This is a null spaceThanks for the memories
13 posts
Fluffyy-tortoise-kit - Yo - Tumblr Blog

Reblog In 5 seconds for good luck
I’m moving to @kitcam-the-great for MCYT and @sodor-reimagined for all things TTTE
This blog will be deleted and no longer in use
Thank you all for your continued support

Darling @dilemmaart made this for yours truly. So I'm going to post this here. Take care ya'll.

Been a hot minute since I did a meet the artist/profile thing so thought it would be a good idea to update it a little. ✨ yes that is a real outfit I own my fashion sense is meant to hurt your eyes haha oh and my three fur babies are Rudolph, Toffee and Peanut.

Seeds For Tomorrow
Inspired by the brave Ukrainian woman who told the invading Russian soldier “Put sunflower seeds in your pocket so that sunflowers will grow when you die here.”

Ways to support Ukraine 🇺🇦
More than 500,000 people have already left Ukraine due to the invasion by the Russian Federation. The European Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management estimates that roughly 18 million Ukrainians will be affected by the conflict in humanitarian terms, with 7 million internally displaced and 4 million seeking refuge elsewhere. To help those still in Ukraine, as well as Ukrainian refugees, we’ve compiled this list of resources.
HelpUkraineWin.org has a collection of vetted and trusted resources, charities, and organizations to help Ukraine.
Some additional ways to donate:
Vostok SOS provides immediate evacuation support.
Malteser International provides essentials for Ukrainian refugees.
Ukraine Crisis Media Center provides fundraising links and a list of tips for sharing information.
Misinformation spreads fast on social media. It is more important than ever to share accurate, verifiable news and information. Here are some resources to learn how to identify misinformation:
This video from the nonprofit WITNESS shares tips for identifying authentic sources (available in English, Spanish, Ukranian, Russian, and Arabic).
These visual verification tips, also from WITNESS, provide information on verifying images and videos (available in English and Spanish).
This interview with NPR contains tips for identifying fake TikToks.

LGBT activists have been vocal about intersex issues for several decades, because establishing the legal right to bodily autonomy for intersex persons is basically inseparable from establishing the right of trans persons to that same legal autonomy over their own bodies. many intersex persons prefer not to be grouped together with LGBT causes; however, the vast majority of LGBT activists would agree that performing “corrective” surgery on intersex infants - to force them to adhere to a largely fictional gender binary - is pretty fucking evil.
Hello! :3
Have some OCs!

These are my babies. KitCam, Vivian Dolores, Lydia Dame, Gala, Johnathan Morello.
They all exist in the same universe as my TTTE Humanized AU (@sodor-reimagined if you wanna check it out. Posts coming soon). They’ve al got their own stories and adventures though, so stick around and see what they get up too!
More sketches!

this piece has a little bit of a story behind it, basically I was going through my notes for shifting perspective, because i haven’t done that in a while, and removing any ideas that are no longer relevant because of plot reasons
then, i stumbled upon a small bit that basically described the scene above. I’m pretty sure it was meant to occur in the most recent chapter (chapter 15), but it never did, and I doubt it will because the plot has changed a lot from when I wrote the note (which was first written around chapter 3 or 4)
If you’re here for TTTE content and TTTE content exclusively head over to my new blog @sodor-reimagined
That being said I’d you wanna stick around for random art, shitposts, and other cold stuff then feel free.
Thanks for your patience and cooperation during these times.
Ah yes the three genders 😌

What a squad
So uh- Where is everything?
Well the simple answer is that it’s been deleted. I’m starting over with a clean slate as there were things on my blog that are now considered irrelevant, such as concepts and people in my life.
So yeah.
I’m starting over 🙃