Friendly cat demon summoned by bagles. I do art and graphic multimedia work! Fine me other places here! https://bagel-demon.carrd.co/#
265 posts
Little Pinned
Little Pinned

My character Shiva and my friends character Aerith have a bit of chemistry, what yall think?
hufflepufftrashpanda69 liked this · 1 year ago
More Posts from Friendlybageldemon
This looks so cool! I cant wait to bully my DM and players with this

Again, After Far more time than I feel comfortable listing, Here is my (Mostly) completed Necroficer Class. It’s a crafting Based Necromancer that focuses on creating unique Undead monsters rather than summoning your basic array of skeletons and zombies. I’m sure in it’s current state it still has some balance issues, but that’s what Playtesting is for.
THE JPGs POSTED HERE ARE OUTDATED/INCOMPLETE. Please PM me for the PDF if you are interested in playtesting!
Mithphi Vampire Outfits

Mithphi got to stack onto being a demidragon with a hint of vampirism. So that means a new outfit set with tons of options
Aerith the elf

My friend's very cute elven ranger character.

Ah the free market at work. (Similar to when I went to CVS to pickup a 90$ prescription and they had their own generic version for 7.99).

My stupid Cleric/Fighter, she worships hades and can't read