Dev blog for My Inner Sins, a supernatural romance with mystery, told as an interactive fiction game.
301 posts
If Someone Tells RO That Their Partner Is Very Hot And "do They Mind Sharing?" In A Semi-joking Manner.
If someone tells RO that their partner is very hot and "do they mind sharing?" in a semi-joking manner. How will they react?
💛 Marcel
Would give the person an awkward but not unkind smile. "Sorry, but that isn't something me and my partner wouldn't be interested in." Marcel would then go and whisper in your ear about that person just to let you know to watch out or ask if you want him to stay close.
🧡 Margaret
Honestly, she would not get it at first, but when she did anger and jealousy, she would mix inside her, but insecurity would creep in. She would give a wide-eyed stare and bite her lips as she tried to find words. She would watch you and that person the whole night, and if you seemed interested in them, she would have a mental breakdown.
❤️ Owen
Owen's jaw clenched as he stared at the man, giving him a deadly stare. "Not interested." He said, wanting to punch the man's lights out but instead going near you. The whole time, he will be guarding you like a dog, not letting the man come too close, and if he is stupid enough to try anything, he will beat the crap out of that man.
💙 Rosemary
Rosemary completely trusts you, but that doesn't mean that she likes other people looking at you like a buffet, but she is a classy lady. She would give the person a tense smile, making light of it before saying in a polite tone that they couldn't handle you. I'm trying to make light of it, but if that person tried anything with you now, Rosemary has a problem.
🩵 Tai
Smoke came out of his ears, his face so red. He would completely berate the person, no matter who they are in a passive-aggressive way, and depending on the person, he would start to just outright insult anything they could think of. The only thing keeping him in that room is you, but if you decide to leave, Tai is right behind you, giving that person the evil eye. The whole next week will be Tai muttering to himself about the person.
💚 Zane
Rip that person 😢 They will never be seen again ☠️
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More Posts from Florencetypemaniacs
Reaction of ROs when their children prefer them?😭 Like, the simple presence of the RO makes their baby calm down
MC goes to the baby's crib and they can't get the baby to sleep, but when the RO does they fall asleep immediately.
💛 Marcel
Marcel heart would explode as soon as the baby was put in his arms, his warmth instantly making the child calm down.
The big, beautiful eyes were the same shade as his own, and Marcel smiled, gently rocking his child in his arms. Marcel couldn't believe he had gotten a second chance at having a family. It was a chance to be a father and to know that his child felt safe with him, to the point that the baby instantly calmed down and made him warm all over.
"Don't worry, little angel; I won't let anything happen to you."
🧡 Margaret
Would weep with joy and hold her child close. Telling you all about it, not to make you feel bad but to share her relief that her baby actually loves her. Margaret would put a lot of pressure on herself to be the perfect mom, so this would make her relax a whole lot. But she would make it her life mission for you to bond with the baby as well, so you would feel included.
❤️ Owen
Owen would just shrug and would try not to make a big deal out of it so your feelings aren't hurt, but he would be freaking out inside. I could see Owen just holding the baby up when they were alone and saying...
If girl:
"I won't let anything happen to you, lass." And holding his daughter close to his chest.
If boy:
"I will make you proud that I'm your father." And holding his son close to his chest.
💙 Rosemary
Rosemary would find it very touching but would worry about the baby bonding with you. She wouldn't want you to feel left out, but at the same time, her own child already finding comfort in her would just make Rosemary's day. Rosemary just smiled the whole day and did not want to be apart from her child for even a minute.
🩵 Tai
Just Tai was in the rocking chair in the nursery, narrowing his eyes at the baby. "Okay, what is wrong? Don't you know how amazing your other parent is?"
Tai would just narrow his eyes. The baby preferred him over you? Not possible. You were perfect in every way; couldn't your child see that? So he would pay close attention to the child, maybe even running some tests. He would look through all the parenting books and see if this is normal. When he just figures out that the baby finds him comforting, Tai will honestly be so happy.
The baby was just babbling at him. In the baby tongue.
💚 Zane
Oh, so smug. Would rub it in your face, but he would be overjoyed as well. Zane was honestly really scared to become a father, so having his child feel comfortable around him would fill him with pride.
You, as the MC, would think that it was planned—the baby just wailing and Zane just popping out of nowhere. "Oh, don't worry, kid, I'm here." Zane would say it in a mocking tone towards you, but there was no real heat.
Possibly NFSM
So RO is just chilling, but they suddenly hear MC call "(RO)! Could you help with my dress/tunic?" And when they go to help, it does seem genuinely complicated to undo (like when we have zippers on the backs of dresses and can't pull it properly) but undoing the garment just reveals that MC is wearing nothing underneath 🤭
Mild 🔞 NSFW (Not Safe For Work)
I don't want to go into detail with this because I am thinking of writing a scene close to this or something like this, but here is a little taste....
💛 Marcel
Honestly Marcel is very respectful so he would just help Zip you up and give you a charming smile, not wanting to presume that you wanted to do anything intimate. Now if you pushed just a little more then Marcel will struggle for an hour to get that outfit off.
🧡 Margaret
Would run out of the room in a flustered mess.
❤️ Owen
That outfit is going to be on the floor in two seconds flat
💙 Rosemary
Would raise an eyebrow. "You want to play this game, dollface/angel face/handsome?"
🩵 Tai
Turn bright red. "What is the meaning of this?!" Then with a pout, he helps you take it off. 😝
💚 Zane
Sorry that the outfit is going to be torn up and on the ground 🤣🤣🤣
How do the ros react to hearing someone brag about having sex with the mc and how they were in bed? Crushing and relationship 🫣
I thought I would just do the dating stage; I thought it would be more fun, and I kind of want to add this to the actual story.
Relationship Stage: Couple
💛 Marcel
He would try to smile through the awkwardness. None of your past lovers matter to him because, in the end, he is the one by your side every night. Marcel does think that this person talking so crassly about your intimate relationship was inappropriate.
"I think that the moment that you and MC shared should be remembered and not talked about," Marcel said without his usual charming smile.
🧡 Margaret
Very much would be wondering if she is making you happy as much as this person is. She wouldn't get jealous more but she would get insecure and probably run out of the room, not wanting to hear how much better this person is than her. You would probably have to sit her down and talk to her afterward when she starts acting weird and going a little overboard, trying to please you, in and out of the bedroom.
❤️ Owen
Just give the person a dead look. "Well, good thing MC found a real man, huh? Clearly, you didn't satisfy them. " If the person starts getting aggressive, then it is an all-out fist fight. First, that person shouldn't be spreading your business around. Second, well, Owen is just a little jealous and wants to take this jerk down a peg.
💙 Rosemary
Rosemary would put on a charming smile, even though it didn't reach her eyes. "Ah yes, MC is marvelous in the bedroom. They can even handle me. Although MC needed a break here and there, they were sure worn out. " She would stare blankly at the person in front of her, letting them know in a subtle way that they haven't even come as close to satisfying MC as she can.
🩵 Tai
He would clench his fist and lock eyes with the person before leaving the room, muttering the whole way until he stopped in front of you.
"Let's go." He grabbed your hand and started to head towards a private area.
"What? Tai, where are we going?"
"To a bed. I need to prove something."
💚 Zane
That person felt a cold hand on their shoulder, turning around to fade away with Zane.
"I can assure you that you haven't even come close to satisfying my little lion, and if I ever hear you even utter my lover's name, I will cut out your tongue and make you eat it."

I had no idea this was a Tumblr classic but I'll give it my best shot.
Rosemary's eyes caught the mark right as you walked through the door, and she felt all the air leave her lungs.
What did I suspect? MC is amazing; of course, they found someone.
Rosemary bit her lip and turned away from the room. She walked out the door, the sound of her steps grounding her.
She swallowed her disappointment and sadness. Rosemary felt her heart clench as her thoughts ran to someone touching you. feeling your warmth and how she longed for that to be her, but it was too late. She would just have to accept that.
I shouldn't even be upset. We aren't together, even if I thought maybe—never mind all that. It was a stupid dream. MC deserves someone good and whole. Someone alive. Not broken and dead.
Rosemary let out a shaky breath, trying to keep his voice out of her head.
Who could truly ever love someone as useless as you?
Your voice rang out in the room like a bell, and Rosemary froze before putting on a fake smile that she was used to wearing.
"What can I do for you, dollface/angelface/handsome?"
Your hand reached to your neck, rubbing it, and Rosemary spotted another hickey.
Her heart clenched as she stared out the window that you were both looking through, wishing to the stairs for this painful feeling to go away.
"How are you not covered in these things?" You asked, and Rosemary snapped her head towards to look to see you pointing a finger at your love bite.
Rosemary stayed very still, keeping her composure; however, inside, she was having a mental battle.
Is MC asking me why I'm not covered in love bites?
Rosemary gripped the side of her dress; it was all so cruel. Were you gloating or just asking an innocent question?
With pursued lips, Rosemary spoke. "I suppose I am not that lucky; a lady gets tired of bothersome affection." She did not mean for the words to come out with so much acid, but they did, and there was no taking it back now.
You look a little befuddled. "What does being a lady have to do with bug bites?"
Rosemary's mind comes to a stop at the mention of bug bites. "Excuse me?"
You point your finger at your mark again. "What does having to be a lady have to do with bug bites?"
Is it a bug bite?
Rosemary felt her heart leap and reached towards you to... Hug you? Confess? Kiss you?
She didn't have a chance to do any of that, as your aunt Zinnia called for you, making you turn away from her.
"Coming!" You yelled down the stairs and then turned towards Rosemary. "I'll talk to you later, Rosemary!"
Rosemary was left fanning her face with her hand and thanking the stars.
You were in his clinic, giving him a delivery, when he saw it. Tai would have been able to do his witty banter, but with his attention on your mark, he was quite lacking.
Is that a hickey?
Tai blinked back out of his thoughts when you reached out for him, questioning if everything was alright.
"Tai? Are you okay? You just kind of zoned out."
Tai snatched his arm back from your touch as if he were burned, earning him a concerned look from you.
I'm so damn foolish.
Tai knows it was illogical, but he felt anger build inside him, and even in that moment, he knew it wasn't directed at you but at himself for letting his infatuation for you get out of hand.
Although he had to let that anger out, you were right there, parading your lover's mark right in front of him.
"Oh, in a rush? Sorry that this is such a hassle for you; maybe it would be best for you to leave."
Before you could even utter a sentence, he had already shut the door in your face, not listening to your shouts from the other side, and soon they seemed to disappear.
I am a complete fool.
Tai avoided you like the plague, but even though you were miles away from him, he still couldn't get you out of his head, no matter what he tried.
Tai grimaced as you walked into the door of his clinic, his eyes trying to scan you, when he noticed another love bite on your neck.
"What do you want, Oleander?" Tai said in a dead tone, which you seemed not to notice as you touched your neck, seemingly distracted.
Another hickey? Oh, I'm sure MC has a lot on their mind.
"Uh, I don't know if you can even help me, but..." You began to feel a little embarrassed, and Tai just gave you an unblinking look, his face as blank as always. "Can you give me a prescription for some kind of itching medication? This bug bite is killing me."
Tai doesn't blink; his eyes trained on the "hickey," and he narrowed his eyes. "Bug bite?" Tai crossed his arms, not ready to believe this excuse that you were making up. "You were bitten by a mosquito on your neck?"
Completely missing Tai's skeptical tone, you nodded your head, leaning against the counter and absently scratching an itch. "I know, right? Our bugzapper broke, and the one Aunt Zinnia bought online isn't here yet."
Now that Tai was getting a better look at it, it did look a lot like a bug bite. He uncrossed his arm and said it in a softer tone. "Peppermint. Mosquitos hate peppermint."
You perked up. "Really? I think Aunt Zinnia has some peppermint oil! Thanks, doc!" You start to hurry out the door a little pep in your step.
Tai just stood there processing what happened, and his chest filled up with relief.
The moment Marcel saw the mark, he felt a pit in his stomach start to form, although a smile was still on his face, and you were none the wiser as you talked.
I'm jumping to conclusions. MC wouldn't: But the more he stared at the mark on your neck, the more the smile would start to slip, making you question it.
"Marcel, are you okay?"
Marcel's head snapped up, and the smile was back in place. "I'm just feeling a little under the weather."
Before you could say anything, Marcel was walking briskly out the door, his thoughts racing as he closed the door to a private area behind him, falling to the floor.
Stop. MC already has someone. No use getting upset over it; they are happy, so I should be happy for them. I could make myself happy for MC.
Marcel bit his lip, got off the floor, and went over to the mirror, making himself smile as he said it in a cracked, fake, happy voice.
"Hey MC!"
Needs work, but I can pretend to be happy until I am.
"Hey, Marcel!" You called from your bedroom. and Marcel cringed a little as he slowly made his way towards your bedroom, putting a smile on his face as he walked to the door.
Be happy. Be happy. Be happy.
''Yes, MC? Is there something I can do for you?"
Marcel asked, praising himself when his voice didn't come out in a desperate sob but rather in a charming tone.
You tried to hit one of the mosquitoes on the desk with your hand, and even though it was quite gross, the anger you felt for those little bastards was greater.
"Can you go get me a fly swatter?
''Ah, do you have pesky bugs that need attending to?" Marcel asked, his eyes gleaming as he watched you try to kill another bug on your lap. The action looked more like an intrepid dance than killing a bug.
You gave him a look. A look only you could give him, and he cursed himself for those eyes, still making his knees weak.
MC is with someone. MC is with someone. Someone who isn't you.
"You have no idea! They made me a buffet last night." You pointed to your neck where the "hickey" was, and Marcel's eyebrows raised in confusion.
"Those are bug bites?" Marcel asked slowly, hope bubbling in his chest.
You gave him a weird look. "Uh, yeah, what did you think they were?"
Marcel started to laugh, the hope just spilling out of him in a gasp of breath that left you asking questions that Marcel couldn't answer at the moment.
I guess I was jumping to conclusions.
Owen was so sure you were serious that it wasn't a game, but...maybe he just let the feeling clouded his judgment.
Owen tried to look anywhere but the new asseroery on your neck but it was hard as he bit his tongue. He just wanted to know why you changed your mind, if it was all a game, or maybe you just met someone better. It was a high possibility and with the mark on your neck.
Oh God, Agate was going to have a field day with this.
You looked at Owen across the table, In concern a teacup in your hand. "You alright Owen? You grip that tea cup any harder and it might break."
Just leave it alone. Just leave it alone.
"So ye found someone to keep your bed warm at night?" Owen asked, his tone usually softer.
You raised an eyebrow in confusion to ask him who or what he was referring to before he cut you off.
"I'm just guessing from that-" Owen said, pointing towards your "hickey."
Just leave it alone. They are probably happier. Hell, if the mark is any indication, they are fine, but....if I just had another chance to prove...
"I just want you to know there is someone else out there too.....if you would have them."
Owen's gaze remained fixed on yours, and he was aware that he wasn't being particularly passive, but that wasn't his style to begin with. But even he understood it was too perilous to give out a full confession, so he opted for the word "someone" rather than himself.
Please let me be that someone.
"Yes?" Owen asked, his voice barely audible.
Your eyes flashed with hesitation. "What are you talking about?"
Owen gulped through his dry mouth. "Listen, lass/duck/lad, all I'm saying is that I'm here for whatever you need as a brother, mate, or something more."
Owen gave your hand a gentle squeeze, so you could pull away at any moment, but you just held on tighter. Owen looked down at your hands, and his breathing seemed to become more even.
"....something more." You said the words slowly like they were foreign. Your heart beat in your chest and the prospect, you leaned over closed, and Owen held his breath. However, there was a question on the edge of your tongue that you couldn't ignore. "What brought this on? What do you mean about someone in my bed?"
Owen ran a hand through his hair. "You don't have to lie to me. I saw your love bite."
Your eyes widen, and your hand reaches instinctively toward your neck. "What?" You remembered the mosquito bite as a familiar itch. "Oh Owen, this isn't a hickey; it's a mosquito bite."
Owen blinked in surprise; his eyes widened, and a pink tint rose to his cheeks as he looked closer. "Ah. I see that it is." He was so caught off guard that you felt the genuine relief come off him in waves.
The redhead got up and leaned over you, cornering you like you were prey, but you weren't scared. On the contrary, you felt quite secure when he looked at you with sincere eyes.
"So...can I be that someone?"
Zane's eyes always seemed to roam your body from head to toe whenever you walked into a room.
Lips. Legs. Torso.
He always seemed to try and figure out if anything was different, but when your hand kept going to your neck, that was what his eyes went to in a flash.
Then, his whole world came crumbling down.
Something bubbled up inside him—a familiar feeling he knew all too well, boiling rage. He wanted to laugh hysterically, cry, and shout all at the same time.
Because it was all so stupid. It really was. You weren't even important. but you were. Hell, you were the most important thing to him, and you weren't even his to begin with.
Before you knew it, you were being pulled into the other room, the door slamming behind you, making you jump. "What the hell, Zane?"
You crossed your arms; Zane's back was to you, but there was a coldness in the room that you couldn't quite comprehend.
"Zane, you better start making sense."
Zane whirled around, and your eyes widened at Zane's expression of hurt and hunger combined. You had to take a step back.
Shadows are wiped out of the corners of the room, and before you know it, you're pressed against the wall, the tentacles trailing your body, leaving you with a feeling of hot pleasure.
A tentacle grabbed your chin, tilting it to the side surprisingly gently. "Who did that to you?"
You struggled against the shadows. "Did what, Zane?!" You asked, and you knew he wouldn't hurt you. Not this, Zane. Not you, Zane.
"Who did you let suck on your damn neck?" Zane looked straight into your eyes, and all you saw was raw sadness staring back at you.
You shook your head when the realization hit you. "Zane, this isn't a hickey; it's a mosquito bite."
Zane stopped and looked into your eyes, narrowing his own, and he must have seen the truth behind your statement because the shadows relaxed around you.
"A mosquito bite," Zane said each word carefully, and relief hit him like a ton of bricks.
An urge hit Zane like an animal instinct to mark you with whatever he could, although he settled on his lips.
You nodded. "I would never. I mean, that is to say that I-" Your words died in your mouth when the shadows wrapped around you in just the right way, and Zane's mouth was on your neck.
"Zane?" Your voice came out hoarse, and Zane chuckled.
"I need to mark you to make sure everyone knows you're mine."
Margaret felt her heart break when she saw the mark, her hands in fist as she tried not to cry.
She thought that you—well, she guessed it didn't matter what she thought because you already had a lover.
It's okay. It's okay.
Margaret repeated In her head as you spoke, clearly concerned.
"Margaret, is everything alright?" You asked, coming closer to put a hand on her shoulder to try and comfort her.
"You have a mark." She said, her voice barely above a whisper as she pointed to your neck.
"Oh yeah." You said it in a sheepish tone. "It's a-"
"I think I have some kind of ointment I can give you," Margaret said, turning away from you to go get the ointment her voice tighter than normal.
Margaret waited; she waited for you to bring up this new lover. For at least Camila to spill something but nothing.
Did you not trust her? Did you think she would get upset? Did you know about her crush on you?
It hurt like nothing before that you were already taken, but the more she thought about it, the more she just wished for your happiness. It was selfish not to trust her as a friend, and now that rooted self-doubt right into her heart.
When you came in with another mark, she turned away.
"Hey, Margaret, can I have some more of that ointment for this bug bite?"
Margaret's whole world stopped as she slowly turned around to face you, her mouth finally working after what felt like a minute.
"My bug bite." You said, while absently scratching it, and Margaret couldn't help the smile that etched itself across her face.
Hope filled her to the brim as she vibrated with happiness. Now, really looking at the "love bite," it did look like a bug bite.
"I will get right on that!" Margaret said with a smile.
What if someone is very actively flirting with RO, making heart eyes at them, complimenting, smiling sweetly, etc. The MC looks at them from afar. They don't like it, they are jealous and upset, but they can't say anything because they are too shy and not sure if RO likes such attention from this person or not. So, MC just sends sad glances in their direction.
What will the ROs do? (if it's a crush stage)
💛 Marcel
Marcel would smile politely at the person who is indeed flirting with him, but as soon as he sees you looking at him, he won't be able to keep the conversation going with them.
The moment your eyes met his, he felt the need to go over to you and tell you that it wasn't what it looked like, but it wasn't. And you weren't his anymore than he was yours, but he wanted to be. Gods, he wanted to be.
With a quick smile, he politely left the person and walked over to you.
"Mind if I sit down?" And he glanced at the chair next to you, hoping you understood he wasn't just talking about a seat.
🧡 Margaret
Margaret blushed at the boldness of the person coming on to them, fanning her face as she felt her nerves jitter. It was nice to be complimented, but it was all too much.
The moment Margaret's eyes met your own, they widened in understanding because Margaret had been where you sat. Looking at people who she was smitten with flirting with other people, she felt a wave of guilt hit her.
What was she supposed to do? Did you truly like her, or was it a trick of the mind? She wouldn't be able to breathe as she gave the person an almost wild look before excusing herself and going to a present she knew she would find comfort in. You. Margaret went and stood by you and gave a wary smile with a tinted blush.
❤️ Owen
Owen had to hold in a laugh at this person, usually, he would just let the jokes and flirting remarks about his figure roll off his back like a duck, and sure, it sometimes gave him a little pride.
Then his eyes caught yours from across the room, and he felt his breath catch as he held your sad gaze. He didn't understand why you were sad, but he wanted to be there for you. He wanted to hunt down the bastard who made your lips pout like that.
Not even answering the person beside him, he sat beside you, holding your surprised gaze.
"You want to get out of here, lass/duck/lad?"
💙 Rosemary
Rosemary purred in the person's ear and whispered back a flirty remark. It came as naturally as breathing. It didn't matter that it made her skin crawl to feel the person's body so close to hers because she was in control of the situation.
But the moment her eyes met yours, she had the urge to shove the person off of her. She knew jealously. Rosemary felt it herself. She even made others jealous. But the pure sadness that radiated off of you stopped her in her tracks.
You were upset because she was with someone, and that made Rosemary upset. This growing affection for you made Rosemary dizzy as she, with a flirty grin, excused herself from the person.
She needed to breathe.
Rosemary needed to feel like she was in control and not overcome by your ever-growing thoughts.
🩵 Tai
Tai just stared at the person blankly, his face uninterested in what this person was saying because his eyes were on you.
It was a habit every since he got to Lockwood to keep an eye on you. To make sure that you were safe. It became a habit that he started to enjoy—the relief that would flood him when he saw you.
Now Tai started to notice that the feeling he had when he saw you was something bubbling within him. Something almost unnatural. Pure.
His eyes met yours, and he saw the sadness, and before he knew it, he was walking towards you. The pull was too strong for him to ignore as he examined you.
"What's wrong?"
💚 Zane
Zane usually loved the attention. He knew he looked good. He knew humans valued outer beauty, but Zane couldn't find it in himself to care what this person was whispering in his ear. It was all too boring. The pleased feeling he would feel at being wanted wasn't there.
Then he sees the sadness in your eyes when you look at him and he frowns. He didn't understand, not really. Why were you upset looking at him and this person?
It all stopped when you came into his life, not the fluttering feeling. No, that seemed to only triple but only when you were near. Hell, the things he wanted to do to you...
It plagued his thoughts like nothing else, and he wondered if this was some sort of plot of your own accord.
Zane would get angry.
Zane would just leave the person without so much as a word of goodbye before sitting next to you.
"What's wrong, little lion? Do I need to kill someone?"