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Foxi-gi - Oz

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Hey, and happy 4/27!!!
I didn't draw anything for 4/27 (yet), but I drew this with one of my Narrators in mind.

(His name is Neil lol)
I've been inactive for a while, and I can't say I haven't started any drawings yet.
But due to some art block thst kicked me off my feet, I am still struggling to catch up on the small projects I had planned.
Meanwhile, one of my Narrator OCs has split into 3 different versions, and I do not have a single actual reference for any of my characters.
How many do you ask?
Well according to tupperbox on Discord, about 53.
Including duffeent versions and sonas, as well as non TSP characters.
But I belive the actual count should be around 40 still or 30.
So I'm going to start drawing and posting them in segments.
And you have the opportunity to let me know what you'd like to see first (just name wise!)!
Just let me know and give me an ask in my box, and I'll try to draw it when I get the time to.
What do you guys think?
I don't think mine is very accurate to be honest

Thank you for tagging me! (Idk who to tag so uhhh)
@ulsia333 /you don't have to if you don't want to of course-
Do THIS QUIZ and say your result

Thats what I got!!! @wanderingwierdo @the-cherryblossom-system @blooper-malte @a-secret-rpblog @gobodegoblin @beeflingo @ibuildblasters
My Characters and AUs for TSP!
(Its a long list so-)
The gatherer AU:
Originally this was named differently, lost AI Au I think? But I think this fits much better!
โ Neil [and all of his inner personalities: Chase, Scott, Ozil, Liel, Luth, Crash, Null] (the Narrators)
Neil's children:
โ Claire (the Curator)
โ Tk (the time keeper. Seen in my Coliseum posts)
โ Marshall
โ Blue
โ Thomas (fallen human/the protagonist)
โ Terry (Cat shaped Adventure Line)
The Swap AU:
โ Neil/Nolan: former Narrator. Victim
โ Tom: former protagonist. Fallen Human. Victim.
The mask: Parasite
The Godly Au:
Lien (the father. The Narrator. The keeper.) (Said like "Lee-n")
His kids: (at least a few of them)
William, Claire, Truce, Marshall. And MANY more.
(He will also adopt YOU if you'd like that)
The Starsmith: Spec
Buckets and Plants Au:
โ Conrad (the Narrator)
โ Bruce (The Stanley)
(They're gay your honor)
The Tea AU:
Nothing special yet so I will add more "characters development" at some point.
โ Robert (The Narrator)
โ โ โ โ โ (the Curator)
โ โ โ โ โ (Mariella
โ Stanley (Stanley :])
โ โ โ โ โ (The settings person)
The Host Au/Arc:
(This one's a big one guys)
The Doctor: Dr.S
The assistant: Saul
The subjects:
Host A: Caden (Narrator) or Felix
Host B: Kelvin (Narrator)
Host C: Buer or Neve (Genderbend Narrator)
(These 3 are all versions of each other from other AUs but due to...circumstances, they're the same AU now.)
Subject Ci: Cindy (The Curators remains), a child.
Subject R: Ruru (The Narratoes Remains)
Subject Ca: Carlson C. Jesse. (The Time keepers Remains)
The mass: โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ
The Host Victims:
- Henry: A Narrator
- Henry's Stanley -> lives on as Jimley, Henry's son.
- James: A Narrator, now leader of a Rebellion.
- Stan: The remains of a Stanley. A child. Adopted by James.
- Keith and Asher: Rescued victims. Rescued by โ โ โ โ โ โ
And many more.
- Cury Culair: A Curator
- Blue (Neil's son as mentioned above)
The Sequal AU:
- Becka: The Blind Narrator
- Mariella: The Seeking Protagonist
The Loop AU:
- Seรกn: The Fallen
Non TSP:
โ Chris: The Prince of Stars
โ Lewis: The vessel
โ Snake: The Demon
โ Darkness and Shade: The foes
โ Scholar: The father
Ollazal: My favourite DND charcater

Some of my favorite Neil expressions that I've drawn so far!

This is kind of a concept for a form of one of my new characters. Hehe