frecklesandturtles - đź«Ąđź«Ąđź«Ą

you seein' this gonpaichiro

28 posts

Frecklesandturtles - Tumblr Blog

3 years ago

is there any good romance anime you would recommend?

Oh yes, SO MANY!

There are some great shoujo classics out there. I love love love Kimi ni Todoke. Skip Beat! and Fruits Basket are wonderful as well. I’ve started Lovely Complex, which is now on Crunchyroll after all these years, and it’s beloved also. And though they’re not shounen, Rumiko Takahashi’s series are full of romance—Maison Ikkoku is my favorite.


If you’re looking for romantic comedies, something light and fluffy, there are a billion of those out there. A lot of these shows lose my attention, but some keep me hanging on. Recent ones include The Quintessential Quintuplets, Kaguya-sama: Love is War, Rainbow Days (which is super average but I liked it anyway—a lot of those I’ll be recommending fall into that category), Rainbow Days, and I’ve Always Liked You. Just a little older than those are the Working!! series, Nisekoi, and Love, Chuunibyou, and Other Delusions. Recovery of an MMO Junkie is also recent and is really high quality, very funny, and features adult characters. Some classics include Love Hina, Nodame Cantabile, Kimagure Orange Road, Cardcaptor Sakura (the recent Clear Card Arc is where everything gets into gear); other older series I wouldn’t say are classics, but are fun anyway, are D.N.Angel, Tokimeki Memorial High, and the first seasons of La Corda D’Oro and To Heart.


If you want something a little more dramatic (though the shows above all have drama and most of the ones that follow contain lots of comedy), look to Key series like Clannad (After Story is worth the 39 episodes of build-up) and Kanon, and other series likeTsuki ga Kirei, ReLIFE,Just Because, Suzuka (despite MCs that are hard to like),and Your Lie in April.Some that go into the fantasy and sci-fi genres are The Ancient Magus Bride, Engaged to the Unidentifiedand Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai. A couple that I’m just okay with, but which some love, are Golden Time, Ao Haru Ride, and Amagami SS.


The shows above can get pretty deep, but these following ones particularly also go to interesting places: Oregairu moves from standard fare to “something genuine”; Toradora is a mix of shounen, romance, and character study; Snow White with the Red Hair  features characters unusual in anime for their maturity; Honey and Clover (and from the same creator, March Comes Like a Lion, which is less heavy on romance) isn’t afraid to tackle the difficulties of growing up; After the Rain might make you feel icky, but it’ll also challenge you (and it’s beautifully animated); and Rurouni Kenshin: Tsuiokuhen is an epic and unforgiving backstory to a lighter series.


There are of course so many great romance movies. Ghibli does romance well, particularly in Whisper of the Heart, Ocean Waves, and Only Yesterday. Makoto Shinkai is known for his romantic films like Weathering with You and 5 cm per Second, though I think the best developed romances of his are in Your Name, The Place Promised in Our Early Days, and particularly in two short films / pieces: Voices of a Distant Star and Garden of Words. Other movies with loves stories include A Silent Voice, Patema Inverted, Fireworks, and The Girl Who Leapt Through Time.


Finally, we realize that most anime MUST include romance, even if it’s not a primary focus. There are a few series that do this very well, like Genshiken, Silver Spoon, Cross Game, Escaflowne, Chihayafuru, and Full Metal Panic! The Perfect Insider and Cowboy Bebop are not romantic…but the couples in the shows have really interesting relationships.


I hope that’ll get you started, Anon! I missed a bunch of well-known romance series, but these are special to me, and I hope you’ll fine one or two, at least, that become special to you!

3 years ago

how the haikyuu boys fall in love

oikawa falls in love like a tsunami’s last breath. the first time he realises he loves you, he thinks the earth beneath his feet has fractured. terrified, he recedes from your life, pulls back from your outstretched hands, withdraws from your longing gaze, hoping that his feelings will, too. instead, they surge forward with a roar, swell to monstrous heights, foaming viciously at the crest. and soon, the colossal wave collapses against the shore, unable to fight any longer. when his words finally flood out, that roar of the tsunami arrives in the end as a whisper–– “i love you.” and everything is washed anew.

iwaizumi falls in love like a tree branch under snow. his feelings accumulate crystal by crystal: a touch here, a smile there, a picture at 2 am followed by “i saw this and thought of you” and a reply of “go to sleep, idiot” seconds later. you worm your way into his heart so slowly he doesn’t notice it at first, doesn’t notice the thick layer of snow on the caving wooden limb, doesn’t notice that one more fleeting brush against his fingers will tip the scale–– until the branch finally snaps. and when he opens his eyes to a world bedazzled by snow, the only face he can see is yours.

kuroo falls in love like honey on pancakes. with him, there’s no sudden realisation, no flashbulb moment of his adoration, because he’s been happily fixed in a golden state of mind ever since the day you met. every day, his name sounds sweeter out your mouth. every day, he wakes up with sugar on his lips. it’s slow, how his love for you grows, but it’s steady. and now, as you kiss every knuckle on his hand to pull him back down to earth, he can only let out a soft, amused exhale through his nose. his half-lidded gaze focuses on your decadent features. “i’m here,” he purrs. 

kenma falls in love like eyelids after dark. very rarely do the gears in his head stop spinning; he’s lived his entire life on alert, taking in and apart details to survive. but with you… there’s no need to take in and apart the way your lips feel against his, the scent of your hair in his nose, your shallow breath against his neck. it all feels so safe. with you, he’s home–– he can finally rest. so even when light drains out from the sky, even when the world is at its worst, at the feeling of your body curling up to his, the gears in his head grind to a halt. and he lets his heart beat instead.

bokuto falls in love like a fledgeling from its nest. he knows it’s reckless––  ridiculously reckless–– to have so much faith in wings not yet fully formed, but there’s something about you that makes him want to soar. maybe it’s that you remind him of a cloudless blue sky or a valley that stretches from both ends of the earth or an ocean that glitters beneath the sun. maybe it’s that your name is a call to adventure. and at that moment, he realises that birds don’t fly when they’re ready–– they fly when they’re called to. so he steps to the edge, spreads his arms out, and leaps, your name a prayer on his lips.

akaashi falls in love like silence between friends. it comes over him naturally, instinctively, right as he thinks that he could do nothing next to you forever and still be satisfied. the feeling wraps his shoulders like a blanket and, with a twitch of his lips, he pulls it closer around himself. his eyes dart over to your figure, wondering if you know–– if you’d known this whole time. and then when you catch his gaze, when you ask “like what you see?” with a smirk on your face, he feels the fabric stretch around his shoulders as if to fit a second body. his reply comes to him like second nature, like instinct. “no, i love it.”

atsumu falls in love like skydiving from a plane. he’s meticulous, guarded, the most untrusting of fate. so he fights to gain the upper hand: he picks his parachute, his pilot, the day with the best weather–– everything is in his control. and when you come in full view, he finally thinks the dropzone is perfect. only then does he throw all caution to the wind, diving head first, eyes closed all the way down. an awesome wave of euphoria washes over him, lasting even when he realises he’s landed right in your arms, hair mussed, cheeks flushed, pupils wild with excitement. he wants to freefall into you again. so he does.

osamu falls in love like night over the city. it’s as inevitable as the cycle of the sun and moon and when it happens, he’s still the same–– yet everything is different. beside you, he feels the air change and all else fade into the background. beside you, the hum of the world turns into a steady beat, a pulse awfully similar to the one in his chest. and he flickers to life, a mosaic of light, when you touch him. he doesn’t usually look like this, you think as you draw circles on the back of his hand, trying to pinpoint what about him has changed. smiling softly, he knows that you’ll figure it out soon. or… he could say it now.

kita falls in love like a seed into the ground. he doesn’t feel it when it’s sowed, nor when it takes root beneath the soil, but he sure feels when it sprouts. its stem crawls around his legs and up his trunk, keeping him safely fixed to earth. it grows with every “good morning” and “i’ll save you a seat”, it grows when you prance over with a joke on your lips and two coffees in your hands. it grows when he sees you with your eyes closed, head tilted towards the sky like a sunflower, and realises that you are all he’s ever wanted. your head turns. your eyes meet. and as spring does with the cherry trees, he blooms.

ushijima falls in love like a comet past the sun. as he hurtles by, your radiance melts his icy exterior into the glimmering cloud in his wake. every inch of his body is on fire. he feels the power in the pull of your orbit. feels you could utterly ruin him. feels he’d be okay with it, too. but you don’t. instead, he thinks himself made of anti-gravity as you trace constellations into his skin. he sees stars collide when you kiss. and when he remembers how a comet can spend thousands of years without passing the sun in its orbit, he looks at you asleep in his arms and holds you just a little tighter to his chest.

tendou falls in love like confetti on new year’s eve. this moment has spent all year in the making. ten, from the day you pummelled into his life. nine, the time that slowed when he saw you smile. eight, when you changed each other’s names in your phones. seven, that time he dragged you out to a party. six, how you retaliated by taking him to a play. five, your shoulders touch during said play. four, his fingers wrap around yours during the finale. three, you hold hands all the way home. two, he walks you to the door. one, you stop. zero, he leans in. and the world explodes in full colour.

kageyama falls in love like a fawn upright for the first time. it’s all new–– the butterflies in his stomach, the sluggishness of his tongue in his mouth, the short-circuiting of his brain when you’re around. he stumbles and trips and topples over navigating through the tingling in his body. “are you okay?” you ask, peering into his eyes. his cheeks burn as he nods, unable to form words. he thinks he’ll be fine, though, until you place a hand on his shoulder. the touch sends another flood of electricity through his nerves. “you sure? you look like you’re about to hurl.” and he resolves that he will do something about this.

tsukishima falls in love like a chest in resignation. he didn’t believe in softer emotions–– or at least, that’s what he told himself. and he held out for so long. but then you came along with your dumb sparkly eyes and your stupid smart mouth and infuriatingly sweet smile. even with the argument still fresh on his mind, he still adores you to death. especially right now, as he struggles to breathe knowing that he might lose you. fine, he thinks, no more running. he picks up his phone and sends the message that’s been sitting in his notes. and finally, he lets out a sigh. you win. he’s never been happier to lose.

sakusa falls in love like the last leaf before winter. just as a tree holds onto its foliage for dear life, he is stubborn in refusing to fall. still, even he is powerless against nature. as autumn goes, winter arrives in your form. he thinks you are the strangest cold–– the kind that soothes instead of stings, the kind that kindles fires and bakes chocolate chip cookies, the kind that turns his cheeks red without a touch but with a smile. but he likes it. so when winter knocks at his door and asks if he’s “ready to go?” he, the last leaf on the tree, finally flutters down to the ground.

3 years ago

Hey [tumblr]! Deku and the heroes of U.A. are back in action! Watch My Hero Academia. Now on Crunchyroll. 

4 years ago

I'd care if the person I reblogged this from committed suicide.

Reblog this from anybody. literally. ANYBODY. even if you dont like them or even know them that well. YOU COULD SAVE THEIR LIFE.

4 years ago

Thi is a list of toxic things going down in the BNHA/MHA fandom. No spoilers: please don’t let a fandom ruin a great piece of art for you. 

Thi Is A List Of Toxic Things Going Down In The BNHA/MHA Fandom. No Spoilers: Please Dont Let A Fandom


accusing people who make fan art of characters as brown being “racism”

ACTUAL racism (ie use of the n-word by nonblack people)

seriously black women in this fandom are attacked all the time

 people who just happen to ship a female character with a male character being accused of being homophobic

 BUT people who ship basically any of the students (especially mlm) in a super innocent fluffy way, being accused of sexualizing minors

People who writes smut are accused of sexualizing minors

But when they age the characters up to appease those people, they are then accused of still trying to sexualize minors because “it’s still the same character blah blah blah”

people who read/write smut are accused of being actual pedophiles and condoning rape???

did I mention this entire anime is 1.) incredibly sexless with barely any romance and 2.) told entirely in flashback so all the characters are adults just looking back 3.) a 2d superhero show that reflects nothing and no one irl

people who like a certain character with an abusive past being accused of condoning child abuse

People who don’t like the villain characters with a sad past being accused of hating all abuse victims

shipping literally character A with a villain or character B, who they used to dislike, gets you accused and blocked and death threats for “amplifying toxic relationships” whatever the fuck that means

keep in mind none of these accusers ever seem to y’know...hunt down or report actual racists, pedos, or toxic abusers

copying and pasting fanartists and fanfic writers to get more likes with 0 shame or credit

Taking other people’s work and posting it on TikTok w/o permission

Belittling people based on their comfort characters

Forcing people off of tumblr/ao3 and making them never write again due to constant unceasing anon hate.


people stealing audio plays and writing them as their own

aggressive kinkshaming

endless and baseless bashing and criticism of asmr artists (Xaid, Yagami Yato, XIX Rin, YuuriVoices, Akira Dubs etc.)

again, Hero Academia is masterful in so many ways with so many good people who love it. Don’t let that be spoiled for you.

But if you are one of those people and reading this made you realize your toxicity, you have a lot of apologies to make. Or just use the goddamn block button.

If this makes people leave the fanbase...good. I’d rather a small but healthy fandom than a large confused one oozing toxicity.

I hope my fellow writers and artists know I love them.

Thi Is A List Of Toxic Things Going Down In The BNHA/MHA Fandom. No Spoilers: Please Dont Let A Fandom

Go Beyond. Plus Ultra!

4 years ago

Does anyone genuinely call their siblings sis, sister, little/big sis, bro, brother, little/big brother etc. as constantly as this appears to be portrayed in media? I’m extremely sceptical. Now, affectionally addressing them by something like “slug”, “toad”, “fool”, and “bitch”, or even dare I say it, their gotdamn name, is, from my experience, so much more natural. 

Tags :
4 years ago
frecklesandturtles - đź«Ąđź«Ąđź«Ą
4 years ago

R-a-y b-a-n glasses anniversary, only this day!

4 years ago

Getting married has been something I’ve always wanted and simultaneously knew I would never have. I’m not the easiest person to deal with. I’m particular as shit, ornery and I like my space, my independence, my solitude. But at the same time- well. Everyone wants to love. To know and say they have a family that loves them. And my birth family might’ve said they loved me. They certainly loved their daughter. 

It turned out they didn’t love how she insisted she was their son. 

You know how that kind of thing goes. It really doesn’t have too much to do with this story except giving me a complex about belonging to a family that wanted me for myself.

When I saw the ad on Craigslist, I was looking for used furniture. Scrolled too fast, accidentally opened up domestic gigs. The first listing caught my eye.

“Wanted: Compassionate man to marry our recently deceased daughter.”

The initial click was just out of morbid interest.

It read, simply enough, “Our daughter wanted to be married and we want to keep our promise to her that she would be. She has passed away, and we are seeking a kind and compassionate man to engage in a quiet, non-legally binding ceremony and become our in-law. 

“This is not a joke and we are in bereavement. Please keep this in mind when considering your reply.”

It got taken down within the next five minutes, either by the family or moderation, but I’d already texted the number provided.

Keep reading

4 years ago

Getting married has been something I’ve always wanted and simultaneously knew I would never have. I’m not the easiest person to deal with. I’m particular as shit, ornery and I like my space, my independence, my solitude. But at the same time- well. Everyone wants to love. To know and say they have a family that loves them. And my birth family might’ve said they loved me. They certainly loved their daughter. 

It turned out they didn’t love how she insisted she was their son. 

You know how that kind of thing goes. It really doesn’t have too much to do with this story except giving me a complex about belonging to a family that wanted me for myself.

When I saw the ad on Craigslist, I was looking for used furniture. Scrolled too fast, accidentally opened up domestic gigs. The first listing caught my eye.

“Wanted: Compassionate man to marry our recently deceased daughter.”

The initial click was just out of morbid interest.

It read, simply enough, “Our daughter wanted to be married and we want to keep our promise to her that she would be. She has passed away, and we are seeking a kind and compassionate man to engage in a quiet, non-legally binding ceremony and become our in-law. 

“This is not a joke and we are in bereavement. Please keep this in mind when considering your reply.”

It got taken down within the next five minutes, either by the family or moderation, but I’d already texted the number provided.

Keep reading

4 years ago

Catch Nishinoya's and I son. He looks like a troublemaker but he isn't. Just energetic, clumsy and full of love! With a bit of a temper. I simply fear for his height as his parent's are both hella short. Sorry son.

Catch Nishinoya's And I Son. He Looks Like A Troublemaker But He Isn't. Just Energetic, Clumsy And Full
Catch Nishinoya's And I Son. He Looks Like A Troublemaker But He Isn't. Just Energetic, Clumsy And Full

Hello I am going to make a chain thing again so please click on the link here and make your haikyuu Child. You can make it of them or if you and a character had a child. I will go first!

Hello I Am Going To Make A Chain Thing Again So Please Click On The Link Here And Make Your Haikyuu Child.

I bet you all know who I did…. you all guess right , meet me and goshiki"s son💕, isn’t he gorgeous?

Tagging: @tobios-milk @tillitbreaks @starboybokuto @samwrights @tamcitrus @sugawalmartwobble @kaiwritess @kenmagi @tobios-queen @toomuchtendou

4 years ago

ATTENTION ALL GIRLS AND LADIES: if you walk from home, school, office or anywhere and you are alone and you come across a little boy crying holding a piece of paper with an address on it, DO NOT TAKE HIM THERE! take him straight to the police station for this is the new 'gang' way of rape. The incident is getting worse. Warn your families. Reblog this so this message can get accross to everyone.

4 years ago
Coming Out To My Brother Was One Of The Nicest Moments In My Life
Coming Out To My Brother Was One Of The Nicest Moments In My Life
Coming Out To My Brother Was One Of The Nicest Moments In My Life
Coming Out To My Brother Was One Of The Nicest Moments In My Life

coming out to my brother was one of the nicest moments in my life

5 years ago


Sound Note - take notes while you record audio

Evernote - notetaking that syncs across platforms

Paper 53 - minimal notetaking that syncs

Microsoft OneNote - collaboration and syncing, best for Office users

Google Keep - jot things down, best for Google suite users

Notability - take notes and annotate PDFs

Mindly - create mind maps

Day One - a digital journal

Flash Cards

Quizlet - the quintessential flash card app

StudyBlue - another commonly used app

Cram - best for its “cram mode”

Eidetic - uses spaced repetition for effective memorization


My Study Life - schedules, tasks, reminders, and more

StudyCal - keeps track of tasks, exams, and grades

24me - automated reminders and event planning

iStudiez - schedule and prioritized task list

Google Calendar - a calendar, best for Google users

Glass Planner - a calendar and to do list with incredible functionality

To Do List

Clear - organized to-do and reminders

MinimaList - simple to-do and focus timer

Trello - collaborative project organizer

Todoist - clean and functional task manager

Default notes app on your phone

Time Management

Forest - plant trees by staying focused

Pomotodo - pomodoro timer with to-do list

Timeglass - custom timers

Tide - pomodoro with white noise

Alarmy - forces you out of bed 

Pillow - smart alarm that tracks sleep cycles


Workflow - automate tasks

Habitica - turn your habits into an RPG

Continuo - simple, colorful activity tracking

Freedom - block distracting apps

Free Learning

Coursera - free MOOCs

TED - listen to Ted Talks

Duolingo - language learning

Memrise - spaced repetition language vocabulary

Khan Academy - free video lessons

Ambient Noise

8tracks - curated playlists

Spotify - online music streaming

Coffitivity - cafe ambience

Noisli - background sound generator

Rain Rain - rain sounds

Binaural - binaural beats


Rockin Ramen - recipes based on ramen

MealBoard - meal planning

Lifesum - healthy eating

Stop Breath And Think - mindfulness meditation

Pacifica - mental health management

Sworkit - personalized video workouts

Waterlogged - hydration tracker


WolframAlpha - Google on steroids

Oxford Dictionary - all of English at your fingertips

RefMe - citation generator

PhotoMath - solve math problems by taking a photo

Mathway - step by step math help

Desmos - free graphing calculator

Wikipedia - not the best source, but it’s handy


Companion - stay safe when walking alone

Mint - money management

Toshl - finance manager

Tiny Scanner - scan documents

5 years ago
frecklesandturtles - đź«Ąđź«Ąđź«Ą
5 years ago


Reblog with your very first anime

Reblog With Your Very First Anime

Originally posted by timmersdrake

7 years ago
Midnight Doodles: Zenyatta(Human) I'll Color It Later On. Sleep Tight Lovelies.

Midnight Doodles: Zenyatta(Human) I'll color it later on. Sleep tight lovelies.

7 years ago
Midday Doodles: Michael Mell

Midday Doodles: Michael Mell

7 years ago

Rain, Rivers, Road trips, Fantasy, Hardcover, Vanilla, Beaches, Winter, Small Cafes, Cities

rain or snow? rivers or lakes? road trips or plane rides? sci-fi or fantasy? hardcover or paperback? vanilla or chocolate? beaches or pools? winter or summer? small cafes or restaurants? cities or towns?

7 years ago
Homosexual Pride UNITE!!

Homosexual Pride UNITE!!

7 years ago
Pan Pride Unite!!

Pan Pride Unite!!

7 years ago
Sketches. Should I Add Color?
Sketches. Should I Add Color?

Sketches. Should I add color?

7 years ago

School Balloon Volleyball!! I think.

7 years ago
My Baby Played As The Sultan In His School Musical "Aladdin". I'm So Proud Of Him!!

My baby played as the Sultan in his school musical "Aladdin". I'm so proud of him!!