that it was planned—the baby just wailing and Zane just popping out of nowhere. "Oh, don't worry, kid, I'm here." Zane would say it in a mocking tone towards you, but there was no real heat.
When I said Old Bertha is old...I mean OLD
What doesn't work:
- seat belts
- head lights
- doors
- Windows
- AC
- radio
How would the ROs react if their MC is a very affectionate person and they suddenly stop? Because someone told them that they are very annoying
💛 Marcel
Marcel would try to handle this as delicately as possible when he first noticed it. He knows that relationships go through stages and wouldn't want you to feel like you were in the wrong for not being as affectionate as before, but he would miss it.
I could see him trying to test the waters with his affection, wanting to know what you were okay with, which would bring up a conversation about what you were comfortable with.
When he hears about what that person said, he is already shaking his head.
"Don't listen to them. They don't know our relationship or us. Let us decide what is best for us, and what is best for me is for you to be yourself." Marcel said. "I don't need anyone telling you how to feel or how to act when everything you do is perfect."
🧡 Margaret
Margaret would notice that since she is also a very affectionate person, she would try and do the same, thinking that something was wrong with her.
I think that you both would stew in angst and miscommunication until Marcel, Camila, or even your Aunt Zinnia made you confess what was going on before the relationship got too bad.
When Margaret hears what that horrible woman said, she won't be able to stop herself from giving you comfort with sweet touches and words of her own.
"I love you. This week has been miserable without your soothing touches." Margaret pouts. "Please don't stop."
❤️ Owen
Yeah, to hell with that. Owen isn't that big on public displays, but the moment you stopped, he would find that he missed it. Especially in private.
So Owen would grab you and hold you in his lap, asking you what was wrong the moment he saw your personality change.
When the redhead finds out the reason you are acting strange, he will shake his head in disgust.
"That bloody bastard. Ye listen here lass/lad/duck, I don't give a mules ass what that bastard said, I want anything you will offer me." He said it, his voice softening at the very end. "The kisses, tender words, and especially the love."
💙 Rosemary
She could sense something was wrong from a mile away. You would be able to feel her eyes on you as you hesitated to show any kind of affection.
Rosemary would swallow down the anxiety of you getting bored because you weren't like that.
You loved her.
Gently creasing your cheek. "Tell me, what's the matter? Why aren't you your usual affectionate self?"
When you finally tell her, Rosemary is at a loss for words; she wants to walk out that door and find whoever said those lies to you.
Rosemary shook her head, kissing you lightly. "I have spent my whole life wanting to feel someone's love and kindness, so don't you dare take that away from me, dollface/angel face/handsome because no good storyteller wants to stick their nose where it doesn't belong."
🩵 Tai
Would think you were mad at him for something and try to figure out what. How could you withhold his kisses?! What evil thing did he do?
In the end, when he couldn't figure it out, he had to ask you, and when he found out, he couldn't help but clench his fist, starting to pace.
"That absolute imbecile." Tai would curse them out for a few minutes before looking at you with all seriousness.
"Wipe those thoughts from your mind. They are all false. Your affection isn't unwanted. Not by me. Not ever."
💚 Zane
The minute this happens, Zane will know and not be happy. First off, Zane likes a routine, especially if you're affectionate for him (something he craves like a madman) goes away. He would not be able to stop himself from right out asking what was wrong.
When he hears why you aren't being affectionate to him, he will grip your chin. "Listen to me, little lion, the moment I stop craving your love, strike me down where I stand for that is not me."
The next thing you know, Zane is hunting this person down to give him peace of mind.