I'm tired, so I might not post much. please read the pinned post before submitting Asks.
45 posts
SO Since I Felt Like It, And You Guys Clearly Seemed To Like Him... Have A Portrait Of My Countdown Narrator!
SO since I felt like it, and you guys clearly seemed to like him... have a portrait of my countdown Narrator!
As previous, there will be a pose reffrence below..
"Now I present to you:
Countdown Narrator! (He was kind enough to allow a portrait)"
"Hello there~"

"What is it that you called me here for?"
" Just.... stay seated, please. "
"All right, however, I do have to ask. What is that behind me?"
"....fire? Explosion? I'm not sure actually. It's just meant to bring some contrast into the picture"
"..allright...well, hurry up then. It's getting warm in here."
Pose reffrence on Pinterest
1super-nova5 liked this · 1 year ago
xandyprojects liked this · 1 year ago
calverkeys liked this · 1 year ago
More Posts from Foxi-gi

(All of these are part if Neil and will be introduced later)
(We also have a hatebug, lovebug, and sadbug in there!)
Okay! So! 50% of all voters (of like...5 people (yes, I know it's tecnicaly 6 but only because I dropped my phone on voted on accident)) voted for the comic to be released first!
And if I did the math correctly (which I most likely didn't), nearly an equal amount of people wanted me to release the fanfiction!
So, what if I tried to do both somehow?
What do you think? If any of you have ideas, how I could do it, in a way you'd like to see, please let me know!
I'll write a teaser soon, so you all get to see what a chapter would look like.
Thank you for everyone who voted!
I will post the teased at drawing very soon! And I'm already working on the Comic ^^
Have an amazing day!
Hi! This is my first post, I wasn't sure what do share so I'll just share a picture of a tiny terrarium in a jar that I made the other day.
A worn called greg lives in this jar as well, but I'm not sure if it will survive since j may or may not have accedentally damaged it when digging it up.
Sketches, sneak peaks, and art coming soon!

Okay, that's all. Have a great day :]

Also, I finished this while I was really tired, so please bear with me!
Just realised I messed up some colours, but standing with one arm out is the correct one.
I'll fix it later! (Will edit then)
Countdown Narrator!
He was originally supposed to be a character acted out by another Narrator of mine. But welp.
Have fun with this drawing I guess?

"Oh Stanley~ You made the wrong choice...
Now deal with the consequences of your actions."
Another perspective:

References used:
(I look for poses on Pinterest to practice anatomy and perspective)
First pose
Second pose
Third pose
Hope you guys liked him! There may be more in the future ;]