flyhighaangle - i love you becasue you are love ^_^
i love you becasue you are love ^_^

TRYUCYΒ  !!!!!!!! he / him ^_^ GOINGΒ  TO UPDATE THE BLOG IN A LTITLEIMPORTANT EDIT: hey! its futaba, the new host. if you see this blog interact with you, dont be alarmed! its just our main blog. i dont have the heart to get rid of it lol.. you can find us at @usarinnpa insteadbtw dw we are 18+ , sorry if anyone gets jumpscared by this blog in their notes

686 posts

Idont Tihnk I Leike Beinng In The InterrogationOMG HI SUNNY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^_^ WHATS U P ?@?@?@?

idont tihnk i leike beinng in the interrogationOMG HI SUNNY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^_^ WHATS U P ?@?@?@?

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2 years ago

Girl i eat yhe sticks and stones that break your bones i will eat them for you

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